D L/ I. M. HICE Editor and Proprietor. MARK ZAKII Foreman. Entered at tac postollice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second ' Class Matter. TERMS : Subscription $1.00 per year in advance : 81.50 when not paid in advance. Display Advertising 1 inch single column 15c per issue or $8.00 a year. Local Notices , Obituaries. Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue ner line per issue. Brands , H inchesS4.00 per year in advance : additional space SH.OO per ear ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each. 10 per cent additional to above rates if over G months in arrears. Parues livinir outside Cherry countv are requested to pay in advance. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers. THUESDAY , DECEMBER 5 , 1907. Bead the "currency is sue" in this paper. Jt hits the spot and was written by one of the best writers in the state who has given years of careful , conscient ious thought on economical and financial questions. it for the thought it expresses. Pres. Roosevelt's message is long and he has again demonstrated that he is an adept at juggling with words , but on the whole he has expressed himself more clearly on some things than some former presidents. He didn't refer to the Japanese question , but many things : I he did refer to that if car ried out in the right spirit would be greatly beneficial to the country. Of course , he is with the bankers of Wall street and the rail roads , though he tries also to appear favorable to laws for their control. Mrs. Bradley , the mur derer of Senator Brown of Utah , has been acquitted by ! a jury in Washington , I\ ) ( . { where sentiment is strongly I of the chivalrous and wom j en are placed and held upon | a pedestal of innocence di 1 vine. The woman should have been hung or given a life sentence. She followed and persecuted Brown for years before his wife's death. She conspired to have him get a divorce from his wife to marry her and give her boys a name. She was the criminal who would have him disgrace his own wife and son to gratify her , and hounded him for years and at times sought to injure him , knocked his teeth out , carried a revolver for him and determined as a hyena to get him. To ' 'rule or ruin11 was her policy , to kill if she found a favorable op- iportunity. j In no state court j the land could she have ' And what 'gone free. now is she ? A vicious , design ing woman turned free be cause her victim , Senator Arthur Brown , was a mpr- , mon and his slayer was tried j where sentiment was strong against . man as a mormon .j and with women. ; The republican spell binders I will have to get up something new to fool the people in the nextcam- ppign.Yc won't hear any more of those "Cleveland times , ' ' ' 'Con fidence , " "Xational honor , " " 'Sound money , ' ' "Fifty-cent dol- hrs , " "Full dinner pail" and all rot. Lyons Mirror. , IIo < 2s 3.25 and cattle 4. with beef 10 to Jo and cured bacon 17 to 20 would lead to the belii-f that the meat combine hud concluded to give the farmers and'Stockmen an object lesson. They hive been holding up the consumers for years , now they propose to skin the producers. How long will the voters stand and be robbed by protected combines ? \ Ve.nil s'e next year whether the pfojjlt * uiil vote for these hold- ups in order to open up the mills. factories , mines and furnaces that they may get work. These corn- bines hold the keys to all these in dustries and can open or close them as they think best. If you can be driven to vote them a free hand to do as they please , then a government of the people has passed away , and in its place will be found a government of com bines , by trusts and for special interests. In ' 90 the keys were dangled before the eyes of opera tives and they were told that if they voted for McKinley the mills , mines , factories and furnaces would be opened , but if Bryan was elected the doors would re main closed or be closed indefi- nately. Can the trusts win again ? Crete Democrat. Special Sale of H IB ' for the Holiday Season , COMMENCING T. SATURDAY. . . I A larg'o stock of pianos and organs arc now on the way. Xow is your time. A call will convince you of the special values. Violins , Mandolins , Banjos , Guitars , Cases , Strings , etc. , and a special selection of of all the latestand most popular pieces. i3e sure you hear "The Wedding of the \ Viuds'1on Every piano and organ in this stock we \ want to sell Won * ( liristmas. Call tt and see us , and for tuning and repairs tv 1 call on C. M. Ifrnderson. our tuner. v t TH IT t S GEO. A , OORBIN , Agent ii I Opposite Chira - House - Valentine ] STobr. iio t : ( Papillion Times. ) Some of I he fellows wbo howled loudest and longest against a fifty- dent dollar in 1890 would be pleas- eel to have a dollar of any sort at present. Why not , as has been suggested , collect the fines that have been im- pos < id on the Standard Oil com pany and a number of the larger railroad" instead of issuing- mil lions of dollars worth of bonds ? If those who were fined would pay up in full and in cash there would be plenty of herded money put into circulation , and the issuance of bonds by the national govern ment would be unnecessary. ( Jamestown , KaL. . Optimist. ) At last the Optimist editor ( Kob- ert Good ) is about to achieve fame , lie has been inviu d to deliver nn address in Topeka on Washing ton's birthday , and has also been asked to contribute a 1500 word article to a well known Chicago magazine. An exchange tt'lls of si newspa per reporter who interviewed thirty successful business men and found that all of them when boys had been governed strictly and frequently thrashed , lie also interviewed - terviewed thirty loafers and learned - ed that twenty-seven of them had been "mamma's darling' ' and the othefthree had been reared by their grand-mother. Attorney General Thompson has asked G > v. Sheldon to call a meeting of the county attorneys for the purpose of enforcing some of the laws now on the statute book'j , notable the pure food law , the express rate law. The at torney general argues that the enforcement of these laws de pends largely upon the activity of the county attorneys. Ex. TVhy disturb these amiably disposed officials who draws a salary for waiting upon someone to make a complaint. That is one of the most cruel biffs at the pub lic prosecutors have seen. It has been the reply from that class for years , when anyone asked why this or that had not been done ; tkif you know of any violations of the law , file complaint and I will prosecute. " It never enters their mind that they are. paid to look up such things and bring an action against offenders. Crete Demo crat. Wreck ? T A stock train was wrecked two miles west of Valentine Tuesday morning , piling three cars in the ditch and two others were derailed. The wreck was caused by a cow falling out of the end of a car onto the track but was so wedged be tween the cars as to drag for sev eral rods before the wheels passed over her body which crushed the cow and derailed the car but the train was moving pretty fast with two engines and run nearly half a milo before the car went ir.to the ditch. Five cattle were killed and 'one crippled. The cars were bad ly smashed up and it is a wonder that more cattle were not killed. Conductor Mills was in charge of the train , with Gorrell and Hooker brakemen. Kane and 1 Jefl'ers were the engineers. The road was down grade at ( th's place , the morning cold and t frosty and they were going at full 1 speed. 1 The wreckage was cleared away and the track repaired before dark to permit trains to pacs over it and the train had just pulled into Valentine when the wrecker ar rived. The steel gang that has been laying the new steel track helped the local section men to put the track in repair. The wreckage was burned on the ground. The ties were worn nearly through be tween the rails a distance of nearly half a mile where the car had run before breaking loose and piling into the ditch. . Fortunately no one was hurt and that the whole1 train was not wrecked is a wonder. Shakespeare Versus Curr.s. i ii i At the close of a lecture to the mem bers of a certain literary society the ' following dialogue between a Scotch man and the lecturer was overheard : ( "Ye think a fine lot o' Shakespeare , doctor ? " j "I do , sir , " was the emphatic reply. j "An * ye think he was mair clever than Ilobbie Burns ? " i ' "Why. there's no comparison be tween them ! ' ' "Maj be no , but ye tell us the nicht it Avns Shakespeare who wrote 'Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. ' Now , yllobbie would never have writ ten sic nonsense as that. " ' "Nonsense , sir ! " thundered the indig nant doctor. , ! "Aye , just nonsense. Robbie would hae keiit Gnc that a king , or a queen either , disna g.ing to bed wi the crown on his head. They hang it owcr the back o * a chair. " The doctor's face dropped , for he realized that his lec ture had been given in vain. Scottish Nights. Gold Is Everywhere. Gold can most profitably be extracted \ ed from certain mines where the ore is rich and not too difficult to work , but' should these deposits ever peter out there is no fear that the world would. suffer for lack of a gold supply , for' there are many other sources which are as yet untouched , but for working which profitable methods would be de vised if need were. Granite , for ex ample , contains an appreciable quantity - tity of gold , and if it were not under present conditions too expensive a matter - ter to extract it we should find Scot land and Cornwall rivaling the Trans vaal and the Klondike. The sea also contains gold in solution , and the man , who invents a cheap method of gel- ting it out will make himself richer than all the millionaires that everj j lived. Gold is also constantly falling' j all over the surface of the world , blown to us in minute quantities along with J cosmic dust , which comes from inter stellar space. Black and White. E = cily Stated. A committee having in charge a local entertainment went to a noted editor to request him to take part in it. "What do you want me to do. gentle- men.he asked. "We would like to have you give us a talk on spelling reform , " they re plied. "Well. " he rejoined. "I can give yo.t my idea of spelling reform in one sen tence. Just leave 'me' off the 'pro gramme. ' " A Working Majority. "You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time. But" "Why go further ? " interrupted Sena tor Snifikins. "The two classes you have named constitute a safe working majority. " Philadelphia Bulletin. On next Sabbath evening the services will be under the di rection of the W. C. T. U. , and will be a gospel temperance meet ing. The National Mutual -Insurance Company of Omaha has faile.l for § 255,840 , with assets § 11(3.779. ( President E. M. Coiiin says their losses the past year were § 224,000 of which they claim to have paid § 154,000 , which ued up their earnings and § 53,000 of their re serve. The losses are said to be unusually heavy and the. company seems to have had a streak of hard luck. Carl Bleach , champion Bohem ian middleweight wrestler of Ne braska , has challanged "Wm. Fu- gate of Valentine' which has been accepted and the wrestle will take place in Church's opera house on Dec. 7. These men are of the same weight and both have met and defeated the. champion welter weight , Jack O'Leavy. This will be the most evenly matched wres tle seen here. Police records in every city of the country when fairly presented show that were beer supplants ardent drinks , to a large extent , as it is now doing in every direc tion , drunkenness is reduced to a minimum and in sections where only beer and light wines are sold there is no drunkenness. Storz Blue Ribbon Beer is a true tem perance drink , containing but 3 7-10 per cent alcohol and being rich in food qualities that build muscle and brawn. ROTECE. Parties wiring done wanting or 0 ) needing repairs to their light ser vice will please phone No. 9 or notify the office by noon and their wants will be promptly attended to. Grain or feed order should also be placed at office to insure prompt delivery. Anyone noticing street arcs not in working order will confer a favor by notifying us. Otf S. P. OILMANcc -SSSSfSZXZJZ SSS K ' , Y ' 3 The only genuine and absolutely | reliable substitute for tea j and. coffee is I > . t. t.I } i f i I i , the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy , comfort ; and beauty , and is highly recommended for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re 1 freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of the best -cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos sessed by neither , and can , be used in all cases where tea and coffee are prohibited. ' ' { . ' ] Eggo's Fruit Salt is a great health reviver. B | A laxative and thirst Quencher. Effervescent and , so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and is recommended in all cases of indigestion , consti pation and headache. Removes impurities from the blood and can be used freely without causing injury I a 1 ' Manufactured by i OMAHA , U. S. A. The above preparations may be had from all Grocery and Drug Stores. \ Center \ullic \ opinion is unerring , public confidence sel dom misplaced. The true worth of every business concern to the community in which it operates is fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev ery commercial institution may be determined by the amount of patronage it receives. The people have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in Exchange 3 , and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater patronage than that accorded any other place in Valentine. Where the major portion of the fair , the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in dividual , to trade. Visit The titock Exchange when. s you need anything in our line. LTENDORFF The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. KrowniHpK Ko'dier Preo1Col - unius ITtli IG'ifKSO. it SO ! ) lit ( . 'olUMl'W ' > 17th. ; i half brother of tho. 3IO.OOUU am- pion i ) le , ; i ti d Prince Bosii < 1H 131.- GDIJ ai head of herd. I \\ill IIHYP no bulls for sale until 1903 , sold all of 11)06 ) bull calves. C. II. FAULHAliEK , JOHN F. PORAT Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. E. D. DEBOLT. Barber STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Kven K 'an de Quinine Hair Tonic. fJolrton Star hair Tonic , Herpleide and fnk. ! > ' ' Dandruff Cure. 1'ry Pompeian Fa e MaHsage Creum . S. LOCKWOOD Candles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , i-LOUR , GRAIN AND HAY. pposite Postollie. Phone 71. De Laval Cream Separators FOK.SM.K BY A. "F. WEBB. Get your property insured by 1. ' ( I. Eice and you will be safe. His I mpanies pay losses promptly , j H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will he in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , " 1904. J" . W. COUXTY SURVEYOR Valentine All work will be { riven prompt and careful attention. sa at the M. E. Church Every Sunday. MORXIXG SERVICES Sunday School beslns at 10:00 o'clock Preaching " 11:00 : Junior League ' o.o(1 ( P , " > ' EVENING SERVICES- Epwortli Lwmue bex n * at 6:30 o'clock . . " * 7.3J ( . . . . . . IJEv.c.E.Co.v.vEUi. Pastor Eu Us mean temperature 35 ° Normal 29 ° . Highest ° . 61 ; .lowest 9 ® Precipitation .00 of an inch -Total precipitation m to date 15 72 inches. Sale or Trade : One good Kentucky jack. Also one general purpose stallion. , J * sBROSIUS , Wood