Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 19, 1907, Image 5

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I Holiday Menu |
T. C. Hornby's. 1
Plum Pudding
Cluster Eaisin
Fancy Apples
Pure Spices
Candied Cherries
Marischino Cherries
sj Best Chocolate Candy
in town absolutely
Velvet Molasses Candy. |
Buckwheat from |
Pennsylvania. JS
I Maple Syrup from Verg
T. C. Her
we are talking
The most complete
stock in North
west Nebraska.
Talk of the Town.
Miss'Louisa Martin has been ill
with the grip this week.
Miss Maggie Robinson is home
from Lincoln to visit during the
The M. E. ladies took in about
§ 100 at their supper and bazaar
last night.
Born to Jens Thompson and
wife last Sunday morning a pair
twin girls.
The seniors have purchased
new caps. A novel way of mak
ing class distinction.
Mark Cyphers returned from
his visit to his mother in New
Jersey Monday night.
Barney & Berry skates in all
styles at Frank Fischer's. An
ideal Xmas gift for anyone.
James Galloway roamed this
week from a trip doNseast with
a car load of horses which he dis
posed of at a fair price.
MHS Libbie Ryschon , who has
boon attending Business college in
Sioux City , has returned and went
to work in Geo. Hornby's store.
I. M. Jones came back to our
city a few days ago to visit old
friends. He is married again and
working at the government Indian
school at-Pierre , S. D.
The large doll in Frank Fisch
er's window goes to the winner
Tuesday afternoon. Each dollar's
worth of goods purchased in the
furniture department or holiday
line gives y/ou one chance to win
this beautiful doll.
Wra. Fugate threw Blecha two
straight-falls Saturday night and
had a walkaway. Mr. Fugate ex
pects to wrestle a Davenport , la. ,
man here Monday night and we
( if of the sporting blood ) would
place our's on Jugate.
Don't let another day go by before you \
have secured your share of
MAP ' n t
K tV
We Lave the best line of Christmas Goods we 1
have ever shown , and the prices are loicer. We ft
don't think you would be able to buy the class of t
goods we are showing in any other town at the low i
prices we are asking. We can't give you the entire ic
list but will give you a partial one which may help r
you in making your selections : a
Razor Strops.
/ Lather Brushes. .
Bill Books and Purses.
Cigar and Tobacco Jars.
Collar and Cuff Sets ( new style ) .
Pipes Meerschaum and Briar.
Military Sets § 1.25 and up
Safety Razors 400
\ Fountain Pens 1.00 to 3.50
Hair Brushes - 35 to 3.50
O. O
Fancy Clocks.
Hair Receivers.
Hat Pin Holders.
"Work Boxes 25c to § 2.00.
Fancy Combs 50 to § 1.25.
Stationery in Fancy Boxes.
Toilet Sets-Sl.OO to $10.00.v
Manicure Pets Sl.CO to § 3.00.
G-love and Hawukj'j-cli 'f Boxes.
Perfumes iu i'aiu-y i adages 25c to § 2.00.
And other things in tndless variety.
tlJi * -rT TR5H2HH
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land OUiee. Va'entine. Nebraska.
Decuniber 13,1'jOT.
A sufllciPnt contest affidavit ha'ing been
in this oflice by Neaoma E I'orter. contest
ant. against Homestead entry No. 15007.
July 15.1004. for rt' SWy section 15XE4 } ,
SEk , WS of section 22 , to\vnslii [ ) 23.
2-t , bj * Caroline Baxter , contestee. in whieli
is allcKed that said Caroline .Baxter OH *
wholly aoandoned said land and changed lie
residence therefrom for more than six month1
last past , that th > - land is not settled upon no
cultivated in } ? oed faith and entrymaa 1ms neve
cstahlNhod her residence upon the land : us tin ,
law requires , and he has tailed to cure he
lacheniip to this date ; and stid alleged absence
from the said laud was not due to her employ
ment in the army , nuvy , or marine corps of the
United States as a private aoldier , olhc'T. sea
man or marine during the war with Spain or
during any other war in which the United
States may he engaged ; said parties are li ivb >
notified to appear , respond an I offer evrlence
touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in. 01
.January 22 1908. before the register and re
ceiver at the United States I/and Office in
Valentine. Nebraska
The said contestant havinfr. In a proper afli
davit filed December ] : } . 1907set forth facts which
show that after due diligence personal service
of this notice can not be made , it is hereby order
ed and directed that such notice be given by due
and proper publication.
12 49 4 Receiver.
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
LOST Sunday afternoon , a
gold bracelet , set with one - large
amethyst. Finder please return
to M. C. Carroll.
Have you seen the § 15.00 doll
in Frank Fischer's display window ?
Every dollar's worth of goods en
titles chance win it. 4S
you to a to .
Max Yiertel and daughter , Rev.
Magill and wife and Wm. Searby
and wife , all of Crookston , were
in town yesterday and attended
the ladies' bazaar in Bethel hall.
Emerson Powers called yester
day and asked us to send THE
at Sparks and said he was going
up into the Hills for awhile to
Matthew Marshall broke jail
last Thursday and ho doubt finding
the atmosphere cold outside he
crawled back into jail again a fe w
days later. Guess he likes the
D. Stinard has decided to hold
auction sales at his store every
afternoon until his stock of goods
is sold. He began yesterday af
ternoon. Notice a change in his
There will be a public sale at
opera house Saturday afternopn
and evening , consisting of stock
of goods , some furniture , two
pianos in the opera house. Mov
ing pictures at night during the
sale. L. & 0. Church.
James Stead man wishes an" ' ex
planation made to the public that
he was with the party of boys
who shot up the Indian's stove
pipe and that he has settled for
the damage in full as far as he
was concerned , but denies shoot
ing any hogs or doing an'y other
P. PI. Young'stelephonel us that
his ; was a girl. This makes twofer
for Assessor Young but he says
they both look good to him. They
will both be able to help mamma
in a few years , and Phi says he
can hire men to work when he
needs them but girls are needed
all the time.
J. E. Thackrey came in from
Hackberry lake this week to get
another load of his household
goods which he is moving out to
his homestead near the lake. Ho
has built a "sod shanty" and ex
pects to move into it this week.
The family has been staying at the
home of his bro ther-in-law , C. S.
Reece , for several days , prior to
"settling" on the homestead.
Judge Walcott grabbed ye cdi
tor unawares last Thursday ami
both fell to the floor with the
Judge on top and his shoulder
punched against ye editor's wsitch
directly over a rib with such forc <
arid weight that the rib was brok
en , causing considerable inconven
ience and pain. He should to
Mr. Fugate.Ve went out of the
business years ago , and always
preferred some warning or mutual
agreement to wrestle.
Geo. K. Sawyer came in from
his ranch near Dewey Lake this
week to transact some- business
with Yalentine merchants , and i
found time to call at our office on !
business. George does not come ,
to town often. He goes back to
his former homeatCarpenlerville ,
Illinois to visit a few weeks every
winter and then comes back to his
ranch where he can be found the
remainder of the year , and "the
sand hills and hay flats Irse much
of their wierdness and drcaryness
when one meets such cheerful
personages as he- , out there. *
Clothing , Hats , Caps , Shoes , Ladies'
Skirts , Waists , Cloaks , etc.
49 to
49 49 Everything remaining in my stock of goods -will & &
49 ? be.sold to the hihest bidder. to &
49 49 49 tote
4V to
. tote
* tote
49 49 beginning at 1 o'clock , and continuing every to
49 afternoon until sold. Comfortable positioi/near tote
auctioneer prepared/for / ladies. tote
49 to
49 to
49 to
9 to
49 *
9 to
49 S tote
4 °
ITarve Shepard was in Valen-
, ine Monday , enroute for Craw-
! ord , where he has bought out
lis partner's ( Jim Hull's ) interest
n a saloon at that place. Verne
Stevenson will look after Harve's
nterests at Crookston. -
( SVC.
Omaha , Neb ,
fltfr ivIrfr Sra *
$31,60 F. O.B.Omaha
Quartoruaweci Oak drawer fronts ,
wriiing-becl and desk-top SO inches
long , 32 inchesd ? cp , GO inches l-.ic" .
The price of S3I.GO for tins desk 19
unheard of We are making a leader
of this particular desk , and wo defy
competitionVou can't duplicate
bargain. Quality considered.
Office Furniture
DesUs ; Standing Dct ! < ! > , Chairs , la'jLsrite
for Catalog.
Stationprv Pens- InsPc"ci ! s > Type-
tct uunci
y wrttpr cnniies.rtid ( Cooks.
Rubber Bands. Loose-Lcaf Hooks , and thou
sands oi time-saving devices , such as\ou need
in your office every day. Vnitt for Cataloc-
We have the only Legal-
Departmcn , in
Omaha and < hip orders same day as received.
for Catalog.
Catalogs , Bncfs , Pamphlets ,
Books such as your loca
printer docs not do. Get cur quotations ; Our
prices arc low , qua ity considered.
p' The Art of Panting
ig from Sone , itho-
Krapi ! Letterheads , Hit. heads Cards , Checks ,
bonds. Etc. \ \ riie for prices and samples.
Book Billdin Special madc-to-order
. ?
jJUl/tt. XJiimiii ,
Bink , Iooks County
Record Books , Intricate Ruling ; ftlagazine
Binding and Kebinding of every descrip.io1i.
Filin Furniture
correspondence. Card-Index Cabinets , Book-
Case1 ; for home or oflice use. Legal Blank
Typewriter Paper JVrj
bcok.ct of Typewriter Paper.
pa § Bartleffi
That's because McLaughlin's XXXX
Coffee is always the same day in day out
always of the same good quality , blended
just right , and roasted tea turn that's
satisfaction , and 16 full ounces to the
i pound is economy.
The handy air-tight package and the
glazing of pure sugar keeps the coffee
clean and fresh protected from dust , dirt
and foul odors.
McLaughlia's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
t&SM < ii
Xotice. >
The stockholders of the North
Table Telephone Company will
hold their annual meptr.nir in Val-
vr.iine , \i'lini-.ka. ii the ( 'ounty
. 1 udje's office on Tuesday , Janu
ary TlOOfy at o'clock in in. , for ,
the purpose of electing a board of
directors and for the transaction
-f nrhpr husinoss th ; may proper-
icnm ' hpfoffaio' meeting.
O W. HAHN.Secretary.
JOIIK iLDLsUaxxi , Prea.