I ft ?
A Few of the good points :
All wheels , poles , reaches and axles are made from hickory stock.
All open head springs 38 inches long and oil tempered. All bolts ,
clips , bailey hangers , body loops and fifth wheels are made from the
best quality of wrought iron. Special channel irons on reaches.
Twenty springs in all buggy cushions and twenty-four springs in all
spring wagon cushions. Xothing but best of cloth , leather and
paint used.
AfiflNS Fni S $
nulmG & -UL OL ft fi
Good and complete stock of lumber always on hand
iy U III D til
Old Grow , All Leading
Hermitage Brands
and Bottled
( hichen- Under the
heimer Supervision
Rye of the
Whiskeys. U. S. Grov.
\Ye al o luuidlc the Budweiser Beer.
* \
3 TV T S T S i ' W'1 9 * * ' 3 " " 'B
iN Go bTETl
& ® ? & P&rwx W&\ /
3&C /
% * ® § stes - > r . ' >
V * J * ! n&v J cViXf-i roTy J * i. - < * * *
That's because McLaughlin's
Coffee is always the same day in day out
always of the same good quality , blended
just right , and roasted to a turn that's
satisfaction , and 16 full ounces tex the
pound is economy.
The handy air-tight package and the
glazing of pure sugar keeps the coffee
clean and fresh protected from dust , dirt
and foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
PcrCwt. Per Ton.
x Jirnn. sucked. . . . $1 00 ? 1S
Ls. sucked 1 15 21.
! < \Mid , sacked I 50 2S
Corn , sacked 1 . ' 10 il-t
Chop Corn , sacked 1 ' ' 25
t& , sacked 1 uU
Jav School Leiri-js "J ! 0:00 o 'cluck.
1'j caching " 11:00
Junior L'j.iei : ! ) " " - ' : 0 j ) . m.
Ivpwortli L.-agno begins at Oi'W oV.ck.
rreaclii-g " 7.o : : '
ItKY. C. U. COXA'ELrrustOr ,
j I feel greatly interested in the
j success of Geo. L * Loomis this
fall and am anxious to see him
elected. I have known him for
many years. He has always been
deeply interested in the success of
the principles for which we stand.
I shall do everything possible to
assist in his election.
! I shall do what J can to advance
; the interests of Judge Loomis and
'contribute to his election , believ-
ling him i.i every way worthy and
'qualified ' for the position of judge
of our highest court.
. W. V. ALLEN.
' I am doing everything I can to
assist in the election of George L.
Loomis for judge of the supreme
court. I. L. ALIJEUT.
I am greatly interested in the
success of our ticket this fall. I
hear a great many well informed
republicans , us well as democrats ,
jsay they believe Judge Loomis
! will be elected.
K ic 11 AR i ; L. METCALFE.
1 can assure that Judge Loomis
will have the hearty support of
all democrats in this corner of the
state. Personally I am deeply in
terested in his election as our su
preme court is sadly in need of
not only a democrat but a lawyer
of the integrity and ability of
Judge Loomis.
I am anxious to do everything I
can to assist in the election of
Judge Loomis and will take pleas
ure in doing everything I can to
ward furthering his candidacy.
1 certainly feel friendly to Judge
Loomis and will do everything T
can to help him. I want to see
him elected. GEO. W. BERGE.
I am glad of the opportunity to
testify the high regard I have for
Judge Loomis as a lawyer and a
man. I am greatly pleased with
his nomination and I sincerely hbp'e
he will be elected.
The nomination of Judge Loomis
meets with the hearty approval of
all the democrats and populists of
Platte County. EDGAR HOWARD.
j 1 am doing everything I can to
i advance the candidacy of Judge
I Loornis. He is clean and able ,
will make an excellent judge and
I believe he will be elected.
Geo. L. Loomis possesses the
qualifications , the mental and mor
al courage , the democratic spirit
and stamina of character so great
ly needed on the supreme bencii.
The people of Nebraska will make
no mistake in electing him su
preme judge. He should have
the united support of democrats
and populists. G. W. MEIER.
Penbrook Quills.
( Crowded out latt ; week )
J wonder if our editor would
give the Cherry county women a
correspondence column to swap
experiences and exchange ideas
and recipes ? Many of us live far
from neighbors and I believe we
all would get much pleasure and
benefit from a weekly visit on pa-
pei * . [ Would be pleased to do so.
ED. |
As so many little children die it
seems to me it would be timely to
have a little talk on the proper
care and food for a child up to
three years old. Will mothers
who keep their children well
please write ?
Miss Kortz , accompanied by
Mrs. Walcott visited the schools
in eastern Cherry county last week.
E. L. Hutchison and wife start
ed overland for Buffalo county
Monday. Mrs. Hutchison will
remain at liavenna for medical
treatment. Mr. Hutchison took a
bunch of horses with him to sell ,
and was accompanied by John and
Harry Roberts.
Misses Elizabeth and Anna Barth ,
evangelistic workers , arc again at
Sparks. About a year ago they
took part in revival services at
Sparks and some 65 young people
were converted. As but little ef
fort was made by the church to
instruct or care for these young
men and women none of them came
forward in baptism. If the shep
herd don't feed the Iambs they are
apt to wander away. These sis
ters are a power in song , in pray
er , in exhortation and have a won
derful influence over the young.
On a fair autumn morn
On business intent ,
A matron and maid
From Valentine went.
While chattinjr so guilv
The lime quickly passed ,
But the circling -and hills
Were noted at last.
It is certainly time
We turned to tne river ,
But that road wandered on ,
And they knew with a shiver
As they followed its windings ,
That north , south , east or west
Had quite vanished away ,
And we're lost they confessed.
They turned , and retracing'
Weary miles without end ,
Till the low sinking bun
Brought the home of a friend.
Dust } ' and dinnerless
The } ' found at this retreat ,
With sighs of contentment ,
There was something to eat.
Their jraunt ponies whinnied
Their very jreat pleasure
At the rattle of corn
In the half bushel measure.
Dry measure's our liking
They agreed with much noise.
We're weary , so weary
Of old Avoirdupois.
Contest Notice.
U. S. Land Office , lirokcn I5ow. Nebraska , i
September 28 IWi \
A sitfliciput contest affidavit Having bet-n filed
In tliN ollice by Catherine Matheus. coiresN
ant. against liomes' adn ry No. JUil nnidc
June 10. ! % : ! . for NE > 4 , section 'El. township 2. > .
range 31 , by Frederick A. Durrif , t-onteatee ,
in which it is al.eged that Frederick A.
Pnrrie hat. wholly abandoned said tr.ict of
land for nun o than six -months l t past , that {
he has not cnti\ated ! any portion of slid land
iior cMii-ed the same o l ° e culti\ted. that there
is no house on said land for mere than one > > ar
laat pu > > t and nevet was a lioust' on the laud
( hat uas habita'-le , that the baid Frederick A.
Dnrric his whollv lailcd to comply with the law
in tegaid 'o setOement and cultivation on said
lund and that these dele * ts have not been cured
but exist at the pre > > Mit time.
Said parties aie heieby notified to app ar
spui d and olfer evidence tonchinir sain alle a-
: . on at 10 o'clock a. m on November 19 1907 r > e-
EoieJ. H. Welton , U. > . Commissioner. Mullen ,
isebr. . and that the tinal hearing will be held
it 1 < > o'clock a. in. on N vember 'jS. 11)07 ) , be- ,
tore the n-g-ster an.I receiu-r at the I nitcd
States land Olllee in Hroken How.ebnuka. . |
Tlie sa'd contestant havintr. HI a proper afii-i
lavlt. tiled Sept to , lK)7. ! ) ct forth facts which I
> how that after due dilinenc-i personal strvice I
) ! ' thi" notice cannot be made , it ix lieretiy '
ordered that such notice be yiven bv due and
proper publication.
IW 4 1/AJUUd M. AHSBUBYl I&ctftfer.
R M Faddis& Co. *
/'ostofl'ce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on Irfr
Horses branded
Some 3 Some branded
l ramU"l53Bffl on riylir thigh
m left figjg or blioti der.
. . . , . .
1 „ ! I ft.1 * *
N. S. .Rowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left
side and hip , and on
It'U shoulder of bor
left side
K - tc M ieft side
Some rat-
t' ' brand
ed ng jieg ( either side up ) on
left side or Liy. p on left jaw aud e t shoulder
of horses. UJ
UJQ on left hip of horses.
"nT on left jr.w of horses
O. W.
Simeon Neb
Stock branded of" * *
with 7 on left hip f ] ,
also same as cut h /
Range between l
Gordon and Snake
creeks and on the
Niobmra. river
George Heyne
Ccdy , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
left shoulder
Kniue north and
south of Cntcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
Postofllce addresd
Ilyannis , Neb
it side
Also cattle
on right s d
uorrli of JTvannisiss
PHI Peipr
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Koan's
pm ate mark , slit
m left ear
C. P .Tordaa.
end IV..U'-
-aw an cut. : a'-
C.F r : U or rip'm
II. * $ $ $ np. ltnii > on Oak and
Rutte creeks.
\a \ A liberal reward
for information
leadinu to detection
of rusiiers of .jtoi > k
bearing any of these
Albert Wliipple & Sons
Rosebud , S , D.
r rrb branded
SOS on left .side
OSO ou riuhtsior-
Some cattle a'bo '
'lave a , - ton neck
boine with A on
left shoulder aud
some branded
, ' .virli two b r- >
L -icro-is hind o a * "
ters Soiii'J Texas
cattle branded a Oon icit side and some CT S
on left side. nSlSsS
Horses branded SOS on left hii > . Some cattle
branded AW bar connected oa both sides and
i ; bin of
P. H. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
> cj Catt > branded
as cut on left side
on left jaw of
V horses
Range on Gcr.1or-i Creek north of Simeon ,
1M-P-A-N-S Tubules
Doctors find
A good prescription
For mankind
The 5nt package s enough tor usual occas
ei < ius. The family bottle ( < < ) cents ) contains a
HUDOlv for a vear. AU rtnmeinfs spll them
Contest Notice ,
U. S. Land Office , Valentine. Xer-rabksi ,
fceiitember25,1007 , \
A sullicient contest afllrtavi- having been filed
in this oinco by (5uyV. . 1'h Ips- , eon'e'-tatit.
against Home.stfaM eT try M > lOoin. made
iMareh 31. 1002. lorV > 2XWJ , . SK'.iXU i4. h\V ,
KK'i , section 15. toun-hip 7n range 33\v. by
.1'iel ( . : Howfs. contebtee. in v inch it is aiNged
that claimant has \\lu > lly abandoned haul tiact
for more than Mniomlis la.t past , that he
h.is never re-iiled ution. cnltu.ited rimpnvKl
haul tract as reijuireo bv l.nv. that he d'e s not
maintain a bona lidf residenu onml tract Inn
li\es elbewliere , that sairi defects exist at this
date and have not iieen cur-'d ,
Said parties are hereoj notified to ajipe'r ,
rebponii and oiler e\ideiice toiichinc said alga -
tioi. at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 4th da } wf voveiu-
ber , 1007 i-efore Jolin II Uelton.U S. Com.-it
his omce i Mullen. Nebraska and that the
final hcnriiiuuill be held at 10 o'clock a. m on
NTo\em er 13 , 1007 , before the register and re
ceiver at t'ie I nitcd States Land Ollieo in
Valeutme. Wf-braska
1 lie said cont' slant having , in a projer nfli-
davir , filed ept 'J.1,1007. set forth facts which
bhow that after due diligence perso al service
of this notice cannot be marte , it is hereby
ordered anrf directed that such notice be giveii
by due and proper publication.
M 5 D. OLSON i
, in leftside m
cutinch DC
Brand reglsteroi.
branded jfffajs
, ieft shoul-llH
der. 2i4 !
inclic circle. l-In
. Bange--6 miles south
box. Registered 87G.
frwin on Nlobrara river.
Par-melee Cattle Co.
Ro ebud.S. D ,
Cattle branded
as cut on left side
with etripe under
Horses branded
loll thigh.
Range on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
ame brand on
eft thigh.
ASfr'Sto to the nmst aud final
conviction of any pers-m or persons stealing
cattle with above brand.
Jos. tsnstol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nio-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Niobrara. '
Horses and
cattle branded
nB connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
Postortlce aadn ss
Hyannis , Neb
Branded on left aide
Ilange eighteen miles
north of J-.vannis
, T. A. Y ART AN
Pullman. Nebr
Cattle branded JT
on rightslde
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sauay Williams.
Murriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Horses same on
left shoulder
Range Lake
Crook , S. I ) .
D. M. Sears.
Kemifcdy , Nebr -
Cattle branded
is on eut.left "side
' , t > n-e . ; i 'ctt hp.
same on
t shoulder.
ftauge y
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut o
left sit'f *
4 * tli OiiC
Horses .
on lelt
, Rauge miles
soui-liof Irwln.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
eame as cut back
right shoulder and
en right hip
Range on the
Postofllce address
Cody , Nebraska
On left
side. Horses - |
ses left
Range north o
Cutcomb Lake
C. H Little.
Merrtman , Nebr.
On either side
Horses same on
hip. Also Q >
Range Lake Creek
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflce address
Oasis. Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these cat
tle Horses D S on
left shoulder Some
stock Jgr el left side
tv wv : wVu s t9jCzrwASt Hors SS es same
eft thigh. Range on Snake river vSL
Land and Feeding Co.
Jart'ett EMiarfis Pres Will GComstock v p
Chas o Jamison Sec&Treas ' '
Cattle branded on
any part of animal ;
uorsea branded tbt
Range between
txordon on the F