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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1907)
Historical Soui s " 91 VOLUME 2311 VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , OCTOBER 24. 1907. NUMBER 41 _ " . T | .Hill J I i I I II "J ' H ill II 111 " I I Ml II L ' 1 I ILL II IL I If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves yam lno\veclgc ! of ins vakie cf sanitation. " tmtcfefcT Porcelain Enameled Ware is no o beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as v/ell. When you decide to install new b.ith room equipment L : ? ' . : : quole you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost ica then i ; y" j'ou ihinh and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our \vork is done by competent mr and we guarantee it to be high cradc nnd pbase j'ou. Orders for repair Vxcrk given prompt attention. ial handle a full line of Ladies' and Gent's Shoes at a reasonable price. Also a special price on YVomen's Dress Goods. You get quick service and a premium coupon witli every lOc purchase. Give us a call. PHONE 97 , A n ' v v LK' Sifti H'J . UU II GRAN CARPENTER & BUILDER. T s-mn r - r rrr - -rm- ---'FT' Till ! fcll I I ! l BM MV RMi * M KMMMntMMHHH Ma &i All kinds of wood work done to ordGr. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebraska FRED WHITTEMORE. I'res. C'HARLES SPARKS , Cashie'- . X W. STETTERrice Pres. OKAH L. BRITTON , As't. Cashier. a . . Valentine OValentine 1" 0 6 -f O c Valentine , Nebraska Capital Surplus $25,000. $2,500 , , Persons seeking a place of safety for their uriney , will proiitby the methods in business " ' ' ' ' investigating employed our : : LA5C5STANDLMOST oIFi T VSH > CLE E4.CT05Y INlYffi . . fcfftiSSr i&5S3ii - * r W. tK&'tt . - * - * 1MJ V"A * TI " * - - - , - , X ? GQQBS QETHE BZSTAI ® PRICES LCWSS7 COh'SSDEWttGyALSTY. " ' V ip Wftfs ' } [ ' OWi GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE Cao Sa'UTw Y < * u in O ialJlv Pflc < v The following from the Holt County Independent voices tlie sentiment of many admiring friends in this county Avlio arc well pleased with ifrcsent conditions , as compared with the former diliatory methods in dispos ing of cases : Judge Westover. Judge Westover is a lawyer of such high standing thao nothing need be said in his behalf by those who are personally acquainted with him. A great many of our people * indepd most of them are acquaint ed with him , but for the benefit of those who may have no knowledge of him we submit this brief article in his behalf. Judge Westover was the first fusion judge elected in this district. Before that the judges had all been republicans. It is a matter well known to all the old settlers , that this county and this district was infested by cattle thieves and horse thieves and other criminals worse than any other part of Xebraska , except possibly the Cheyenne county district. The conditions were deplorable. Xo effort was made to enforce the laws and the people had no confidence in the courts and even resorted to lynch- ings. Conditions were so bad that one county in this district was known all over the state os "Mob county. " From the date that Holt county was organized until Judge West- over was elected , no man was ever convicted of cattle stealing in Holt county from the day Holt county was organized until after the elec tion of Judge Westover. Every old settler knows that live stock was stolen with impunity. What industrious men accumulated in the day time was stolen in the night time by the rustlers. A few steers would disappear here and some cows there. A part of a bunch of ponies would disappear ; sometimes a man's only team. The people were without remedy. They had a couple of sleek gentle men on the bench who were play ing politics. They shook hands with the honest man and the rust ler alike. With the election of Judge Wcbtovcr all this was changed. The first six months that he was on the bench he smashed the Holt county cattle rustling band into smithereens. Several of them served terms in the penitentiary while others fled to a more congen ial climate. What happened here also happened in Hock county where he broke up a notorious band. In Cherry county the people ple took new courage and convict ed the rustlers and felt safe in in creasing their herds. Banks in Omaha and South Omaha began to loan money on cattle in this dis trict , while before they were afraid to do so. Even if they loaned the money to a man who was known to be honest they feared that the cattle rustlers would steal the se curity. Judge Westover changed all this : in so doing he incurred the enmity of the cattle thieves and their attorneys and the enmity of the newspapers that are edited by the attorneys of the cattle thieves. By his courageous conduct he en deared himself to the law-abiding people of the district. Judge Westover has helped to give this district a good name. Since the the day he was elected there has never been a lynching in the dis trict. The eounty which was known as ' 'Mob county" is today prosperous and its good lands are selling at 820 an acre. Before the cattle rustlers were broken up the good people had deserted the coun ty until half of its population was gone. / A man who has done so muck 4 ? 49 We putting sale for 10 DAYS ONLY t ? are on over to 49 i mile of ribbon remnants , in assorted' colors and WATCH tote patterns. These ribbons run in values from 15c to 4 ? 40c per yard and are not old stock , but new up-to- OUR tote 4 ? date stuff , bought from a regular ribbon house at a to figure which enables us to offer them to you at the WINDOW tote ridiculous low price of tote DISPLAY for this district is entitled to re election , and he is going to be reelected - elected regardless of the cattle thieves , the horse thieves , the hog thieves and their attorneys and newspapers edited by attorneys. Judge Westover is entitled to the vote of every good man in the dis trict regardless of his politics , tie never has had the support of the rustlers or of the rustlers' attorn eys or the newspapers that are edited by the rustlers' attorneys , and he doesn't want it. sn OCTOBER IN THE SAND HILLS. Through the topmost boughs of the cottomvood trees Of their wealth of summer leaves half shorn , I can see the clear blue autumn This lovely bright October morn. The air blows soft "with each little fiust. The leaves come fluttering to my feet , " And the scent of wild hay from stacks bijj and brown. Makes the air that I breathe so won- derously sweet. Yonder , the hills show a dull golden brown. Through the haze that hangs o'er like a delicate veil , And I think of the life that is safe hidden there. The grouse , the lone coyote and shy cotton tail. Blackbirds gather in llocki here and there , -And chorus their discordant notes of farev 'i ; While hu eds of crane and \\ild jreesf , llyinu south , The coming of cold , sncwy winter foretell. From the little lake in the valley , Whose waters reflect the bright morning sun , \ I can see. as E look , the puffs of smoke And hear the r.eport of the hunter's jrun. As I iraxe and breathe in the pure air I can feel That life is worth living with all of its ills. And f wish thai each poor , tired , city \ worn soul Could enjoy just one perfect fall day in the sand hills. NELLIE D. KKNXICOTT , PROGRAM Heading Miss Olive Bliss Natural Beauties of Cherry county . .Miss Parker Supplies Needed in Country Schools Miss Lulu Gregory \ Language Teaching and De vices Miss Jennie Bennett Higher Education in United States. . . .Miss Laura Pettijohn Pictures and Stationery Suit able for Country Schools Miss Agnes Taylor Pcstalozzi. . .Miss Maud Tracewell The Schools of Omaha Miss Blanche Shepherd House and lot for sale on Cath erine street. Price § 050. or house will be sold separate. il 6 Miw. HATTIIBICXNKTT. . . J. S. Brosins came up from Red Deer lake Friday on business | and called at our office to advertise ! a jack and a stallion for sale or trade , which you will find in this pap'crl of < Men's and Boys' Shirts , flats , Cap ; for the next week , commend - Thursday , the 19th and ending Sept. 25tii.Vc must - make room for new fall and winter goods. DON'T MISS THIS SALE. September 19th to 25th. < NEBRASKA. : UOOKSTON . , MAX E VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. yuau what you have to sell. 1 sw 6 ? what you want to buy , Call and see us. Phone 23 | W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered as a State Bank Charter d as a Rational Bank 1 , 1884. August 12 , 002 , The- ff Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID HiT A General Banking < S 5 000 Exchange and \J t VX VM ) Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NIOSOLKON. Cashier. " * * * * * * * * * * ' " " ? * ' * * ' ' * * * * " " " * " * ' * ' " ' ' * p ' ' * ' ' 5P' 'J tSf TyXP T ! 'JK Oi ' > / C yT < i > S "L' A' A11 ! > C < 5S rA > ' > 7' I CONFECTIONERY K Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Phone 7 Home akery vi P v4 v * ii v ji tilS * * 4 4 - Zey A\i-sl * J * w * * - ; -f * . . ' - r * v * . * - > * * Stetter&Tcbien , Props. DKALEHS IX Vi" ' / ' Unlt i'tflV ' tMfrtS' ' All Kinds of Fresh and-Salt Meats. . . . Will buy your Cuttle , Hogs. P > nltry , Llosps , Mules and anything you have to sell. . ,