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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1907)
Society JL JL-i VOLUME XXII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , THUPxSDAT , DECEMBER 26 , 1907. NUMBER HO > "N Red Front Hardware Department Make yourself a Christmas present of some of the follow ing : useful articles : Universal Coffee Percolators Keen Kutter Carving Sets , Silver Knives , Forks , Spoons , Ladles , etc. i i Keen Kutter Razors Pocket Knives Pen Knives A complete line of Clauss' Razors and Scissors , Each article positively guaranteed or money refunded , f See our window or , better yet , come in and inspect these and other useful articles for Christmas. \ . # > Co. ed . . carry a complete line of Xmas Candies and Nuts. Call and see. PHOHE 97 , GRANT BOYER , 'CARPENTER & BUILDER All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska FRED WHITTE.MORE. I 'res. CHARLES < PARKS , Cashier J. W STETTER , Vic Pres ORAH L BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. a. . Valentine State Bank - * o cffl Valentine. Nebraska Capital Surplus sO $25,000 , $2,500.STo , gj PetMnis st-e iiit ! a ulacr ofvttetv for th lr money , will profitby invcaLijiating the methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : : LOWEST CcHsiDERma rl Talk of the Town. Mrs. Lottie Ward has purchased the John Bullis dwelling. L. H. Baumman was in Sioux City this week on business. Albert Fairchild was in town last Saturday from his ranch near Woodlake. W. H. Carter and G. H. Seager of Cody were transacting business in our city last Friday. Mrs. Edward Ormesher went up to Deadwood Monday night to visit her daughter , Mrs. Clark , during the holidays. Dr. Median's practice has be come so popular in Valentine that he has decided to be here full time each week after this. All the young folks who have been away , attending the state schools and colleges , are home en joying a vacation of two weeks.v Found , between here and Jack Darr bridge , part of music stand. Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. The state school apportionment was made a few days ago and Cherry county's share for her 2249 children of school age was $1605.90. Charles Morrissey of Fairfax , S. D. , is visiting his brothers , Andrew and Will , in the city sev eral days this week on his return from Chadron. We learn from Mrs _ John Stet- ter that her father Edwin Barling who is now with an'other daughter in Chicago had the misfortune to fall and break two of his ribs , and his age makes his injury more serious and complicated. County Assessor Young was in from Simeon the first of the week , first time since election , and saw the wrestling match between Fu- gate and Westergard. Mr. Young took a big red stock tank home with him which was made by Car penter Grant Boyer. We forgot to mention a couple of weeks ago , the return of Thom as Carr from Hampton , la. , where he has been the past three years , and with him returned Geo. Carr from the Emanuel hospital in Omaha where he had an operation performed for appendicitis. He was looking well and we hope he has continued to improve. Last Thursday week some one took Lawrence Kice's bicycle about five o'clock from in front of THE DEMOCRAT office and tried to get away with it , going south on Cher ry street , west on railroad street , angling back northwest to Cather ine street north of County Clerk Keeley's , west to Lee Shepard's and north to Grant Spain's where the bicycle was found standing by the fence on the sidewalk. The party who attempted to make his getaway evidently found riding a wheel in damp , soft ground too much exercise and was willing to quit. Mr. Baumman , the new opera house manager , is making some improvements in the opera house. The outside stairway has been newly rebuilt with covered en trance and electric lights to guide the trerabing and unsteady foot steps to the sidewalk below after a dramatic , farcial , tragedian , comedian or "musical trance fol lowing some favorite at the show. A new hard maple floor is being laid and the hall will be used for a skating rink and dancing hall as1 well as for plays. Valentine can soon boast of as fine a place for meetings and gatherings as any ttnvn along th\3 rtfatL 2 * Ladies' Neckwear and Fancy Shirt Holiday Handkerchiefs fcI § Waists I * Have of Handkerchiefs you seen our display 3 A beautiful assortment and pretty kerchiefs this year ? All kinds all fj styles. prices. See the novelty suit case Handkerchief. § 9 9H Xmas Candies and Mixed Nuts J * 2 Fancy and staple stuff. Men's Reefer Mufflers , Kid Gloves , fc Neckwear and Fancy Sox ! * Novelty Chinaware for the Holi = An line and elegant a large showing days. of these goods , put up in individual Always acceptable for Xmas gifts. Xmas cartons. Watch our grocery department windows for special prices on candies and nuts. See our big display of bath robes for Xmas presents. There was a l t of people in town last Saturday , doing Xmas shopping and attending the two sales which took place in the after noon. Some said it was the big gest crowd in town since the 4th of July. It was a false report that came to us last week about Matthew Marshall crawling back into jail after breaking out. Someone thought that be would likely want to get back and the story came to us tiiat he had crawled back into jail. Well , if he will stay away now that he is gone the county will be saved the expense of prose cuting him , but that is not good policy. Suppose that every coun ty turned its accused loose with the glad tidings of get out and stay away , the country would be full of refugees or crooks that would depend upon their free clean record in a new place to work their game , which would in turn transfer them to some new territory as soon as caught in the act of robbing someone or plying their graft , and instead of having law and order we would have law lessness and disorder. It means a LICENSE TO ROB OR PLUN DER as long as you clon'l get caught or so long as suspicion doesn't point toward the criminal and then a transfer to newer lields of operation. Perhaps too many times this thought is indulged in that if we can be free from troub lesome ones we will try not to think of how others may suffer from our neglect as citizens to en force laws. The escape of , this principal party to the crime will probably have a tendency to free the lesser transgressor ajb the next term of court. In the interest of law7 and order we would suggpst that a diligent search be made for any escaping prisoner with an of fer by the county of a suitable re ward for the apprehension of the prisoner. If some of our best stockmen can offer a reward of $250 for the apprehension of a transgressor for stealing a calf or cow from their herd , our county could offer a similar reward for the apprehension of an escaped prisoner in proportion to the crime charged against him. It is not for individuals to say whether or not * a man is .guilty of a crime charged. It is for our courts to determine and punish or set free. Consequently , the breaking from jiil : is a punishable oU'ense nrrl , in ' this case , if the prisoner is jmilty ! of no other offense he should be apprehended for breaking jail by an offer of a suitable re ward. What is the honor and integrity of our county worth for an offense of j this kind ? of winter goods in all lines _ is now complete. .Gome and give us a call. CROOKSTON , . . MAX E NEBRASKA. . YJERTEL o DEALER IN EVERYTHING. . _ _ t - ' - - - --N * A&SAS A8AtJL3A * what have to sell. ' you . fiM ELL YOU i * KanB jftmB EfaJM W Xi jr HA what you want to buy. * * ' Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYGREW , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered , as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1802 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and' ' § 25,000. . , Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NionoLsoN , Cashier. Tobaccos and Cigars. B Canned Goods Lunch Counter. e&33.c3. % . * i * $ Phone 7 ! * rb sK &SglSi Stetter & Tcbien , Props. fft . 1. . All Kinds of Fresh and SaltMeats. . . . . . . , . , - - - Will buy you i' Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.