Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 05, 1907, Image 7

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. LIZZIE LOUR. Ilo3 W. 13th
MRS. Chicago. Ills.vrito.s :
"I take pleasure in writing you
these f > w lines , thinking there may he
other women suffering the suni : ? as 1 did.
"I had my complaints for over a year.
night sweats all winter and no appe
tite. 1 was run-down * far tnat ' had
to sit down to do my cooking , 1 was so
"I tried many different medicines and
doctors also. Nothing seemed lo do me
any jjood. The doctors wanted to oper
ate on me.
"At last I wrote to Dr. Qartman. 1
told him just exactly how I was , and he
told mo what ailed me and how 1 should
take I' runa.
"I il : < l as he told me for four months ,
and now I am all cured.
"No one can tell how thankful 1 am
lo him , as 1 had jriven up all hopes of
ever getting well again.
"I am a widow nud the mother of six
small children who depend on my sup
port. 1 work all day and seldom get
"I took five bottles of L'eruna in all.
"Any woman wishing to know more
about my case may write to me and I
will gladly tell all about it.
"I thank Dr. Hartman for what he
Las done for me. "
There are sumptuary laws even in the
Cook islands , where it is a punishable
offense to eat more than 1,000 cocoauuts
la celebration of a death.
Per Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
A Trifle
When Lucy Seuver married William
Edson aud was able to have calling
cards with "Mrs. William Kdson" en
graved upon them , she felt that life
had no higher oride in store for her.
She preserved this attitude through all
the years of her married life.
When Mr. Edsou died she was incon
solable , and even after several years
of widowhood she hotly resented any
Indication that her friends had for
gotten her lamented William for one
"It makes me .so angry. " she said to
one whom she suspected of carelessness
in the matter , "to be spoken of or
thought of as 'Mrs. Lucy Edson. It is
an insult to William's memmory. "
"Oh , I'm sure it's never meant for
that. " said the friend , hastily. "Only
it's quite customary among certain
people , you know , for a widow to take
her Christian name have letters ad-
Iresscd to her in that way and so on. "
"It will never he with me. " said the
widow , indignantly. "I prefer always
to he known as the late Mrs. Willian :
IMson. "
His Jilea of AValtT.
At one time the bailiff in charge ol
an English jury was sworn to keep
them "without meat , drink or fire. " It
vvas Justice Maule who gave the classic
reply to the bailiff , who inquired
whether he might grant a juryman's
request for a glass of water : "Well , il
Is not meat , and I should not call i/ /
drink. Yes. you may. " '
JTnd "ColTee > fervei" from Youth.
"When very young I began using
coffee and continued up to die. past MX
mouths. " writes a Texas girl.
"I had been exceedingly nervousthin ,
and very Callow. After quitting coffee
nnd drinking Postum Food Coffee about
a month my nervousness disappeared
and has never returned. Tins is the
more remarkable as I am a primary
teai-her and have kept right on with my
"My complexion now is clear and
ropy , my skin soft and smooth. As a
p > od complexion was something I had
greatly desired. I feel amply repaid
oven though this were the only beuelit
derived from drinking PostJm.
"liefore beginning its use I uad suf
fered greatly from indigestion and
headache ; these troubles are now un
"Best of-nil , I changed from coffee to
I'ostum without the slightest incon
venience , did not even have a hend-
ni'he. Have known coffee drinkers who
were visiting me , to use Postnm a week
without being aware that they were not
drinking coffee.
"I have known several to begin the
use of Postum and drop It because they
did not boil it properly. After explain
ing how it should be prepared they
have tried it again and pronounced it
delicious. "
Name given by Postum Co. , Battle
Creek. Mich. Read the booklet , "The
Road to Wellville , " in pkgs. 'There's
Esacors. "
CrIJjron Scacon Comes Within One
of Equaling Last Year's
Total List of ± > eatlis Cannot Be Com
puted for Months After Sea
son's Close.
fs5j2 claimed its annu
al toll of victims.
Thirteen dead
youths and chil
dren , scores o f
p e r w a u u u t 1 y
maimed and dis-
fi g u r e d players
and the thousands
of parents who
have been the real
sufferers in the
"scrimmages" and "downs" have paid
the yearly tribute to tne game.
"Debrutalized" football , declared a
sport even for children , has listed but
one less victim in the forty-two daya
of the present season than last year.
The record year was in 1903 , when
public outcry arose against the "sport"
that had killed twenty-four and in
jured 200 players.
The death list of 1907 cannot be
computed until a month or more after
the season has ended. Internal inju
ries , partial paralysis and other causes
have always added a gloomy chapter
to the football postseason. Concus
sion of the brain and fractured skulls
disabled six of the victims now listed
only in the injured column. Spinal in
juries not now deemed serious ended
the football career of others. Not for
many years may the final tabulation
be made upon the football victims of
The revised rules of the game have
not fulfilled the hopes of their fraru-
ers. While the deadly mass plays have
been eliminated they have been suc
ceeded by evolutions in which the
speed and combination plays have
proved almost as hazardous to the an
In the uncertain imitation of high
school boj-s and other amateurs the
rapid work has wrought havoc to the
players. Broken and dislocated bones
have become common incidents of the
field , which in many cases have not
even been made public by the players
who have left the gridirons for the
surgeon's table.
In the university teams the list of
injured has decreased but slightly by
the "reformed" rules. Swarthmore ,
Princeton , Yale and other universities
have contributed scores to the list of
injured , and many with broken bones.
The "reformed" game has been
abruptly ended in several smaller cit
ies in which players have been serious
ly injured or killed. Mayor Coehrane
of Columbus , Ind. , took the lead when
he ordered football in any form pro
hibited after Earl Ruddell , a high
school player , had been killed. The
precedent has been followed by other
city officials who have been unable to
discern the "debrutalizing" of the pas
Lowell's View of Mars.
Prof. Percival Lowell , th noted as-
; ronomcr , in his first paper for the Cen
tury oa "Mars as the Abode of Life , "
points out that modern astronomy deals
largely with tbe physical branch of the
subject , and says that the study of the
evolution of the planets as worlds consti
tutes the connecting link in the long chain
of evolution from the nebular hypothe
sis to the Darwinian theory. lie refers
to the collision of two suns , which was
the beginning of our solar rysteni , and
shows how the meteorites which fall upon
our earth have been found to contain
many known elements , and not one of
these new , thus showing their constitu
tion cognate to that of the earth. Mars ,
he says , is the fundamental factor in
the whole process of planet evolution.
Though all planets were the same in es
sence at the start , .1 difference in their
size would change their quality as time
went on. In each case evolution began
only when the h at of the body decreased.
Prof. Lowell says that at the maximum
heat each planet was peculiar. Some
may have been white hot , some were red
hot and some darkly warm. At first the
heat gained by contraction surpassed that
lost by radiation. The life history of a
planet was long or short in proportion to
its size. Mars has been found to be al
most devoid of irregularity , and close
calculations show that there are no
mountains , and that the maximum eleva
tions are about 2,000 or 3,000 feet. In
explanation of this is cited the computa
tion of the internal heat of Mars at 2,000
degrees , as compared with 10,000 degrees
for the internal heat of the earth. This
means that Mars has very little volcanic
action , nnd but little crinkling of the
The earthquake clause in fire insur
ance policies received n jolt in San Fran
cisco when Judge Van Fleet directed a
jury to return a verdict of $2f 00 with
interest at 7 per cent from April IS , 15)00 ) ,
in favor of the plaintiff in the suit of
Leon Willard & Co. against the Wil-
g City Fire Insurance Companj * .
On account of the slackening of indus-
T.V thousands of immigrants are taking
iiip : = ; for Europe , over . " 5,000 crossing on
'he Pannonia , the America and La Tou-
Mxilff <
. / * i < t < * . j
ts Qcniy yet protnpt-
v ty.yi i\ a
\\i \ onTho bowels , cleanses
fKe system eectu ally ,
assists one in overcoming
habitual constipation
permanently. To get its
beneficial effects buy
x\ } . Jl
The genuine.
Manufactured by the
One of ( lie most useful activities of
the London County Council has been in
the extension of the park system of the
metropolis , v/hieh now includes , under
the management of the Council , nearly
5,000 acres.
The acquirement and development
has cost about SoGO,000 , and the an
nual charge for maintenance comes to
il5. > ,000. which adds about a half pen
ny in the pound to the rates , or about
two-tenths of 1 per cent. The cost in
cludes the salaries of an outdoor staff
of S4o men and women.
The Council came Into existence in
1SSO. and succeeded to the metropolitan
board of public works in the care of
the parks , but of course with larger
po\vers. In all fifty-seven new parks
have been added since then out of the
total that come under the Council's
management. Park and Cemetery.
If You Suffer vcitli Your Kidneys
nnd Back : Write to TliiM Man.
G. W. Wiuney , Medina , N. Y. , invites
kidney sufferers to write to him. To
all who enclosfe
postage he will re
ply telling how
Doan's KidnoyPills
cured him after he
had doctored and
had been in two
different hospitals
for eighteen
months , suffering
intense pain in the
b a c k , lameness ,
twinges w ho n
stooping or lifting ,
languor , dizzy spells and rheumatism.
"Before I used Doan's Kidney Pills , "
says Mr. Winney , I weighed 143. After
taking 10 or 12 boxes I weighed 1G2
and was completely cured. "
Sold by all dealers. 00 cents a box.
Foster-Milburu Co. , L'.uffalo , N. 1" .
His Service.
A parry of distinguished English
men , which included , the World's Work
says , a judge of the High Court , an ed
itor of the Saturday Review , and a
naturalist , were sitting in the editor's
room when a singular spider ran across
the floor and disappeared under some
It was a giant , one of the largest
species found in England , and the nat
uralist lifted the books instantly. The
spider darted toward the old justice ,
lie sprang up , and the spider's life end
"It was a very rare species , " mur
mured the naturalist , regretfully.
"I made it rarer. " said the judge.
Good health and seed sense are two of
life's greatest blessings. Synis.
False Inability Legalized.
TitJes of nobility in France have be
come quite common , though France is
ostensibly a most democratic republic.
But it is shown that of the 43,000 per
sons there , who use titles of nobility ,
onto * 433 families have any moral right
to them. A legal right they have , as
under French law , anyone can change
his name by carrying out certain rules
and forms. Rich Americans , mostly
business men. take out permits annual
ly , to the average of sixty , to assume
the name of some property they have
bought , though possession of an estate
is not a necessity. It , "however , ' ' .ends
a certain glamor to the name. This
false nobility figures largely Ui society
papers , even in London , and the doings
of the Comte de and the Marquis
de are read with avidity , though
these people are merely purchasers of
the right so to stvle themselves.
Simpler Procetjs.
Man of the House I have some old
clothes , of course , but I usually give them
to the Salvation army or the Volunteers
of America.
Wareham Long It's jest the same
thing , mister , if you give 'em to me. I
can git 'em from them , you know , by kind
o' slickin' up and loolin' respectable , like ,
but I hate to go through so much red
tape.mimn A QUESTION OF
Sinks , drains , eating and cooking
utensils , sick room linen and clothing
frequently carry the dreaded disease-
germ unnoticed by the household.
Thorough and hygienic cleansing is
the best safeguard against infection ,
and such a safeguard is found in the
universal household necessity Borax.
This simple preventive carries in it
self , disinfecting qualities which enter
the fabric or act upon the article to be
cleansed in a hygienic manner , elimi
nating every unwholesome property ,
rendering it contagion-proof , while at
the same time Borax is of itself as
harmless as salt.
Unlike most disinfectants which de
pend upon their strength of odor or
harmful-to-the-system qualities , to ar
rest or prevent contagion , Borax is Na
ture's remedy , being easy to obtain and
easy to apply , a simple solution in hot
water being all the application neces
sary and requiring no prescription , it
can be obtained from any grocer or
druggist in convenient , economical
household packages.
In addition to its disinfecting quali
ties , Borax is especially a household
necessity , and can be used for soften
ing \\ater , cleansing and whitening
clothes , clearing the skin , whitening
hands , makes an excellent dandruff re
mover and can be used on the finest
laces or most delicate fabrics without
injury , while as an adjunct to the bath
it removes all odor of perspiration and
leaves the skin soft and velvety.
Uncle JVjlcn.
"Many a man. " said Uncle Allen
Sparks , "who goes hustling and bustling
through this world has nothing to show
for it but a lot of barked places on his ,
shins. "
Productive Power of "Western Can
ada Soil.
Winnipeg correspondence :
There has never been any who have
doubted the productiveness of the soil
of Western Canada , butthere ; axe some
times found those who fluestiou the fact
of its superiority. During the past
season it has been sho\vn that in grain-
raising qualities it possessed the very
best. The late spring \prevented \ grain
being sown in many cases before the
middle of May. Yet , a large percentage
of that sown at that tiuiq produced ex
cellent yields. Had it not been for the
frost early in August , which visited
most of the north half of the continent ,
there would have been a magnificent
yield in every district in Western Can
ada. Throughout the Southern Alberta
district , where about 100.000 acres was
sown to winter wheat , the yield will
be enormously large. There are vast
tracts of valuable grain-growing land
in Western Canada that are available
for homesteads , the Canadian Govern
ment giving 100 acres free , and entry
may be made by proxy , by any near
relative , thus saving considerable cost
to the American who may have entry
made in this way. Any Canadian Gov
ernment Agent will give you the par
Your correspondent has just received
the following letter from Craik , Sas
katchewan , which bears out the state
ment made in the first part of this let
ter :
"Craik , Sask. , August. 1907.
"May 24th we planted a Dahlia root ,
"which we brought with us from Min-
"neapolis. Aug. 12th. SO day.s later , it
"was in bloom. The plant is now 4 %
"feet high and covered with blossoms.
"We never got half as many ( lowers on
"it in Minneapolis , even during Sep
tember and October , although we had
"more time to attend to it there. "
I mention this only as an example
of the great productive power of the
soil here in Saskatchewan , Canada.
Ilml Her Started.
"Biddy , " said Pat timidly , "did ye
Iver think o' marry in" : "
"Shure , now , " said Biddy , looking
demurely at her shoe ' 'shure. now ,
the subject has niver entered me mind
at all , at all. "
"It's sorry Oi am , " said Par , and he
turned away.
"Wan minute , Pat , " said Biddy soft
ly. "Ye've set me thinkin' . " Taeoma
How's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO. , Toledo , O.
We , the undersigned , have known F. .1. .
Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe i
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions , and financially able to carry j
out any obligations made by his firm.
Wholesale Drugghr-s. Toledo , O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is txken internally.
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
rree. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family * llls for constipation.
The naval vessel * under construction in
the United States have a greater total
tonnage than the e afloat.
Mrs. WInsIow's Sooth Syrup for Children
teething , softens the gums , reduces iullam-
mntion , allays pain , cures wind colic. 23c a
IV L. Douglas makes and sells more
men's $2.GO , $3.OO and $3.SO shoes
than any other manufacturer In the
world , because they hold their Fast
shape , fit hotter , wear longer , and Color
a are of greater value than any other , J-'ynets
shoes in the world to-day *
VS.L. Douglas $4- and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes cannot bs equalled at any price.
K F" CAUTIO > . W. L. Douglas name and price is stamped on bottom. Talcc No Sub
stitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere. Shoes mailed from f.iotorv to anv ntrfc
of the world. Illustrated catalog free. IV. t. DOUGLAS , Brockton ,
"Whole Ilend nntl Xeck Covered
All Came Out Cured In Three *
"Week * by Cntlcurii.
"After having the measles my whole
head and neck were covered with scaly
sores about as large as a penny. They
were just as thick as they could be.
My hair all came out. I let The trou
ble run along , takhig the dot-tor's blood
remedies and rubbing on salve , but it
did not seem to get any better. It
stayed that way for about six months ;
then I got a set of the Cuticura Rem
edies , and in about a .week I noticed
a big difference , and in three weeks
it was well entirely and I have not had
the trouble any more , and as this was
seven years ago. I consider myself
cured. Mrs. Henry Porter. Albion ,
. . Aug. 25. 100G. "
Mayer "Special Merit" School
Shoes are espressly made for the
hard knocks and severe wear of
healthy , romping school children.
They are made of thoroughly
seasoned tipper leather and tough ,
old-procesa and Ihnc-seasoned
soles , the strongest and most dur
able material obtainable that's
why they "wear like iron. "
Plenty of room for growing feet ,
sensibly shaped shoes , strong
enough for the hardest everyday
use , dressy enough for Sundays.
Your dealer will supply you ;
if not , writs to us. Look for the
carac and trade-mark oa the cols.
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company
New and Liberal
Western Canads
Row © pea for Settlement
Some of the choicest lands In the Erain ixwlrg
belts of Saskatchewan and Albsrta have recently been
opened for settlement under the Revised Homestead
Regulations of Canada. Thcusanos of homesteads of
! 60 acres each are now available. The new regula-
Uonsmake it possible for entry to k mads by proxy ,
the oportun y thatmapy in the United States havsr
been waiting for. Any member of a family may make
entry for any other mombsr of the family whorr.ay
bo entitled to rusks entry for himself or hsrssll-
Entry may now be made before ths A cent or Sub-
Agip.t of thi District by prcxy I'oncsrtsin conditions * .
by the father , mother , con. daughter , brother or sister -
tor of an intending homesteader.
' 'Any even numbered section of "Dominion
Lands in Manitoba , or tbeKortli-West Provinces ,
excepting 8 and 26 , not reserved , may behoce-
steaded by any person the sole head of a family ,
or male over 18 years of a e , to the eztentoi
one-quarter section , of 160 acres , moreorless. "
Ths fee in each casft will be S10.00. Churches ,
Schools and markers convenient. Healthy climate ,
cplendid crops and coed laws. Griin growing and
attle raising principal industries.
For further particulars as to Rates , Routes. Besl
Time to Go and V/hre to Locs.e. apply to
W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes. Si > Jnctson
St. , St. Paul , Minn , nr.d j. M. M.- lior
lib , Watertown , iro. Dakota Author/eu Govern
ment Agents.
Please say where jou tapthir. a < l-7 r-i = on-nnt.
sore Fyes , use
S. C. X. L . - Xo. U ) 1007.
gives quick relief. It penetrates
3 tissuesrelieves Hie
mflammation and congestionquickens
gives a pleasant Singiing
sensation oL comfortand warmth. K
very little rubbing. G
At al ! deaSsrs |
PRICE ? 50e & $ Sfin
I I * I V * Lm iU-'iJ' W Vj1 K S > V > V 1
Df.Ear ! S-Sioon , Boston Mass ,