THE PARTING YEAB. i8cod-by , old year , good-by ! You have not brought mr wealth ; "Sou have not raised rae lilgb. Tint you luive left me health Good-by , old year , and as you go Y My praisego with thco : You leave me toiling up the hill , 1 see you passing ou , but Btlll Uope lingers heie with me ! Good-by , good by , old year ! You have not made me ? great ; jBcyond , new tasks appear , And I must uoil ; and wait Gooil-liy , old year , but as you jo iJtlll bear my praise away. : Slnro I may toll , and toiling , hold "Within my breast the faith of old That sights a coming day. Good-by , old year , good-by ! You have not brought me fame ; Ton leave no honors I May proudly rush to claim Good-by , old year yet , as you Ieavs O fcikc my pralso a loner , ' Since I may still through'hopefal eyes .Perceive far distant glories rise Ami sing a hopeful song. Good-by , good-by , old year ! The way is rough before , And strewn along the rear Are dreams I'll dream no more ! Good-by , old year , and let me sing Tby praise as best I can. cGirsce I am loved and still may love And since tbou hast not lobLcd me of A fair man's faith In man ! - Chicago Record Herald. r < 3 ! ' fjifaKK' * * * -fNv - * The Post-Girl's a % Christmas Many and varied were the greetings -given this Christmas morning to Miss Matilda Scott as her mail-wagon humped over the frozen ruts of Cole -county. The children , with bright ex pectant faces , waited at every post box and gave a Merry Christmas in exchange - -change for her bundle of mail. Old "Ben Todd , whose three-score years ex empted him from active service on the farm , stood by the little bird house which Served as post box at the corner -of his field aud , presenting her with an < ear of red popcorn , wished Irer Merry Christmas and Happy New Year , with ii smile ou his old face , as brown and Wrinkled as the apples that had Iain on the ground since harvest. But he , like the children , was cheerful , ex pectant , even gay ; it mocked her mood of bitter disappointment. More to her taste was the greeting of the Widow Brown , a forlorn-looking < lanie , whoso sleek hair , pulled violently lently back from her face , seemed snore than the cold , responsible for "her purple nose. As she took the mail from Matilda's hand she re- aiarked with a rueful shake of Iu > r 'head : "A green Christmas make s n fat graveyard.1 And the girl sighed in answer and drove on with .anything but a holiday air. For there was a package in her bag , which light and sni"ll , made her heart heavy n < > J lead. It wa ; addressed to a certain ilis Fay Barney , and the hand was as familiar as it was dear. I Tad she not often admired the heavy shading , and practiced with loving emulation the curves in tha capital letters ? A long aud tender missive was her1 ; every week in this same handwrit ing , and yet Christmas day was here. the mail all collected and no remem brance. Instead , there was a ring in this package , diamond ring , so the open receipt read , addressed to her dear R est friend , and. such was the clumsy playfulness of fate , she must be the one to deliver it. Suddenly a voice startled her. "Morry Christmas , ' ' it said , and a strange head divided the curtains at the side of the wagon. At the same instant the wheels came to a full stop , and Matilda's eyes , from which astonishment and fright had dried the tears , saw anoth- strauger at the horse's head. Both were seedy and shabby , and both wore slouch hats drawn closely over their eyes. "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. " continued the first speaker. "Can't you be civil to a feller on a holiday ? Xo no , that won't go ; drop it , " and he leveled a revolver in Matilda's face. For she was unac customed to the use of hers , and had bumrled in an attempt to slip it from its place. Pale , but determined , and with all her wits now fully about her , Matilda stared silently into the gleaming barrel. The man at the horse's head chuckled in open admira tion , then warned his companion : "Hurry up ; somebody might come. " The other , still pointing his weapon at the little mail carrier , urged : " "Step lively , miss ; some o' them things in that there sack ' 11 come in real bandy. Christmas comes but once a year , you know. " Like lightning Matilda's brain sought about for some expedient. To gain time she demanded : "Do you know the pen al ty for " "Yep , get a move , " was the laconic Interruption , made still more effective by a threatening click of the trogger. All this time Matilda had kept the ring tightly clasped in her hand. By great fortune she was near the end of tier route. There were only a few pack ages left , and this ring was , she felt cure , by far the most valuable. If she could only keep this from the men ; and like a Hash came an ugly thought .a temptation before which she trembled and was afraid. Why should she keep It from them ? Why risk her life to save it ? Have not they as much right tto it as that other ? But horror at the tempter's voice gave her new courage , and. as if addressing conscience rather .than the thief , she spoke with sudden ( vigor : "You are wicked ; you are outraging THE CHEISTIilAS C-TJEST. = V i W 4 > wy $ p& A V VW feArJ . Cold sweeps the wind In everv hill and val ley , Its Kisses glaze the rivers and the sea , It drives its steeds through avenue and alley , And lauglis to see the shivering people flee. Yet by the hearthfire glowing The north wind shall not rest , Where glad hands are bestowing Cheer for the Christmas Guebt. The country lads now heap each wooden manger. That every patient beast may have Its fill. For once a stable held a princely Stranger , And e\en a simple ox would think it ill If , on this night of glory , A shepherd should forget The manger of the Story With silver radiance set. The world again awaits the light of ages , The heavens are set as brilliant as of old , When o'or .Tudea's hills the patient bages Followed the path unto the shepherd's fold. this holy day. " Then as the man's careless shrug recalled her to his more practical view : "There is nothing of value in the sack , " she said. "A few cheap presents to the children in the country ; are you fools to risk life and freedom for this trash ? See. " As she bent forward , the right hand , which hold the ring , dropped to her side , and the folds of her dress duller ! the sound of the falling box. On the floor it lay. unobserved by the intruder , who now bent over the disclose. ' ! treas ures. There were no registered letters and the array of parcels was scant , tied , for the most parr , with unpracticed hands and evidently of little value. Cu pidity died out of the man's eyes as he saw the meaner assortment , and he ga\e : di Fatisfied grunt. "No good , pan ! plated spoons and celluloid work boxes ; I can see it from ( he outside. " "Well , take 'em anyway , " advised the other from his position as sentry. But the loader was more cautious First possessing himself of Matilda's revolver , he left her. pale , trembling , but outwardly calm , while he joined his companion. IIis words were plain to her strained ears : "What's the use' ? The swag is no good it would only be in the way. " There was no answer while , for a mo ment , both men stood listening. "Sure ; it's wheels , pard let's ske daddle. " The leader came quickly back to the wairon. "We've concluded not to bother you , seein's as it's a holiday , " he said , politely. "Much obliged for this , " he added , flourishing her little pearl-han dled pistol. "I'll take it as a remem brance of the season. Merry Christ mas ; " And. lifting his hat as jauntily as if it had been a brand-new tile , he followed his comrade , who had in the meantime jumped the fence and disap peared in the underbrush beyond. Miss Barney threw a cape hastily about her shoulders. "Matilda is so late , mother , and I'm impatient for the mail. I'll go and meet her , " she said ; and she tripped out of the house and down the sodden path to the gate. Still no sign of the mail. From the gate post she lifted the iron hoop , stubborn with frost , and , sdipping through the gate , peered down the road. At the moment around the turn came the wagon , swinging this way and that as the bourse trotted along , the lines dangling limp over the dashboard. "Where is Matilda ? " thought Miss Barney , with a sudden sinking of the heart. For the rosy face of the post mistress invariably peeped out , aud she usually waved a cheery greeting. And then a panic seized the waiting girl , as the horse came to a full stop at the ac customed post , and still no sign of its driver. She flew to the wagon and peeped in. In a little heap , on the floor , lay Matilda , her eyes closed , lips open , her whole face white as the worsted hood she wore. Where it had fallen from her limp fingers , lay a small box addressed to Miss Fay Barney. All this the girl noticed , then she flew for help , and Matilda was promptly carried into the house , and cuddled in a big chair by a blazing fire. The warmth , the cheer revived her. But the new glow In her veins , the sparkle in her eyes , came from a fire within , kindled by Miss Barney's \ \ ords : "He addressed the ring to me. 'Tildy , but of course it is for you. I wa to give it to you Christmas day. with his love , ' he said , 'and best wishes for a Merry Christmas. ' " A Hint for Christmas. Here is a hint for those who are too poor to give many Christmas gifts : Write Christmas letters. It is the thoughtfulness - ness and the love that count , not the gift itself. Choose among your acquaintances a dozen lonely ones , whether poor or rich , old or young , and have a letter to each ready to mail in time to reach its Then on each spirit-altar Let \otlvc tapers llame , And there with song and psalter , Be praised the wondrous Name 1 And so , while love each human breast la cheering , Each heart shall be a lowly Bcthlehsm , And each abode bhall know that light en dearing As helping hands shall bring It home t/ them. Such simple glad oblation The Savior doth prefer To rites and adoration , Or frankincense and myrrh. Good people all , wherever ye are dwelling , In crowded streets or on the lonely farm , Join In the Christmas message , sweetly swelling. And make each home a haven bright waim , For hearts , If true and lowly , The manger-cradles arc , Where comes the Child-Guest holy With love , the guiding Star. Charles II. Crandall. destination on Christmas morning. No matter about haung any news to write ; just good uishes , and a tithe of the good words you will speak about yonr friend after he is dead. They will warm hia heart now , which is far better. It is the season to give ; and the only thing at all worth giving is oneself. Chicago Stand ard. : rr Resolutions. Every first of January that we'arrm at is an imaginary milestone in the turnpike track of human life , at once a resting place for thought and medita tion and u starting point for fresh exer tion in the performance of our journey. The man vvho does not at least pro- po o to himself to be better this year than he was last must be either very good or very bad indeed. And only to propose to bo better is something. If nothing else it is an acknowledgement of our need to be so which is the first step toward amendment. But. in fact , to propose to oneself to do well is in boine sort to do well posi tively , for there is no such thing as a stationary point in human endeavors , lie who is not worse to-day than he was yesterday is better , and he who is not better is worse. Charles Lamb. A : < 'rieudsliip Calendar. A friendship calendar as a Christmas gift was a source of much pleasure to nn elderly lady living alone , says Good Housekeeping. At her request each one of fifty-two of her friends , representing the fifty-two weeks of the year , furnish ed material for every day of the seven m his week. Each one followed out his own idea for the week's calendar , con tributing favorite quotations , short poems , anecdotes and reminiscences , some even adding cherished recipes. In many instances the contributions were original. Others w6re illustrated with small pictures cut from current maga zines. The result was a perpetual cal endar , each day representing the loving thought of a friend. The Komun.s Holly. It should prove of immense interest tc students of history that the early Romans had a festival at about the time of our Christmas and that they festooned their houses with holly in honor of the god Saturn , This was called the Saturnalia , and the character of the celebration may be judged from the fact that the name is still the synonym for carousal and immor ality. At this time the Romans sent their friends sprigs of liolly , thus indicating their good wishes for prosperity and long life. It is related that the early Chris tians also decked their homes with holly at this season for the purpose of escaping persecution. For St. Nicholas AVhite In Belgium the children expect the good St. Nicholas to visit them. They think he rides on a white horse , so they polish their shoes with great care , fill them with hay , oats or carrots for the saint's horse and put them in the fireplace or on a table , and in the morning , instead of the forage , they find sticks for the bad children and candies for the good ones. L.aurel for Christinas Decoration. The laurel being an evergreen make a striking feature in a winter landscape. Enormous quantities are used in ths Christmas dressing of churches for wreaths and other decorations. Mountain laurel can be grown for decorative pur poses , and it is easily cultivated. What comes to market is gathered from the wild laurel growth. Heaviest Trade Before Xnias. Dealers in rare coins and stamps and other similar curios always do their heav iest trade of the year just before Christ mas. This is because so many curios are sold by needy people to provide money fo ? Christmas festivities. A Holiday Gift Suggestion. \ \ e are so very particular about the horse's comfort in summer. Why not ia winter ? p F1G Greatest Naval Fighting Strength Under Flag for the Long Craise. FLOWER 0 ? A3D3EICAN 17AYT. Movement Is Significant , Marking Transfer of Theater of Action from the Atlantic. Xot since the war \vith Spain has tliere been such a tense feeling in naval circles as that which marked tihe pie- parations for the departure of the great fleet , under Admiral Evans , for the Pacific. All the vessels which v.vre to be a part of this greatest naval dem onstration in our history assembled at Hampton Roads. The President's yacht , the Mayflower , swung into historic Hampton Roads bearing President Roosevelt and the high officials of the Navy Department. Promptly sixteen huge battleships of the United States navy dressed ship and began firing the President's salute of twenty-one guns each. The May flower caine to anchor in the roadway. Gigs and cutters put out from each battleship bearing the flag ollicers to the Mayflower , where they were receiv ed on deck by President Roosevelt and his official party. On their return to their ship's the Mayflower hoisted an chor and proceeded down the roads to ward the entrance. Here the little yacht stood out of the roadway while the same sixteen battleships passed by her , decks am1 fighting tops dressed and roaring from their guns another President's salute. Bands aboard ship played the na tional airs. This was the farewell to the commander-in-chief of the army and navy to the American battleship squadrons , which then began their cruise to the Pacific ocean. The torpedo flotilla had already SCENE AT THE DEATH-TEAP , WEST VTRGCTIA , MINE WKEBE FBIOrHTFUL "EXPLOSION KILLED 500 ME2T. , . ' $ < 'v < * . * s " , * * * * * / j&s b 3j& % tSX&XL'J&L JT. , X\X- " \ BOUT TO EtfTER "SHAFT 6 " OP THZ- , stroyers , repair and supply ships. Tilt- progress of the licet will be watt-hod with interest by the whole world , and will be accompanied by the prayer that no occasion may arise for a display or that awful power of destruction which lies within its guns. The significance of the transfer of the battleships stamps the event : r ? an epoch in the history of the United States. It transfeds the theater of ac tion of the navy from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean for the first time since the United States became a nation. It reduces the naval representation of the country in the Atlantic troui second place to th ? lowest place among the naval powers of the world , but it raises its representation in the Pacific o-ean to the highest place , where the United States is now a poor second. Whether "for fun or for frolic. " as Rear Ad miral Robley Evans has expressed it , the battleships upon arrival in the Pa cific will do the United States full honor. On the journey around the Horn the battleships will pass the second torpedo boat flotilla , which sailed for the Pa- FAMILIES IN WANT. Coal Mine Disaster Makes Women. and Children Destitute. It is now evident that it is going to require a Ionic time to compl"te the work of nvoverini : all the bo h s of ti.ose killed in The MonongahV. . Va. , coal mine xploj ion. That the coaipauy recognizes this is evidenced by tli > fact that buildings have boon ere -tc I and equipped for cooking and serving v. inn meals to the rescuers. Heretofore they h.'ive subsisted on coffee and cold lunches. Distress and want among WOMU-II and children dependent on the men who lost their lives , which was not recognized at first , is now being brought forcibly be fore the community , and it is ivalizetl that there is a great work of charity to I"done. . It is estimated that thciv are between 'MO and 400 families now in want. Some of these will later receive irsurance , but many 'have nothing to look forward to. Headed by the churches , a relief movement has been started , and a general appeal to tha THE GBEAT AMERICAN PACIFIC SQITADKON. The vessels prominent in the picture are the Battleships Wash ington , Tennessee and Hhode Island , and a Torpedo Boat Destroyer. started , as its progress is so much slower than that of the battleships that two weeks more will be consumed than by the latter in the journey toward their destination San Francisco. All the navy yards of the Atlantic coast have been busy for weeks in fit ting out the ships. At Brooklyn , New York , Boston , Norfolk , Philadelphia and Charleston painters , carpenters and machinists have participated in the great activity. High up on the smokestacks the paint brushes were moving back and forth and the sound of hammers and saws has been cease less. Nor has there been any chance for idling by the enlisted men. The powder magazines have had to be filled and the quantities which have been taken aboard have caused some specta tors to wonder what it is all about. The large supply of ammunition is nec essary because of the project to have target practice on the long journey. Then also there will be many salutes to fire and these will eat up thousands of dollars' worth of powder. Further more , in case an emergency should arise while the fleet is in distant wat ers there will be no lack of ammuni tion. No such emergency is expected , but the fleet "will keep its powder dry" whPe trusting in divine Providence. Greatest Figrhtins Strength. The fleet which Admiral Evans takes to the Pacific includes all the new battleships and the best armored cruis ers. It is the flower of the American navy , far superior to that which de stroyed the Spanish fleet nine years ago. The Louisiana carries the largest crew 950 officers and men. The' Con necticut , which is the riagship , is the finest ship of the navy , costing $4,600- 000. Among the other battleships are the Alabama , Georgia , Kansas , Vir ginia , Minnesota , Ohio , Rhode Island , Kentucky and Vermont. In all there are 32 battleships and armored cruisers , besides the flotilla of torpedo boat de- cific on Dec. 2. and at San Francisco , if not at Magdalena bay , it will be joined by the armored cruiser squad rons under Rear Admiral Stockton and Sebree , consisting of the cruisers Penn sylvania. West Virginia , Maryland and Colorado and the California. South Dakota , Tennessee aud Washington , the later two ships now Hearing their destination after a trip around the Horn. In addition the battleship Ne braska , which has just been commis sioned , will join the fleet as well as the ADMIRAL EVAXS. protected cruisers Charleston , Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Louis and the gunboat Yorktown. Battle drill will occupy the time of the fleet for some days , no complete fleet of the American navy having been trained in sea evolutions in recent years. In all probability a part of the fleet at least will visit Puget Sound before returning to the Atlantic coast again. No plans have been made for the re turn of the fleet beyond the expressed determination of the President that it shall return at some future date. public is being made. Many West Vir ginia towns have already acted and others are ready to do so. Less than one-fourth of the total number of victims have been found. The others , undoubtedly between . ' )00 and 400 in number , lie in unknown sec tions of the vast workings in the great hills that overlook the town. Adam * Pleadi an Alibi. Steve Adams , the Western Federation miner on trial at Rathdiu i , Idaho , oa the charge of murder , took the stand by direction of his counsel , Clarence Dar- ro\v , and set up an alibi by saying he was never in the Marble Creek country after a date prior to the dynamiting of the cabins there. The first he knew of that was in the cell with Orchard at Boise in 190G. Adams testified that while in that cell both Warden Whitney and Detective McParland had told lam he "would be all right" if he would corrobo rate Orchard's confession implicating fed eration officials. The statement then made by Adams , but which he later re pudiated so that it was not used in the I lay wood trial , is now brought up aa evidence to show the part Adams took in. the murder of Fred Tyler , a claim jumper. Can Copper Be That the recent experiments of Sir William Ramsay , the English chemist , ara not likely to result in the artificial man ufacture of copper is the conclusion of President Ira Remsen , who recently mad an address on the subject before the Sci entific Association of the Johns Hopkins university at Baltimore. Dr. Kemsen said that the experiments n question indicated that the substance we call cop per , and which we have hitherto regarded as a stable elementary form of matter is capable of undergoing a very slight de composition , but while it is possible that a minute quantity of the element lithium can be obtained from copper by the ac tion of radium emanation , the change is very slight , and it does not seem proba ble that any method can be devised by which it can be markedly increased.