T > 17 tfl . . 1A1O r-n * ' f : ' ' Zi : -r" \ * ' ' * * * I b * VOLUME X2II VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DEOEMBEE 19 , 1907. NUMBER 49 © /P / Red Front Hardware Department Make yourself a Christmas present of some of the f ollow- . incr useful articles : Universal Coffee Percolators Keen Kutter Carving Sets , Silver Knives , Forks , Spoons , Ladles , etc. Ceen Kutter Razors Pocket Knives Pen Knives A complete line of / Clauss' Razors and Scissors , Each article positively guaranteed or money refunded. See our window or , better yet , come in and inspect these and other useful articles for Christmas. Go. eci . . We carry a complete line of Xmas Candies and Nuts. Call and see. PHONE 97 , GRANTJ3OYER _ , CARPENTER & BUILDER. < All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes /f ; Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska FRED WHITTEMOKB. I'res ' 'IIARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W STETTEK. Viet ; Pro ? OK AH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. e > 1 ? 3i'f f * JP * 8t uT -t3iclg.C OdlllV EG reC Valentine , Nebraska re C a ! 0 P Capital Surplus 52.5 : $25,000. $2,500 , , 01 O Persons - - : r < i Uoafetv t fur tiieir money , will profitby - - .s t-inpii vd in our business : : : : : : : : : : LARGESTTOST CoSPIj TE VEHICLE FACTOID LOWEST CONSIDERING Murr. Iowa "FOK THE NOMINEE. " The World-Herald reproduces the following paragraph from its contemporary , the local republi can organ , merely to give its read ers a glimpse of a Great Editor caught in the very act of making a Crushing an'd Happy "Retort : The Double-Ender is work ing itself into a frenzy of ex citement over the question of what candidate the republi cans of Nebraska will support for president. It may rest assured of one thing that in November , 1908 , the answer will come back , as it did so many years ago under similar conditions , "We're for the nominee. " That ought to hold 'most any body for awhile or more. It's not only charmingly original but over whelmingly convincing. It leaves nothing more to be said. Ne braska republicans are "for the nominee" regardless. They don't care who he is , just so he's a re publican they're for him. They don't give a tinker's dam what he stands for , just so he wears the ' "for" republican label they're him. Principles don't count ; it's mere ly the party name that counts ; it's only for that the republicans vote according to their leading organ. Nebraska republicans , if we may believe the Bee , will be guilty of no such act of foolishness as thous ands of Nebraska democrats com mitted in 1901- when they voted for Roosevelt rather than Parker because they believed Roosevelt more nearly a real democrat than his democratic opponent. Ne braska republicans don't regulate their voting that way. They vote simply for the man , no matter who he is and no matter what his principles , who bears the party name ; that is , they do if the Bee is authorized to speak for them. The national convention , there fore , is notified in advance by the republican organ in this state that it need have no concern about Ne braska ; it need not put itself out to please Nebraska republicans ; it need not worry if it displeases them. For Nebraska republicans "are for the nominee" under any and all .circumstances. They don't think for themselves ; they don't assert themselves ; they simply vote as they're told. We wonder , really , if the Bee believes it. World-Herald. Henry Murphy lives about 12 miles west of Brownlee , south of the Loup River , in this county , Banner is his postoffice and he keeps it in his house for the ac commodation of his friends and neighbors , as well as himself. He raises cattle and horses and does some farming , raising the family vegetables and grain for his horses and co vs. He has a comfortable home and has time to read and study political questions as they come up from time to time , in volving different subjects and em bracing new ideas and forms. Mr. Murphy is a careful thinker and a sound reasoner , and has always been. You don't have to talk with him long or hear him discuss a subject without concluding that he knows what he is talking about , and his careful meditations are al ways worth hearing. He is sel dom wrong and his honesty of purpose impresses those who hear him with more than ordinary in terest. Mr. Murphy presents a few facts in a letter received last week in which he says "the finan cial jungle is the most prominent thistle in the door yard at the present time , " and that he has not seen anything in the news papers that he has had access to that gave the compilation of fig ures as-he has studied them. Read what he says : There is locked up in the U. S. < & < Holiday Goods ftft ftft ftft 2 * Ladies' Neckwear and Fancy Shirt Holiday Handkerchiefs ft Waists Have you seen our display of Hand A beautiful assortment and pretty kerchiefs this year ? All kinds all styles. prices. See the novelty suit 'case Handkerchief. Xmas Candies and Mixed Nuts Fancy and staple stuff. Men's Reefer Mufflers , Kid Gloves , ftft ftft Neckwear and Fancy Sox ftft Novelty Chinaware for the HolN An line and elegant a large showing days. of these goods , put up in individual Always acceptable for Xmas gifts. Xmas cartons. 2 * 2 * 49 f& Watch our grocery department windows for special prices on candies and f&ft nuts. See our big display of bath robes for Xmas presents. treasury § 150,000,000 gold reserve. The last statement showed § 1 ,000,000,000 on deposit in our banks , one-fourth of which is com manded by the National Banking law to be held in their vaults as a reserve. In computing the aggregate of U. S. moneys the item appears : silver coin $4:75,000,000 , silver certificates 475 million , and the gold and its certificates is comput ed the same way. Therefore , the amount of the coins is to be added to the above sums , to-wit : Silver 475 million , gold 900 million , for when the certificates are out in circulation the coins must be in the U. S. treasury , and vica versa the certificates. . Hence the fol lowing digest : " Reserves in bank vaults § 3,000,000,000 Gold reserve in U. S. treas 150,000,000 Silver coin or certificates 475,000,000 Gold coin or certificates 900,000,000 Aggregate of moneys - eys reserved. . . . 4,525,000,000 Aggregate of U. S. moneys. . . 2,900,000,000 Sum of money minus legal requirements § 1,625,000,000 All the foregoing figures are in round numbers. You are at liberty to make any or no use of this , but please re member it does not accord with the recent declaration of the presi dent that our per capita circulation is now § 33.23 , and consequently the present conditions bears no analogy to 1893 when Cleveland could muster only the measely sum of § 23.2. ° . per capita , and which was loaded with the same identical defects. Cider contains twice as much al cohol as beer and has no food value whatever , yet many prohibitionists ignorantly denounce beer and up hold cider. Storz Blue Ribbon Beer in addition to being a delic ious beverage is also highly nur- ishing on account of containing all the nutriment of the finest barley and of great tonic value because of the juices of the hops brewed therein. Parties wanting wiring done or needing repairs to their light ser vice will please phone No. 9 or notify the office by noon and their i wants will be promptly attended j to. Grain or feed order should j also be placed at office to insure prompt delivery. Anyone noticing street arcs not in working-order will confer a favor by notifying us. 6tf S. F. GILMAX. of winter goods in all lines is now complete. Come and give us a call. MAX E V1ERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. JtaAAa 4 * * ( what you have to sell. . a ELL YOU ii i i B what you want to buy. Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , The BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID IN A General Banking < Exchange and Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier. 5 f z < 3&5 ! 5 Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods ? 3 Lunch Counter. I $ Phone 8 7 -iV2r2r K2Z2S522 S Stetter & Tobien , Prop DEALERS IN' All Kinds -i 4 -t - r i - c tyi irAvtrs v5'ti * * * i aid ) iSalt Meats. . . . AVill .buy your ( Vtp ] , rfo r- < . .Poultr.vHoi5 , M.u.os ! und . , a . J anythintr you havp to