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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1908)
rn "W 1 - iiZL. . VULUME VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , JANUARY 2. 1908. NUMBEE ni T TTnTf ) n jinn'i ' iimiT'ii riiT nn < nr i fi iri i ni'n "i i i r i i n intrT rrri * " ' ' "Tri r TiinTfl Red Front Hardware Department Make yourself a Clnistmas present of some of the f ollow- ing useful articles : Universal Golfee Percolators Keen Kutter Carving Sets , Silver Knives , Forks , Spoons , Ladles , etc. Keen Kutter Razors Pocket Knives Pen Knives A complete line of Clauss' Razors and Scissors , "Each article positively guaranteed or money refunded. See our window or , better yet , come in and inspect these and other useful articles for Christmas. o X"V 12 J a MJ * * * > 'D"tM 5 / vfiristiiiss We carry a complete line of Xmas Candies and Nuts. Call and see. PKONE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. * Valentine , MK > XE 72 Nebraska . O. Carpenter , Fainter and Beserato House painting inside and out. Furniture Be- pairinff and Varnishing' ' of all kinds promptly done. Phone 83. Shop in west part of town. Valentine Nebraska FRED WHITTEMOTIE , Pres ( 'IIARLES SPARKS , Cashie - . J. W STETTEK , Vice Pres. ORAH L CRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. a. * C . Time nterest cm Valentine , Nebraska TimeDeposits. nterestPaid O Capital Surplus Paidon Paid $25,000 , > * / - $250Q ; , . on Persons st'ekintr a place of safetv for their money , will profitby investijrating the methods employed in our business : : : : : : , : : Talk of the Town. T. C. Hornby is in Rosebud this week , Elmer. Debolt spent Christmas at his home in Blair. Miss Harrietto Gaskill , tele phone operator , is on the sick list this week. Chas. Sparks returned trom Neligh last Thursday morning where he spent Xmas. W. S. Jackson is in Omaha this week , and may go on to his home in Illinois before returning. . Miss Ella Rothget , teacher at St. Mary's Mission , was suddenly called home Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Allen Williams died at her home , nine miles southeast of town , Monday , pneumonia being the cause. El wait Spoo has been very ill the past week , in fact the doctors gave him up , but at present he present he seems improving. The class of 1907 of the V. H. S. were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tracewell last Thursday. A pleasant evening is reported. A few of the "school ma'ams" who spent Xmas in town were Anna Ashburn , Geo. Ayers , Frank West , Ruth Kennicf'tt , Geraldine Tracewell and Chas. Brown. MissEthel Sherman entertained eleven friends at a skating party Friday evening. We learn that the table decorations were very artistic and admirably suited to the occasion. Mrs. W. S. Jackson entertained at a five o'clock dinner Sunday in honor of Samuel Green of Ewing and and Miss Claudia Wells of this city , whose engagement was announced Dec. 19th. Mrs. James W. George of Wood Lake , Mrs. Anna M. Sorensen , widow of Christian Sorensen , have been granted accrued ciaims for widows' pensions under the act of June , 1S90. State Journal. Lewanna is the name of a new postoffice recently established in Cherry county , Xeb. Upon the recommendation of Congressman Kinkaid , Joseph A. Ruff was ap- pDinted postmaster. State Jour nal. Judge Harrington has reappointed - ed C. B. Scott as his official court reporter for the next four years. This will suit all who know Mr. Scott and have had reason to know of his ability and his kind and obliging manner. Both the Judge and Mr. Scott are to be congratu lated. Butte Register. Uncle J. H. Paul , the oldest of us all , has a son who is visiting him and people say that he looks older than his dad. Uncle Paul is now 88 years young. He can dance a jig and seems to be / just as young as he used to be. " His son is 56 and will no doubt walk slower than his dad if he ever reaches his father's present age. There will be a joint installation of Modern "Woodmen and Royal Neighbor officers on Wednesday evening , January Sth. Each Woodman may invite his wife and each Royal Neighbor may invite her husband. The unmarried members of either society may in vite one person not a member. After installation a social enter tainment will be given , including speaking , singing , instrumental i music and lunch. It is desired that all members turn out arid j help by their presence in making the occasion an enjoyable one. ; COMMITTED , Permit us to take this opportunity of thanking .3 ? you for one of the largest holiday business in our 4 ? ? history , and also for making this a banner year in 49 merchandising. Our aim will always be to give better service and better satisfaction , and we assure our friends and patrons that our efforts will be stronger than ever to maintain a continuance of their patronage and to win many new customers by 49 the same courteous treatment and business methods ftft ? to which we owe our successful business prosperity ftft 49 for 1907. Again we wisli you ftft & ft 49 49 A Happy New Year. 49 49 49 49 Mike Sedlacek of Crookston was in town Monday and informed us that he has just received 831.20 from the Woodmen Accident As sociation for injuries sustained by him last fall. This was the full amount asked for by by Mr. Sed lacek who believes the company is all right. Mike had his left hand injured in a runaway last fall and was laid up for a couple of weeks. A gentle zephyr wafted the fol lowing resolutions into our sanc tum : 1 resolve the following year that I will not drink any , unless I am dry very dry. That I will let people mind their own business and assist them all I can. can.That That I will obey my superiors , if I have any. That I will always forgive my enemies , especially those I can't whip. That I will strive to be in love and charity with my neighbor , if see [ shall need him to back me in something the coming year. That I will trade ac home and get back some of the money I squandered abroad the past year. Rushville Recorder. Di'ixtli of 31 rs The death of Mrs. Mary Ellen Cearns occurred last Sunday eve ning at 5 o'clock at the Cearns home a few miles west of Badger in Holt county. She had been ailing for many months past but of late had seemed much improved and hope had been entertained for her complete recovery. However , her death occurred very suddenly and unexpectedly , although the tak ing away was peaceful apparent ly a closing of the eyes in painless slumber. Mrs. Ceariis , at the time of her death , was 56 years 9 months and IF days old. She leaves , to moura her death , her 'husband , R. S. Cearns , three sons and one daughter. The children are Leonard and William of Cody , Mrs. George Gray of Badger and the youngest son John who also resides at Badger. The funeral was held at the Free Methodist church at Butte on last Tuesday , conducted by Rev. Harvey and Mrs. Stafford , after -winch tiie re mains were laid to rest in the Butte cemeteryMrs. . Cearns was a good Christian woman , a faithful and devoted wife and a kind and loving mother and she will be sad ly missed by the sorrowing family. She came to Holt county with her husband in 1SS3 and except , an interval of nine years , has resided I here ever since. The family is ! well known here and have a host of friends who sympathize with ! them in their great sorrow. 1 Butte Register. of winter goods in all lines is now complete. Come and give us a call. CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL -DEALER IN EVERYTHING. 3 what you have to sell. L. rhat you want to buy. S ! * > Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL iDSE. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank Jun < 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) < y UAPTAL PAID A General Banking 5 000 Exchange and ' " Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. L iLf5L L L-LZKs3 ' * Z2ZZ Z Zi - T t and Cigars. - Canned Goods Lunch Counter. % Phone I 7 Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IN" All Kinds of Fresh e and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattlp , Hogs. I Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell , -1