V / Holiday Menu ? ! Delicatessen at T. C. Hornby's. Plum Pudding Cluster Raisin Dates s Figs x Walnuts / Almonds Fancy Apples Citron i t Pure Spices I Candied Cherries Marischino Cherries < [ ' j Best Chocolate Candj 7 i in town absolutely ii * fresh. ( * s Yclvet Molasses Candy Buckwheat from \ Pennsylvania. \ < i from Yer- Maple Syrup - \ * mont. < R T/-7 . Hornby. we are talking1 The most complete stock in North west Nebraska. BISHOP & YOUNG , I Local. Try Kazcla's barber shop , tf Hep Shockley came in from the forest reserve Tuesday. Oliver Walcott is home from Lincoln to spend the holidays with his parents. d , M. F. Clyues is spending the holidays in town at the home .of 'James Quigley. ! Alfred Lewis returned home i Tuesday from Omaha where he is studying medicine. Charles Lewis , who is attending business college in Omaha , is at j home for a two week's visit. Ed Richards of Oasis was in jtown the first of the week , spending - ing a few days with his family. - I Joshua Simpkins show company j will be here Jan. 3 , 190S , wish a big brass band and orchestra. 50 2 Dr. Meehan , osteopath , will be at the Valentine House from Monday morning until Saturday , evening each week. Consultation free. 50 1 Miss Maggie Robinson , after .spending several days in this city visiting her parents , left this i morning for Lincoln to resume j her duties. Clinton Collett and sister Nel lie are home spending the holidays. Clinton is attending school at the Wesley an near Lincoln and Nellie is teaching at Wahoo. Joshua Simpkius show January 3 , 1908 , will have a farmer boy brass band. Come and hear them. A good show. Reserve your tick ets at Chapman's drug store. Misses Carrie and Ruth Stetter returned from their school work at the state university Sunday morning. Leta , who is teaching at McCook , is expected home Fri day. . I carries the largest and most com plete line of up-to-date and popular FU R N ITURE to be found in the city. Special styles or odd pieces will be gladly ordered at any time. For the standards see the I Garland Stoves and Moore's Range Charter Oak Stoves an < es A complete assortment of / Japanese Baskets Japanese China Japanese Lacquer Ware Glove Boxes Handkerchief Boxes "Work Boxes Receptacles * and ornaments of all styles f Clean Clipper Cutlery Silver Ware Stag Handle Carving Sets Aluminum Ware \ Gasolene , Kerosene and Lubricating Oils. Dealer in Hardware , Furniture and Coal. Cyrus Hagen is in town from Woodlake. John Massingale has leased the opera house for a time. Sol Morey is down from Craw ford visiting his parents. Tom VanBuren has gone tc Chicago to vist relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kothleu ner were in the city today. Ervine Bristol and Mrs. Black burn were married Monday. Wesley Holsclaw went up tc Crawford last night on business. Quincy Buck and Miss Nora Hackler were married Xmas Day. s Bruce Moore is down from Cody visiting his wife.atEev. . Connell's. Mrs. Dan Jeffers returned from a visit to her son Bert Tuesday night. Barney & Berry skates in all styles at Frank Fiscker's. An ideal gift for anyone. 49 C. E. Kinkead and wife were up from Wood lake Christmas vis iting Frank Randall's. Get your property insured byl. M. Rice and you will be safe. His companies pay losses promptly. Bert Means and Miss Mae Gun- derson were married in this city last Wednesday week. Rev. Beale officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Scovel are down from the reservation spending the holidays with their daughter , Mrs. Lock wood. Henry Wakefield was down from Crookston today. He says the boys expect to finish husking his corn today. Joshua Simpkins is a comic farmer personnel and never fails to amuse the .audience. At the opera house Friday night Janu ary 3rd. 50 2 A most popular coal , now on the market , is the Hudson lump or nut coal , from Hudson , Wyo. Frank Fischer carries this coal and sells it at § 8.20 and § 8 a ton.50 James H. Quiff ley and R. M. Faddis returned Thursday evening from a week's trip on the reserva tion looking after their cattle interests. They say cattle nev r looked better at this time of year. John Bachelor drove in from his ranch Saturday to spend Xmas with his family. He report < that the range cattle are in good shape and that from present indications there will be plenty of hay this winter. Mrs. Mary Cros ? , the only sis ter of our townsman , J. R. Ayers , arrived in our city Sunday night and is visiting. She had been to Ocean Park , Cal. , visiting rela tives and friends , and is enroute to h < sr home in Oelwein , la. The opera house new maple floor has been completed and was opened Christmas Day for a ska > ing rink , and in the evening Fisch er's orchestra gave an invitation dance which was conceded to be a grand success. Supper was serv ed at the Valentine house. \ Christmas entertainments were given Christmas eve by the Pres byterian and Methodist Sunday Schools. Large crowds attended both programs and enjoyed them immensely. The Methodists were handicapped in that they had to use Bethel hall , the church being temporarly closed while under going repairs , Joe Herman's brother and wife j were in a railroad wreck last week ! on the B. & M. , while enroute , here on a visit. The coach in which they were riding jumped the track up west while crossing ( .he Platte-but stayed on the ties right side up until it reached the embankment when it flopped up side down , rolling over into the iiitch. Mrs. Herman was quite severely hurt and wns taken down ' to Joe Herman's on : i cot from ihe station upon arriving here. ( Mr. Herman did not appear to be j hurt , though it was a pretty bad ' scare and severe shaking up. 'After January 1 , 1908 , I will sell or rent my house on Main street , containing < § < ? taining 18 rooms. 4 ? 49 49 B a U n 4 * 49 49 49 49B with buildings , with lease on school < 49- B section , situated 6 miles southeast of 499 49 9 Valentine on Mobrara river. Large 49 49 quantity of timber on same , 49 49 4V 4 49 ? 12 miles southeast of Valentine. 49 49 49 49 Also all my Household Furniture 49 will be sold at private sale : Apply to 49 49 49 9 49 49 g 39 49 49 'VALENTINE , NEBRASKA 49 , SIs . - . T ' SW Is ? Omaha , Neb. * S3S.SO F.G. B. Omaha Quarterssvved Oak draw or fronts , writing-bed and desk-top 5O inches long , 32 InchescJeep , GO inches high. The price of S3I.GO fo'r tiii3 desk > s unheard of We are making a leocier of this particular desk , and v\e defy compotnron. You can't duplicate this bargain , qual ity considered. IF IT'S USED ES m 8IGE Office Furniture Desks ; Standing Desks. Chairs , laLL-s Urite for Catalog. Pens , Irke , Pcnci s , Tyrc- , writerSuppfics.Stock Hooks. Rubber BSnds. Loose-L af Hooks , and thou sands of time-saving db\iccs , such as\ou nctc in your office c\ery da > W. iic for Cataio ; . Blanks w ? ! ; nVh"lW : Omaha and ship orders same day as received. \ \ rite for Catalog. "Print iticr Catalogs , Hrlefs , Pamphlets , Books such as jour loca printer does not do. Get our quotations ; Our prices are low , quality considered. Lithographing Rrapii Letterheads , Cil heads Cards , Checks , lionds , Etc. \ \ rkc for prices and samples. Special madc-to-ordcr Record Rook , Intricate Ruling ; Alagazine Binding and Rebinding of e\cry description. Filing Furniture il ° . , \ttt \ - ° - Cabinets for filing correspondence , Card-Index Cabinets , Book- Case1 ; for home or office use. Legal Blank Cabinets. Typewriter Paper } Vrte : for ° r i.t - free sample book > et of Typewriter Papsr. Dodging His Friends. The following advertisement recent ly appeared in one of the English colonial nial newspapers : "James Saveall begs to notify that lie has started business on his ov-u ac count as au up to date restaurant and hopes that his many friends will jolly \vcll stop away arid give hip a You won't pay any more for Mc- Laughliri XXXX Coffee , but you'll get the very best grade of coffee at a reason able price , because McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is always clean always fresh always good always the same quality in fact , the Standard Coffee. Sold in full 16-oz. packages. The handy air-tight package and the glaz ing of pure sugar keeps this coffee clean and fresh , protected from dust , dirt and foul odors. Each package is one pound full weight. McLaughiLVc XXXX Coffee is Sold by DAY EXPORT & CO. RED FRONT MERC. CO. - Y\7. A. PETTYCREW.