Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 17, 1907, Image 9
i aic sg > g si / $ AN A Few of the good points : - B All wheels , poles , reaches and axles are made from hickory stock. All open head springs 38 inches long * and oil tempered. All bolts , clips , bailey hangers , body loops and fifth wheels are made from the best quality of wrought iron. Special channel irons on reaches. Twenty springs in all buggy cushions and twenty-four springs in all spring wagon cushions. Nothing but best of cloth , leather and paint used. MOLINE WAGON Ei I ) Good and complete stock of lumber always on hand 1 f. PHONE 8 VALENTINE , NEBRASKA i Old Crow , All Loading Hermitage Brands and Bottled G-uchen- Under the heimer { Supervision Bye of the - i Whiskeys. U. S. GrOV. AVe also handle the Budweiser Beer. THEAVe Commissioners * Proceedings. Office of County Commissioners , Valentine , Nebr. , Oct. 3. 1907. Board of commissioners met in regular session. Present : Arthur Bo wring , chm. , A. E. Morris and G. E. Eussell. The following claims were allowed on the General fund : Hammond & Stephen Co , supplies 3137 45 Witness fees State vs Young. Fees State vs Diehl State vs Butcher I CStolt 5 00 1115 Skeen 5 00 F Ilinton 5 00 C Wren ( > 00 LukeStotts 500 E Shannon 550 H Mone 5 50 F Sandersod 5 00 C C Carroll 5 50 Dr Duncan . " 00 J I ! Q ilgley 1 10 Chas Butcher 5 CO 5-1 ; te vs Charging Eagie Win Kagle Bird 8 00 Levi Eagle Chief 00 A G Shaw i 10 Fred Uniyton 10 State vs Keslersnu et al The following claims were al lowed on the road fund : R iad w M-'C. H J Lowe material 17 lvrotUr& Hall mtrl 20 'hereupon the boardndjourned to Oct. 2. Oct. 2 , 1907. J3'oard met as per adjournment. * Members all present. Complaint having been made by L. W. Parker of River precinct that the approaches to the new bridge recpntly put in across the Niobrara river , near the mouth of the Snake river , were in bad con dition and impassible , the com missioners proceeded to said bridge to inspect same and find said work to be in fulKillnipnt of the contract in every respect. Board adjourned to Oct. 3. Oct. 3 , 190T. Board met as per adjournment. Members all present. Now on this 3rd da.y of October , 1907 , the matter of the petition of Elmer HoiTman for a license to sell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors in Georgia village , Georgia precinct , Cherry county , Nebr. , came on for hearing , and also the petition of the remonstrators , and the commissioners after hearing the evidence of the said petitioners and remonstrators find that the al legations contained in the petition of Elmer Hoti'man are true and it is hereby ordered that.a license be issued to said Elmer Hoffman as prayed for , upon his giving good and sufficient bond and paying in to the county treasury the sum of t500 as required by law. Co mmissionera appropriated § 20 to b e used in defraying the ex- pensesofthe county superinten dent in going to Lincoln to repre sent the school districts of the county in the distribution of the $50,000 appropriated by the last legislature for the use of school districts in Nebraska. The following amounts were de ducted from the claims allowed on the 1st inst. , and applied on delinquent ] I linquent personal taxes : 1 Ed Sears 15 50 A .Joseph l GO ' H Taylor 1 50 F Brayton 1 I0 lt T lCeserhon ! s 00 W jf McGee l.'J 75 1 t C W Bennettt C'J II Green 4 on 1I .J V Gardiner IS 20 L Starr . ) 00 1a f T Fowler 7 CO Ben Hobson 4 oo t ! S L 4 co A W Grooms 7 70 ( I The road leading to the Berman IJj JjG bridge from the north having been 0 G reported to the board as in bad condition they proceeded to said road for the purpose of inspecting the same. % Board adjourned to'Oct. ! . ) Board met as per adjournment. Members all present , liei'und , amount 8.93 , granted \ Henry Heckel erf Eli prcdocfe , he having been assessed in school dis trict No. 49 and does not live with in the bounds of said district. Refund of § 7.0G granted to C. M. Shepard of Wood Lake pre cinct , having been erroneously as sessed. - Claim of Wren Donoher , amount § 3 , for lunches to jury , and having i been rejected at June session of I the commissioners , re-considered .and warrant ordered of 83ordered drawn jn her favor on the general fund. Application of M. S. Starr to have personal taxes assessed to him for 1890-91-92-93-9i years - - - - stricken from said tax list , reject ed , not sufficient showing. A petition having been filed by F. W. Pool et al praying that the following described lands , viz : Commencing at the southeast cor ner of township 25 , range 31w , thence north to the northeast cor ner of township 28 , range 31w ; thence west to the northwest cor ner of township 28 , range 35w ; thence south to the southwest cor ner of township 25 , range 35w ; thence east along the north bound- ry line of Hooker county to the place of beginning , be taken from Cherry county and annexed to Hooker county , and as required by law , the county clerk is in structed to submit said proposi tion to the voters of Cherry coun ty at the general Nov. election. Cherry county having a credit with the auditor of public ac counts for § 25.94 as per taxes certified to the state as uncollect- able , the county clerk is instructed to request of the state auditor that he remit said amount to the coun ty treasury. Petition of T. F. Kelly et al for a bridge across Dry Creek , north line of township 34 , west line of range 29 and on southeast corner of section 3(3-35-29 ( , allowed. Commissioners selected 60 names from which to draw the regular panel jury for November term of the district court. The following claims were al lowed on the rosd fund : R J Morgan 4 50 Ed Satterlee : i 00 f Sta-cli : ; 00 J Lorrn/ 15 DO B Stasch o 00 C 15 Lamb 15 03 The following claims were al lowed on the general fund : State Journal Co. supplies 1 00 C P llamar wit fees i 10 ' ( ; A Chapman supplies 3 95 i' F Simons salary and expense SOO 50 W D ( Uai-Kson ice 10 00 Star Livery Co. livery 11 50 S K Gilman light Sept " n 1)0 J Mogle rare pauper 3) 00 El L Heath printing 12 ru R Robinson jailor tees i5 : ; 00 E T i-ariium Iron Works win Jews loS 75 J A Hornback board jurors 6 00 G E Russell commissioner's si'ary : 25 50 A K Morris do 22 0 Arthur Bow : ing do L4 7u Whereupon the board adjourned to Dec. 30 , 1907. ARTHUR BOWRIXG , Chm. NOTICJES. Contest Notice. U. S. Land 0 ue. Va'entine. Nebraska. | September 20,1007. f A sunk-but contot affidavit having IH-PD lil-d in this ollU-c t > y ISeimie ) Brown , rot-trst ant. sigain t Honicstrad entry Xo I5r : > 4. m dt , .Inly 0 , 1001 for bM-tion So township 28 ninge 2d , by ( liarlcs Hohc &tfin. contestee , in whicl ir , is alleged that .said nhniles fioh-nsteln i-v wholly iu > and < ned siid ; land and cha gt-d In- * residen e therefrom for more than MX mniit last pa < i. thattlif land is not settled upon nor eiiluvatrd in good laith and entrynuu > has ner cstabli ht-d his resi-U'iicf upon the land as the lawn-quires , : usu/he Ims laik-d to cine ins laches up to this date ; and ud alleged absence from the said lane WHS no ! due to his employ ment in the army , navy , or marine co'ps ol the Unittd States puv.teoldicr , . as a puv.te otlic r. t > ea- man or marine dining the war will spain or during any oilier war in which the United States may be engaged ; taid i artit > s are hf-re notified to appear , respond an 1 ofler evidence touching said alkg.itiun at 10 o'clock a. m on October 29 1907. I > e'"orc ) the register and re ceiver at the United S'ates Land O/uce in Valentine , Aebuika ' 1 he saiu 001 tu-tant having , in a proper atli davit tiled Scpten.ber20 l907vjtfoith lacts which Miow tlmtHfter due diligence ptTM > ntl her ice of this notice can not br is hereby order ed and directed that such notice be givpif by due and proper publication. E. OLSON. 37 t Receiver. Contest Notice. U. S. Land Office , Urokt-n Bow. Nebraska , i September 2S 1U07 i" A siifliuipnt contest affidavit niyi"g : bet-n lil in this ollSee by Catherine Alaths. . ioii'ei > t- ant. against homes ; id njtry No. 3221 uisuhi June 10.1903. for NK1. ; . suction " ' } , township' , range 3 ! , by Frederick A. l urr | , contestcp , in which it is al egf d that Fmleiick A. Diin-ie has wholly abandoned said tr.ict Qf land for more than six incnths list : past , i hat lie Jias not ciiirivated any portion of said inwl nor eiui > ed thejv'.nio o lieAilti\'t'd. that tljere I * no house on .said land for mi-re ( hap one v > ar lift : past a"d lievpj Has a house on tie ] | ; iud that was hubitaMe. Iliat tliy said | ' 'n > derik ( ; A. Durne has wholly tailed to comply with ttip law n regard to settlement and cultivation on said land and that these defe < ts have not been cured but exist at the present time. Said parties are heieby notifird to app ar resii ) nd ami olfer evidence toucliihtr sai'i allega- on at )0 ) o'clock a. m on NovejubiT 10 JP07 1'e- fore J. H. Welton , LT. S. Commissioner , . lullen , el > l . . uial tjutt the Ijpai hearing will i e held at 1 o'clock n , in , on . veiubur I'D. 1W7 , be- , fonlhe ng.terind ; lect-ner at tlin Unittd ' . stall's 'and Ufljce in Uroken Uow. > ebraka , f The sa d contc-stanl having , ji a jipippr ajli- iih lavit , tiled Sopi 10 , liJOrct fortlj facts which h allow that after diif ( lilmeiicri personal senice s ; 31 ! tlii" poticp cannot ] e | pae. ( it js jiercoy n ordered that siicli potice be gjyen Ijy due " " - publication" . - Ss"4 UAR1US M. AMSBURY , lieceivcr. n ti : Ira VanTVjnkle and Miss Mary ' 3pain were married at the home ! n f Chas. Pete in this city last v Sunday by Kcv. Connell. Chas.rti Spain , a brother of the bride , and 01 \liss May Barnes were attendants ft > xf the bride and groom ; R M Paddis& Oo. address Valentine or Kenned ) . Somp branded on 1 ft thigh. Horses branded m left jihoulder ior thigh. Some Some branded ( Rinded Fen on right thigh on loft , , or shou der. shonlderigs or thih N. S. .Rowley Kennedy , Nebraska. Same as cut on side and hip , and on left shoulder of hor- braim- , ed husk- ng peg ( either side up ) on left side or hip. p on left jaw and e t shoulder of horses , yj f"on left hip of horses. "ft"on left Jaw of horses O. W Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on lelt hip also same as cut Range between CJordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrani river George Heyne Ccdy , Neb Brand registered NG 10-27 Horses branded on left shoulder Hansre north and iiiutb of Cutcomb lnkf in fla ! rry Co S A T DAVIS Postotnce address Hyannis , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle on richt d R.inge in of Pat Simeon Nehr un I Hoan Brothers Woodluke Neb .John Roan's piivate mark , slit m left ear C. P Jordan. Rosebud. RD Horses hnd c.ittlr as cut ; also CJ BE ) J on rteht hip. Range on Oak and Butte cre-ks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these firand Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSOon riehtsitlp Some cattle alsc have a - * - on neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded with two bars . ' ' * ona" Sl'j gjS&aters - - Sonw Texas citte ; ! branded * < > on iett side and on left side. Horses branded SOS on left lilii. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and lott hio of P. II. Young. Simeon. Nebr Cattle branded as cut on left side Some Qyon left side. on left jaw of V horses. Range on Gordoa Creek north of Simeon , K'I'P-A-N-S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5nt packagp s enough ior usual occas Sims. Tlic family bottle ( ) cents ) contains a ' for a vpar. All < jniriiet.s pontest Notipe , { J. S. Land Office , Valentine. Ne il fceptember 25 , 1007 , ) A suilicient contest aflidavi- having been filed n this ortice by Guy W Ph Ijjs , Von-e-tunt. igainsi Honic.stcn < er try \o J3540 , made March 31 , 1002. ior W iXW .i . SELjNW } 4. &W1. , NE > 4 , section 15. ttmn-lnp 27n ninge 35w. by .loel i. Jio\\vs , conteitee , in vhich it is-mNped claimant has wholly abaiidoiifi said Tract ef For more than MX ntuiitlis last past , that he li.i > never re-uled upon , cultivated rimpr > V'd said tract as ivmu'it'ii by law. tjiaf lied us not maintain a hona lidri'Sidpnc" onaid tract but elsewhere , that said defects exist at N e and have pot " ' . .6 baid p.iiiies are liereoy notified to appp-r , rej-ponn and offer evidence touclnnirsaid al i-ga- iiu. ; -t to o'clock ; i. m un the 4th da > f > ovem- c ier , 1007 t-efore John If. UeUon.U s. Com it lis otnce in Mullen. Nebraska and that the iual IieariiiL'viii be held at JO < 'cl ck a. m op S'oveinner 15. 1M7 , before the regi. ter and re- at the United Halts Laud Olllce in r'nioitillic. Nebraska 'f ho said cunt star { liav'nir. in n prnncr nfil- lavif , Hiedet [ 'Jo. lOOF. set fortll faatH which how that after due diligence perso .al sen ice this notice cannot be made , it is hereby rdert'd an < l directed that such notice b given y due and proper publication. . OLSOIf.Hfceirer , jj ( | ' brandon * - on leftside a-j cut , li-inch DO Brand register e 875. branded ieft 'der. ' inchn circle , l-ln box. Kemstercd 875. Range ti mUea south Irwin on Niobrara river. Parraelee Cattle Co. Ro ebud , S. D , Cattle branded as cut on left side with stripe under tail. Horses brandea left thigh. Range on Soldier creek. Metzger Bros. , < Cattle bnindpd anywhere on left " * " side. Earmark , square crop right e ir. Ilorsps have ? ame brand oil eft thigh. Range on Gordon and- Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 will hiinld to any person for infornurt.onlea.linf . , ' to the arrest and final conviction of any person or persons stealing cattle with-above brand. Jos. tsristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on NIo- brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded nB connected on left hip or side as shown ID cut El A BWJ Postotnce atldrt ss Hyannis , Neb Branded on leit side Range eighteen miles north of Hvannt.s J. A. Y A RYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded J7 on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery of cattle strayed from rny range Saidy Williams. Slorrlman , Nebr. Mostly on left side , borne on right side. florses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S. D. D. M. Seare. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cnt.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on .shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut o left side. Horses . branded ! on left shoulder. , Range 6 miles south of Irwln. J. B. Lord tjz Tgy Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back right shoulder and en right hip Range onthe Niobrara ALONZO HEATH Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Horn ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcomb Lake C. n Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also a > Range Lake Creek SD * Sawyer Bros. ostoClce address Oasis , Nebf G. K. Sawyer las | charge of these cat tle Horses O Son left shoulder Some left side * * - * * - * ! ! * vn CHr < x r ) * g yv' y tlJ same ft thigh. Range on Snake riverj febraska Land and Feeding Co. artlett RIoharr.g Pres Will G Comstock' P Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas trj'pJL. . Cattle branded on CrS1 * any part of animal- also the following hrarnlo. ' ? ranged tht samp Range between vrordon on the FJ2 - \ R , T.T & M V. . R. R jii J