Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 31, 1907, Image 8

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    VtM& d
A 'Few of the good points :
All wheels , poles , readies and axles are made from 'hickory stock.
All open head springs 38 inches long and oil tempered. All bolts ,
clips , bailey hangers , body loops and fifth wheels are made from the
best quality of wrought iron. Special channel irons on reaches.
Twenty springs in all buggy cushions and twenty-four springs in all
spring wagon cushions. Nothing but best of .cloth , leather and
paint used.
E L. Fa D
Good and complete stock of lumber always on hand
ii H
Old Grow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
( juchen- Under the
heimei" Supervision
' . -i s * - * tu i * yz m-Ss im of the
t mm , . ,
& " " * '
? < > -Z-
? ?
j * * * ! { - - * * * ; \
Whiskeys. U. 8. Grov.
also handle the Budweiser Beer.
. M
: . * & $
' ' ' :
: - ' + 2k
% You won't pay any more for Mo
Laughlin XXXX Coffee , but you'll get
the very best grade of coffee at a reason
able price , because McLaughlin's XXXX
Coffee is always clean always fresh
always good always the same quality
in fact , the Standard Coffee.
Sold in full 16-oz. packages.
The handy air-tight package and the glaz
ing of pure sugar keeps this coffee clean and
fresh , protected from dust , dirt and foul odors.
Each package is one pound full weight.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
PerCxvt. Per Ton.
Bran , sacked.1 00 $ lb
Shorts , sacked 1 15 21
Chop Feed , sacked 1 50 28
Corn , sacked 1 , ° ft 2-1-
Chop Corn , sacked 1 : 25
Gate * sacM l LU ; JO
at tn .15. K. Cliticch K
Siindiiy Seliool bi-iiins t 10PX ) o'clock.
I'reachitsff " " 11:00
Junior League " " S.-ao p. in.
Kpworth Ltaijtio liexus at C0 : ! o'clock.
JKV. : C.JCOXXKM. : . - , 1'ustor
O. W. Hahn is home fr'om Ok
Dr. Ayers , the Longpine den
tist , in Woodlake Monday , Nov. Jr.
Louie Stetter was down from
Crawford several days the past
; If in need of first class dental
work call on Dr. Ayers while in
, Woodlake Monday , Nov.1. .
1 Dr..Ayers warrants all his work
'and ' is glad to correct any mistakes
he may make. See him in Wcod
Lake Monday , Nov , 4th.
I Your presence is requested at
the "Tom Thumb Wedding" Fri
day evening at half past eight in
Church's opera house.
Horseback parties and camp fire
suppers are the order of the day
at present. A jolly party spoilt
Tut'S'iay evening in Thacher's
grove at a camplire supper. It is
said that one of our teachers is an
expert at frying chicken over a
Rev. C. E. Connell , pastor of
the M E. Church , will preach a
special election sermon next Sab
bath evening. The subject of the
sermon will bo , "Our Citizenship ,
( or How to Vote. " A short song
service will precede the sermon.
Service begins at 7:30 : p. m.
The manager of "A Millionaire
Tramp , " Elmer Walters , gives a
written guarantee that his show
will please or money refunded.
The same performance that is
iven in St. Louis. Chicago , Lin
coln , Omaha and Denver , At
Church's opera house Nov. 4th ,
Nearly 200 persons witnessed
the wrestling match Saturday
night between G. A. Gilbertson of '
St. Paul , Minn. , and Wm. Fugate ,
the Cherry county wrestler. Fu-
gate was defeated two out of three
falls. Ben Bachelor was time
keeper and J. . M. Rico referee.
The first fall was given to Kugate
in 12 minutes. The second and
third falls was won by Gilbertson n
in 1C and 15 minutes respectively.
It was a pretty even match the
last half of the second round when :
Gilbertson began to show greater
strength and endurance , who , be
pounds the heavier and ten years
.younger , and is a good , weli de 12st
veloped , husky giant in strength , stN
active and scienced in the art and 111
felt confident from the beginning
and was strong at the close. j
J. W. Ward , the Britt store
keeper , died in this city Sunday
evening of typhoid fever. He
was ill only a few days and was
brought to town from Britt last
"week to secure medical services.
The A. O. U. W. and D. of H.
took charge of the funeral whigh
was held Tuesday morning in the
Presbyterian church , Rev. Beale
delivering the funeral sermon.
The recent financial disturbance
in the New York stock exchange
has brought a general depression
of business over the whole country.
Several trust companies have gone
down under the strain , carrying
heavy deposits , meaning losses of
millions to eastern depositors.
Much money of western banks is
carried as their reserve in eastern
banks which have refused to ship
currency when called for by our
local banks , owing to their inabil
ity to supply it and have issued
statements that clearing house certi
ficates and certified checks will be
issued instead of cash. Our local
banks have joined with banks in
Omaha and other banks over _ the
country that no money will be
paid out exceeding 0 per cent of
checks up to § 250 in case of at
tempt to withdraw deposits , nor
more than § 50 on any account in
one day. Xo such panic has been
experienced since 1873 nor can we
tell the half nor does the daily pa
pers tell half the excitement which
prevails in the east in a clamor for
money which ranged from 12 to
75 per cent Monday and one miri-
ute before the close of the stock
exchange in New York two mil
lions wove loaned on call at 50 per
cent. Dozens of banks have sus
pended payment entirely until the
excitement subsides and many re
fuse to pay out to exceed 810 on
any account in one day. Jn Oregon
gen the governor has declared a
week of holiday so that banksrmay
remained closed during the ex
citement. Everybody is hoping
each day for better news and a
settled condition to prevail but
the disturbance is general and far
reaching in effect. Business was
at a stand still but is being re
sumed gradually. It must mean
lower prices for everything and a
great slump in the stock and grain
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will , please phone No. 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at oilice to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. F. OILMAN.
St. IVielioias dlzurcii.
Services will be held as follows :
In Valentine Friday , Nov. 1 ,
All Saints Day ; first mass 7:30 : a.
in. , second mass with sermon at
10 a. ra. Next Saturday , All
Souls Day , mass at 9 a. m.
In Nenzel Nov. 3.
In Norden Nov. 10.
Jn Arabia Nov. 10.
In Valentine , Nov.17 ; low mass
at S:00 : a. m. , high mass and ser
mon at 10:30. : instruction for the
children at 3 p. m.
LEO M. BLAKRE , Rector ,
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , Valentine. > ebn.ska.
October . l'M7.
A sulliciont contest affidavit having been liied
in tins otlicc ty EsMIa M. Merrill , con-
'e < tant. against Homestead entry iNo. M5r > - ,
made .In y 14. iniw. for K'esi : . , . SedMii < ; ,
and K'sN J'.iT , section 7 , township 31. range 2r ,
by Miranda i handler conn s'ce. hi which it
s alleged th.-it said Miranda Chandler
has wholly abandoned 'aid land and i
change l her re idencc therefrom f > r more >
than six month * last pa < t. thai the land is not I
settled upn nor cultivated in gojd faith aj the I
law requires , and ei'trjnianha < nt\er estaDlish- I
ed her rcsidcncu u.-oii ilu : land as the law re-j
ciiiires and has lailrd to cure her laches n- 11
thisdatf , and said nil. ged abs. nee wa-t nutdue
tu her employment in tlm aiiuy , navy or marine
corps ol Hie United States as a private soldier ,
rdtlcer , s-amaii or marine cluritg t lit ; war wiih
Spain or dining any other war in which the
Utijtuil States may he engaged.
Sa/d / parties are hereby notified to appear , respond
spend aii'i oiler ( jvijlcnco touchili saut allega
tion ar. M ) o'jJloclc a. m , . on | ) " < cinter > . 1 ! > U7 , DK- ! f
Sorti tjie njrister ami receiver at tiie. { Jnited '
Slates Land Office inValei finei Nt'bra k ; } ,
tlio hajd rojiti-gtiint haying , in & proper afli.- ;
ilavjt , | i i d Ottobt-r & itU7. ) ber forth fa is 1
lyliicji sljou that after due. diligence jjer.-jonaj
M.-ryi p pf Jhjs npnco cap pot b ' in de. ins
rej.y ottered apd uirpcied that siicji uiiticg
gi\ep pyjlpuapn' propd publication.
4a I ' UivK A1JiA'rj 5 ; Ktcisjerj
Slieriil's Sale.
15y virlupofan order of sale iastid by tle : l
u'crk 01 lji r.j tiict court of Cherry Conniy , J
Nebraska. Septemb ( r 1 ( . 1007. under a decree of ' }
ino-U-af-e for"l ( > nre. lierei'u 'llie Commercial J
SajjonaJ | ! anK of Fremont , NebruKa. is plain- { '
IV Mid Thomas K. Jvelly. Margaret T. Kelly. } l
Ilor-iee II. dough , John Due , real hapie unknown - "
known , iifsignt'tt it Horace 11 CJmigli and
Kir Imnl Jloe. ruul name unknown , adinmistnt- "
or of the esinte of Horace H. 'jlongli. ( ( ecrjasfi.i , H
lefeiidanta , I will sell at the front ( Jeer cjf tlm u
ourt house in Valentine. Chcrrv c nntj * , Neb ?
abka. that being the building wherin the la t f !
t-rm ot said court was held , on the 30th day } l
Jay of Nov. 1:107. : at 10 o'clock a. m. , to > atisty ' "
iidgmetit of $ ! ) & } .5t3 and interest at 8 percent j !
rom late 'A jtitlsmcnr , Feb. Uth. 1U07 , and "j
osts taxed at . 3.10 and accruing costs , at puh- 1J
: auction , to tli highest bidder for cash the r |
OilOiiing < < i.'sciihed property towit : SK'4 of
eotion ' 1. tow < shp } j { | . rapge p. and K'/GNEU. A '
Cherry comity. Ncraska. i - Sl.
Dated this :0th day of October , 1D07. ol
Sheriff.b iy
bhn M. Tucker , atlj ' 4 f-.r phf. -13 3
R M Faddis& Co.
Postofllce address Valentino or Kennedy.
Some branded
; . * T - on If It
! thigh.
Horses branded
or thigh.
. Some Some branded
branded on righn thigh
on left or shou.der.
or thhih
N. S. .Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left
side and hip , and on
left shoulder of her
ses. Also !
left side
lf - * - on
Some f at-
tlM brand
ed husk- ng peg ( either side up ) on
lelt side or hip. p on left jaw and e t shoulder
of horses , QJ
QJQ on left hip of horses.
"KJ"on left jaw of horses
( ! . W. Bennett
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
Uordonand Snake
creeks and on the
Niobrara river
George Heyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Ilorses branded on
left shoulder
Kantre north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
Postotflce address
liyanmg , Neb
On right side
on left
also cattle
on right s d *
Range lo miles ,
north of Gvannis
Pat Peiper
Simeon Nebr
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
private mark , slit
in left ear
0. P. Jordan.
Rosebud , SD
Horses and cnttle
same as e : t. also
CJ liK JJ on risht
Range on Oak and
Butle creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
bearing any of these brands.
Albert Whipple & Sons
Rosebud , S. D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on riehtsirie
Some cattle also
have a - fen neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind n ar
Some Texas
cattle branded S O on lett side and somej
on left side.
Horses branded SOS on left bin. Some
branded AW bar connected on both sidca
Iflffc hio of horswa
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cuttle branded
as cut on left side
Some Q.YOII left
C on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon ,
K-rP-A-ISr-S Tabules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The ont package s enough for usual occas
siens. Tlie familj' bottle ( < JO cents ) contains a
for a voar. All rlrpccists soil them
Contest Notice ,
[ J. S. Land Office , yaletilinp. Nebraska , (
October 23 , loor. i
A guHicient congest aflidavir having boun filed
jn this omce by Harvey 1) . Meredith , contest u t.
against Homestpad enry ( No 1S3H. made
AnyiNt R. 190(5. ( lor W'i Kii. Wi. } st-ctipn 4.
and K Eii. scctionn. toi\nhip 31. range a ) , by
Josei liV J'icuett , contostee , in which it is al
leged that , claimant havhollv abaiidonpi ! siiiil ef
U'act for more than SIK moiuhs last past , that ho
lias never resided upon , cultivated "rimprnvd
said tract as reriuirea by lw. that hp d"es no
tiiajntajn a bona jide residence oil -iid ; tr.ict bin
lives elsewhere , that sajii delects exist at thjs 3 ?
ilate anil have not bt-en cur'd.
tjaid parties are horeny notified to appear ,
rcspona and oll'er evidence toucliiiursaid ah gar
ion at 10 oVlofck a. in. on the Jtli day of iNoveiu-
er , 1907 tiefore John II. Welton , U S. Com. at
lis olllcri in Inllen. Xfbniska and that the
inal hearinjvill be held at 10 o'clock a. m on
pcem iurC. 1007 , before the register and n--
t'iver ar the United fctates Land Oiliee in
The said contestant hav'ng. in a proper alii-
layir , tiled Get ' . ' .I , lOOr. set forth facts which
hoiv that after due diligence personal service
this notice cannot he mane , it is hereoy
mlered and directed that such notice be given
due and proper publication.
425 E. OLSON ji El
Came brands
on left aide at .
6-lnch bo
cut , - <
Brand registered
branded ffwl
left shoul-11"1
'der. ' 2 1 - -
iDcnc circle , l-ln
box. Registered 876. Range 6 miles south
Irwiu 011 Nlobrara river.
Parinelee Cattle Co.
Ho ebud.S.D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with stripe under
tail. ,
Horses branded
left thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
3 f
Cattle branded
anywhere on Ic'ft
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Ilorses have
same brand on
eft thigh.
Range on Cordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of $250 will be raid to any person for
information leading to the arrest ami final
conviction of any person or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
Jos. rJristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio-
brara river four
miles east ol Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Postofilce addrtss
Ilyannis , Neb
Branded on lelt side
Range eighteen miles
nortlrof Elvannis
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on right side
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams
Murriman , Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Lake
Creek , S , D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on cut.left side
&om ? on Isfc hip.
Horses same on
left , shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut o
left si le.
branded ;
on left
Range 6 ailea
south of Irwin.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut baik
right shoulder and
on right hip
Range on the
N lobrara
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left i
side. Hor-J
ses left
Range north o
Cutcomb Lake
G. II Little.
Merriman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also g >
Range Lake Creek
Sa\vyer Bros.
ostqfljce addresg
G. K. Sawyer hijs
charge of th'eso cat-
tie Horses I ) $ on
left shoulder Somp
'oft ' sjdp
WcrfS7UB.-g aftiK 5Sfe SailIOrsftS > Jt es
ft thigh. Itajige oa Suak riv rS § §
ska Land and
Fcedjng CQ.
tartlett Richards Fnss Will G Comstock
V p
v ' v > r
Chas G Jamison * - - - -
branded QP
Part of animal ;
aorses branded tht
Range between
. .