Historical Society If T r rn 1. s < / 70LTJME VALENTINE. NEBEASKA. THUESDAT , OCTOBER HI , 1907. NTTMBEE 42 'i & * IF your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade U i sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon youi' good judg in ment and taste but provec your knowledge cf the value of W sanitation. W sanitation.'a' 6ftA -A * 'a' ' Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only beautiful attention.'i you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote B you a price on thee guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are rcascadble. Oar work is done by competent rreii and we guarantee ii ID be m $ high grade and please you. Orders forrepairvork given hS \ * cromnt attention. . . . . f \ " < .1Y".r.1" 7T > Tr7p - % iv Hr w ' - - ' \ -i - - " i ' , . v " y _ n , , - > " - \ v v' font es on We handle a full line of Ladies1 and Gent's Shoes at a reasonable } ) rice. Also a special price on AYomen's Dress ( roods. You get quick service and a premium coupon with every lOc purchase. Give us a call. PHONE 97 , OYE CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebrask a Kj FRKD WHITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , m J. v\r STETTER , Vice Prcs. ORAII L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier Valentine , Nebraska n > , _ * 3 T O r3 Capital Surplus $25,000. $2,500. , C Persons seeking a pNic ' ofafetv for their money , v > 'i'l ' profitb3T R investi ratinjr the metlmtls erapluy fl in our business ; ; ; : ; : " : : : : p GET YOUK "sGn GRAFT EXPOSED IN RIVER PRECINCT The taxpayers of Eiver precinct expose the graft in road contracts. They show how Bo wring lets contracts to his friend Sherman , and approves the work without inspection. The republican cpmmitteemen for that pre cinct is one of the signers of the following letter : Barge. Neb. , Oct. 26 , 190T. EDITOR VALENTINE DEMOCTAT : We enclose .you an article we wish published : In a report of the board of county commissioners of Oct. 2. they took into consideration the complaint of L. W , Parker in re gard to the road at the new bridge across the Xiobrara river at the mouth of the Snake river. The report reads in part : "Coramis- ; , sioncrs proceeded to said bridge and found work m fulfilment of contract for this road. " We wish to say there was no complaint is regard to contract being full filled , as at that time Parker did not know what the contract called for. The com plaint was in regard to the con dition of the road. We were four years getting the bridge , and it now seens we are going to be flim-flammed out of the use of it , for want of a , serviceable road. The contract the commissioners speak of was made after the new bridge was completed and after bid for doing work was received and work awarded ( June 26 , ' 07) ) . We have received a copy of said contracc , the specifications of which are : "To fill in on north side of bridge , same to be 53 feet long and 14 feet wide on top , and build wall under bridge on south side and put in rip rap fill on said south side , same to be 16 feet on lower and 20 feet on upper side ; clean out brash two rods wide ; all of above work to be done in first class workmanship man ner , and subject to the approval of the board of county commis- missioners. " The fill spoken of on north side of bridge when completed , MEAS URING FROM liKIDCJE 36 FEET WAS ONLY 12 FEET WIDE ON TOI' AT "WIDEST PLACE , AND AS NARROW AS 10 FEET IN OTHER I'LACES. The sand for a part of this fill was ยง taken from the right ot way , leaving a hole 40 feet long , 20 feet wide wide and 5 feet deep in cen ter , running diagonally across center of said right of way. We find the contract WAS NOT FULLFILLED IN MAKING THIS FILL as it IS NOT 14 FEET WIDE ON TOP , and the digging of the hole in right of way we do not consider FIRST CLASS WORIv.MANSlIIl' . A DRY STONE WALL WAS LAID UNDER URiDGE and riprap fill put in. The surface of the roadway at end of 16 foot riprap , ou lower side is 4 feet above level of bridge. The fill is 20 feet between bridge and dirt bank , which is 6 to 8 feet high. This gives only 28 ft. in which to make the turn , the bank running nearly on a right angle with the bridge. Now what man with a heavy four-horse load will call this first class work ? The brush is cut out two rods wide , but is cut in such a way that the outside horses of a four-horse team driven abreast , would have to walk among stumps which are from 2 inches in diameter" down , and 2 to S inches high. \ Jt seems this is al ! the work the contract culls for. We wish to say that from the riprap fill to the brush is about 20 rods , and that Mr. Sherman moved about 28- = cubic yards of dirt to make roat from riprap to brush , and that We are putting on sale for 10 DAYS ONLY over - > mile of ribbon remnants , in assorted colors and WATCH 49 patterns. These ribbons run in values from 15c to 40c per yard and are not old stock , but new up-to- OUR date stuff , bought from a regular ribbon house at a s ? figure which enables us to offer them to you at the WINDOW ridiculous low price of 49 He and 14c per yard. DISPLAY 4 ? This sale closes Satu relay. Xov. 4th. Jhe said contract does not call for this work , Mr. Sherman also put in a small side hill cut and fill near top of lill , .said fill is as narrow as 9ft. . , will average about 10i ft. , which was not called for in the contract. Summing up this work , we find that the work for which the con tract calls , was not done accord- ng to contract ; and that there was considerable work done for which contract did not call for. We suppose Mr. Sherman did not wish ( ? ) to get the taxpayers mon ey Ao easy , so did this EXTRA work for them. If this EXTRA dirt work had not been done , between riprap fill and 3rush , it would have been impos sible to have drawn a one-horse cart from fill to brush. A short time after complaint was made in regard to this road , Air. Ueed , Mr. Goger and son at tempted to' move a threshing ma chine across this road to south side of river , but had to do some work on road as they went. It took one hour and thirty-five minutes to go forty rods from Bridge. They had to do some shovel work , also cut some brush to use on road to get off bridge and on two rod strip through Drush , they had to dig a trench in one place , to keep machine from tipping over. Still this part is according to contract ? We would like to know if the taxpayers throughout the county are in favor of our county com missioners letting contracts of this kind ? This- work was re ceived and paid for without being inspected , so our commissioners could hardly hold , that the work was any but first class and accord ing to contract , when they in spected after complaint was made , tlough we did not know at that time but what work was up to contract in every particular , but knew if it was that contract was not , as it should have been. They also let the rock work without specifying whether it be laid dry or with cement we have a dry rock wall under the bridge , pointed up with cement , dimen sions of wall are not mentioned in contract. Is this economy or is it graft ? . The above statements can be verified by any person who wishes to drive over this road. In conclusion we wish it under stood that this road needs consid erable work to make it service able. Signed , Sam Bennett. Wm. L. Hell. John H. Lord. II. A. Uavis. A. ll.Stecs. 11. B. Thompson. x H. E. Crosby. L. W. Parker. J. M. Ralya. Wm. Cavanaugh. E. W. tteed. Blake Fisk. r tan of Men's and Boys' Shirts , Mats , Caps for the next week , commencing1 Thursday , the 19fch and ending Sept. 25th. We must. make room for new fall and winter goods. DON'T MISS THIS SALE. September 19th to 25th. OROOKSTON NEBRASKA. , AX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. 3 what you liave to sell. what you want to buy , Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW * , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bqnk June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) PAID rw A General Banking .K , Exchange , . and \J m , , , u - . Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. N. Cashier. | . CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods 2 2C Lunch Counter. Phone 7 Home Baker Stetter & Tobien , Props. and Salt Meats. . . . NiSi \Yill buy your Cuttle. Hogs , Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.