Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 05, 1907, Image 2
1 ! The Valentine Democrat VALENTINE , NEB. f. M. RICE , . . . . Publisher. BANK SHOWING SOON COMPTROLLER TO CALL FOR STATEMENTS THIS WEEK. Showing in Response to Comptroller's Call is Expected to Be Extremely Favorable , and Bankers. It is Be lieved , Will Resume Cash Payment. A call upon the national banks for their condition on a very recent date is expected by the bankers to come from the comptroller of the currency this week. Four of the calls required each year by law have been made , the last having shown the condition of the national banks on Aug. 22. It is possible that the call now anticipated will have an important inlluence on ihe financial situation. It is expected that it will reveal large reserves of cash in the country banks , and this will tend to restore confidence among depositors to a degree which will make it easy to resume currency pay ments throughout the country. The banks , even in norainl times , usually prepare for call by strength ening their cash in order to make a good showing , not only to the comp troller , but to their clients. Their statements are required by law to be published in a local paper , and they are also forwarded to Washington , where they are compiled by cities and states. The effect of a call for a report of condition on a fixed date , which is u u- ally ta few days before the call by the comptroller , is to enable the bai.k to release cash after the call with the knowledge that another call is not likely in the natural order of things for about two months. If large reserves in lawful money in their own vaults are revealed gen erally by the reports it will at once inspire confidence in the strength of the banks and create a demand which they will no longer be disposed to re sist , after sending their reports , for the immediate resumption of currency payments. AGENT SUES WESTOX. Pedestrian's "Benefit Promoter" Make Claim to Share of Spoils. Dana Albe Patten , of Now York , advance agent and manager for Ed ward Payson Weston on the latter' ? roeefefr walk from Portland. , Me . to Chicago , obtained an injunction against his employer Saturday. re- Mraining the latter from paying out certain funds in which Pattr-n claims a share for services rendered. The suit also contains a prayer for an ac counting , and the Garrick theater. ITerman Duce. John A. Rickson , S. M. Rumsey and the New Illinois Athletic club are also cited as defendants. Patten avers that Nov. 11 Weston employed him to precede him and ar range benefits , entertainments and demonstrations in honor of the pedes trian. Patten claims that he was to hav received one-third of all money ob tained by Weston and that in promot ing the benefits , particularly one at the Garrick theater in Chicago , he spent over $500. Yet on his arrival in Chicago cage , the complainant asserts. Weston refused to submit further to his man agement , discharging him. and denied his right to an accounting. Judge Carpenter issued the injunction Satur day morning , and notice of it wai .served on the defendants Saturday afternoon while the benefit for Wes at the theater was in progress. EXTENDS FOREST RESERVE. President Makes Lar e Additions to Prcscott Tradin Arizona. Arizona now has 320.000 more acres of timber land in the Prescott national forest by reason of a proclamation creating two additions , which was signed by the president Saturday. The tracts will be put under forest reser' administration and protected from fire , theft and waste. The additions will give the Prescott forest an area of 1.0G3,2r G acres. The country in cluded is located in the central portion tion of Yavapal county , between the boundary line of the present forest and the Baca grant , and occupies a portion tion of the divide between Williams' fork and Peverde river. It is estimated that there are about 70.000.000 board feet of yellow pine in the additions. Jeff Davis Yisits President. Among the many .senators and rep resentatives who called on the presi dent Saturday to pay their respects ivas Senator Jeff Davis , of Arkansas. Sioux City Live Stock Market. Saturday's quotations on the Sioux City live stock market follow : Butch er steers , $3.Sf . Top hogs , $4.r 5. Convent is Destroyed. The academy convent , monastery , and Catholic church at Covington , X.a , . was burned Saturday. The loss js $100,000. Rev. Joseph Buck was burned to death. > Diamond Bad e for Roosevelt. Without .leaving his office President Hoonevelt was Saturday initiated as a. member of the Army and Navy union ) and presented v ith the diamond stud ) ied badge of the organization. MEAXS WAR IX OHIO. Foraker to Fight for Presidential In dorsement. Senator J. B. Foraker made it clearly - , -ly known Friday that he will contest ' the Ohio delegation to the Republican " [ national convention with Mr. Taft. iThis decision is contained in a letter Uo Conrad J. Mattern , vice president of the Ohio Republican league-who for warded to Mr. Foraker a copy of the resolutions adopted by the advisory and executive committees of the league indorsing Mr. Foraker for the senatorship and for the presidential nomination. He defends his course in relation to the passage of the railroad rate bill and insists that the necessity of the railroads of the country to spend millions of dollars annually in increasing their facilities makes this a bad time to hamper the roads in any unnecessary way by legislation. Senator Foraker says he is gratified by the indorsement of the committees at this time , because it is a fiat rebuke to the suggestion that the office of United States senator is to be stripped of all real honor attached to it by making its incumbent a mere agent to register the decrees of somebody else. In the course of his letter Senator For aker says : "I do not want to even appear to be fl. candidate for two offices at the same time , and therefore forego the double honor proposed and with heartfelt ap preciation accept the support of the presidential candidacy which the com mittees have so generously tendered. " BURIAL "OX ' THE QUIET. Xcw Yorker Commits Suicide and Leaves Instructions to Friends. John Davis , 82 years old , a retired farmer , committed suicide at his home near Lockport , N. Y. , Wednesday. He used a revolver. In the room where Davis killed himself neighbors found a coffin ready for use. On the coffin lid was pinned this note : "Call Taylor & Reynolds. No min ister. Bury me on the quiet by the small apple tree near the fence. Do it on the quiet. Cannot stand the pain. Do not let curious folks look at me to talk about. " Taylor & Reynolds are undertakers from whom Davis bought his coffin a year ago. Davis suffered intense pain from rheuamtism. BATTLE AT OAKLAND. Fifty Shots Exchanged in a Street Fight. A pistol battle between a deputy sheriff and special policeman on one side and a Chinaman and four white men on the other took place in the park at Oakland , Cal. , Thursday night in which fifty shots were fired. Spe cial Policeman Murdock , W. M. Ryan , non-combatant , and Wing Leong , a Chinaman , were wounded. The shooting was the result of war ring between the societies of Hop sing Tong and Bing Kong Tong. Sev eral Chinamen have been killed or in jured in fights between the members of the two Tongs. TO TRY TO CURE LEPROSY. Experiment Will Be Made on Ha waiian Island. The board of health on petition of 527 lepers at the Molokai settlement , Hawaiian Islands , , has agreed to per mit J. Lore Wallach to attempt treat ment of twelve lepers from the settle ment This is the result of agitation which has been carried on by Wallacn and his friends for several months , during which he has persistently claimed he can cure leprosy , and has thereby roused the hopes of the lepers themselves , who are almost all Ha- waiians. Killed by a Race Horse. John Hosier , an employe on the stock farm of R. C. Brien , near Nash ville , Tenn. , was kicked and pawed to death there by Mr. Brien's race horse Kerchevni , winner of the Burns handicap in California , the Cumber land derby at Nashville , and other notable events at various tracks east and west. Big Mexican Robbery. News of one of the largest robber ies ever committed in the country has just been made public at San An tonio , Tex. While Hugo Schorr , a wealthy banker of that city , was giv ing a dinner to a number of friends , $40,000 worth of jewelry and several hundred dollars in cash were taken from the house. Pythian Leader Dead. Gen. Leon Jastremski , a confederate reteran , candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor of Louisi ana , former grand chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of the United States , died Friday 'at Baton Rouge , of paralysis. Mistaken for Turkey : Killed. While turkey hunting near Jack sonville , Fla. . Friday , John Hartley was mistaken for a turkey in the brush and was shot and killed by his brother , Edgar. Big North Dakota Eire. A special from Flaxton , N. D. , says that fire destroyed the business portion tion of the village of Columbus , twen ty miles west of Flaxton. The loss is 50,000 ; Insurance , $18,000. The vil- s age has a population of about 700. t John Mason is Dead. John. Mason , formerly vice consul f Brazil and Portugal at Philadel- : hia. and a prominent citizen , died v rriday of heart disease , aged 73 I y HOLDS CRISIS EXDED. Opinion of Secretary Cortelyou Shown in Action. The announcement by Secretary Cortelyou that further subscriptions to the one-yuar treasury certificates would not be received is regarded in Washington as indicating that th - - " - rotary considers the crisis in money market to be practica' y .Aer. Official figures have not ystc ! i giv en out at the treasury of iho amount of the certificates allottee ! , nor has it been stated whether further allot ments would be made for subscrip tions already received. The amount of the allotments made , however , is to be about $35,000,000. and this is probably the limit unless strong rea sons are presented from banks which have already made subscriptions , why allotments should not be made to them. All individual subscriptions having been rejected , it is anticipated that nearly the whole of the $35,000,000 allotted will be used to secure new issues of bank notes. As the e issues will be retired within less than a year they will not constitute a permanent inflation of the bank note circulation. The effect of the new loans upon the future of the treasury resources and of the money market is already receiving attention at the treasury and in banking circles , t From present sources of information the amount nominally added to the cash balance of the treasury will be about $85.000.- 000 , of which $50,000.000 will repre sent the 2 per cent Panama bonds and $35.000,000 will represent the one- yar certificates which have been al ready allotted. This would increase the nominal balance from about $241- 393,217 , where it stood Wednesday , tea a little more than $325.000.000. A small additional amount will be received from the premium on the Panama bonds , but even if this should average as high as 5 per cent it would amount to only $2.500,000. With a nominal balance , however , of more than $325,000,000 the treas ury will not have anything like that amount immediately available. This is because of deposits in national banks. This amounted Wednesday to $234,939,589 , leaving an actual work , ing balance of $6,463,238. ROBBERS LOOT DEPOT. Believed to Have Secured a Larp- Sum at Tonopah. At 1:30 : o'clock Thursday morning robbers visited the freight depot of the Tonopah , Goldfield and Bullfrog railroad at Goldfield , Nev. , overpow ered the watchman and blew open the safe , securing everything of value it contained , amounting to several thou sand dollars. The freight depot is tin : old passenger depot of the road , lo cated a mile and a half from the cen ter of the town on the bluffs north west , distant a quarter of a mile from the nearest dwelling. Agent Brooks says the amount of money stolen belonging to the rail road was not large , but he lost all his own money and other personal ef fects of value , amounting to a consid erable sum. It is believed , however , that the robbers made a big haul from the railroad , as large amounts of money have been taken in the past few day : ? through the freight office , and as all the Goldfield banks are either closed or only paying out a limited amount of money , the agent was carrying quite a sum in the company's .safe , supposedly well guarded. Several sus picious characters have been taken in to custody upon suspicion of having been connected with the robbery. DR. CLARK IX HEROIC DEED. Brooklyn Minister Gives Blood to Save Life of a Parisioner. Announcement of a bit of fine he roism and fortitude on tnr part of Rev. John Clark , of Brooklyn , who married William Ellis Corey and Ma- bol Gilman last summer , was madr- public Thursday. To save the life of one of hi.s par ishioners , Mrs. John Ladson , he per mitted one of his small arteries to be opened last Wednesday so that his blood could surge into hers while her right leg was amputated in the Bruns wick hospital in Brooklyn. Mrs. Lad- son was suffering1 from blood poison ing , and Dr. Clark was warned-that if the smallest drop of her blood passed ' irto his system it might prove fatal to him. but he took the risk. The opera tion was successful , and Thursday Dr. Clark was informed that Mrs. Ladsoi ? would live. live.'s 's Worst Foe Slain. General Rafael Montilla , known in the Venezuela country for years as a persistent insurgent and bandit has ] ) cen ambushed and killed in Barqui- oimeto. Montilla had fought against 1 < 1I the Castro government since he came I into power. ] 1 Mrs. Taft is Vailing. ( Mrs. Louisa Taft , mother of the secretary - 1 rotary of war. is failing every day , according - ( cording to a statement made by 'i member of the household at Millburjr , Mass. , Friday. Music for Suicide. Turning on the gas and phonograph U the same time Mrs. Georgia Little , iged 33 , committed suicide 'at her home in New York Thursday to the strains of "In the Wild woods Where .he Bluebells Grow , " her favorite air. Helped Capture " , TefT" Davis. Charles Paddock , a veteran x > f the ivil war , died at his home in Dans- ille , Mich. , Thursury. He was G4 oars old : 1 Nebraska I © ws i SIJELLHOKN IS IN TROUBLE. New Member of Educational Board Starts Something Early in Career. The next meeting of the state board of education , which , though set for , last week , will not be held until some | time during the holidays , promises to 'be a rather stormy affair. Dr. Shell- horn , the new member appointed by Gov. Sheldon to take the place of ' Col. Thomas Majors , is to be called > onto the carpet for an explanation of ' his first act as a member of the board. Dr. Shellhorn will be asked to explain why he wrote the letter to Miss Hud son which summoned her back to Ne braska from Kansas to testify against . Prof. Searson and in the same letter make charges against the board mem- bers. bers.Dr. Dr. Shellhorn wrote a letter to Miss Hudson , dated June 27 , the day after he was appointed a member of the board , and in the letter he stated that the board was about to investigate Prof. Searson and give him a white wash. It was not until July 23 so a member of the board said , that tht members knew anything about the charges. That was the date upon which Searson asked for an investiga tion. Some of the board members object to the language used in the letter , which came out at the trial of Searson , and the new member will bo asked to tell why he did it. Searson was charged with attempt to assault Miss Hudson. EXCHANGE OR SIDE BUREAU. Proposition Which Lumber Men Arc Xow Acting On. As a result of the meeting of the wholesale and retail lumbermen of Omaha at the Commercial club rooms Monday noon , a traffic bureau , with an icxpert rate man at his head , may be added to the already busy departments of the Commercial club. The lumbermen met to organize an exchange to cope with freight rates , as the lumber business has now reach ed large proportions in Omaha and dealers are still experiencing delays in securing shipments from six weeks to six months. After they arrive in the yards from a week to ten days is required to get them to the yards of the lumber dealers. Discussions followed the call to or der by J. P. White , of the Cady Lum ber company , and it has not been de cided whether to complete the organ ization of an independent exchange composed of lumber , coal and material dealers , or secure the organization of a traffic bureau by the Commercial club , the expenses of which will be largely paid by carload shippers in all lines. IXDIAXS NAME COMMITTEE. Five Delegates to Present Claims of the Tribe. The Omaha Indian tribe met in gen eral council Saturday and Sunday 11 determine the personnel of a delega tion to visit Washington at the open ing of the next congress. White Horse or Ellis Blackbird , Thomas McCauley. Harvey Warner. Levi Levering and Amos Walker were chosen as the five delegates. The delegation was in structed to secure favorable action of the court of claims on a claim of the Omaha tribe for about $80,000. under a former treaty with the government Several other matters of importance to the tribe will be urged by this del egation , among which is a request for the extension of the trust period in certain cases. A large attendance of members of the tribe was present and considerable interest manifested. A committee was chosen to outline the desires of the tribe. ONE HELD FOR SHOOTING. Johnson , of SUmton. is Held to Dis trict Court. The preliminary hearing of C. John son and William Kenney was held at Stantnn recently. They were charged with shooting with intent to kill Jack Manus on Oct. 2 , this year. Manus was running a shooting gallery and Johnson and Kenney had some trouble with him on that day. and during the evening the shooting occurred and manus received a load of shot in the face , neck and shoulder. A large- number of witnesses were examined , among them being District Judge Guy T. Graves and his court reporter. Her man Freese. who happened there holding an adjourned term of the dis trict court on that date. After the 'testimony was all in Kenney was dis charged , but it was thought there was probable cause against Johnson and he was held to answer to the district court. HUCK MEAT COMBINE. t Farmers Near Lincoln Butcher IIo < ; s and Peddle Meat. : Several farmers living near Lincoln have decided to buck the packing 1 ] packing houses and it is reported they did so very successfully here during . the day. The price of hogs at the markets is way below what it has been , though the price of meat in Lincoln continues way above the pocketbook - etbook of tht ordinary people. Those farmers butchered their hogs and ped dled the meat around Lincoln and found a customer at nearly every house. The people secured good meat : at a reasonable price and the farmer received a good price for his hogs. LeRoy Goes to Washington. C. W. LeRoy. stenographer to Judge Letton. of Lincoln , has gone to Wash ington , where ho becomes clerk to a committee of the senate , a position s , secured for him by Senator Burkett. Judge Letton is not yet ready to an- lounce his successor. Cambridge Man Injured. Thos. Redford , a young man. of * Cambridge , met with a very painful iccident when a shotgun which he | it vas taking out of his bujrey was di < - iiaisod. The cl . ' ? t ; his . > SIIUMWAY IS CONVICTED. , Jury Itecoinmcnds Death Penalty for Nebraska Murderer. The jury which heard the case against R. Meacle Shumway at Beat rice , charged with the murder of Mrs. Sarah Martin on the afternoon of Sept. 3. Thursday afternoon found , the defendant guilty , and recommend ed that the court sentence Shumway to hang. The verdict was reached af ter the jury had been out fourteen hours , some difficulty being experi enced in arriving at a recommenda tion for sentence. The crime for which Shumway was convicted was * one of the most atrocious ever perpe trated in that section. Mrs. Martin was the wife of Shumway's employer , who was left alone with the man while her husband was at a primary elec tion. The husband discovered the mu tilated body of his wife on his return to the farm. Shumway was missing , together with about $200 in cash. A chase lasting a week failed to secure the capture of the accused murderer , but after all hope of catching him had been abandoned he was finally captured in Missouri. Lynching was threatened several times after Shumway was returned to Nebraska , but actual violence was not attempted. GETS OFF EASY. Pleads Guilty and Only Small Jail Sentence : s Imposed. The center of attraction in Falls City last week was the court house and the trial of one colored man with the Irish name of John O'Brien , charged with breaking into the store of M. Seff. The three men who were arrested at Atchison were to be tried but Arthur Frenchy and M. L. Bry ant came in and pleaded guilty to the charge and it left O'Brien for trial. O'Brien on the trial admitted he was with Frenchy and Bryant the night of the crime : came from Omaha with them , but he says he did not know of the robber/ until after it was done. The jury in the case was out about six hours and brought in a verdict of petit larceny , stealing clothes of the value of $19. This will give him a jail sentence of not more than thirty days. Arthur Frenchy and M. L. Bryant were sentenced by Judge Ra- per. Frenchy getting two years and a half and Bryant two years for their crime. They will be taken to Lin coln. XO TIIAXKSGIVIXG DIXXER. Omaha Man Shoots Wife for Failure to Prepare Repast. Angered because his wife had no Thanksgiving dinner prepared for him when he came home in the middle of the afternoon. E. E. Morrow , of Oma ha , pulled out a revolver , fired three times at Mr. * . Morrow , set fire to the house , fought the firemen when they attempted to enter the house , and was only overpowered when a hose was turned on him. Morrow is in jail and will have to face a charge of shooting with intent to kill. Mrs. Morrow is in th * Omaha general hospital suffering from two severe bullet wounds. The - hv irian say she will recover if blood poisoning does not set in. fhi * nre was extinguished after having damaged bedding and furni ture considerably. Morrtitr- was not drunk when he did the shooting. He seems to excuse himself by saying his wife hns a vicious temper. "When he asked Mrs. Morrow if dinner was j ready he soys her reply was that he j had not furnished the necessary pro visions. ISAXKS IX SOUXD CONDITION" . Bank Examiner Receiving Many Re ports Xo Calls Issued. Owing to unusual conditions in financial affairs , the November call for reports from state banks has been omitted by Secretary Royse , of the banking board. Calls for reports will be made in December. While the state banks are not reporting directly at present. Secretary Royse has received a dozen statements from the examin ers gathered last week , after inspect ing as many institutions throughout the state. These , without exception , show that the banks are maintaining their reserves in good shape and that no reason exists to question their soundness. BONDSMAN ARRIVES TOO LATE. Prisoner Had Committed Suicide Be fore His Arrival. Mark Schroder , a young and well known business man of North Platte , | committed suicide in the county jail by taking poison. Schrader had re cently be ° n in the real estate business and it is claimed he made some un successful investments. } Friday he was arrested on thrf charge of forgery. While making an effort to secure bondsmen he was al lowed to go to a drug store , and there he purchased the poison , which he se creted. Shortly after his death a. brother-in-law arrived from Gandy to furnish bonds and secure his release. Work on Drainage. The directors of the drainage dis- rict near Fremont will push the A-ork on the dyke and levy now that he district court has decided the quo ivarranto case in their favor and will lave it all finished If nothing happens . ) prevent befoie the season for high vater. The case will , however , go to .he supreme court. c He Sued lor $ r 0,0)0. In the federal court at Lincoln the ury in the case of M. T. Starbuck L igainst the Chicago , Burlington and > Juincy railway disagreed. Starbuck , vhile working at a case in a postal ar. was seriously injured in a wreck > icar Button. He sued for $50,000 : iamages. Says Suicide Deliberately Planned. ' .After lingering for over twenty- bur hours , after she had swallowed learly a cupful of paris green with uicidal intent , Mrs. Stephen Binfield , k-ho lived ten miles north of Hastings , ied at 10:30 : Tuesday morning. The eed was deliberately planned. Mrs. Bryan Delays Trip. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Leav- t's son the departure of Mrs. W. J. ryan and Mrs. Leavitt for Europe has , en I : ; % ' for fie \vook. They ' TOLL. FOOTBALL'S FIGUBES OF 5907 Up to Date. Y Total deaths ' - Total injured * * < . College players killed ' College players injured ' Ilish school pJayers killed * High school players injured ; * f Athletic club members injured. . , l ' 14- Broken le s IS- Broken collar bones IS0. . Broken arms 3 : Broken jav.v " ] Broken noses Coacuasion of brain r Torn ligaments ' 13' Dislocated shoulders 2- Broken skulls Scvcu-Vear Record. yp. Deaths. Injured. ll 1- < * - 74. 31)01 ) " 1CKT- - r.)02 ) 1 : 14 63- mot. 14 293 24 200- IOCH ; . . 14 160 l'.X > 7 * . 13 152- * lnco-mplete. ALIENS KETUB2TING HO : Foreign Laborers by the Thc'-i Taking Passage at ITevYork. . Foreigners arc swarming back t their old homes this year in numbers- that have never been approached in the- history of the country. Steamship mei ? at Xe\v York declare that , before \vinte $ is far advanced r.GO.OOO aliens will have returned to their native countries , car * rying with thoin close to $100,000. < : CO. There is heavy steerage travel to But rope late in every fall for two reasons- One is the low fares fixed by the wintejf steamer schedules and the other is the- winter lack of work. The great majority of travelers con sists of an army of laborers who come- in the spring to engage in outdoor work , and return when frost forces a. suspension of operations. A great num ber of these hail from Italy , and as a. rule they are eiivployed in railroad con struction and mine work. They arc- able , during the open season , to earn more than enough to pay their travel ing expenses and to meet the cost of" living during the month : ? of idleness. This year the panic has served to greatly increase the number of travel ers. It is not alone the men who have- been thrown out of work , but those that fear a Avinter of idleness in the mills- that swell the total. Their action will probably have a strong effect on next year's immigration. All the winter they will tell their neighbors stories or hard times in America , and that view" of conditions here will be thoroughly spread through Kurope. If there should' be no pronounced depression the labor- shortage next spring will probably be- greater than it has been in the past two years. Koine anti-clericals scored the most , sweeping victory since the fail of the- ihurcli from temporal jKnver. Head hunters descended upon .Inpanese- comphor factories in the Isl.imi of Formosa mesa and snuffed out many lives. Ofiicers of the Tennessee and the Wash ington , the vanguard of the Pacific lleet , . were feted officially ia Itio Janeiro , Bra zil. The Mexican Supreme Court dorideds that three Americans charged with con spiracy to murder , and convicte i. must die. London and Paris banks , by raising tit rate , made desperate but unsuccessful ef forts to retain the gold hoarded in rhehr vaults. A British naval officer , accused of "flip pancy" toward the German Kaiser , was- severely condemned publicly and may loso- liis position. The German Emperor an-1 Empress- were entertained by the Kins : and Queen of England at a brilliant banquet ia. Windsor Palace. Aguinaldo , who attended several func tions in Manila given to honor Taft. was- unstinted in his praise of the America * Secretary of War. The German Kaiser , speaking in Lon- ion , said he was eager to have history- record him as a peacemaker , -ind not as * i military genius and disturber. London records were brought to light to .show that Miss Maloney and Clarksoc.- attempted to have a second marriage per formed there , and the license was denied' Lhem. The French advance column was sur- ounded by a great ma < s of Moorish fccrse- nen and was compelled to retrear with- xmsidorable loss to the base of operations lear Casablanca. r The British ambassador at Tokio hav- ng transmitted to the Emperor of Japan. message of apology from the premier- f Canada for the anti-Japanese labor- Sots at Vancouver , the Mikado replied ! xpressing satisfaction with the intention f the Canadian government to promote- ordial and friendly relations. Tolstoi , in replying to John D. Kocke-- ellers inquiry as to how he shoulj dis pose of his wealth , reminded the million- Lire of the Bible story of Lazarus Disturbances in the southern - p-rt ofr tforocco have culminated in the frsen i-al engagement between the forces" of he rival sultans and brothers , \si5- and lafid , those of the reigning .sultan beine itterly routed. This victory is l g o cause a great rush of the people to the tandard of the pretender. Negotiation * . TO still m for progress the release of Sir lurry ( Raid ) McLean , who remain. aptive of the bandit Raisuli