Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 07, 1907, Image 7

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i jf * _
Mrs. E. AL Tinm-v , storv writer ,
32f E. Nneva St. , Sjn Antonio. Tex. ,
writes :
"During 1001 I snfTcrsil from naal
catarrh , which various other remedies
failed to relieve.
"Sir bottles of IVruna. w'.ilch I
took , entirely ouml me. the catarrh
disappearing and never returning.
"J therefore < -heerfuIlv e-om-
inend Penina to all similarly afilicted. "
Mrs. Ellen Nagle111 -1th street , Green
'Bay , Wis. , writes.
"I have often 'heard Penina praised
'end it is more widely known here than
\ any other medicine , but 1 never km w
what a splendid mod.rim * it re illy was
until a few weeks a o , wlnn I caught
'n had cold which settled all over me.
"The doctor wanted to prescribe , but
I told him I was going to try Peruna
'and ' sent for a bottle and tried it.
"I felt much better the next
and within five days 1 had .not a
of any lameness or any cough.
' 7 consider it the finest cough
remedy. "
PEKUNA TABLETS : Some'people pre
fer to take tablets' , rather than to take
medicine in a fluid form. Such people
can obtain Peruna tablets , which repre
sent the solid medicinal ingredients of
Leading Lady Shoes are
Best described in thres
words Style , Comlorf , Ser
vice. You rarely find all
tncse qualities combined in
one shoe *
STS f1i ? C
it ( I & b
are neat and dressy *
Tncy fit perfectly and are ex
tremely comfortable from the
beginning. No better values
are obtainable anywhere ,
Your dealer will supply you ;
if not , write to us. Look for
the Mayer Trade Mark on the
sole *
\7e also make Martha Wnsh-
ingfon Comfort Shoes. Special
Merit School Shoes , Honorbilt
Shoes for Men.
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company
New and Liberal
Western Canada
Now Open for Settlement
Some of the choicest lands In the grain growing
fcelts of Saskatchewan and Alberta havs recently bsen
opened for settlement under the Revised Homestead
Retaliations of Canada. Thousands of homesteads of
160 acres each are now available. The new regula
tions make It possible for entry to bo made by proxy ,
tha opportunity that many In the United States have
been waiting for. Anymembercf a family may make
ntry for any other mamber of the family who may
Aw entitled to make entry for himself or hers f.r.
Entry may now be made before the Agent or SubAgent -
Agent of the District by proxy ( oncertain conditions .
fey tha father , mother , son. daughter , brother or sis
ter of an Intending homesteader.
"Any even numbered section of Dominion
Lands In Manitoba or the North-West Provinces ,
oceptinE 8 and 26 , not reserved , may bo hone- i
iteaded by any person the sole head of a family. }
or male over 18 years of ace , to the extent of I
one-quarter section , of 160 acres , more or less. "
The fee In each case will be $10.00. Churches ,
choolsand markets convenient. Healthy climate !
plendld crops and good laws. Grain growing and
tattle raising principal industries.
For further particulars as to Rates. Rcutes , Ess ;
Time to Go and Whira to Locate , apply tc
\V. 'D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration
Ottawa. Canada , or K. T. Ho'nu-s. ' } i = ; J.ickso'i
St. , St. Paul , Minn , and J. M. MacLiVhl , n. Box
IiO. Watertown. bo. Dakota Authorized Gov era-
Bent Ayents.
i'leuia car whore loa iuw this advertisement.
Trlnmp of Heredity *
The oilier collcso boys were hazing the
now frosh'iian.lio was the son of a
"You will be required. " t'.wy said. a
thpy Mood him on u table , "to preach u
s-cnuon. "
"I'll do it , ppntlemen. " he answered.
"on condition that you do not interrupt
m < > until I have finished. "
" \Vp promise. " '
"Will you kindly furnish mo a test ? "
"You will prpach a sermon , " they said ,
after roriMilting tosether a moment , ' 'on
Orborus. "
"On Cerbcr.js , gentlemen ? Great
Se - "
"That's text enough. sir. Go ahead.
You aiv wanting time. "
"All right. Cerberus it is. My near-
or.s. Ihf subject of this naturally
divides itself into three heads. As you
have boon kind enough to promise not to
interrupt m < I shall occupy your atten-
lion only iialf an hour on each. I remark ,
1 firstly , " etc
They stood it patiently for fifteen min-
ut s.
I Tli'Mi they sneaked out. one by one ,
and tinhainjr came to an end. Chicago
r Steel by Electricity.
"The enormous quantity of iron ore
which is bem s-ooped from the ranges
r.bwil I/tke Superior , dui ; out of the
hills of Alab.'vma and Tennessee and
hoisted from the deep pits of Pennsyl
vania , has caused the geologist and
iinori Insist to 'make startling predic
tions. Some of them have jjone so far
as toay that we are tii.nroaching an
era when iron may rank ammii ; the
rarer metals because of its scarcity.
Even James .7. Hill , trie railroad mag
nate and developer of Llie Northwest ,
who was one of tha 'first to realize thy
vast deposits of oiv in the Superior
ranges , ha- * made the prophecy that
perhaps within a half century most of
the richer ore beds will he exhausted
and that we may be obi teed to o oul-
Mde of America for iMich of the raw
material for our si wl tors and fur
naces. " Technical World Magazine.
Two friends returning from a late
eveninj ; ffatherin , says a writer in the
j Xew Orleans Times-Democrat , noticed
Chinaman. The following exchange
j of remarks followed :
"I wonder what that Chinaman is
doinuc up so late. * ' said one.
"Shirts , " I suppose. " came the an-
How's TEils ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewind for
any ca c of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hali's Catarrh Cure.
V. .1 CHKNKY & CO. . Toledo. O.
\V > . the tmJorsiprneil. have known F .1.
( 'honey for the last. 15 years , ; ind b-Mieve
him perfectly honorable In all business
rnins.'iction . nnd linaiirially able to carry
out any obligations made bv hi lirn : .
_ \V\r.niN . ICivvAj M.utvrv.
Who'osale ' DrtifJS11 * ' * . Toieilo , O
. Ila'l's Cat.irrh < * urp is < tki > n internally ,
artlnt : directly upon ( he blood and ni'ifous
.Mjrfaeos of the system. Testimonials scnr
rree. I'ri'-'H. 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall's Family t'HIs for constipallon.
A wheeled chair for two persons.
\\hich is tlrivon by a stora-je battery , : s
the latest auto-vehicle.
Mr.- , . Winslow'h Sooth Syrup for CMiIldrou
teething softens the sums , reduces inflam
mation , iillays pain , cutus wind colic , I'JLa
"Nonsense , " said the man of peculiar
faith to his hoarse and sneezing friend ,
"you only imagine you have a cold. "
"Perhaps you only imagine that I
think you're a liar. " ' retorted the sxif-
ferer , irritated by the notion Wiat he
had been coughing his head off for
nothing. Philadelphia Ledger.
Hides , Pelts and Wool. To get full
value , ship to the old reliable N. W.
Hide and Pur Co. . Minneapolis , Minn.
Oldest House In N < " v York.
The oldest houe in Xew York State
is situated at the lower end of Staten
Island in Tottenville. It is known as
the "Billopp house5 and was built in
IOCS. The Duke of York presented
Captain Christopher Billopp with a
tract of land on Staten Island , where
on he built this stone mansion , which
still overlooks the waters of Raritan.
That it was well built its survival dur
ing 238 years attests. In it have been
many notable gatherings , and hefo was
held the peace conference. During the
revolution Billopp's descendants were
loyalists , and the famous generals of
the British were entertained at the old
To oonrlnoe any
woman that P.tx-
tlne Aatlneptle Will
Improve her hcnlth
ana do all we claim
. . for It. We will
send ber absolutely fre A large trial
DOS' of Paxtlne with book of Instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Send
yoiir name and address on a postal cord.
and heals
tnucou :
m o m -
, brano af-
iuia , seen as nasal catarrh , pelvic
cauirrli and inflammation caused by femi
nine Ills ; sore eyes , sere throat and
mouth , by direct local treatment. Its ciir-
atlvo power over these troubles Is e.xtia-
ordlnary and gives Immediate relief ,
thousands of yomcn are using and rec-
ouimcmiiug It every day. Co cents at
driircistsurbymail. Remember.however
TUB 1U PAiTON CO. . Ifoatou , Msael
1415 Henry V. invaded France and de
feated the French at tiie battle oi
A incourt.
3G42Swedes defeated the Austrian ? ai
164S Treaty of Munster , first to recog
nJzo the balance of power.
1GS. Elizabeth Gaunt burned at th
siake at Tyburn. She was the lasl
woman who suffered death in Eng
land for any political offense.
1730 England declared war agaius ; j
Spain to open the ports of Spanisi i
America to English merchants. j
1753 Gov. Shirley abandoned expedition j
against Fort Niagara after learning ;
of Braddock's defeat.
17GS Guy Carleton appointed Goveruoi
of Canada. |
177-1 Continental Congress recommended
the suspension of all public amuse-1
merits. . . .Provincial Congress ol
Massachusetts took steps to organiz *
the "minute men. " j
1775 Americans defeated Carleton at
Longueuil. I
177G Manhattan Island abandoned bj
the Americans and occupied by th
1779 'Washington's ' army went into win
ter quarters near Morristowu , N. J , j
17Si Liberty of conscience proclaimed
in Newfoundland. j
178G Baron Dorchester took the oath
of office as Governor of Canada. j
1807 Sir James Henry Craig appointed
Governor of Canada. |
1810 George III. or England became
mentally deranged and the Prince of
Wales was appointed Regent. "Thfl
Regency" lasted ten years.
1812 The American frigate United
States captured the British frigata
Macedonia off the Canary Islands.
ISIS British defeated at St. Regis. ,
1819 Erie canal opened from Utica to
Rome , N. Y. I
1S20 Spain ceded Florida to the United
States. ]
1825 Final completion of the Erie canal. !
1846 Commodore Perry bombarded To-
basco , Mexico.
1854 The charge of tiie Light Brigade
at Balaclava. j
1859 Wreck of the steamship Royal
Charter , with the loss of 459 lives , j
1861 West Virginia voted in favor of
die ordinance to form a new State. '
1867 Volunteers under Garibaldi defeated - ,
ed the Pontifical troops at Monte
189S Spanish sailors captured at Manila
released by Admiral Dewey.
1899 Bombardment of Mafeking began.
1900 Great Britain formally annexed
the Transvaal.
1905 New Orleans greeted President
Roosevelt. j
The Control of Tuberculosis.
The third annual report of the Ilenrj
Phipps Institute of Philadelphia , whose
work is the study , treatment and prevention -
\ tion of tuberculosis , as summarized by' '
) Charities and the Commons , presents
many items of interest and encourage- '
meat to those who are seeking to arrest
the ravages of consumption. One is the !
racial susceptibility to the disease. For- .
elgn born citizens brought to the insti
tute form nearly one-half the burden oil
its work for the year. The countries
which sent it the heaviest burdens in order - \
der of sequence were Russia , Ireland ,
Germany , England , Italy , Austria and
Scotland. The same order holds good for '
the cases which came from the second
generation , namely , the children born of
immigrants. Only 31.3 per cent of all
die patients treated were of native an
cestry one generation bade. Children born.
of mixed parentage most frequently be
came victims when the union of parents
was between Irish and native born , and j
next between Irish and English. The
claim often mnde that tuberculosis does
not exist to any great extent among the
Hebrews is partially borne out by the
mortality statistics in large cities ; that
Is , while the disease is very prevalent
ninong the Hebrews it seldom takes on a
fatal form. There seems to ! > e a racial
immunity against the toxine of the tu
bercle bacilli , but not against its growth.
The institute finds that the frequency
with which residence is changed by the
consumptive poor constitutes a menace to
public health and furnishes a strong ar
gument in favor o registration of tuber
culosis. It is also urged that disinfec
tion of houses when vacated by consump
tives , whether by death or removal , should
be practiced everywhere. It is interestIng -
Ing to note that in Philadelphia every
ward in which an institution for the
treatment of tuberculosis exists showed a
reduct'on of the death rate from the
disease , while some of the adjoining
vards have had an increase.
More Carneffle Heroes.
The Carnegie Hero Fund Commission
has made medal and money awards to
twenty-four more persons shown to have
performed exceptional service in the sav
ing of life. The list included , for the first
time , a negro , John Hill of Atlanta. The
largest award was that of a gold medal
and $3,000 to A. J. Iledger , superintend
ent of schools of Finney county , Kan.
He ran two miles and entered a well
seventy-two feet deep , where he worked
two hours with shovel to save the life of
t man caught in a cave-in.
' "lie Cliluetc Armj- .
"ScWiers used to be despised In
? 'i ni and only the coolies were con-
i.u'-red suitable material for iightinij
. .en , " says Owen MacDouald in the
IV-lraical World Magazine. "To-day ail
\ \ . - > is changed , and China has an
3ruy : to which it is an honor to belong.
rVntoius have been .superseded by
wireless telegraphic appar.Uus and sig-
i'l balloons ; masks have given place
I ro Held glasses , comif op.-ra garb has
I -i cast off for khaki uniforms and
the twohamlled sword has become the
oayonet. China was iiivt aroused to a
"iise of her weakness and her
strength , by the disaster of the war
wilih Japan in 1SJM- . Hitherto she
iul .slumbered like a great lazy giant ,
smiling .scornfully at the suggestion
that smaller and weaker nations , > > y
ulopting modern methods , might 'in '
jure her. She bad sublime faith in
the force of Hi" vast hordes she could
throw into the Held. "
The law imprinted on the hearts of all
mon is to love the members of society aa
themselves. Roman.
A Cnre tliut HUH Hel I Good Four
Year * .
.Mrs. Mnry Cninilish , of 1120 West
Third street. Wilmington. 1) < > 1. . says :
"Some years io \ I to fool waU
yft jisysju
gg g ( , [ ) day awoke lrou :
n ni ; with a plon-Jn"
pain in my hack
iiKido mo scream. For
two days I coukl no ;
move and after that
I had backache and
di/xy spoils all the
time. My a n k 1 e s
swelled and I rnn
; t > n n dr"adfully. I was nervous and
had awm headaches. I wonder that
any medicine could do what Doan's
Kidney pills have done for me. They
cured me four years ago aud 1 have
boon well ever since. "
Sold by all dealers. 5)0 cents a box.
Foster-.Milburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y.
"Home , Swt'tJl HoiV I ir * t Sun , ? .
-Home , Sweet Home" was sung
in i'li.s country at a theater in Phila
delphia in connection with the produc
tion of John Howard Payne's melo
drama , "Clari. the Maid of Milan. " This in 1S ± 5. The play was originally
produced in Coven t Garden Theater ,
London , and immediately the swe t air
of the .song sung by t'lari became fa
, Heat llc.slt ami Scali Affee-
tou.t A diet IJSSVoreat Member * ,
IJut Ci3 < i Mjra < "iircM TIaem.
"My wife had eczema tor live or six
years. It ivas on her fare and would
oome and go. We thought we would
give tho'Culieura Remedies a trial. We
did so. and she has never had a sign of
etr.e-ma tor four years. I myself used
Cnticura Soap and CuUcura Ointment
some time ago for falling hair. I now
have a very heavy head of hair. We
used Cutieura Remedies lor our baby ,
who was nearly bald Avben young. > 5ho
has very nice hair now. She is very
tleshy , and we had so jnuclt trouble
with bent that we would Uuthe her
'with Cutieura .Soap aud then apply
'Cutieura .Ointment , it would dry the
heat up bo much quicker than any
thing else. .Mr. II. IJ. Spriugmire.1' \ \
So. Capitol .Street. Iowa City , la. , July
10 , 1005 , and Sept. 1 . 190G. "
< old Calculation.
"You should do something to claim
the gratitude of posterily. "
"What forV" a.sked Senator Ser
ghum. "I don't know that posterity
will have anything I especially desire ,
ami if it should have there is no way
for it to deliver the goods. " Washing
ton. Star.
Ior Infants and CMldren.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The kidneys are essential organs
for keeping { he body free from im
purities. If they should fail to work
death would ensue in very short time.
Inflammation or'irritation caused
by some feminine derangement may
spread to some extent to the Kidneys .
and affect them , The cause can be
so far removed by usingLydia. . E.
PrakhamVi Vegetable Compound
that tlic trouble will disappear.
When a woman is troubled with
pain or weight in loins , backache ,
swelling of the limbs or feet , swell
ing under the eyes , an uneasy , tired
feeling in the region of the kidneys ,
she should lose 710 time in com MISS KATE A.HEARN
mencing treatment with
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
It may bo the means of saving her life. Read what this medicine did
for Kate A. Ilearn , 020 West 47th Street , New York. who.wx < tes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "I ewe a debt of gratitude to Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound for it has saved my life. I suffered with
Kidney trouble , irregularities and painful periods , and my blood was
fast turning to water. J used your medicine for some time and it has
made me strong and well. "
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from nativ0 roots
and herbs cures Female Complaints , such as Falling and Displacements ,
and Orqtmic Diseases. Dissolves and expels Tumors at an early stage.
It strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache , GeneralDebility
and invigorates the whole system. For derangement of the Kidneys in
either serr Lydia , E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is excellent ,
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female illness are invited to write
Mrs Piukharn , at Lynn , Mob's. , for advice. It is free.
! ne trial will convince
will relieve soreness end
sHffness quicker and easier
Hum any ofrhsr preparation
sold for I'ha purpose.
It penetrates to His bone ,
quickens the blood , drives
away fatigue and gives srrengrh
end elasticity to the muscles.
Thousands use Sloan's Linimeitf
for rheumatism , neuralgia , toothache
spra&s. conrracred muscles , stiff
cuts bruises burns " " < *
joints , , , ,
© r colic and insect stings
PRICE 25 < fc,5G $ . 6$3.00
Or.Earl S. $ loan.Bo5tenMcs5.U.5A
S3.O © & $3.5 © SHOES
" f To soy one who can pro ve WJL.
\ Qousjtas t/ocas not msho A set ?
r&zsvstre3 * B ° F3 1 uio.-c Men 's $3 & $3. SO shoes
thansnyoSJief manufacturer.
THE IinAiJOJf W. TDou laa shoes are worn by mortipo pe
in all walks of lifts thaUnny wtbor Laokm- > because of their
excellent style. c.asy-fiVtiaK , arai aujjsrinrvcanr ? qualities ,
' ( hcscjpctiun ofthalcathersaiKiqlhwrraAtejiid * for each part
of the nh mid every dolail of dho nvvkhyttjooltecf after by
HkHItcLs iu2muK.ers. whoruccivo tlie hijljasl vvatjca paid iu the
sluwi ndu- > trvanil v\ho > c v.orkmanshijj cjyinot \ ) eKcelltsl.
Iff ctMiid thko you nto my 1 arse faatoriea oi Brockton. JIa i , ,
and show you ho\r carefully . L. Doutla3 shoes arc made , yon
would then , understand \\iij UICT hold tholrshape , fit better ,
weiir' ' on nrand tire of creator viluethaa aav other make.
fily $4.QC and 35.OO GILT EDGE Shoes capn&f 60 i _ . „ . . . „ r.
C A U T10 N I The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and price sfesauped on bottom Take
SabsUtnte. Ask your daalerfcx . L. Douglas shoes. If ha eannpt supply you , fiend
tofactory. SuccseeutcverjrvvhcrcbyiaaU.CatalogfrocL W.L.Douglas , BrocfctonAloes.
Kyc 011 the Ji'ntcre.
The ardent Cuban patriot had raised ,
: ui army of seventeen incn und started a
" "But .what < Io you cxpci't to achiovn by
it ? " Jiskod one of the ncvrspapcr ourre-
'Immortality" he reclaimed. "Did
, yoj.i cvor hoar of one of us empire bnild-
crs uptling killfJ ? ISroL on your mjichcle- !
TliofcujKn , to avoid Ix'in run in by the-
poliohe took , his < levtitc < i ba/id and *
hiked for the mountain fustuessca.
The OJtl Trouble.
Adam They tell me wo sliaU have to
move out of the garden.
Ere -And I haven't a Uiiag to - car.
It's always just the way. Bostoa Tran
will clecase every arllcle Jn ycnr laandry.
or dinir.g room. Alt dealers. Sample , Booklet
Parlor Game "Wbir , " 10
* OB't be cured by drugs ; , ytnj.
Know that. But it can be pes-
manently relieved by our home-made
remedy. Used for years without a failure ,
Costs S2 : lasts a life time , FREE booklet *
Box ! , Station G , Cleveland , Ohio
S. . - No1007. .
' /-m.V-
x Shots
for lOcO
me Constipation
jxo : : 10 CCNTS c--ir'Astn ot
AT thin , little , 10-cent "
Box of Cascarets.
When carried constantly in your Muscles that propel Food ,
Vest Pocket , or in. "my Lady's" Purse it v/ill and that squeeze the
ward off ninety per cent of Life's ordinary Ills. natural Digestive Juices
Eat one of the six candy tablets contained of the body into Food. o
in that "Vest Pocket Box" whenever you Cascarets ward off , or
suspect you need one. cure , the following diseases.
It can't hurt you , and is sure Insurance Constipation Catarrh Hives Worms
against serious sickness. Colic Jaundice Piles
Indigestion Bad Breath Naitsea Ulcers
When have Heartburn , Colic , Coated
Dyspepsia Diabetes Vertigo Pimples
Tongue , Suspected Breath , Acid-risingf-in- Torpid Liver Headache Scrofula. Blotdies
throat , Gas-belching , or an incipient Cold , Appendicitis Diarrhoea Womanly Eczema.
Rheumatism Flatulence Troubles
take ri Cascaret.
Remember , all these are not merely Dis The Vest Pocket b(5x carried constantly
comforts , but indications of a serious Cause. with you , like your Watch , or Lead Pencil ,
Nip them in the bud eat a Cancer Cas will insure you against sickness.
caret. Cascarets don't purge , nor punish the But , don't forget that "a Cascaret in time
stomach like "Bile-driving" Cathartics. is worth nine. "
They act like Exercise oa the Bowel- At all Druggists. 10 Cents a bos. C33