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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1907)
B Y * * * t : Holiday Menu / Delicatessen | T. C. Hornby's. Plum Pudding1 Cluster Eaisin Dates Figs Walnuts a Almonds Fancy Apples Citron Pure Spices Candied Cherries Maraschino Cherries Best Chocolate Candy § in town absolutely fresh. Velvet Molasses Candy. | Buckwheat from Pennsylvania. I > Maple Syrup from Ver mont. T. C. Hornby. I Now suaB we are talkin LU i The most complete stock in North west Nebraska. BISHOP & YOUNG , | p n n v M P R K u u u i I < i t D r I m.'j We have secured a quantity of Linen Finish Writing Paper in handsomely decorat ed boxes , suitable for Christmas Gifts , which < * I we will put on sale on ' MONDAY , OfC. 2 , at the low price of 23c the box. * Ml - rrTTffi3Ha M . VALENTINE. . NED XOTM'E. Parties xvanting wiring done or needing repairs to their light ser vice will please phone No. 9 or notify the office by noon and their wants will be promptly attended to. Grain or feed order should also be placed at office to insure prompt delivery. Anyone noticing street area not in working order will confer a favor by notifying us. 6tf . S. F. OILMAN. * \ > h Si i'ric " = will bi' held as follows : n : . . * . ntt > p m. 'j Talk of the Town. > /i i 1 Try Kazda's barber shop , tf .a Big dance in Woodlake tonight. Halldorson's studio will be open on Dec. 5 , 6 and 7th. 45 2 Win. Wray of Kilgore transact ed business in Valentine Monday. Miss Elsie Sherman returned from Gordon yesterday morning. Henry Sanner of Uritt was in town Tuesday after a load of coal. Peter lliege , August Epke and John Dey were in town last Fri day. day.J. J. K. Wallingford and Mr. Fraser were in our city last Thurs day. day.Dr. Dr. Ayers , the dentist , in Wood Lake one day only Monday , Dec. 3rd. " " 46 1 Jas. H. Quigley returned yes terday from a business trip to Omaha. Mrs. S. Moon stepped on a nail 1 ist Friday and was crippled for several days. I a lirs trimmed and1 street hals at your own price. 45 Miss Ethel Butler. H \Vakt'fiVM of Crookston hauled a load of oats to Valentir e last , Saturday. O. D. Carey came down from the boarding school Monday to spend his vacation. ! John Porath , the \\vll driller of f Riogp , was in our city the first of the week on business. For Salp Good Milch cow , coming fresh about Jan 1st. In quire at Dnnoher hotel. 43 Mr. and Mrs M. V. Nicholson entertained Thanksgiving in hon- of the "class of 1908. " John Cord5rr was down from his ranch on the reservation Mon day after a load of supplies. Just received , a fine line of ladies - dies shopping bags and neckwear at. the new millinery. 45 Martin Becker , a prosperous North Table farmer , whiled away a few hours in town Monday. J. P. Gardiner of Cody was in our city yesterday on business and found time to call at our office. The little ones in Miss Gordon's room gave a Thanksgiving enter tainment Wednesday afternoon. Estrayed One bay mare and one sorrel mare , both show fire marks. J. M. EALYA , 42 Burge , Nebr. Grant Bo.ver , the carpenter , is building a large carpenter shop back of his residence south-ef the cl.'pot. Miss Gertrude Moon departed j Tuesday morning for Nebraska City where she expects to visit friends. House and lot for sale on Cath erine street. Price § 650 , or house wil ! be sold separate. 41 6 MRS. HATTIE BENNETT. S. Moon and H. S. Lockwood are building a grain and hide build ing with a cellar under it back of the latter's feed store. s Misses Minnie and Kathleen j K > elpy entertained a number of their friends at a dinner party today Thanksgiving. Dr. Meehan , osteopath , is lo cated at the Valentine Hotel Mon day , Wednesday and Friday of each week. Consultation free. 43 Obi * Church has sold his stock of iionds to L. Ii B'lumraan and has leaded him t-hr opera house for four A ears Mr. Baumman takes next Monday , Dec. 2 , and experts to conduct a grocery and meat market. Carl Bleach , champion Bohem ian middleweight wrestler of Ne- bra-Ka , has chalianged Wm. Fu- jit : < or Valentine which has been and the wrestle will take place in Church's opera house on i Dec. 0. Theac men are of the j same weight and both have met ' * nd rVfeitod the champion welter- .M-ight. Jack O'Leary. This will ! OP the , most evenly matched . vlu bveii lierer ' " " ' " ' An entertainment and basket social will be given at Arabia at the school housle on Dec. 19. 1907. Program begins at 7:30 : p. m. A prize will be awarded the prettiest basket. Everyone cordially in vited. Proceeds to benefit the library. Artistic photography at the studio of T. E. Halldorson Dec. 5 , 6 , 7 , inclusive. This is your op portunity to get the latest pro duction in Christmas photography. All photos will be finished before Christmas. See our beautiful line of samples. 45 2 Miss Lulu Kortx attended the official meeting of the junior nor mal board at Lincoln Nov. 22 , and we learn that Prin. Waterhouse and the same faculty are to be re turned to Valentine next June with the exception of Fred Hunter who goes as principal of the junior normal at Alma , taking the place of State High School Inspector Keed who wishes to give his entire time to perfecting the high school system of the state. Major E. B. Kelley , Indian ag ent at Kosebucl : D. L. McLane , financial clerk ; J. B. Mortsolf.xv day school inspector , and Dr.w Wyckoff , day school physician , came down yesterday accompanied by 13 mounted Indian police to get the first installment of § 38.000 on the fourth payment to the In dians from the sale of Gregory , county , which is § 30 for each In- / * riian over IS years of age , amounting - , ' ing to 8110,000 in all It took a four-horse team and wagon to haul the money to Rosebud.w "iil A. L. Pedersen , a young man , n who came to this country about ; ago three years from Denmark and who is related to Jens Thorn- sen , has gone home on a visit , ex pecting to return again in "XJiC ' tg spring. lie expects to reach hon e ' , T by Christmas time and it- will be a * 'Merry Christmas" for his par ents and the family who will plan C to all be at home. It will be a ei family reunion. A sister living in New Jersey is going home with r Mr. Pedersen to get married and t the parents will celebrate their o silver wedding anniversary , and a younger sister celebrates her mar tl riage anniversary. They'll all be tlE tln home for the winter and spend a E joyous time. at tiC The boxing contest at the hall tiE last Saturday night waited in vain P for a crowd until nearly 10 o'clock and then began a farce which was id about what most people had ex idB pected that it would be. Both were colored chaps. Yancey tried to lay down in the first round , but the referee didn't count fast enough , and upon the slightest ex cuse thereafter he would fall to the floor , though people could see that he hadn't been hurt. Open c handed slaps and clinches were E common and the few people who w were there got held up for a dollar C on pretense of a boxing contest. f These fake shows should not be u uei encouraged nor countenanced. ei When we know in advance of such schemes to get money we will refuse - < ? fuse to recommend them. si The speaker , Dr. James M. Me- , Clary , gave an interesting lecture , L to an attentive audience Tuesday h evening in this city. His subject i- was "The Mission of Mirth. "He - is told us more than other speakers and kept his hearers nudging each other as new hits were made or s when he said something to which a everyone was willing to agree or of sanction. Many said Dr. deary's lecture was the best they ever V heard. He was a whole show all n by himself and the best one man P show that traveled into this section n of the country , backed or adver b tised by a lecture bureau. It's too 1 bad that one doesn't know these 1h 1b things in advance , for we'd like to h invite everyone personally to come d and hear liiTn. Perhaps the next s speaker , though , will get the n crowd on this man's lecture or nf - fP that Dr. McClary should have had , P .tlio'ugh a fair sized audience greet * ii tfd him hxjTGi continue I J. 0. Beattv was up from Ain - / worth a couple of clays the past ; week. I liave some extra fine Buff Cochin Roosters for sale. 0. L MAYES , i5 2 llushville , Neb. Win. Francke is dov\n to Thpo. lilKon's of Penbrook- , shooting luail. ] When "Bill" goes after 'em he generally gets 'em. Rev. Beale announces that he will use magic lantern views to illustrate his sermon next Sunday night ; at 7:30 : p. ra. Everybody invited. , W. IST. Delzell will address tl e people of Valentine and vicinity tonight ( Friday ) at the court hou e it 8 o'clock. Subject , "The Good Bad Boy. " Everybody come. Mr. and Mrs. L C. Sparks ac- coThpanied the high school speak ers Gertrude Quigley , Harv < y Hornby and John Gould to Cha I ron , where they compete \\ith twenty others for oratorical hon ors : Friday. Next Wednesday night , Dec. 4 , the M. W. A. will hold their an nual election of officers. Rev. J. \ Robert Beale will deliver a short address on "Brotherhood , ' ' illus trated with magic lantern views. Every member is requested to be present. We think it would be a good idea if our marshals would GET BUSY and weed out some of the riuestionable characters about town who have no visible means of sup port. Such persons in most places ire called vagrants and put to work on the "rock pile. " A grand church rally at M. E. church next Wednesday evening. Every member of the church as well as all friends are requested to come. ( A good program and re freshments. ] Np children admitted unless accompanied by their par ents. Come and have a good time' The second quarterly meeting for the M. E. church of Valentine will be held next Sunday , Pre siding Elder Julian will preach both morning and evening. Quar terly ( conference Monday at the home of J. C. Northrop at S p. m. Every member of the church requested to be present. Joe Rolling was brutally as saulted : and beaten over the head , and , while unconscious was robbed what change he had , last Satur day night near town. liarry Ware and Matthew Marshall , two negroes , were arrested on a com plaint made by Killing who re membered his conflict with them before he became unconscious. The prisoners were landed in jail but Ware was let out on bond , later. Such diameters a $ these dispositions represent should be safely ; landed in a place of security , not so much with the view of re form but for safety of other pee ple. Valentine people should not implore a pardon for such charac ters when correctly sentenced ) . . . . . fe : " : : @ . : . > V : . K. - : .v5- . > ; : - V-/--- ? s---i.V : Coffee You won't pay any more for Mo Laughlin XXXX Coffee , but you'll get the very best grade of coffee at a reason able price , because McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is always clean always fresh- always good always the same quality in fact , the Standard Coffee. Sold in full 16-oz. packages. The handy air-tight package and the glaz ing of pure sugar keeps this coffee clean and fresh , protected from dust , dirt and foul odors. Each package is one pound full weight. McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by DAVENPORT & CO. BED FKONT MERC. CO. AY. A. PETTYCREW. The Loup Valley Hereford Hunch. Brownlee.Nebr , Soldier PrceK'ol- : i MMI of C'oliunhus 17th. : i liiilf brother ottbe $10.000 C' ' : uii- . Prince I5ottd : 'l lol- co : at heud of herd. - " - - - - - - - -y T"TirT T mr I will have no bulls for sale until 190S , having 301 all of 1'JOS bull oahes. C. n. FAUI.IIAUEH. JOHN F. POKATH Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. E. D. DEBOLT. Barber STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Every Respect Etui de Quinine IIur Tonic. Gu ! ' " ' Rair Tonic. RerjueidV and Coke's ItauiJrutKUire. Try Pompeian Kace Massage Crnum H. S. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS CREAM SEPARATOR , ' FLOUR , GRAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postotlie. Phone 71. De Laval Cream vSeparators FOU S LK BY V.ilentine 'U1 . JC 5 Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment - of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Qct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. J. W. 0L"XTY ! SURVEYOR Valentine All work will be jjiven prompt and careful attention. ss at the HI. K. Churrli Every Sunday. MOIIXING SEUVICES- Sundiy : School bepini > at 10:00 o'clock. Preaching " " 11:00 . Junior Leat'iie " " 2:3J p. in. EVENING SERVICES Epworth League begins at 0:30 o'clock. > " " 4' 7:30 Preaching : liEV. C. E. CONNELL , P U. S. Weather JSuvean JReport tor week Kisdin Xov. ? 7. / Daily mean temperature 36 ° . . . Normal 30 ° . Highest 59 ° ; lowest U ° . Precipitation .00 of un inch. Total precipitalii a to date. 15.72 inches. The average for 19 years for the Same $ erkrd is U71 inoh s.