N + t r VOLUME"xxn VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUPxSDAT , DECEMBER o , 1907. NTJTMBER 47 will bear the closest investigation. The care ful buyer selects a stove for its iisefulness and lasting qualities , not forgetting the convenience of handy grates and large ash pans. s ? t t . gJiii Ui'iLia Biiutoggi ffl'l ! ! ' llilff ' ' I ' 1 IIH ; PENINSULAR Call and see our Peninsular Bailees and Heating Stoves. ere. s We carry a complete line of Xmas Candies and Nuts. Call and see. PHONE 97 , GRANT BQYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Residence and shop one block south of passenger depot. Valentine , PHOXE 72 Nebraska FRED WlttTTEMOftE. IVes. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. XV. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAII L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. Persons seeking a place of safety for their m-me } ' , will profitby investigating the methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : : LARGEST Ai@J8StCor-jpi5 ; . 2-rcLs E vcT . I M i V'-A. GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICER The Currency Issue. -Chas. A. Conant , an authority on currency issues , said. "I believe the action is a wise one. The issue of short term 3 per cent certificates to the amount of § 100,000,000 might be criticised on the ground that it is more than the occasion requires , but in my opinion it is better in such emerg encies to take excessive precau tions rather than inadequate ones. The new certificates will not , of course , circulate as money , be cause they bear interest. They represent a very different financial policy from the issues of legal tender notes , which would have inflated currency without any pro visions for their retirement. " All the eastern bankers give the glad hand to Cortelyou for "his prompt action at this time , " but not one of them is honest enough to tell the public that it means a net 0 per cent investment for them. No , they are not built that way. The situation is pnrely a bankers' picnic , in face of the fact that they have over ± 0,000,000 of Uncle Sam's money on deposit free from all cost to use as they like. Now they can take § 100- 000,000 of-this , the people's mon ey which young man Cortelyou has thrown into the bank vaults to help along , and buy the 100 mil lion of 3 per cent treasury notes which tyro Cortelyou proposes to issue. This will , of course , place 100 million dollars in the treasury again and the Jate private secre tary to the president can hand the bunch of bankers 100 million dollars lars to use , thus raising the gov ernment deposits in banks to the 3 ± 0 million mark , and the people pay the 3 per cert interest on the notes the bank holds , and if they need money , borrow their own money from the banks where this wonderful young financier has placed it. This is what should be called financial jugglery , but any thing to fool the people goes these days. days.Of Of course all these bankers op pose the issue of non-interest bear ing treasury notes to be used to buy outstanding government bonds and thus place more money in circulation , but they hail with great joy the issue of 100 million 3 per cent notes and 50 million of U. S. bonds to get money to be used on the Panama canal ; both these are interest bearing and nontaxable - taxable , just the kind to attract the eye and stir the greed of the Eichelheimers , Kuhns & Co. , lying in wait for our boy tyro acting as secretary of the treasury , in order to make a few millions out of this and other governments they are and always have been a curse to. But it seems the people like to be fooled and enjoy paying the fiddler for others to dance , so what is the use of anyone trying to prevent it ? They will , inside of a year , be voting to open the mills , manu factories and furnaces by electing the tool of these money hogs as president , who will claim to hold the keys to the doors of all them. Crete Democrat. ( O'Neill Independent. ) The republican party is with the Wall street panic as the man was who was holding the bear looking for someone to help him let loose. In 1893 it was a Cleveland panic , but in 1907 the republicans are trying to make the people believe that no party is responsible for panics. It was a republican panic in 1893 as the secretary of the treasury had placed the order for plates with which to print bonds , before Cleveland went into office. It is a republican panic now , un disputed , for the republicans have had charge of our national affairs for Jo * these many years * Two We have on display in our window this week a nobby line of Gent's Furnishings in the way of Men's Wool Union Suits , at § 4 00 Men's Ribbed Union Suits 1 50 Men's Light Wool 2-Piecc Suits 2 50 ft Men's Wool Eibbed 2-Piece Suits 2 25 ftft * Men's Wool Sweater Jackets 3 50 ft Men's Gptton Sweater Jackets " 1 " 50 ftft 4 ? * Men's Wool Jersey Sweaters 2 25 to 3 00 ftft Men's Fancy Wool Vests 4 25 ftft We are also showing t an elegant line of Men's Bath Eobes in an assort ftft ment of pretty patterns. See our Special Stetson Hat Leader for next week ft at § 3.50 ftft ftft ft ftft ft ftft ft it weeks before the "Wall street bank ers started their little joke upon the people the republican papers teemed with articles upon the re publican prosperity that was s weeping .over the country. Now they have closed like a clam , and you hear them again no more for ever. Congressman George Prince , re publican member of the house committee on banking and cur rency , in speaking on the 19th of the-issu-ance of Panama bonds and certificates , he said : "We owe § 900,000,000 of inter est bearing debt.Ye have today in the hands of national banks , and drawing no interest for the gov ernment , § 2iO,000,000. The present policy of the secre tary of the treasury is to all in tents in times of peace adding to the interest bearing debt of the people § 150,000,000. It is not justifiable under existing con ditions. I think that the § 50,000- 000 needed for the construction of the Panama canal should be taken out of the § 240,000,000 in the banks and not be raised by bond issue. "As to the other § 100,000,000 which is proposed to be raised by debt certificates , I do not approve of the plan at all. First , because the money is worth 5 to 6 per cent interest and no one is going to buy a government note that draws but 3 per cent interest. Second , because the purpose of the 3 per cent note is to realize money from the sale of these certificates , the money arising from the sale to be deposited in the national banks. "What does this mean ? "It means , if I understand it correctly , that the people are to ! borrow § 100,000,000 and pay 3 per cent on it and hand it over to the national banks , to be by them loaned , without a dollar's cost to them , to the people at the rate of 5 to 10 per cent , according to the rates where banks are located. " Prince also said he disapproved asset currency unless it was pro posed to deposit in the treasury assets securing the issue. It is really preposterous to even think of Old Joe Cannon as a can didate for president. Plattsmouth Journal. He is built on the same plan as our own Dan Nettletnn and is an ideal head for a legislative body of fakers seeking to fool their con stituents. Cannon and Isettloton at the head of the national ticket next ypar would win sill the E. Zs. in the U. S.- Crete Democrat. NIOff Mff39 of winter goods in all lines is now complete. Come and give us a call. CROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E. VERTEL ! DEALER IN EVERYTHING. 3s what you have to sell. { 9 YiO § 1 ec < El i a Y ( 11 1 9tf i L.iL. I \ ' J tf what you want to buy. tfd d Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank 1 , 1884 : . August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of CAPITAL PAID A General Banking Exchange and Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NicraoLSON. Cafihior. & S * jf * 1 . T TT" E " * / " T * H j < X T v T B " * TT7" i K CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. i i $ Phone 7 &iK& lftissft N Stetter & Tobien , Props. / - , DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Moats. ' . . . . , , . . . . . - - - - tasrf r--5iH ; | < r \ \ ill buy .your Cattle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anythjng you have to sell.