WHAT IS PE-RU-NA ? 6s it a CBtorrft Remedy , or a Tonic , or is It Botfo ? Some people call Peruna a great tonic. Others rofar to Peruna as a jt catarrh , remedy , iich of these people are right ? Is it nioro proper to caU Fernr-a a ca tarrh remedy than to call it a ; onic ? Our reply is , that Jcruna is both , a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed , there can "bo no effectual catarrh rem edy that is not also a tonic. In order to tliorcughly relieve any case of catarrh , a remedy must not only have a specific action on the mu cous membranes afFecsed by the ca tarrh , but it must have a general tonic action on ths nervous system. Catarrh , even in persons who are otherwise strong1 , is a weakened con dition cf some mucous membrane. There must bs something' to strength en the circulation , to give tone to the Erteries , and to raise the vital forces. Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from , medical writers as HY3EASTI3 CAHADENSIS. The wonderful effi cacy-of this herb has been recognized many years , and is growing in its hald upon the medical profession , lichen joined with CUBEBS and COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is formed in Pe runa which constitutes a specific rem edy for catarrh that in the present state of medical progress cannot be improved upon. This action , rein forced by such renowned tonics as COLLINSOjHA CA2JADESSIS , C03- YD ! IS EQBHOSA and CEDEOH SEED , ought to make this compound an icieal remedy for catarrh , in all its stages and locations in the body. Prom a theoretical standpoint , there fore , Peruna is beyond criticism. The USD of Peruna , confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quarter of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not oven enthusiastic. When practical es- perience confirms a well-grounded the ory the result is a truth that cannot ba shaken. Mi.ita.ien Aim. "Your alms are all wrong , " said ths political economist. "Yon ninst be right on that point , * saidtbe anarchist. "It is mortifying tc POP how few of our bomb throwers hil right person. " Washington Star. To convince any woman that flno Antiseptic improve hiir hr and do all claim , wo > } tvffs & : rz3 cdfi EZBfo- . V."o will send her absolutely free A larjje trial bos of Paziine wifh cook of instruc tions and ppnulne tfttmunlals. Send JOJT name dud address OQ a postal card. cleanses and heals mucous m e in - brane af- i.vxt.iuu , n. as na.sal catorrh , pelvic catanh and inflammation caused by femi nine ills ; sere eyes , sore throat and niputh , by direct local treatment. Its cur ative power over these troubles la extra ordinary and gives immptliato relief. Thousands of wmneu are using and rec ommending it every day. 50 cents at dracgists or by mail. Eeinomber , however , IT COSTS TOU NOTHING TO TRY IT. THE B. PAXTON CO. , Beaten , Can't be cured by drugs ; you know that. But it can be per manently rolipved by our home-made remedy. Used for years without a failure. Costs S2 : IUMS a lile time. FREE booklet. THE E10ME SEfVJEDY CO. , Box ? , Siaiion G , CJevelsncJ , Ohio Dent Brnccr. - Americans , as a people , are probably the most nervous of any in the world , and there is a growing tendency to uso. "hracers" a use which quickly devel ops into a habit. With men It is usual ly a drink and with women some bro mide preparation. Tea and coffee are also called upon to a large extent , but thc'ir ellecis are slight. Probably the best "bracer" for the. nerves and one which is certainly harmless is cold water. The Russians have great faith in this cure , splashing it over the face and holding the hands in it for several iniuures. Then a glass ful is sipped slowly. The Japanese prescription is a glass of hot mill : sipped very slowly , and many English physicians indorse that remedy. Tlia. milk should be as hot as the patient can stand it. A number of the best French doctors advise such of their patients as suffer from nerves to sit quietly for half an Lour with bare feet. Ii ) I i rhtniiis : Comluctor.s The oiliciency of lightning conduc tors is fairly well attested by the free dom of the great cathedrals and tall- spired churches from injury. St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey , for ex ample , are well protected , and serve to safeguard a large urea surrounding , them. Experience in the navy is to the same effect. Iu former days , be fore conductors were employed , there , was an animal charge for damage to his majesty's , ships by lightning. Be tween 1S10 and ISlo. according to Sir W. Snow Harris , thirty-live sails of the line and thirty-five frigates an-1 smaller vessels wore completely disa bled. That item has now vanished from the votes. Londonj Daily Tele graph. 11J.N Rex ! Answer. The meekest kind of a little boy joined a Sunday school class in a West ; Philadelphia church. He did. not know , the other scholars and appeared ner- > YOUS , half-scared and ready lo cry at ; any second. The teacher , however , , treated him kindly and the lessons pro ceeded without any outburst. After a : short reading from the Bible the teacher - , er began to question the pupils on their , last lessons and asked : "Who led the children of Israel into Canaan ? " i As no one answered she looked from j boy to boy. At last her gaze rested on j the new boy. He started guiltily and j so id , between sobs : j "It wasn't me , honest , teacher. I I just moved here last week from Ohio. " ; Philadelphia Ledger. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j THE MILK PAIL is kept free from ! staleness , sliminess and stickiness if it . is washed with Borax and water in the following proportions 1 tablespoonful - spoonful to a quart of water : I -J j Gold from tlie Sea. j The electrolytic recovery of gold j from sea water is still a dream of many European chemists. A. Noden proposes to use as electrodes sheets of j c-opper and lead or lead and cast iron , ! each about ouc-twenty-fifth of an inch' i in thickness , and to surround these i plates with porotis canvas bags for collecting - ; ' locting the gold that fails to adhere. j The baths , within reach of the tide , I would have a depth of two meters and ! a width of ten meters ( about thirty- i three feet ) . With cement partitions j every forty femets , a battery of 100 I such baths could be run together , and I it is calculated that this would furnish 150 grains of gold per day of twelve hours. In this time , 3,000 cubic meters of water would be treated , a current of 5,000 ampers at 2.5 volts being re quired. The annual cost is estimated at $12,000 , and the profits are figured at ? 20,000 on a capital of $40,000. For Infants and Children. [ S'.OBf § U ALCOUOL 3 PEK CENT. gsl AN gelaulePreparalior.forAs- SIT . Bears f = similaiingiheRjotfanifReguia. Wn ling Uic Stomachs andBowds of hz * ' wW Signat j ? 5. . SS3i > ' , Promotes DigeslionJCheerfur" ness and ResLCoiUainsnciliicr Opiimi-Morphuic nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Jftsnpkia Stcd * fffcfl ! Mf ? Wtmted- ClaZkd Suxr tsytxi flanr. Apcrfect Remedy forConsfijia- lion , Sour Storaach-Diarrhoea : Worras.Convulsions.Fcverish- i ness aiidLoss OF SHEEP. , Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. nlccd under the i-oodor I f * , las Exact Copy of Wrapper. . THB CCRFAUR COM""NT. Spiritual affinities are .ill very uell , but can. they cook ? New York Ameri can. _ When you see a woman having a good time out in the rain it's her ' .nvn complexion. New York Sun. 'hie "Automobile Polka" is the lat est dunce. We presume it is simply killing. Washington Herald. A new angle on the motlier-in-law wheeze will bo to refer to her as "on ' ' ' York Mail. my nliinity's side. Xc\v Probably Wellman 1ms left worj to be called when the wind shifts aiv.l blows toward the Pole. PhiUulelpni.i Press. If the ocean rate war. keeps up , crossing the Atlantic will soon be cheaper than staying at hoaio. Xvi\v York Tribune. Now that fashion's decree calls for "curve-less women , " there may be le.rS nature faking done by the fair sex for a while. Washington. Post. Just now the man who came over in the Lusitania takes precedence of Hie one whose ancestors came over in the Mayilov/cr. Philadelphia Inquirer. An an ocean curiosity the Lusitania fs as big a success as the sea serpent , and involves no risk of harsh words to nature fakers. Washington Star. "No 'curves for women , " ib fashion's latest edict , and there is now a chancre that we can safely regard them as the "straight goods. " Washington Post. There is one consolation the base ball fans all have if their favorite club didn't win this year it is going to win next yoeir. Philadelphia Press. San Francisco is sending so ma-iy bigli officials to prison that pretty soon a distinguished man at liberty Llioro will be a curiosity. Atlanta Constitu tion. Sir James Cricliton-Urowne has said that what ails England is Hint the people do not eat enough. His remedy is at least plcsant to take. New York World. Wheat and corn still keep getting higher , but pig iron has fallen in price ? l.nO. Thank goodness , there is one thing the family can lay in cheap. Pittsburg Press. Emma Goldman , so it is stated , in tends to inaugurate "a reign of terror' ' in this country. As to that matter. Em ia a terror at all times. Mont gomery Advertiser. A Southern editor expresses the opinion that Kerniit Iloosevelt inherit ed his modesty from his mother. Quite likely , since the father seems to have all his yet. Washington Posr. In the German army. , too , the auto mobile threatens to become a destruc tive weapon ; but whether it be de structive of the enemy is another question. Philadelphia Record. AVttS the strike in the Teddy bear factory fostered by tbe enemies of those animals who regard t'acm as de structive of the "maternal instinct" in little children ? New York Tribune. Statisticians say that in a family of average wealth it costs $ 'J3,000 to raise a boy and $37,000 to raise a girl. Thi > answers a lot of the President's anti- race suicide arguments. Buhilh Trib une. une.An An order has been issued In Chicago cage to the effect that telephone oper ators are not to say "Please" in an swering a call. It is precisely the kind of order that might be expected from Chicago. Buffalo Commercial. Mr. Walter Wellman must expect to live a long time if he is to wait for good weather before attempting to reach tbft North Polo. As far back as the oldest inhabitant can remember , the weather always has been some thing of a drawback to Arctic explo ration. Kansas City Star. Cost of Jjivinp : liifi'lier. P.es'inuius vrilh. the increase of 1 cent a pound on the wholesale price of beef , within the past fortnight there has been a general advance iu the prices of nearly all the necessities of lift. milk , butter , eggs , bread , fruit , canned goods , etc. The increased price of fruit and vegetables is credited to a short crop in nearly all sec tions , due to an exceptionally dry sum mer. The price of milk has been advanc ed in several cities to 9 cents a quart , retail. During the season there has been a 20 per cent advance in the price of canned goods of the best quality , arid it is said that the pnre food law is partly re sponsible for this by compelling the retirement - tiroment of many cheap nad adulterated articles. The tomato crop is said to be GO per cent sliort. and this , too , will figure in the increased price of canned tomatoes , which are expected to go from S5 cents to $1 a dozen , wholesale. Sweet corn in the can has already gone from 43 to 73 cents a dozen. Prunes are expected to advance one-third over the average price for the past five years , as the crop is only n little more than one-third of last year's. Peas and beans will share in the general upward trend. The Cotton. Spinners' Congress. Growers of cotton and manufacturers of cotton goods from seven different na tions have met in convention at Atlanta , Ga. , James II. Macoll of Providence , R. I. , presiding. Among other . -eforins faVored - Vored by the convention was the advocacy of a uniform bill of lading. President Macoll said that ways must be found So enable the planters to sell direct to the spinners , without losing the profit of the middlemen. The planter must learn to grade , carry and finance his cotton as the merchant now does. Onr Own. UIin.itr il. . "Mistah Jinkins , why im a ecoldln woman's tongue , when it's goin' all de time ? " "I am not sure , George , that I under stand you. 'Why is a scolding woman's tongue , v.'hen it's going all the time' what is the rest , George ? " "Ain't no rest to it. Got caught off yo' base dat time , didn't yo' , Mistah Jin- kins ? " "Ladies and gentlemen , the eminent tenor , M'sieu Yelikc Phowry. will now sing the favorite sentiment ballad , 'An swer Me the Old , Old Question. Love ; Uow Do You Eat a Soft Shell Crab ? ' " FIVE MONTHS IN HOSPITAL. Discharged IJcetiii.se Doctors Could Not Cure. Levi P. F.rockway , S. Second iivenuo. Anoka , Minn. , says : "After lying for live months in a hospital , I was dis charged as incura ble , and given only six months to live. My heart was af fected , I bad smoth ering spell K a rd sometimes full un conscious. 1 got MJ I couldn't use my arms , my O3'osight was impaired and the kidney secretions wcro badly dis ordered. I was completely worn our and discouraged when 1 began using Doaifs Kidney Pills , but they went right to tbe cause of the trouble and did their work well. 1 have been feel ing well ever since. " Sold by all dealers. r 0 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Uuffaio. N. Y. The Limit. Jim Cruet is terribly absent-mind ed. I Jack I should say so. I've knowi him to telephone to his oflice and asl- if he was in. I State of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lucas Couu i ty , ss. : ! Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the linn of F. J. Cheney & Co. . doins business in the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid , aud that said iirm wil ! pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every cn.se of Ci- larrh that cannot be-cured by the use cf Hall's Catarrh Cure. Cure.FRANK .T. CHENEY. Sworn to before inn and subscribed in my presence , this Uth day < > f December , A. D. . ISSH. A.V. . GLEASON , I ( Seal. ) Notary Public. j Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takeu internally , Ad acts directly- the blood and mucous nil-faces of the system. Sum ! for testimo nials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. , , Toledo , O. t Sold bv all Drujifrists , Toe. Take Hail's Family Pills for constipation. ' The manager of an ollice had adver tised for an ollice boy. In consequence be Avas annoyed for an hour by a straggling line of boys of all sizes , claiming various accomplishments. " "Well , " be said to a late applicant , "I suppose you can read anything , and write anything , and figure a little , and use the typewriter a little , and " ! " .Xtuv ! " interrupted the boy. "If I could do all them things I'd strike ycr for yer own job. I ain't nothin' but an office boy. " ; lie got bte position. Bohemian. At the i'cso. ! "Mamma , " asked Tommy , peering through the iron fence that inclosed "the animals , "which is the kangaroo aad which is the k.insrnroostor ? ' ' S. C. ? " . U. - - No.13 1907. While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering , it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should buffer so severely. Ir regularities and pain are positive evidence that something- wrong which should bo set right or it will lead to serious derangement of the feminine organism. Thousands of women , have found relief from all periodic suf fering by taking Lydia PL Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound , which is made from nativtioots and herb i , as it is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. MISS ADELAIDE NICHOLS It cures the condition which causes .so much discomfort and robsJ that period of its terrors. Women who : ; re troubled with painful or irregular - " | regular functions .Miould take immediate action to ward oif the serious consequences and be restored to health and strength by taking- Lydia E , Piiikham's Vegetable Compound Miss Adelaide Nichols cf 324 VVt : ; 22nd Street , New York City , writes : Dear Mrs , Pirikham-"If v/omcsi who suilVr would only rely upon Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated. I feel greatly indented for the relief and health which has been brought tonic by your inestimable remedy/ ' Lydia E. Pinkhuru's Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints , such as Falling and Displacements , and Organic Diseases. Headache * , < General Debility , Indigestion , and invigorates the whole feminine system. For tin ; derangements of the Kidnej'S of either sex Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Com pound is excellent. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs.Pinkham , at LynnMass From tlu-symptoms given , the trouble may be located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. 53 & 0 vteF vfe ? & ? & feta , f % > if ? " < * k f * P D jp * ! " * e * $ 3a5D oHlOfe © FOR EVERY MEMBER O AMLY ! , AT ALL PRICES. ' Toanyons vfho can firovcVf.L. Douyss docs not ncsffj isei _ THE "REASON W. L. Douzlas shoe * * arc tvon bv nioro in nil walks of life thau any other mkci : ; Lrrun-e of their excellent st\le. easy-fiuins , anil superior waring qualities. Ihe selection of thaleathcrs and other MsateriaLs for eac.i part of the shoe and every detail of the unking islooked after bv the 'jnost comiilete organisation of superintendents , forcrwnanJ SKillcu loemakers , who receive the highest wa cd paid i ti the shod nduhtry , and who e workmanship cannot Lc excelled. If J could take you. r.to my large factories at Brockton , Mas ? . and show you how carefully . L. Dousla * slices are inaclo \ ou would then understand why thev hold -fc. fc * * * wj * * * j. i iijf nit : v ii'Jii.i theirshape ( , tit better * \5"y n-earl on r and are of greater value t lian an other make. v f' fi ? ? ,3mOG GILT EDGESfiocs cannot bo ctjuzfice ! at any price f SiiiUtif ? . genuine have VL. . DouKIas name and price stamped on bottom. 'Ta' . Wo J5lAOSLlLUt . . AiLvMir dealer for W. L. Douglas shoo , . If he cimot auplv you _ cLiect to factory. Shoe -entever vheic by mail. Catalog free. W. L. Douglas , Brockton. A I'ollte Ct' William Jennings Bryan , describing his world tour in Xew York , praised the Ceylonese. "The Ceylonese , " said Mr. Bryan , "arc tbe politest , the urbanest , the most tactful people you can imagine. "They have a proverb that gives .some idea of their delicacy. This prov erb says : " 'It is safer to pull tbe tail of a tiger than to call a lady's attention to her lirst gray hair. " "After all , " remarked Mr. Cumrox "there is a certain relation between Gnancc and poetry. " "In what way ? " * "In both so much depends on capital Szation and making things sound right. ' Washington Star. SKIN SORE EIGHT TEARS. Spent .S OO oil Juctorn ami Z.fiui.-dU > : lint ( lot IVo IluIieT Cutietrt Cure * in : t Wteli. "Upon the limbs ami bet'.veon the toes my skin \vas rough uud s > jre , and j also sore under the anus , and I had to stay at home several times because of this affection. Up to a week or so ago 1 had tried many other reaiatlk'S and i several doctors , and spent about ihreV | hundred dollars , without any success , hut this is to-day the seventh day that 1 have been using the Cutieura Kerne- ; dies ( costing a dollar and a half ) , which have cured me completely , so that I can again attend to my busi ness. I went to work again to-night. I had been suffering for eight years and have now been cured by the Cutl- ctira Remedies within a week. Frit/ Ilirschlafr , 1M Columbus Ave. , Xew York , N. Y. , March 20 and April G , 19UU. " lie Team Al ! IVa.rSim pit' K < 'kvr and Parlor came- " \ Vhiluc. . Pacitic Coast lIuraxCo.Clicaio. HI. ! faict2d\\iihThnmnpnnqFVPWntflr { { ! sce : Eyes , uses U ! paUil Ot.jiiMai03 | s5T r y > fraocia wnre for oar new lff t ' llne cr STAY I O ft R Y e 8r4 8ampl8B. Tfio completes : eva2 Sioux City Kcwopapor Union * Sioux City. laws. New 2nd Liberal1 fioraes ead IN Western Canada ftEW B13TEIC7S Mew Oen for Ssffiemeni Sorreof therh-est ! lands ii ths cnin grc is cf SaGkatrh-jwanar.d Aiberrahave redsntiy ben sitiei-.snt under the Revicsd Hcmectead cf Canada. Thousands ct hcrnscieadacf f 1 60 acres each are now available. Ths new regula- j tionsmake it possible for entry tobs made by crcxy. | the opportunity that many in the United States havs been waiting lor. Any iriOTiber of a family may rnaks- I t entry tor any other msrribsr of ths family who may T bo entitled to mska entry for hircceif or hsrs = if. | Er.try rv.av r.cw be rnada bsfore the.Ager.t cr Sub- j Aecr.t of the District ' -yj roxy ( en certain condirionsi. , I by the father , mother , sc-i. daughter , brother or sis i ter cf an inler.dins homesteacer. "Any even numbered section of DcTninoa Lands in Manitoba or thalforth-VTestFroviaccs , excepting 8 and 26 , not reserved , may be homesteaded - steaded by any persoa the sole bead of a family , or male over 18 years of age , to the extent of one-quarter section , of 160 acrJsnisrecr less. " Tha fee in each cass will bs 5IO.CO. Churches , schcoloand msrfcets conv nisnt. healthy cliriate. spleadidcrcs scd rood laws. Grain growing and cattle raisir rrlncipsi induktriss. For further rartcusrs to Ritss. Routes , Best Time to Co sr.d V/hjre to Lccnte , apply to \V. D. Scott. Sup'Tintenck-nt o Ottav. Stno no , meat A 1'lcosu sar where jou PST : this .i 33 = 3 ISSZI The most wonderful record fn all history merit made it. The great sums of money spent in advertising ! have only served to make CASCARETS known , but the greatest advertisement ever printed could do no more ; than induce a person to try CASCARETS once a free sample , or at most , a 10 cent boJ Then comes the test , and if CASCARETS had -not proved their merit beyond the highest ! expectations there would not today , after five years on the market , be a sale of [ nearly a million boxes a month. This great success has been made by the kind words of our friends. No one who has ever tried CASCARETS fails to be pleased and talk nicely about them. CASCARETS are not only easiest to buy , to carry , to take , to give , but are also the best medicine for the bowels ever discover e d. Files full oi prove C a s c a r e t s * 5are a erfect cure for Consti- Sour Stomach , Headache , Insomnia , Palpitation of the Heart , Bad "eath , Bad Blood , Pimples , Piles , Worms and all bov/el diseases of childhood and old age. They make mother's1 miik mildly purgative. Mama takes a CASCARET , baby gets the benefit. Children like to take them. They are the one perfect , unequaled family remedy. Nothing more can be said. Everybody should carry a box in the pocket and have another in the house. Don't forget "they work while you sleep , " and "a CASCARET at night makes you feel all right in the morning. " The genuine tablet octagonal , stamped CCC , pat up in light blue enameled metal bones , and never sold in bulk. Sold by all druggists , lOc , 25c , SOc.j