Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 31, 1907, Image 7

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    " " "
J 3QJgUt& doeis Kof ttsaffc & sell
$ ? , * RW73i' # 1 mofoKen's $ S&$3.SOsttszcs
fifau utftKiff w
( thxnassyothsr tas ufscltsre:1.
THE REASON W. L. Douglas 'i < ? s an vors 1- more people
in ail v.uh'iH nflifp thjv > uny ot'icr : : t ci-l-oca'jbc of t'uir
excellent st' , cisv-lit'imj , and su-eu rw 'jii"g qualities.
Theaek-rtion oi thei atiisns.indo'her ' . . .at < > n-ils for cacli part
of th" shoj a ! c.crlit ; tail of thu inakrigi > > looked after bv
s , who rccpive the hi h stQKPS jjaid in the
eboei ndu tr- . and who e workmanship c-snnnt i e excelled.
If I could t.ikc you nto lartpjfat"ones at I'rockton.Mns' . ,
nnd show you how carofulh Vv' . L. Douijla. s-hees are made , vou
wouldthcn und"r < ta'd v.hv thov hold thiMrshaj > e , fit Letter ,
weartjonjvrjird are of sn-a-cr vtilu thai anv other make.
' 6e.equalled . si any price.
ij Positively cured by
tziesc Little Pills.
Tliey also relieve * Dis
tress roni Dyspepsia , In-
dlgcsUoa and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness. Kausea ,
DroTTslness. Bad Taste
rr In the Mouth , Ccated
rrt Tongue , Pain in tlie Side ,
regulate toe Bowels. Purely "Vegetable.
CARTERS Genuine Must Eear
Fac-Simile Signature
1 Jim
. \m \
.c * hott > e can draw the
without help , if you
reduce friction to almost
nothing by applying
No other lubri
cant ever made
wears so long
and savcsso much
horsepower. Next time
Slant ! ord O 2 Co.
Can't be cured by drugs : you
know that. But it can be per
manently by our home-made
remedv. T -d far voars without a failure.
Costs S ? : \i \ ts a life t. mo. hREE booklet.
! , M-tion G , Cleveland , Ohio
New 2nd Liberal
Kow Open for Settlement
Sons cf the choicest lands IT the g ain
3jelts of Saslt-tcl.owknand Altxsrta have recently bsci
cpened for w.tlement under the R . -e j Homestead
Re u'.a + ion ; ct Caiada. Thcusanc c r liones eads ct
1 60 acres esch are now available. Tha new regula
tions maJe it i.cssi'-is far entry to be made by prcxy ,
ihs opror'uraty that many in the Ur.-sd ! States have
Lsen vaiti'i7 for. Arymember cf a family may rr.r/e
entry for any ether member of the family who may
be entitled to rr.ako entry for cr herce . ' .
Entry rr.av new be r ad3 bsfore the A s-nt or Sub-
Aeent of the District by prcsy 'on certain conditions .
byths father , mot bar. con. dauehter.'brothsr or sis
ter of an intending homesteader.
"Anyeven numbered section of Dominion
Lands in I-lanitnba or the Iforth- West Provinces ,
Kccapt.c s and 26. not reserved , may be homesteaded -
steaded by any person the sole her.U of a family ,
or male over 1 3 yea. s of ane , to the extent of
oca-quarter sec ton , of ICO acres , more or less. "
The fee in each ess ; will be $10.00. Churches.
ichnolsand tna-kets convenient. Hez-Ithy cli'.nste ,
eplendidcrof s and ead lav/s. Grain crowing s.nd
cattle rsisins prir.clval instries.
For further j.articv'ars as to Rates. Routes. Eesi
Tims to Co w.d V/hsre to Ldtate. sp ly tc
\V. D. Stot" . Supt-rint-iidetit of InjiKur.inon
Ottav.a , I'ana'Ki. or h. . T. HoVn-s , 31 ; J.ic' % ot'
St. , . t. P.iuJ , Minn , n-tt I. M. M.KLach'm. Bo-s
lib , Wal'-rtnv.-n , ix > . Dakota Authorized Govcni-
cient j * tents.
tni * a'1 nrti mpTit
353 To convince any
ft ! woman that P.i-
tiiio AntJ-pptIc 'vill
Improve lur health
and do all \vo
lor it Wo will
send ter ahsolutclv free \ larjre trial
box oi wilh book of Instruc
tions aud g-nulne tcst&iunnls ! ! Send
yoor nauio and aildress oa a postal card.
5 * PI cloaascs
and heals
irMl fga m U 0 O U 5
i m o HI -
brann af-
ltuu"lf , allCiJ &S
caburl ) sod inflammation ciu. > o < ftYfon :
nine Ws ; aero eyc > < 3 , bor thtoii and
iiiautli , by direct local trostni > j t Its our-
atlvo jnivrcr over tlifsa i.-oubi ? la
nnliuai7 aid u'vcu ImicediAto
Tliouaa ids ofvoiaifn are tilug zra4 rae-
onueoniiiug it ecry dty M amis nt
dnpai > aor by ntnil. Kft&K'm5 > r , bowavdr ,
IT to.'yrs y < i ; N < yrriij > ' } TOTIIY IT.
THB li. 1MJC1-OK CO. , :5o rm > ' , aiana.
vv \\ICITINO TO AOVh.itTj.scKa
.plcH r KIOT yon oaw Uiu aavarl oinai
An Ki > itnili oi Pope's
Tlie following epitaph , written by
Pope , was highly commended by John
son. It was written to keep alive the
memory of Elizabeth Corbett , who
sleeps now in St. Margaret's , Westmin
ster :
Ilere rests -woman , good without prc-
Blest with plain reason nnd with sober
sense ;
Xo conquest she but o'er herself desired ;
Xo arts essayed , but not to be admired.
Passion and pride were to her soul un
known ,
Convinced that virtue only is our own ;
So unaffected , so composed a mind ,
Po firm , yet soft ; so strong , yet so refined.
Heaven , as its purest gold , by tortures
tried ;
Tlie salut sustained it , but the woman
The American coritractor stood at the
jase of. thf great pyramid ami looked at
the venerable monument in disgust.
"It's a big pile , all right , " he said ;
'and it may do well enough for Ivjypt ,
l.ut if a man in the United States should
turn out a job of stone work like that the
papers would roast him from Ilobokcn 1o
Turning away disappointed , he con
soled himself by taking a ride on a camel ,
vhic-h animal he found fully up to all the
descriptions lie had read of it.
A Matrimonial Xciiesslty.
"Mary couldn't take that outing trip
vitliout her husband. "
"Why not ? "
"All her waists button down the
'jack. " Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Hides , Pelts and Wool. To get full
/aluo , ? hip to the old reliable X. W.
Hide nnd Fur Co. , IMinneapolis , Minn.
I Miracle Lettuce.
| "Yes , " said a florist , "I can work
i miracles iu rny business. For instance.
J I can grow you lettuce-while you wait
, sweet , crisp lettuce that you may eat
. for your dinner with the broiled spring
"I do It in this way. I take a hand
ful of lettuce seeds that have been
soaked overnight in alcohol , and I plant
them in a box containing three inches
of loam and quicklime. I water this
f.o5J. and in ten minutes the seeds
Lurst. In twenty minutes two tiny
leaves push through the earth. The ,
I&aves grow and multiply. In an hour' '
thsy are as big as half dollars. Theni
you may pluck and eat them. They'
are delicious a fairy salad.
"Sometimes , when I give a dinner
party , I have one of these little pre
pared lettuce beds in the center of the
table. The guests see the lettuce grow ,
and when the time conies for the salad
course , there is their salad blooming
before them , all ready for them to
pluck. " Chicago Inter Ocean.
SklncfBeauty Is a Joy Forrver.
fcR. T. Felix Couraud's Gnontol
v Cream or Magical Boautifier.
Removes Tan , rimpleJ ,
liCi , &utu l'.itcLCSt
, and bin D.sraJcs ,
and every bcini.-h !
oa bcscty. and lie-
flaa detection. It
has stood the test
of 5v jeirs , and
Is 09 handcra we
- rin.aar
Dr. L. A.
wto to a
t JuuJ.
"As yru kidaes
V'C1 CM lfc' ' .
X roe n oii
' a ? tee J ast ha fal ef a'J tko
Kkln fuwosV' P > .f' P ° r saV ; try all < ir ! Sflfia tawVanof *
3 Ue.-wn In the Ucil u Stuiw , CariKto acA BMt < n *
\ , Ftcp , , 37 Great Jarcs Siat ! KcwM
\ * . -
In the largely increased volume of pay
ments through the banks , decline in com
mercial defaults and shipments of breadstuffs -
stuffs double those of last year bringing
thtf highest prices this season are found
encouraging testimony to well-sustained
activity in buiness. Less presure is also
evident in money and the autumn demand
for necessaries and factory outputs re
flects steady consumption , which would
not be so were the purchasing power gen
erally curtailed. Weather conditions fa
vor the leading distributive hues and
movements of commodities compare favor
ably with a year a o , forwarding to the
interior being especially heavy. New
contracts in iron and steel show best in
structural shapes , wire , pipe and mer
chant iron , but there * is no falling off in
furnace deliveries and rail mills have
oookings running into next July.
Mercantile collections in the West
make a satisfactory showing and credits
iiv regarded healthy , notwithstanding the
tightness of money. Agriculturists con
tinue prompt iu their marketings for cash
and the unusually profitable returns add
rap'dly to country bank deposits. Retail
trade here and at interior centers is seen
to be of seasonable proportions. I.uying
remains large In wholesale branches of
dry goods , clothing , boots and shoes , fur
niture and food products.
Hank clearings. $ l > ( j'r)77,101) , exceed
those of corresponding week in llJOb' by
1S.T per cent.
Failures reported in the Chicago dis
trict number 18 , against -1 last week and
20 a year ago. Those with liabilities
over $ "JUOO were > in number , against 9
'ast ' year. Duns Tnde Review.
Trade , crop and industrial reports arc
. -ather more irregular. Interest as to dis
tributive trade has now largely passed
from the wholesale and jobbing branches
to retail trade , the development and pro
portions of which will be closely scrutin
ized from now on. So far the reports as
to this line are conflicting , being best in
parts of the Northwest , Southwest and
Soutih. and relatively slackest at the Ksst ,
which needs sharp , cold weather for best
activities. Jobbing business is fair as a
whole , it being noted that house trade is
very quiet , while filling-in orders vary
with sections reporting. The money
stringency is an additional feature which
attracts attention , affecting as it does the
item of collections on past transactions.
As to this item of collections , too , it may
be said that holding of crops has been a
subject of complaint from several points.
llusiness failures in the United States
for the week ending Oct. 17 number 10-1 ,
against 102 last week , 170 in the like
week of 1000 , 17S in 3003 , 227 in 3004
and 210 in lOOo. Canadian failures for
the week number .10. as against 2-1 last
week and IS in this week a year ago.
BradsfYeet's Commercial Report.
Chicago Cattle , common to prime
$4.00 o $7.-ir : ; hogs , prime heavy , $1.00
to $0.00 : sheep , fair to ehruw , 5.00
to $ n.7.1 ; wheat , Xo. 2 , $1.01 to ? UU ;
corn , Xo. 2. Olc to 02c ; oats , slatndard ,
olc ro o2c ; rye , Xo. 2 , SOc to 8Sc ; bay ,
timothy. $12.00 to $20.00 ; pi-uric , ? 0.00
to $ lo.OO ; butter , choice creamery , 27c
to 2Sc ; egcs fresh , lOc to 24 ? ; potatoes ,
per bushel , r , c to Ouc.
Indianapolis Cattle , shipping , § 3.00
to $7.10 : hogs , good to choice heavy ,
$ .1.00 to $0.80 ; sheep , commoa ro prime ,
$ : J.OO to $4.7.1 ; wheat , Xo. 2. $1.03 to
$1.04 ; corn , Xo. 2 white , 03c to ( He ;
oats , Xo. 2 white , 51c to 52c.
St. Louis Cattle. $4..10 to S7.15 ;
hogs , $4.00 to $0.0.1 ; sheep , $ o.OO to
$ .1.50 ; wheat , Xo. 2 , $1.0,1 to $1.00 ; earn ,
Xo. 2 , Ooc to 04c : oats. No. 2 , .10c to
file ; rye , Xo. 2 , S2c to SJJc.
Cincinnati Cattle , $4.00 to $ .1.75 ;
hogs. $4.00 to $0.7.1 , sheen. ' ? " > v ) ! ) to
$ .1.2.1 ; , Xo. t > , $1.01 to $1.03 : corn ,
No. 2 mixed. OSe to ( > ! ? : oats. No. 2
mixed , F3c to14c : rye , No. 2 , Die to i)3c.
Detroit Cattle , $ -1.00 to $1.30 ; hog ,
$4.00 to $0..10 ; sheep , $2..10 to $1.7.1 ;
wheat. No. 2 , $1.03 to $1.0-1 : corn , No. 3
yellow , 07c to OS'e ; oat , No. 3 white ,
5Hc to .10c ; rye. No. 2 , SOc to OOc.
Milwaukee Wheat , No. 2 northern ,
$1.11 to $1.13 ; corn. No. 3 , 02c to 03c ;
oats standard. 32c to .lie ; rye. No. 1 ,
STc to 8Sc ; barley , standard , $1.10 to
$1.11 ; pork , mess. $10. I
1'nffalo Cattle , choice shipping steers ,
$ i. ( 0 to $0.00 : hogs , fair to choice , $ ! .00
to $7.00 ; shpop. common to good mixed ,
$ ! . < ) to $1.21 ; lambs , fair to choice ,
S.l.U ) to $7.7.1.
New York Cattle , $1.00 to $0.00 ;
hogs , $4.01) to $7.00 ; sheep , $3.00 to
$ r0 ; wheat , Xo. 2 red. $1.00 to $1.11 ;
corn , No. 2 , 71c to 72c ; oats , natural
white , ISc to 02c ; butter , creamery , 2oc
to 28c ; eggs , western , 10c to 24c.
Toledo Wheat , No. 2 mixed , $1.00 to
$1.02 : corn. No. 2 mixed , 03c to Olc ;
oats. No. 2 mixed. ; 13c to 54c ; rye. No.
1 , SOc to f > 0c ; clover seed , prime , $10.70
In tlie Sporting "World.
Sir Thomas Liptou expressed great dis
appointment at not being able to make
terms to race for the America Cup.
Keene'a Colin won a $0,000 stake at
George Penaett announced he would
quit the turf forcrer.
The Yale football eleven started off
with a smart victory over Wesleyan.
Bobby Walthonr , the American cyclist ,
was seriously hurt in a race in Berlin.
Line bucking won the game for tha
University of Pennsylvania which its
tenm played with Villa Norn.
Philadelphia and Detroit Americnq
League teatus playet a. mnarhable seven-
to a flnnvn scoro. ,
A number of small North Side girts
lind opened a lemonade stand at the
edge of the curb. The drink was in a
large glass pitcher with sliced lemons
floating appetix.ingly at the top. One
small girl , with a red crayon , had let
tered the word "artificial" and leaned
it against the pitcher.
"What's that forV" inquired a pass
"Pure food law , " said the girls la
"But why should you label it ? Are
not the water , the lemons , and the
sugar pureV"
"Yes. "
"Well , what's artificial about it ? "
"The ice. " Chicago inter Ocean.
A Tj-pienl Cne of Kidney Trouble
uiul a Tvplcnl Cure.
Mrs. Chloe Page , or 510 S Pitt
street. Alexandria , Va. > says : "My
back hurt me terri
bly ; I had sharp
shooting paimj ,
changing to dull.
dragging ju-Jic. . 1
not stand for
any length of tiuit-
and my back hurt
lue when 1 * at down.
My rellt anl "nklls'
wcrt' badly swollen
every evening nnd
of order. Doan's
Kidney Pills cured me of these trou
bles in 1002 , and for five years I have
had no return. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-MJlbnrii Co. . Buffalo. Xc Y.
to Kent.
Canaries have served an odd pur-
this season , " said a dealer in
birds. "They have been used us one
of the features in house and church
decorations. At weddings , commence
ments , nnd social affairs of all kinds
where lavish doc-orations were in order ,
cages of canaries have been hung here
and there among the flowers and foli
age. Most of these birds were rented
for the occasion. In the spring and
early summer the demand for canaries
as part of a decorative scheme was so
great that I iccpt more than a dozen
extra birds on hand for renting pur
poses. "
The Trouble.
Jones r understand there is trouble
between Mrs. Poet and her husband.
Smith Yes. lie couldn't sell his
poems , and she couldn't cat them , so
she left him.
Lydia * E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
The responsibility' for a daughter's
future largely rests with the mother.
The rijjiit influence : md the information
mation v/liich is of vital interest to
the daughter imparted at the proper
time has not only saved the life Init
insured the success of many a beau
tiful girl.
When , a girl's thoughts "become
yish. vrith headache , dizziness era
a disposition to sleep , pains in backer
or lower linl > s , eyes dim , desire for
solitude ; when she is a mystery to
herself and friends , her mother
should come to her aid , and remem
ber that Lydia E. Pinkliara's Vege
table Compound , made from native
roots and herbs , will at this time
prepare the system for the corning
change , and start this trying1 period
in a young girl's life without pain
or irregularities. It has been thus
depended upon for two generations.
Hundreds o letters from young
girls and their mothers , expressing
gratitude for what Lydia E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound has done
for them , are constantly being1 re
Miss Ellen M. Olson , of 417,2ST. East
St. , Kewanee , 111. writes :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
"I havp liad the best doctors in our town
for my sickness and they all thought that
an operation was necessary. I had headache ,
other remedy has such a record of actual cures of female
ills. Thousands of women residing in every part of the tjnited
States bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia.
E. Pmkliam's egetablo Compound and what it has done for them.
Lydia E. PZnfe&ans's Vegetable Compounds Woman's Remedy for Woman's flls.
Sawdust is now upcd by some Paris res
taurants , the ( jaulois says , as a dressing
for cutlfLs , instead of broad crumbs. It
costs only GO cents a sack.
sideaclw. and my feet wereso son I coulcj
hanlly.stand. I took two bottles of LviluiE.
1'tnkhiuns Vog-tn.hlo CompouwlUGII my
poriotls were established and now I am
iMM-fectly v.vll. Munms.iys she \\ >
without your medicine in the house. ] have
told one girl what Lytli , ' . E. Piukhum's
Vr efciMo Compound has douo for me
and bho is taking it noxv.11
Miss Clara E. Darmstadter , of 453
Ureckenridge St. , lJufTalol > .Y. , writes :
Dear Mrs. Piakham :
"For about a year , except during the pnsfc
few months , I suH'croil with ii voro ] > nin3-
every month , \ \ ith backaches and lieadachesL
I h.d the blues so bail that Ius in df-spalr.
It is a pleasure to tell you that Lydia E.
Pinkliniirs Vegetable < 'ciupnunil IKUurcd -
nu . The change in iny : ii > ptar.-in is wonderful -
dorful an'l I desire that tliis good may come-
to every sufferer. Any ono desiring to kupTT
further < lot ails may write to me and I shall
bo clad to give them. . "
If you know of any young1 girl who-
is hick and needs mothcrjy advice- .
a-k her to address Mrs. Pfnkham , at-
Jjynn , Mass. , and ( ell her cvury detail
of her symptoms , and to Icccp nothing-
back. She will receive- advice , abso
lutely free , from a source that has DO
rival in the experience of womanja
ills , and it will , if followed , put her
on the right road to a strong1 , licaltny
and happy womanhood.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound made from nafiv.e- roots
and herbs cures where others faiL
Of all hinacr , 2-i per cent is free
hereditary causes.
S. C. X. IT - - No. 41 1M)7. !
has met "with pronounced favor on the part of physicians5 pharaia-
ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physicians with
results most gratifying. The extended use of Oastoria is questionably th&
result of three facts l First The indisputable evidence that it is harmless ?
Second That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves ? but assimi
lates the food l Third & is an agreeable and perfect substitute for Castor OiL
It is absolutely safea It does not contain any Opium , Morphine , or other nareotio
and does not stupefy , it is unlike Soothing Syrups , Batemans BropSj Godfrey's
Cordial , etc , This is a good deal for a Medical Journal to say3 Our duty , however -
ever , is to expose danger and record the means of advancing health , The day ,
for poisoning innocent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To
our knowledges Castoria is a remedy which produces composure and health , by
regulating the system not by stupefying it and our readers are entitled to
th0 information , Hall's Journal of Health.
addressed to Chas Fletcher.
$ s&
Dr. B. Halstead Scott , of Chicago , Ills. , says : "I have prescribed youir
Castoria often for infants durins my practice , and find it very satisfactory. "
Dr. "William Belmont , of Cleveland , Ohio , says : "Your Castorla stands
first in its class. In my thirty years of practice I can. say I never have
found anything that EO died the place. "
Dr. J. H. Taft , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , says : "I have used your Castoria and
found it an excellent remedy in my household and private practice for
many years. The formula is excellent. "
ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. Dr. H. J. Ilamlen , of Detroit , Mich. , says : "I prescribe your Castoria
A EgcteblcPrcparaiionforAs- extensively , as I have never found anything to crjia.1 it for children's
* raa3 sirailaiiiigiftcRjotfantfRcgula- troubles. I am avrare that there are imitations in the field , but I alvraya
> aiOF
li ling die Stomachs aniBovclsof ECS that my patients get Fletcher's. "
( i" > iU / . 'J. Dr.Tv"m. J McCrann , of Omaha , Neb. , says : "As the father of thirteen
children I certainly linovr- something about your great medicine , and aside
from my own family experience I have in ray years of practice found Cas
Promotes DigoslionJChe erfu- ! toria a popular and efficient remedy in nlrncct every home. "
ncss and Rest.Conlainsncilfer Dr. J. II. Clausen , cf Philadelphia , Pa. , says" : "The name that your Cas
OpiiBiuMorphinc norMneral. toria has made for itself in the tens oi" thousands cf homes blessed by the
NOT NARCOTIC. presence of children , scarcely needs to be supplemented by the endorse
ment of the medical profession , but I , for one , most heartily endorse it ancl
believe it an excellent remedy. "
Dr. R. M. Yard , of Kansas City , SIo. , says : "Physicians generally do not
ItekdteMs- prescribe proprietary preparations , Lut in the case of Castoria my experi
ence , like that of many other physicians , has taught me to make an ex
m ception. 1 prescribe your Cantoria in my practice because I have found It
CftmTKd Swjtsr - - to be a thoroughly reliable remedy for children's complaints. Any physt *
' cian who has raised a family , as I have , Trill join me in heartiest recom
Aperfect Remedy forConslipa- mendation of Castoria. "
tion , Sour SlorcacIi.Dlarrhoca
ness andLoss OF SLEEP. . ara the Signature of
Facsimile Signature of :
* * n& Yftsi Ws ra I1wa § ns ?
4li illli liai iiiydjS DuiUC.
Esact Copy of Wrapper. n Use For Over SO Yea ?
. .
& -W2tt '
Color more aonds brighter and lasfer colors fltan rny o < fcrtlye. 6no lOc psiAaac iu > ! ors aH liters. liy dycln cnd ! wafrr h M ' anctbtr Ayr . Tooca * r
sy fanaenl wlliou < ripping apart. V/rUc let Iis booMd Uoc lo Dye. Dleacb aad Mix. Calcti. MGf"ROE "D CO. , QtiinrjHlfnmlf -