Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 14, 1907, Image 5

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    M . Uftf 1 2 > * .A. Jrf * _ * _
we are talking
L f-
The most complete *
stock in North i
west Nebraska. & 3
snap & WING ,
Exfcrayod On bav mare and
one sorrel mare. , boUi show fire
marks. J. M RALTA ,
42 Burgi , Nebr.
[ L
-H and small barn , with two
in , near school building ,
for sale at a bargain. House is
new , lawn and shade trees , geed
sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash ,
balance easy payments. Call on
I. M. Rice , agent.
This is just the place for some
ranch owner or farmer to select
for his wife and children to live
during the winter and send chil
dren to school. Don't delay as
this property will find an owner
soon. It may be yours. Come
i and see about this first time you
i sire in town. 18
House and lot for sale on Cath
erine street. Price § 650 , or house
will be sold separate. 41 6
During the past few weeks our campaign com
mittee subscribed funds for an additional number
of copies of this paper to be sent to different per
sons whom tliky believed would be interested in the
campaign or in the advertisements of our merchants
and business men therein represented. If their ef
forts have succeeded in getting your attention and
good will or wishes we'shall be pleased with the
experiment and ask nothing further than to call
your attention now to our low subscription rates.
We are beginning the year of the presidential
campaign and everybody will want to read the
news and should take a home county paper' anyway
to know what is going on at the county seat. \
If you are already a subscriber and not paid up
in advance the price is § 1.50 per year , but you get
the § 1.00 rate by paying in advance. We offer the
paper to new subscribers from now till 1909 for § 1.
IT it is not convenient to send money today , send
us a postal card with your name and postoffice ad
dress and we will place your name on our list and
you have from now until Jan. 1 , 1908 to send us the
dollar which pays in advance from that date and
you get the paper two months extra by sending i
I ) your name in now. Send us your name now and
get a county paper fourteen months for a dollar.
Address I. M. Rice or The Valentine Demo |
crat and write the name and postoffice plainly
where you want the paper sent. "Very truly ,
> CE9
s '
The strongest proof of the superiority of the
Edison Phonograph over other talking machines
is in the large number of sales. Everybody knows
Edison and his work , and therefore feels convinced
that his Phonograph must be better than other forms
of talking machines because Edison made it.
The Edison Phonograph
is a scientific instrument , made with great care in a
laboratory which knows how to make every part
right. Its great success is due to the fact that it
reproduces perfectly all sounds. Thus it has be
come the greatest amusement maker ever produced.
Edison Standard Phonograph
with new equipment
Edison , Home Phonograph
with new equipment '
We carry a full line of Edison Gold Moulded Eec-
ords , consisting of over 14CO selections. i
Come in and hear ' the O - * LTTTTiSSZBi \
8 November Rec'ords. . . .
j Fur Coats
Everyone. 1
Sheep Coats
Dog Coats'
Calf Coats
Coon Coats
Wombat Coats _
Kangaroo Coats
"VVe have a fur coat "fur"
you. Call and get it. The
price is right § 18 to-i5.
/ r IT jr t >
T/ . fioroDy ,
Dr. Aycrs , the Longpine dent
ist , will be \YoodIake Mondsn- ,
Nov. 18th.
M. O. jMetzjrer was dour f om
Merriman la t Saturday - ! HIM
us a friendly visit.
David Hanna.V. . F. Park , r
and W. floppy of U'oodi.-iko won-
Valentine visitors this \vp * > k.
Mrs. Thnma . 1 : 1 i-
F-'ul.-r < < - < a * -
home on N < - > rth Table Monday f
a tumor. Obituary elsewhere.
Don't fail to see Dr. Ayers , the
dentist , as he warrants all Irs
work and will make'anything ITJX d
that he does.
Miss Ada Lewis has gone 1o
Boyles Business College , Omaha ,
where her brother Charley is also
taking a course. -
The second case coming up for
trial is T. A. Yearnshaw vs Gee ,
H. Hornby for damages and is on
trial as we go to press.
Mr. and Mrs. Dell Sherman
spent Sunday in Woodlake. Miss
'Ethel took the Sunday evening
passenger for that place.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thomson
returned from their wedding tour
Tuesday and stopped in the city
for a day , when they departed for
their home at Shoshoni , Wyo. ,
stopping a day in Rushville to
visit a sister.
E. Bonnen and several friends
from the west part of the county
were in town last week. Bon is
able to get around pretty well on
crutches now and his broken legs
will soon be strong enough to get
around his ditcher again.
J. H. Miller , who had been ill
for several weeks , died today
about noon. He was brought to
town from his home , three miles
southwest of Valentine , and taken
care of by the old soldiers of the
town who rented the Berman
building for that purpose.
Teachers' 35 > < - ?
The Cherry County Timelier- . '
General Association will rm-i-i in
Valentine in the high school build
ing Nov. 28th and 30th , where the
following program will be given :
Among Country Schools , Chap
ters 4 , 5 and 6 , quiz , Miss Kortz.
School Management , moral
training , quiz , Kate Driscoll.
Pioneer Teachers , Mollie Bush.
Lovna Doone , Annie Hahn. t
Schools of New York , Grace
The Noble prize , Mattie WVnclt.
Girls AsVage Earnfers Donna
Bruce. '
The West End is also expected
to furnish numbers for the pro-
. o o.o O , O O O O O O OQ
? , For Sale. Good Milch ' " * ,
corning fresh ; iboir . 1 >
qmre at Dnnohei" hm.-- 4
It' in need of ( i1 > i c' - dent ; . '
wo ? k don't fail toee l > r. \\IT- .
in VVoodlake Nov. 18th Mi- l
save you money and pain.
Thanksgiving Da.\ will < u < ! e ,
h"te arid with it that louit < > us' '
* * i
dinner. You can niaue fh ' n I
d"iill.enjo.xable b.\ hi\iri. : : ' a ; > e
of loiz Blue lib ! 'n H i r. * l-is ,
d < iiciou > beverage will a ! < i r sh i
t" the feast as nothing es II
Order a case no'-v , but beu e u *
M s. AlVebb inr : -tii.i d M ew
friends in honor of Mr- , /o n
Bull is and Mrs. Fred Vincent
Monday evening. Mrs. I. M.
Rice had previously enter tailed
them at her home , and on Wed
nesday evening MrM ( > ? * r ter-
itiined them at h > i i on e I ey
report delightful timeasi.i ar : s
chummy as school girls. Ni > \ \ ,
we think it's about iimforn
men to entertain their lriemi > a (
a ' 'smoker" some evening when
it's convenient for the ladies to
stay alone , and we'll make- tin
starter the first opportunity.
The Loup Valley tier * ford Ranch
Krowmee , N !
o ilier PreP1i ( i-
uinus ITlli l& ( W.
Jl SOU ( if Collllll'- ! .
17th. a I'-ilf ' t < riitlicr
of theSlO.Onor- ; -
o . ] e. : i n < t
HoHlf1 131.-
CH3 ai head of herd
I will linve no bulls for s-ile until 1005 , havin
sold all of 1906 Inill calves.
Tubular wells and windmills.
me up by Telephone.
First-class Shop in Kv.n l\ .
Kiiii dc Quinine Hair Tonic 'ioja
romp , HeriH 'irt * H
Handu-s the
' FLOUll , ( UlAiN AN ! . H Y
Opposite Postollie. h'hnnt71. .
Laval Cream
Separators ' ' * "
Valentine A V ? \\"l-RR
Nebraska A- * * Ji ± > ii.
OiHec ever the ffmefO rlepiniti'iil :
of T. C. Horiibv's store.
Will be in Rosebud ajrency Iul.\
Hrd. Oct. 2nd and .hin. Ir 1
All \vortc will hfr"f jv .Mi pr
and careful
! V- *
, . - . - ! - * - * * * jf v i
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is always
uniform in quality and properly blended
and roasted.
You do not get good coffee one day and
poor coffee the next
The handy air-tight package and the glazing
ingof pure sugar keeps this coffee clean and
fresh , protected from dust , dirt and foul odors.
Each package is one pound full weight.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
Maxlmurn travei safety , and everythmg for th e
complete comfort of patrons is provided via The
Ncrth Western I ine , with i s splendid service to
Chicago , Milwaukee , Minneapolis , St. Paul and
all points east. Be sure your ticket reads via the
thereby surrounding yourself for the journey
with a perfection of service that includes The
'Bert of Eterything.
Meals in dining cars a la carte.
The most direct route to the East is over the
"Only double track railway be
tween the Missouri River and
Chicago. "
For sleeping car reservations , tickets
and full information , apply to T'ic ef
A.gen-f , The
Line *
Ad vertisements.