toricBl Society \ r ,1 VOLUME xxn . VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 141 1907. NUMBER 44 If j'our bath room is equipped \vith modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves your knowledge cf the value of sanitation. sanitation.tatffeiffl < $ tatffeiffl Porcelam Enameled Ware is not only beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote f8 you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our work ia done by competent men and we guarantee ir to be high grade and please jou. - Orders for repair v/ork given prompt attention. ere. u es on oes , We handle a full line of Ladies1aird Gent's Shoes at a reasonable price. Also a special price on Women's Dress Goods. You get quick service and a premium coupon with every lOc purchase. Give us a call. PHONE 97 , . I VI CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebraska I FRED WHITTEMOKE , Pros ? CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier a J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAII L BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier 6fi -fi -f c Valentine , Nebraska 5 0 01 . P , Capital Surplus HPL $25,000. $2,500 , , co ' O 3 Persons seeking a place of safety for their ni-mey , will profitby I investigating the methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : : AT THIS OFFICBv Pi-lcs Talk of the Town. Try Kazda's barber shop , tf -A new boy at H. M. Cramer's , Nov. 11 , 1907. $ Eev. A. B , Clark of Eosebud was in our city Tuesday. Wm. Anderson of McCann was a financial caller at our office last Tuesday. Geo. Ayers is in town again , after trying his brawn at hard work for awhile. Will Shepard made a business trip to Crawford , returning Satur day of last week. George Hershey is night man at the Owl saloon , taking Verne Stevenson's place. It is rumored that the two pas senger trains , No's. 1 and 2 , will e abandoned soon. Wm. Erickson of Kennedy call- d to see us about insurance last Monday while in town. John Harvey spent a few days at home last week. He is clerking n DcBell's store at Rosebud. Mr. Price , traveling salesman 'or Haley & Lang , has a car of apples on the track this week. Dan Handy came down from rawford last Saturday. He ex pects to move back to Valentine , or , perhaps , to Omaha. 1 am selling at a big discount this week all my trimmed and street hats. 4:3 Miss ETHEL BUTLER. Dr. Median , osteopath , is lo cated at the Valentine Hotel Mon day , Wednesday and Friday of each week. Consultation free. 43 Angeline Gaskill , who came here from Lincoln with her father a hort time ago , is employed at the Ludwig Lumber Yard for a shoit : ime. Jack Whipple was down from ris ranch on White river this week , laying in supplies for the winter. He was a welcome visitor at this office. Pete Andersen is driving the Rosebud stage for Hammond & Bullis , taking the place of John Jones who is unable to withstand ; he severe winter weather. Miss Wade , who has been em ployed in T ) C. Hornby's store , is jnjoying a visit with her parents n New Carlisle , Ind. Mrs. Caro- .ine Sparks accompanied her there. H. A. Lyons was a pleasant sailer at this office Monday. Mr. Lyons had been up to Eushville and was on his way home at Wood Lake , where he says they are go ing to have a big dance Thanks giving night. A Congregational church of 40 members has been organized at Purdum , which will be reorgan- zed by a council Thursday , Xov. 21. The corner stone for a church will be laid. Supt. S. J. Hanford and EevJ. D. Stewart and others will be present. Everybody at tend. tend.We We would be glad to have our orrespondents . get busy again. During the campaign mach news matter was crowded out , 'but all orrespondence reaching us not later than Wednesday morning we shall endeavor to publish. Send in the news so that it will reach us TUESDAY if possible. E. F. Osborn and J. C. Warden came up from Steen precinct last Saturday , the former bringing in the election returns. Mr. Osborn , called at our office and took ad vantage of our 14 mouths for § 1 subscription offer. Eemember subscription price to new sub scribers from now until January I1009 is Only § 1 * We arc showing a new nobby line xf Ladies' and Misses' Dress 4 ? Skirts in the novelty Panama and Sicilian cloth , ranging in 4 ? colors from the plain staple blues and blacks to the beautiful 2 * shades , of red and brown. These skirts are made up in the lat est style of fashion , such as the fluffy 'ruffles pattern , etc. We < ? offer you this line of skirts in a run of prices from § 3.50 to $8.00 & for ladies' , and $2.75 to § 3.50 for misses' . 4 % See our Leader in Misses' Skirts for $2.7,5. Are Displeased With Miss Stoner Con < ! not of Pi"-cM i > tj'fss at Trouble OfiViuls the Wtate ZSoard Report Site Will Re e < l SearMoii K-xon rated and .Resnsm s JSis Unties. Lincoln , Neb. , Nov. 12. Prof. J , TV" . Searson has been exoner ated by the state board of educa * tion and resumed his duties yes terday as professor of English' literature in the Peru state normal school. Qnly the formality of re cording the exoneration remain ? , and this will be done at the next meeting of the state board. The report of exoneration comes from a committee appointed last summer to investigate the charge that Prof. Searson had attempted to commit a criminal assault upon Miss Katherine Hudson. Im mediately after Prof. Searson was acquitted of the same charge in the district court at Auburn the state board met. James Delzel and State Treasurer L. G. Brian , two members of the state board , comprising a majority of the special committee , reported verb ally that they exonerated Prof. Searson. H. M. Guilds , the other member of the committee , was unable to be present. It is said the report of the committee will be accepted at the next meeting of the full board. Prof. Searson , who had been rcleived of his du ties as an instructor while prepar ing for trial in the district court , was instructed to resume his duties yesterday. It is reported at the state that Miss Stoner , the , preceptress , will be'discharged on account of her testimony and action in rela tion to this case. Her testimony was merely in relation to what she had been told by Miss Hudson. World-Herald. - On Friday evening the Seniors will give their entertainment in which they will compete for the three prizes Rhetorical , Humor ist and Oratorical. The winners go to ( Jhadron to compete with other high schools of the north west. This is a splendid oppor tunity for them , and cannot help but lend new vigor and new vim to dormant spirits to hear their yells , etc. , given as they were last year , besides lending such splen did training. C. J. Anderson of the Neligh National bank was in toWn Tuesday- : of Men's and Boys'Shirts , Hats , Caps for the next week , commencing' Thursday , the 19th and ending Sept. 25th.Ve must make room for new fall and winter goods/ DON'T MISS THIS SALE. * September 19th to 25th. OROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. a * . * jtsji8 j& isLgi& JisJLS WE BUY what you have to sell. = WE SELL YOU g * what yon want to buy , ? Call and see us. Phone 23 sj Wf A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. fcrrrtf 6 o r 6- - , Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank Jun- , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , FIRST Valentine , Nebraska. ( Succespor to ) * CAPITAL PAID Of A General Banking $ Exchange and $25,000. . , Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NICHOLSON. Cashier. te CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. - Canned Goods 2C2C Lunch Counter. Phone 7 SKSSSSESSSEEiKE SK a . . . k t 4 > JCrui 1 - .J- - JS.Aii v < i-k Stetter & Tobien , Props. DEALERS IX All Kinds of Fresh - and Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules'and anything you haye to sell.