Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, November 07, 1907, Image 1

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    al Society .
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If your bain room is equipped with modern , high-grade
sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg
ment and taste but provec your knowledge cf the value of
CTtaUfat t Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only
beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When
you decide to install new bath room equipment ! cl u ? quote
you a price on thee guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than
you'think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our
work is done by competent mei and v/c guarantee it lo bs
high grade and plecoe you * Orders for repair \vork given
prompt attention.
- - 4S&SE5K
"Wehandle a full line of Ladies1 and dent's
Shoes at a reasonable price. Also a special
price on Women's Dress Goods. You get
quick service and a premium coupon with
every lOc purchase. Give us a call.
All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebraska
t itaa. : ag ? ri STCgafogpy.
J. W STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier.
Bank 'S
-f O
Valentine , Nebraska
0 P
Capital Surplus 03 i &i
$25,000. . & , $2,500 , cc O
PtTS ns seeking a place of - > afetv for their monej7 , will prolitby
invfstisiatinj ; the methods emplo\cd in our business : : : : : : : : : :
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' Loiy&sf L0fftei.wxfitqKLix ' "V tfMa&p Jtfviw
w'-BH U WAT RlKfiv fAI A WN ? $ l"a l
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Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
Mrs. Geo. Corbin has gone to
Omaha to a hospital for treatment.
Mrs. Robert Easley returned
last Thursday from her visit in
Mrs. J. F. Young and son
Dickey were down from Cody fine
day the past week.
"A Millionaire Tramp" played
Monday night to a big -audience
and appeared to give satisfaction.
A Thanksgiving dance in Hon
ey's hall at Wood lake. Rov. 28 , to
which everybody is invited.
Watch for bills.
1 am selling at a big discount
this week all my trimmed and
street hats.
Dr. Meehan , osteopath , is lo
cated at the Valentine Hotel Mon
day , Wednesday and Friday of
each week. Consultation free. 43
Miss Agnes King of Dennison ,
Iowa , returned home last Wednes
day after a two weeks visit with
ler sister , Mrs. W. T. Kincaid of
oar city.
Mrs. Nicholson returned last
week from the wedding of her
sister at Belle Fourche , and this
week another sister from O'Xeill
is visiting her.
Mrs. Max Viertel and daughter
were down from Crookston Mon
day and visited with friends and
attended the "Millionaire Tramp"
show at the opera house. ' -
Mrs. John Bullis and daughter
came down from Sturgis last Fri
day for a few days visit with par
ents and friends. She has recov
ered from her recent illness and
looks as well as formerly.
A Halloween dance was given
in Church's hall last Thursday
night by Mrs. Jackson , Misses
Springer , Elliott and Gray. The
tiall was decorated with pumpkins
and Iraperies of yellow. Fisch
er's orchestra furnished the music.
During the past few weeks THE
DEMOCRAT has been filled with
campaign material and many news
items were either cut short or
omitted entirely and some corres
pondence also was left out to meet
the demands of the campaign , and
for which we now beg pardon of
our readers who may have been
disappointed in not finding the
usual amount of locals.
L. C. Sparks spent several days
up the road last week on business ,
stopping at Gordon and Cody
where he was reminded of his en
gagement to speak on the immi
gration question by seeing a copy
of THE DEMOCRAT and hastened
home on the local. We learn that
the talk was so acceptable that
Mr. Sparks has been requested to
speak again on that subject ; at the
Presbyterian church at some fu
ture date not yet selected. ( This
item was crowded out last week. )
The ninth graders enjoyed a
very pleasant time last Thursday
evening at the home of L. C.
Sparks where they were royally
entertained after a jolly ride
around town in a big wagon with
a hayrack on , during which time
they made the air ring with joy-
ons laughter and school yells.
Punch was served from a huge
pumpkin , sandwiches and cake in
orange colored baskets and a big
basket of chocolate placed con
veniently for all to sweeten a
tooth. During the entertainment
they told ghost stories and soon
departed for another ride in the
big wagon with kind remembrances
of Mr. and Mrs. Sparks for their
pleasant cutcrtoinineut.
* - .
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We are showing a new nobby line of Dulles' and Misses' Dress-fc >
Skirts in the novelty Panama Sicilian.cloth . , ranging1 in JJ
colors fromthe , plain staple blues and blacks to the beautiful i '
shades of red and brown. These shirts' iTt } made up in the .Ja.t-
est style of fashion , such as the fluffy ruffles pattern , etc. We ? *
offer you this line of skirts in aTiiirof1 prices from § 3.50 to $8.00 - . ,
for ladies' , and § 2.75 to § 3.50 for misses' " . ' " * *
See our Leader in Misses' Skirts for $2.75.
Officials of most of the big life in
surance companies state that a per
son who consumes not more than
six or seven glasses of beer per
day is as good a risk as a total ab
stainer , and one of the largest In
surance Companies in England
found on a test covering 40 years
that the death rate amongst a class
who were moderate drinkers of
beer was lower than amongst total
abstainers. The purest and most
delicious beer on the market today
is Slorz Blue Hibbon. itsmoUerate
use gives sturdy health 2nd'prvo -
longs life.
Chas. Peddicord died of cancer
on his jaw and throat at the home
of his sister at Washburn , Mo. ,
Thursday , Oct. 2ilh , after a pro
tracted illness. About two years
ago Charley had Dr. Brown , then of
Valentine , cut out a cancerous
growth on his lip but didn't cut
deep enough to get all the roots
and before the cut was fully healed
up began to swell and formed a
knot on his jaw similar to that
caused by a bad tooth , and physi
cians who examined it were un
certain whether it was caused by
an ulcerous tooth or of cancerous
origin , but the latter proved the
case and it grew and caused great
pain until it was again cut out ,
leaving a great gaping hole under
his jaw which never healed up and
finally an exposed artery broke
and he died a few hours latc r.
Mr. Peddicord was formerly fore
man for D. A. Hancock and joined
the M. AY. A. lodge at Simeon
several years ago as a charter
member and carried § 2,000 in
surance , which will go to his wife
and three children.
Miss Flora Mac Hornback .and
John A. Thomson were married
by Rev. C. E. Connell at the home
of the bride's parents in this city
last Friday , Nov. 1 , 1907 , at high
A. John was best man and Miss
Lillian Holsclaw bridesmaid.
Only immediate relatives and a
few friends were present.
A wedding dinner was served
after the ceremony anrl the happy
couple departed on the passenger
for Clinton , la. , to visit relatives
of the groom , and from there they
will go to Chicayo for a few days
visit , after which they will return
to their home -Shoshoni , V\ryo. ,
where Mr. Thomson is express
Mr. Tliomson was formerly ex
press agent at Valentine and was
obliging and gentlemanly , making
many friends , and it was during
his stay here that he became ac
quainted with Miss Flora who is
a beautiful young lady and won
his affections , and we hope a hap-
p"y huirte for them both.
ASM a 18
of Men's and Boys'Shirts'Hats-Gaps
for the next weelc/ commencing Thursdayv---
the 19th and ending Sept. 25th. We must
make for fall and winter . .
room new goods-- * *
September 19th to 25th.
what you have to sell.
what you want to buy.
Call and see us. Phone 23
Chartered as a State Bank Charter"d as a Rational Bank
Jun- , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
GAP.TAL PAID IN ' A General Banking
S25 000 &Qs Exchange and
' * Collectioa Business.
G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MA ? , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier.
g X x E ?
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods ? 3C Lunch Counter.
Yill buy yojir Catil . i
Poultry , Florsps , MUPS ! and
anything you have to sell.