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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1907)
Historical Society f I . ! i y.2 y $ -JL JS - - > * ' S VOLUME xzn VALENTINE. NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , DECEMBER 12 , 190 7. NUMBER 48 will bear the closest investigation. The careful - , ful buyer selects a stove for its usefulness and .lasting qualities , not forgetting the convenience of handy grates and large ash pans. PENINSULAR. Call and see our Peninsular Ranges and Heating Stoves. O. Christinas Goo We carry a complete line of Xnins Candies and Xuts. Call and sec. PHOHE 97. GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Bpsklence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHONE 72 Nebraska FRED WUITTEMOUE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTEK , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTOX , Ass't. Cashier. H. . Bank - * o Time nterest Valentine , Nebraska TimeDeposits. nterestPaid Capital Surplus Paidon Paid rtO $25,000. $2,500. , . on Persons seeking a pUce ofiifeu1 fr iht-ir in > ney , will prolitby investi ritinn Hie methods fmpio\rd in our inir-iness : : : : : : : : : : ICLE FACTOFOT IN TTfflB GET HMTTMP AT THIS YOURHMTTMP OFFICEsr Talk of the Town. A. Bunn was up from Arabia Monday. Wm. Ritchie was down from Kilgore the first of the week. Angeline Gaskill is now stenog rapher for Walcott & Morrissey. Eliza Hobson is working in Geo. Hornby's hardware store this week. Dr. Ayers , the Longpine dent ist , will be in Wood lake Monday , Dec. 16. 48 1 Fred Green of near Crookston took his daughter , Miss Hilda , to the Emanuel hospital in Omaha Tuesday morning. Dr. Meehan , osteopath , is lo cated at the Valentine Hotel Mon day , Wednesday and Friday of each week. Consultation free. 43 Have you seen the § 15.00 doll in Frank Fischer's display window ? Every dollar's worth of goods en titles you to a chance to win it. 4S If you want first class up-to-date dental work see Dr. Ayers as his work is right and his prices are right. Woodlakc , Monday , De cember 16. Davenport & Co. had a very neat and artistic window display last week. The trimmer is to be commended on her taste. Kead their new ad this week. We missed Mr. Lauless from. the dray this week and learned later that he is quite ill with ty phoid fever. Quite unfortunate for the young man as he supports his mother by his earnings. t Gordon Lord writes us from Hyannis that he is working on the North Platte forest reserve this winter and asks us to send him the paper there so he can learn the news from home. Mr. Lord is a forest guard. F Chapman , the druggist , in a neat advertisement elsewhere in this paper , suggests many things , suitable and useful , for a Christ mas present. Personally , the line of goods suits us to a "T , " rather than the proverbial gift of "red neckties and slippers. " The weather has been unusually fine this fall and now , only a few. days before Christmas , we have had no snow to speak of and very little cold weather" The ice on the mill pond freezes and thaw's and is not considered safe to skate on , yet , though for a few days , skating was good. The weather flag now says colder and snow. A. L. Pedersen writes us the following as he 'is about o leave New York for Denmark : "We are now nearing New York where we are due at 10 o'clock tonight , and i will leave New York Satur day. Fine weather down here , a little bit cold , though , and several inches of snow is covering the ground all the way from Chicago to New York. All New York trains crowded with passengers leaving for Christmas in the Old Country , partly on account of the money situation here. " J. T. Keeley has installed a hot water heating plant in his resi dence , using a Tabasco hot water healer. We went up to see the plant and found his house so warm that he kept the front door open for ventilation and comfort , and , at r 5ght , they had to throw the windows open and throw oft' the surplus bed clothing. Mr. Keeley was using hard coal and filled the magazine so that the heat was steady with all drafts shut oft' . One stove or fire thus heats sever al rooms , and if Jack gets the fire regulated we'll try the same kind of a plant , Holiday Goods & i & > Ladies' Neckwear and Fancy Shirt Holiday Handkerchiefs * ? Waists 43 Have you seen our display of Hand A beautiful assortment and pretty kerchiefs this year ? All kinds all styles. prices. See the novelty suit case 4 ? Hancikerchief.s 4 ? 4 ? Xmas Candies and Mixed Nuts Fancy and staple stuff. Men's Reefer Mufflers , Kid Gloves , 0 Neckwear and Fancy Sox Novelty Chinaware for the Holi = An elegant line and a large showing days. of these goods , put up in individual 4 ? Always acceptable for Xmas gifts. Xmas cartons. Watch our grocery department windows for special prices on these goods. See our window displays for this week. & & > ftX * & & & & * Dr. Ayers , the dentist , will save you money on all dental work. Don't fail to see him. 48 1 Christmas means Good Cheer a time when the good things of life are enjoyed. One of the good things is Storz Blue Ribbon Beer , pure , sparkling , heolthful and of delicious flavor a glass of it with your meals or your evening lunch makes life worth living. Be sure to have a case in your home. 481 SCHOOL NOTES. BY PROF. II. IT. WATSOX. School will close on Friday of ndxt week , Dec. 20th , for the Xmas holidays and will not open again until Monday. Jan. 6th. Quite a 'number of pleasant let ters have been received lately from different members of the alumni of the Valentine high school. On account of poor health Ethel Jefi'ers has been drop out of school for a time , and Nelda Hoefs has been given Ethel's place in the high school room until the latter returns to school , then Nelda will have to take her place back in the eighth grade room. Miss Wendte now has 30 pupils in her seventh grade and it re quires double quick work to hear them all recite icu one twenty-five minute period. She also has 20 pupils in her sixth grade. If it were not that our high school is so crowded that we are compelled to seat the overflow in the eighth grade room , we could divide the seventh grade and give part of the pupils to the eighth grade teacher. < % Iii Favor of the Through the courtesy of Wra. Thunder Hawk , a full blood Sioux Indian printer who has helped in this office on several occasions , we are enabled to give the following item of news , from the Sioux Falls Daily Press : "Washington , Nov. 29. Court of appeals in the District of Co lumbia today decided the case of Ruben Quick Bear and other Sioux Indians against the government , involving treaty and trust funds of J > he tribe , in favor of the In dians. Court held both these funds are available for paympntto the Catholic of Indian missions for maintenance of Cath olic schools at the-Roscbud agency , South Dakota. Thecomi.nssioner of Indian affairs" the law prohibited the use of the funds of this nature for 'sectarian pur poses. The lower court held the trust fund was applicable but not the treaty fund , but the appellate court today decided that both" wore [ available. " of winter goods in all lines is . . complete. Gome and give us a call. . . . . . . . CUOOKSTON NEBRASKA. , .MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. JLUU&SASAtJSA what you have to sell. what you want to buy. ; Gall'and see us. Phone 2o g -Ai-PETTYCREW , GENERAL NIDSE. I Charterocl-'as a State Bant Chartered as a Rational Bank 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The v Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) . . .nTc of " 7"sloEL-t ± > a. " CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking § 25,000. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. % M . V. NTOHOT ON. flashier. "Ztt JZF 'sS&xiLf&fZsN < S& I CONFECTIONERY I Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 3 Lunch Counter. Phone 7 . V vl jc > J \-A t- * * * mAijX * olW XWIM % Stetter & Tobien , Props. : . - - ' mmmsAWim . ; m and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and .anything you have to sell.