Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 26, 1907, Image 8

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i < &
\ - '
Old .Grow , ' All Leading
Hermitage " Brands
i *
and ? Bottled
Grucheii- Under the
lieimer Supervision
Eye of the
V s
Whiskeys. U. S. GOT.
We also handle the Budweiser Beer.
v- . ,
w X K p g ft. T f * f v T TT' 'Tr 'Tr S"1 TT
Crookston News.
Too many cur dogs iu the coun
Eev. Magill went to Valentine
Saturday on business.
, Wll Epke , living near Sparks ,
was a caller in town Saturday.
Mrs. Arthur Richardson went to
: Woodlake to spend a few clays vis
Miss Springston departed Satur-
I day for Tecumseli to spend her va-
i cation with relatives.
Mr. Wertz and family of Butfce
I county are moving to their new
f home west of town.
, f Miss Thackrey , teacher in district
No. 3 went to the ranch south of
Valentine to spend her vacation.
I A. J. Fraser has resigned his pc-
I j sition with Krotter & Hall and will
move to Longpine the lirst of the
1 year.
The literary society was held at
I Crookston Friday evening and was
well attended. Question : ' * Ke-
] solved that Woman Suffrage is a
Detriment to a Country. " Negative
Wood Lake News.
A. G. Ward was in from the south
J. S. Burleigh has gone to Lin
coln to spend the holidays.
Otto Schlueter made a business
trip to Johnstown Thursday.
Mrs. Geo. Shaul spent a few
days last week visiting relatives in
Albert Schlueter shipped a car of
cattle to the Omaha market last
Win.Butterfield . left for Omaha
Saturday to spend the holidays with
EdBelsky and 0. W. McDaniel
transacted business at the county
seat Monday.
An entertainment and box social
will be given at the Pleasant Valley
school house ( Heofs ) on December
28. All cordially invited.
E. B. Young , our former station
agent , has resigned his commission
with the company and moved east
where he will engage in other busi
ness. Mr. Bailey is his successor.
Sorry Ho Spoke.
"Itelly , Miss Prlmui. .you ou Iil lo zA
married. " reuuirkodYedderly. . "You'll
soon be in the spinster class if you
don't hurry uy : iud cileli on. "
"Oh , don't worry about ino. Mr.Vcd -
derly. " replied Miss Primal , "if I
were as easy to please as your wife 1
would have been married long aso. "
London Telegraph.
Some Other Fellow's.
"With $100,000. " said the man of
expansive ideas. "I could make a for
tune iu Wall street. "
"Yes. " replied the piker , "but whose
fortune would you makeV" Washing
ton Star.
An Apt Illustration.
Miss Kinky What does white folks
mean when dey talks about pamtia"
de lily ? Mr. . Jackson Dat's about do
same as butUjrinVjte po.'k chop. Kan
sas City Times.v . - -
lle'.y upon'it tliit-tho : man who does
not worthily. ' . .fiSUniatO. his dvni dead
forbCjVt fr sijinjiilU5oiff | ili ( vci'.v little
to. add Fcdi.ti.KrVio fimioV tb Ills Cotiii- ,
tr ] ' . \VilUam"13. ; C3liflBt < r ; a.
_ _ . i
Ke Sure V/cs a P/ian , / !
When William Allen rose up in th 3
early seventies and surprised the coun
try by being elected governor of Ohio
on the Democrat ! ? ticket one of the
obstacles he triumphed over was the
charge of being au old man. He ad
dressed a great meeting at Mozart hall
iu Cincinnati the night following the
day in which this ill advised charge
had been brought against him by a re
sponsible Republican leader. Strong ,
vigorous aud well preserved as he was
and retaining unbroken that quality
of voice Avhich had designated him as
"Foghorn Allen" when he was in the
senate , he was still politician enough
to use it for all it was worth to him.
After stating tbe charge in all its hel-
nonsiiess he straightened himself to his
full height of more than fix feet aud.
beginning iu a loud voice , asked , "Am
I a man : " Tliy nVt question was in
a voice pitched a scale higher and
asked , "Do I look like a man ? " But
the third , in which he put out all of
his tremendous vocal power , thunder
ed to shake the roof iu roaring. "Do
I talk like a man ? " The audience .was
thrilled. Such high physical power in
a man of that age appealed to it irre
sistibly. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Fascination of Burglary.
"My champion burglar , " said Mr.
Holmes , the police court missionary ,
"is a bookbinder by trade , who has
been in jail on and off for half a cen
tury. "
Mr. Holmes' ramifications with this
chronic breaker of the law constitute
an instructive scene from his work.
He behaved to the erring bookbinder
quite as a brother ; the man had the
entree of the house and enjoyed the
friendship of the family. How was he
in tue habit of repaying this hospitali
ty ? By going out to burgle. Twice
Mr. Holmes set him up , but iu vain.
The only charm that life has for this
extraordinary being is the opportuni
ties it vouchsafes for committing bur
' Why on earth don't you leave off
burglary ? " Mr. Holmes asked him
once. "Mr. Holmes , " was his reply ,
"there's no fascination iu the world to
equal it. The silence of the night , the
element of danger , the need of keeping
every sense on the alert it's grand. "
Cassell's Journal.
Dealing In "Cats and Dogs. "
No antiquarian pursues a more prof
itable or fascinating calling than the
dealer in "cats and dogs , " as the an
tiquities of Wall street are dubbed.
"Cats and dogs" are the remnants of
old stock , bond and note issues of rail
road , industrial or mining companies
on which payment of interest , divi
dends or principal has been in de
fault for years. Some of these securi
ties are worthless and obsolete , some
of doubtful value , while a few are
worth their weight in gold. Only T.he
expert in obsolete securities can detect
their worth. Many of these securities
can be picked up at the official auction
room of Wall street. Many brokers
closely scrutinize the securities that
are offered at this auction room. , and
only a few months ago 100.000 shares
of stack in a certain mining .company
were sold for a song , from which the
broker hopes to realize a big sum.
-Pittsburg Dispatch.
Phracs3 or Handcuffs.
It is customary to remark that mod
ern problems cannot easily be attack
ed because they are so complex. In
many cases. I believe , it is really be
cause they are so simple. Nobody
would believe in such simplicity of
ccoundrelism even if it were pointed
out. People would say that the truth
was a charge of mure melodramalic-
villainy , forgetting that nearly all
villains really art * melodramatic.
for instance , wo say that some good
measures are frustrated or some bad
officials kept in power by * the press
and i-o fr.sion of public bushu'Kf.
whereas very often the reason is sirri-
pl.\ healthy human br : > fry. Wo waste
our line intellects in finding exquisite
phraseology to Jit a man when in a
well ordered society we ought -to be
finuing handcuffs to fit him. G. K.
Chesterton la Illustrated London News ,
Genial Clergyman ( visiting the" vih
lage school ) Well , my little-man , what
ilo yon do in chool all day ? The
Mttei Promising Ptiiill-I Wait till it's
limb id gbt tfuti gin-Ldflttou Oimii ii ! \
It is bettor to fight for the good than
tt/ rail at the ill. Tennyson , j
Weather Data.
The following data , covering" a per
iod of 18 years , have been complied
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine , Nebr. They are issued tc
show the conditions that have pre-
j vailec1 , during- the month in question ,
i for the above period of years , but
! roust not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the
coining mcnth.
Mean or normal 24 °
The warmest month was that of 1SJ
with an average of 'U50
The coldest month was that of 1902
with an average of 1J °
The highest was 72 ° on 30,1904
The lowest was -34 = on 14 , 1901
Average for month 0.47 inches.
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more G
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 2 57 inches in 18f)6. )
The least monthly precipitation
was 0 03 inches in 1905.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
hours was 0 7(5 ( inches on 29. 1889.
The greatest amount of snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 4.6 inches on 10 , 1901.
Average number of clear days , 13
partly cloudy , 10 ; cloudy , 8.
The prevailing winds have been
from the W.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 10 miles.
The highest velocity of the wind
was 52 miles from the N W on 26,1890.
j. j. MCLEAN ,
Observer Weather Bureau.
at the 31. K. Clim-cli Evt'ry
Sunday School bi' ins it 10:00 o'clock.
Preaching1 " " 11:00
Junior Leurue : " " 2:30 p. in.
Epworth League begins at 0:30 o'clock.
" " "
KKV. 0. E. CONNELL , Pastor
U. S. We it ier Jiesrcati .Report
Daily mean temperature 26 ° .
D Normal 22 ° .
Highest 50 c ; lowest -2 ° .
Precipitation .00 of an inch. -
Total precipitation to date 15.94
The average for 19 .tears for the
Same period is 21.5S inches.
Wrecked by a Whale.
While cruising in the south seas the
whaler Essex was furiously attacked
by a cow sperm whale supposed to
have been the mother of a calf which
had just been harpooned. The whale
had not been Avounded herself , and her
attack was very determined. At her
first rush she passed under the Essex
and carried away a great length of her
false keel ; then , coming to the surface
a considerable distance away , she ap
peared to take bearings and deliber
ately charged the vessel again , ram
ming her with such violence that she
stove in the bows , while the ship roll
ed so heavily that the captain thought
she must be dismasted. The case is
memorable because the crew had to
abandon the vessel , and one boat was
never heard of again. Daily's Maga
Jingled His Wealth.
Young fjcotch Precentor Man Tani-
rnas , there's ae thing bothers me sail1
when I'm singin' , an' I cauna get
ower't. I'm awfu' nervous. >
Old Precentor Aye , aye. I wls the
same as you whou I wis youug. Uut I
found oot a cure , au' I've aye kept
tae't. I jisl pit sub von dr acht ctlupcrs
id my iJ'dtifelh nn * wlieii I foci the nefy-
otacs's Ubstonin' ' I glvt them a ! &
rattle , it milk's me ftel Ulii' dv whit :
I may ca' independent like. Try't ,
tiy't. DuiidtjEr
A ;
' ' " * U. S. Land Offlce. IJrolcen-Row , Nebraska i
October : ) J 1907. f
A sunicinit content affidavit having been filed
in t. MS ftllc" hv K.-iHon 'Bovvers , con esttitt
; ifciin'.r t ! > m < - t i : ( l p trv No. Seo. } inaiU1
for EJ4SU > { Section 22 , v' \ Mc ' _ ' 7. towi-shin
25 r.i , ' . .TO by Fred .Tylan I cfmt-sU'i. in
which it is llcgpd that sai-i H fed . ( vllaml Ins
failed to live ufi and improve said la-id as re
quired by law SUM ! hns nuidf his home elsewhere
lor more tlun a year and nor on said land : that
lie has abandoned nnid land for more than .six
months la-rt pattlm slid < | , .f ct.s 1 cr in al-
legt'rt liavi not bw-n cured but xist at this date.
Said panif-s are hi'ivby notified t" " > Appear , reid -
id sui'l I'llor I'vido.'ico touching s.ud alletrn-
a' . 10 o'clock a. m. . on January' ; . 1904 before -
, fore thjrNt r and receiver t the United
States L-MHl Office in Broken How , Neluusl-a " "
' ! ' ' ; said contestant having , in a proper affi
davit tied October 31. 1907. set forth tacts
which sluv that. H't-r due < liiiiencfj ' personal
t-erviceof jhis nolic oinnoi 'l > e is
hi-re'.v ordered and directed thr : such notice be
ji\vn bv due and prop > " * publication.
47 4 Bpd .JOHN RKE. K , Regis tor.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office. Uroken Ilou- . Nebraska (
November 25 l < ) < )7 ) f
A fiifflcieni. contest atfldavit navinir been file1 !
In UIH otfice by James M. Alclmosli. eon'est-
aiit. against homes"'ad mfy NO. 212 made
October 10.1901. for SW SE , FecMon 13 , NV $
NKii NK'4N\VJ.i. section 24. township 2i ;
range 33 , by Li-e r.arker , contestee. in which
it is al eped that Lee Uarker has wholly
abandoned slid tract lor more than six mouths
list past that he has never resided upon , culti
vates or improved said land ; s required by
law. that he miintains : a Dona fide residence
elsewhere than on said land , the said al
iened absence from said land occurred Eix
months prior to fivears from the date of
said entry and ( hat all the above alleged defects
exist at this date and have not he-n cured
Said parties are hereby notified to apptir
respoi d and offer evidence toucluuc said alleira-
t on at 10 o'clock . in on January 7 1908 t-e-
lore.J. II. vv'eiton , IT. S. Commissioner. Mullen.
Nebr. . and that tue final hearing will * < e held
at in o'clock a , m. on Jar > unry 11. 1OS ! ) , be
fore the n'c-ier and receiver at thf United
Suites land Office in Broken How , Nebraska ,
Tlie sa-d contestant havini ; . in a proper affi
davit , filed Nv 22.1007. - t forth facts which
show that afti-r du diligotjco personal strvico
of thi- ii'-ti'-e can ot bn made , it is heivoy
01 dered that .such notice be fill veil by due and
proper pnbiieation.
47 4 UiiU JOKN IlEKSK. Register.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Oitlee. Va entine , Nebraska. I
December 13,1907. f
A sufficient contest affidavit having been fil-d
in this office by Neaoma K Porter , coutest-
ant. again t Homestead entry No. 159G7. made
July 15. 190t for 'VsSW'.i secti n 1. , . NK4 , N4 }
SK4. Wv ; of section 22. township 2 ! ) rang *
24. by Caroline Baxter , contcstee. in which "it ,
is llege < l that s-tid Cttroline mxtcr 1'as
wholly a andoned B'id land and ehagrd lier
residen e ther Irom fo- more drin six m > nths
List . thattli" land is not settled upon U.T
cultivated < n good faith and eutryinar hns n-ver
rstablitlifd her resi 'enee upon the land as the
law requires , au4 he has lai'ed ' to cure her
laches up to this date ; and said alleged absence
from th said lurid was not due to her emplny-
menl in the -Army , nayy. or marine corps ot" the
United States as a private -soldier , oillc r , sea
man or marine during the war wuh Spain or
during any other war in which the United
States may he 1-ngaged ; said arties are h > roy
notified to'appear , respond an.I oifer evi'ence
touching said allegution at 10 o'clock a. m. on
January 22 1903. befor-- the register and re
ceiver at the United S'ates Liiiid Ortice in
Valentine , l cbraska
The sain conte-tant having , in a proper afil-
davit tilei ) December 13 I907s t forth tacts which
show Uut. after due diigeii".o ! persoinl ser K1"
of this notice can not b made , it is In-reby order
ed rind directed that such notice be gi ii by due
and proper puuhcalion.
E. Oi .SfAT
E 49 r receiver
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Brown lee , Nebr ,
Ko'dier PreeV Ool-
uin nis irih iouor < > ,
a son of Columbus
17th , a half brother
of the ? ! 0.000 Ct : un-
pioii o.le , and
i'rince Honl.del lot-
CU3 at head of herd.
I will have no bulls for sale until 1003 , having
sold all of 1906 bull calves.
IS logo. Kebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
iiTCall me up b3T Telephone.
First-class Shop in Every
Eiu : de Quinine Hair Tonic , Goldeu Star hair
Tonic , Herricide and Coke's Dandruff Turn.
TryPompeian Face Massage Cream
Handles the
Opposite Postoffie. Phone 71.
De Laval Cream
Separators H'OH SALE HY
Valentine A "t ?
Nebraska - - vy JCjl > JO.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
\Vill be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1/1904.
Valentiae -
All work will be given prompt
and careful attention.
Per Cwt. Per Ton. !
3ran , sacked $1 10 § 20 00 .
Shorts , sacked 1 20 22 00 i
Jho'p Feed , sacked 1 40 20 00 i
% tn , sackdtl 1 00 24 00 \
3hop Corn , sacked 1 35 25 00 ;
fats ; sacked , 14 27 60 t
or K mu r5 > .
s br'nded
on lelt
or thigh ,
Some Some branded
randed & on iih ,
on Ipfi i ornon ) er
or thUli
N. S. Ko
rianie as r it o
slrt ? and hip , nui
left shoulder of hur
33 AlbOgj g Oil
left Hide R zxind ;
hip. a S
5"1 1on teJride
brang- _ . . . . _ _ .
ed husM&SSSgHgf up pef : ( either side up ) on
left siue or hi > > . f on lelt jaw and e t ahoulder
of horse's , in
inQ on left hip of corseu.
} \J on left jaw of horses
W BeuueSt
Simeon Neb
Stock branded fffaastffiaartsaisf :
with 7 on left hip
also Itanye same between as cut \ 7 7
Gordon and Snake
freel > and on th *
KI orirnra river
C'ody , JS'sb
No lW7 (
branded on
left shoulder
Kantje north aud
aoiilh of Cutcouib
Lake la Oherry Co
Postofflce address
liyanms. Neb
On rbt ? } side
horses ff.i
on loft
shoul ier S
also cattU
on ritfht s.
Haage 10 n\
norCb of Hvannis
Fat Paiper
Simeon Nenr
Roau Hrothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi tvate mark , silt
in ieft ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud. SD
Horses and cattle
tame as cut ; also
CJ RE fj on rleht
Hanee on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
'eartinp ' to detection
of rustlers of stock
any of thr-se brands
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on richtsiue
Some cattle also
have af on neck
Some with A. on
left shoulder and
some branded
with tvo bars
* hind qnar
Som ? Texas
cnttle branded J O on icit side nod some
, , _ . . _
* c -S.i *
u left side. * . . - &
Horses branded SOS on left hit ) . Som cattm
branded AW bar onnnecfpd on hoth sidfi" and
. . . ,
' ' ff bio ' * / > - * -
P. 11. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattl ? branded
as cut on left side
Borneo.yon left
on left jaw of
V h ° rae3'
flange on Gordoa Cre k north of Simeon ,
1M-P-A-N-S Tabnles
Doctors find
- A good prescription
For mankind
The 5nt package s eimuKh lo usual occas
The family bottle W > cents ) contains a
for a vear. All drucvinrq
For Jil < .
House and small barn , with tweets
ots , close in , near school building ,
: or sale at a bargain. House is
lew , ] awn : wid shade trees , good
idewalk , all fenced. Part cash ,
> alance easy payments. Call on
I. M. Kico , ayent.
This is just the place for some
anch owner or farm or to f-eh-ct
or his wife and children to live
urinjr the winter and s jid chil-
ren to school. Don't delay as
bis property r'ill find an orrner
ODD. Ib may be yours. ' Orue
nd see about this first time you
re in town. is
'der. - , , -
inch' ? clrclp 1-ln
box. KetfatKrtjd Q7C. RMitoml M "ontb
Irwln nu Nl 'brarn river
.B. O
as cut on left < dd <
with * trlpo under
Kan e on Soldier creek.
Bros. ,
Cattle bnmilnd
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
Range ou Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of 5250 wll. b. i aid to any person for
informal-oil lea ling to the arrest and final
com ictfon of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand
Joa. oriatol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on No- !
brara river four
miles t-ast of Ft.
Horses and
. attle brwnded
B connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Postofflce addn-ss
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left
Range eighteen
north of Mvannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JTT
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Saudy Williams.
Mcrriman. Nebr
Mostly ou left
aide , borne on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Creek. S , D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.Ieft side
Some on lelt hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Kaiige Square
I ake
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut o
left side.
Horses .
branded !
on left
, Rauge e miles
south of Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Net >
Stock branded
same as cut bsck
right shoulder and
en rignr hip
Ranse on the
Postofflce afldress
Cody. Nebraska r
On left ,
stde. Horn
Range norto o
Cutcomb Lake
C. H Little.
aierrinian , Nebr.
On either side
Horses sumo on
bio AI. o a
Snwyar Bros.
r § ? % ostottloe address
> ° a'LH' N > hr
, .vT
* * wyer has
fe1 Cliarieo ; rlles' ' "at-
S t1e > H weB on
SS gSlP'thimid ; r sme
ft side
i es aame
f-re- k ' V p
Cattie tr i < it-c o
* . Gordo
& -TVI
B. In * > rfcv , -