Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 17, 1907, Image 6

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JVIayer Boot and Shoe 'Company ' , ot
Milwanlccc , with Pacific Coast
Branch at Seattle. One of ! Largest
I Concerns in Country.
Milwaukee can bo proud to be the
"homo of the Mayer Boot and Shoe
company. Xext to the fame of Mil
waukee's great breweries comes the
count ry-v/ide reputation of Mayer
boots and shoes. Mayer shoes have
won flieir reputation on quality. The
Mayer Boot and Shoe company has
penslently refused to lower quality to
enable it to sell shoes at a lower price ,
and by maintaining this honest and
superior quality and keeping in the
front ranks In style , it has gradually
won the confidence of thousands of
shoe wearers who purchase Mayer-
hade shoes year after year who look
at the Mayer trade mark as positive
evidence of style , comfort , and good
wearing quality.
This quality policy so consistently
pursued has resulted in healthful and
rapid growth. In the twenty-five
years since the Mayer Shoe company
began operations it has outgrown six
factories. .And in the last six months ,
< lurlng which the last factory annex in
Milwaukee has been building , the vol
ume o"f business has so greatly in
creased that even with this new annex
the output lags far behind the de
Including the new Seattle factory ,
which has just been completed , the
total capacity of the Mayor Boot and
Shoe company exceeds 0,000 pairs a
day. This remarkable output , togeth
er with the inability of Mayer com
pany to build factories fast enough to
keep pace with the demand , is most
convincing evidence of the high qual
ity of Mayer footwear.
In the first place the Mayer shoes
are sensible. "While good style is an
important factor , comfort is always a
greater consideration ; while conspicu
ous extrermjs are avoided , refined
dresstircss is always secured. The ex
ceptional durability and splendid
wearing quality of Mayer shoes are
due. to the tfse of only the best leath
er and tlfc employment of only the
most experienced and skillful work
men. lrom the wide range of styles
you are certain to find one which
pleases. The best known brands are
the "Uonorbilt" fine shoes ; the "Mar
tha Washington" Comfort shoes ; "Spe
cial M"0"rit" school shoes , and the
"Yerma" cushion shoes. If you want
a dress shoe , a work shoe , or a shoe
dressy enough fov general uses , yet
sturdy enough for rough usage , it is
our belief that you can't do better
than to ask your dealer to supply you
with one of the Mayer brands.
, nice at
At a wedding breakfast , according
to What to Eat , a bridesmaid was
heard to tell the true reason for rice
toeing used at weddings. It was once
believed fliat if en tlieir wedding jour
ney a newly wedded couple saw a flock
of doves It would mean a long life of
peace and happiness to them. A bridal
party in passing so frightened a. flock
of these timid birds 'that they flew
away 5n great alarm , and to avert the
evil omen that their flight signified for
the newly married couple rice was
thrown in great quantities to lure the
birds back to the place from which
they nntl flown. This plan was so suc
cessful that the wedded pair went on
their way rejoicing and lived ever af- j
terwnrd a happy and prosperous life , i
Since then rfce has been used as a syra-
bol of good luck , peace and happiness
at weddings.
' So
" 'Funny , " said Baretop , "but there
was a time when the barbers used to
speak of niy hair. " j
"You mean before you began to get !
bald ? " asked his friend. J
"Yes. Now they speak of my hairs. " |
t Philadelphia Press.
A "Jjat shop" was opened in Londoa
'by the Countess Fabricotti , recently. Liv
eried footmen handed around tea and ,
cakes. !
'Deafness Cannot be Cured
7 > y local ionn. as they cannot reach i
the diseased portion of the ear. There is |
only one way to cure uenfncss , and that is i
fcy constitutional remedies. Deafness is !
raused by au inilaircd condition of the mn-
pnns Uniu ? ; of the tfustachlan Tube. AVhen
this tube is inllnmr-d yon have a rumbling
found > JT imperfect rio.iriis. aud when it ! *
entirely closed , De.tfness is the result , and
unless "the Inflammation c--ui bo taken oiu
.ind Oils lube restored to its normal eondi-
; * on , lienrlnj ; will be destroyed forever : nine
rases ont of ten a e c.'iu.M'd by Catnvrh.
which. Is Taothlnu buS au iiiflarned condition
f the mucous surfnres.
AVe will glvo One Hundred Dollars fr > r I
iny case of DeafneKs ( caused by citarru i
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catariti
Cure. Send for clrcniars , free.
F. J. ClIENKT & CO. , Toledo , 0. |
Sold by Dniy Isbc. . \
Take llall's Family Tills for constipation. :
The Limit.
"There's no u = e talking , " said Mr ? j
Ilewligus. "My husband is the crankiest
man that ever drew the breath of life , j
There is only one time in the year -when ,
he feels like poins to church , and that's j
-when the church is closed for the summer
vacation. "
* fBt. . Vltut' Duice and 11 JJerrm * Ttrsit *
Fn 1 O 1'erisuincntly Cured by Dr. Elint'i Great
H rra Rutorrr. F nd tor Free rfS ttUl bottle and trtitlie.
, K.II. XI. KI.LNE. Ldl Arch Street , PhtUdelphta. T
According t
Sentry You can't leave.
Soldier Uut I have the captain's
oral permission.
Sentry ( importantly ) Let's see It.
Translate ! ! for Transatlantic Tales
from II TkfOtto per Ridere.
Mrs. wiBflloVB Boothlaj Syrup for Cnllrtren
teething ; tcflens tha sums , reduces ItiHttinma-
Uou. iJaiji pels , euro * wica coileu a bottla.
The new steamer was on its first trip ,
T\ith a lot of land lubbers on board.
"Isn't she behaving beautifully , cap
tain ; in this heavy sea ? " excliimed an
enthusiastic marine reporter.
"Yes , sir , " said the gruff captain. "A
'beffer , sir , than the passengers
are. "
growing over the walls of a. house
renders the structure cool in summer and
warm ) n winter. It also keeps the walla
-dry. & te , however , very destructive to
woocfcvork , forcing the joints apart.
. after junketing
pV HX KSMia. HE new mraigration ,
keting about Europe for some time , at public
expense , is about to sail for home , bearing
with it , as the whole fruit of its labors , a
plan to keep criminal and vicious foreign
ers from immigrating here in future. This
plan is a requirement that every immigrant
hereafter shall bear a certificate of good character from
his home authorities , certified to by an American consul.
This , at first glance , looks like an excellent idea ; at
any rate , every American would like to have crmnal and
vicious foreigners kept out of the country , and to make
a law that they must keep out seems to settle the matter.
But , on examination , It will be seen that such a law
could not be enforced and might as well not be made.
With our enormous and unpoliced coast Hues , with
thousands of miles of unprotected border on the north
and south , it is impossible to keep out of the country any
white person that wants to enter. Once a foreigner is on
territory of the United States , lie would be safe , for
there is no means of distinguishing him from hundreds
of thousands of others. There is no way of registering
and keeping account of 80,000,000 people , nor of prevent
ing as many as wish to from joining them.
The United States is helpless , and cannot protect itself
from the flood of humanity that is pouring In on it every
year. Even prohibiting immigration altogether would be
useless. We might as well make up our minds that this
country will continue to be the refuge of the criminals
and the vicious of the world , and trust to our vigilance
and alertness , and to a drastic enforcement of our own
laws to prevent them from injuring us af'ter ' they arrive.
Indianapolis Sun.
.RECEDENT will be broken if any of the
] present Presidential probabilities is nomi
nated. Since 1S24 no member of the cabinet
jhas been elevated to the Presidency of the
j United States , and only three in the Avhole
J history of the government. In 1824 John
Quincy Adams , of Massachusetts , was the
candidate of the Whigs against Andrew Jackson , but
there was no choice by the people , and Mr. Adams was
elected by the votes of the House of Representatives. At
the time of his election Adams was Secretary of State in
the cabinet of President Monroe. The two immediate
predecessors of Provident John Quincy Adams were also
members of the cabinet at the time of their nomination
for the Presidency , James Madison being President Jcf-
A Ghastly Battlefield thai Claimed
iIOOOO , PortuKTiesc Victims.
France and Spain , who under the
terms of the Algeciras international
conference , have the responsibility of
policing Morocco , may find the task a
difficult , if not impossible , one. The re
sistance of the Moors at Casablanca ,
where the French , with all their su
perior equipment , have boon barely
ferson's Secertary of State at the time of the nominating
convention of 1808 , and James Monroe holding the same
portfolio under President Madison when he was nomi
nated m 1S1G.
Madison , Monroe and J. Q. Adams found the cabinet a
stepping stone to the highest honor in the gift of the
people , but this political history has never repeated itself.
No man now alive can recall a time , however , when four
members of the same cabinet were prominently mention
ed as candidates for the Presidency in the same year.
Secretary Cortelyou , Secretary Tnft and ex-Secretary
Shaw will find no precedent for the elevation of a cabi
net minister , other than a Secretary of State , to the of
fice of President
Superstitious persons who may admire Mr. Foraker
and Mr. Knox will probably be Impressed with the fact
that no senator of the United States ever stepped direct
ly from his senatorial office into that of the Presidency.
In fact only two or three ex-senators have been elected
President , although some of the most distinguished mem
bers of the upper house have been disappointed aspi
rants for the office. Among the Presidents who held of
fice subsequent to the time of John Quincy Adams Is to
be recalled Andrew Jackson , who resigned from the Sen
ate to be a candidate for President , but who was de
feated. That was In the campaign in which Jackson was
opposed by J. Q. Adams , resulting In the election of
Adams by the House of Representatives. When at last
Jackson was elected President he had been out of the
Senate four years. Utica Globe.
Chicago Tribune has been taking a vote
1IIE the editors of the Middle West on choice-
* of Republican Presidential candidates. It
I asked the Republican editors of Illinois ,
Indiana , Michigan , Wisconsin , Minnesota ,
the two Dakotas , Nebraska. Missouri and
Kansas If they approved the progressive
policies of President Roosevelt. Of the replies 1,509 ap
proved the policies of the administration and Go did not.
To the question , "do you prefer a progressive or con
servative man for President Roosevelt's successor ? " 1,435
want a progressive and 170 a conservative.
For first choice of candidates U-M were for Taft , 191
for Cannon. 159 for Fairbanks. 19 for Knox , 18-1 for
Hughes , 239 for La Foliette , and scattering votes for a
dozen others. President Roosevelt received 15S votes ,
but the Tribune explains that in the great'majority of
answers received the voters expressed themselves In fa
vor o Roosevelt If he could be prevailed on to accept the
nomination. Toledo Blade.
follow so gallant and so generous a
prince , met their fate 'in the valley by
Alkesar , which is watered by a shal
low river identified as the LJxus of
Pliny. There 20.GfiO men wore cut to
pieces by tlu,11 riffv.cavalry , and
thuse who di < / I'tldy iVie sword were
tlie fortuun/ > f the army.
According to- * \ * : : F , Dom Se
bastian and the more 'e ' of his
followers , wounded or captives , were
taken to Mequinez , where , after they
& 6 ? WSSSWj * vaKBttyaC j
r . * . Au Ojf ! & > a ( { i8u ! . jS&Vft vwiT V ; i
able to hold their own is a foretaste
of what may be expected if the Moors
become suddenly and generally aroused.
Every European country which has
undertaken to subdue the Moors has
failed , and France may well hesitate
before attempting the task.
Portugal was for several hundred
years in possession of nearly all the
Moorish ports on the Atlantic , includ
ing Casablanca. In 157S , under Dom
Sebastian , she attempted to subdue the
whole country and failed most tragic
ally. A Duke of Lelnster and many
other gentlemanly adventurers joined
Dom Sebastian's standards and began
the Journey to the capital , which so
many conquerors have undertaken , but
In which no single one has succeeded ,
at least not since the day when the
green banners of tlie Prophet of Islam
were first flung to the breezes from the
battlements of Fez.
Dom Sebastian and his army of
20,0000 men , together with the un
counted adventurers who had come to-
ceiher from all ovar Christendom to
had graced the triumph of the terrible
Sultan , Abdel-Melct , their conqueror ,
the greater number of them were
hurieil alive in the city walls . In these
.same walls are visible to-day many
hundred briokod-up cells In which on
this occasion and at other limes of
fanatical fury Christians were im
mured while living as : i punishment for
refusing to become renegades to their
After this disaster Portugal gradual
ly withdrew from Morocco , and in 1000
vrlins remained of her conquests was
ceded to England as part of the dowry
of the Infanta Catherine of Braganza ,
who became the wife of Charles II. In
Tangier the English held on grimly for
twenty years , harassed all that time
bj- the Moors. On one occasion the
Earl of Teviott , the British governor ,
with most of hia officers and a large
portion of the garrison , was surprised
by the vigilant Moors , and out few
escaped with their lives. Finally the
English prudently abandoned Tangier.
In 1S59 the Spaniards , under O'Don-
nell , invaded Morocco , bent upon ob
taining satisfaction for undoubted in
juries at the hands of the lawless
Moors , and perhaps with thoughts of
permanent conquest If all went well.
From 40,000 to 00,000 men were en
gaged for two years , with heavy cas
ualties , and even greater losses from
sickness. At the end of the second
campaign the Spaniards declared their
honor satisfied , and retired , having ac
complished no permanent result.
In 1893 the Moors attacked the Span
ish possession of Melilla , and the Ma
drid government , if hungry for adven
ture , had every opportunity , and even
justification , for a punitive expedition ,
but very wisely did not avail itself of
the opportunity. It knew the fearful
cost in life and treasure that would be
entailed in a contest with these fierce
ICueiv Her
A London gentleman advertised fet ,
apartments at a fashionable watering
place and received many replies. He
pitched upon one chiefly because it men
tioned a splendid "sea view , " and , as it
was not convenient for him to leave
his business to see , the apartments , he
closed with the offer by post , sending a
.substantial deposit.
When the time canio for him to take
his holiday he duly arrived at his des-
ination and was surprised to find that
not a glimpse of the sea was obtain
able from any window of his apart
"I _ thought you said there was a
splendid sea view ? " he said angrily to
the landlady.
"So there is , sir , " replied the land
lady , drawing his attention to a pic
ture on the wall , a really excellent
painting of the sea.
"Why'you erar What do you
mean by such a swindle ? " gasped the
gentleman. "I meant a view of the-
real sea. " j
"Oh , did you , sir ? " coolly said tha
landlady , "If you will refer to my let
ter you will see that I distinctlj'- stated
there was a splendid sea view 'in * the
drawing room. Had I meant a view of ,
the real sea I should have said there
was a splendid sea view 'from' the
drawing room. I cannot think how an
educated gentleman , as you evidently
are , could have made such an egregious
error ! " London Tit-Bits.
Free Teetli for Policy Ifioltlcr.s.
The Berlin branch of the Imperial
Insurance Company , Germany , has set
aside the yearly sum of 100,000 marks
for the purpose of providing a dental
institute in that city for worklngmen
holding its policies. The institute will
provide artificial teeth for all workingmen -
men needing them. It has been found
by the company that men provide i
with good dental apparatus make a bet-1
ter risk than others , and the new In *
stltute is expected to save much money
to the company in the course of a few
"He lives , " said a country boy of
another young nitrn in his neighborhood
" of his moth- .
hood , "on the reputation -
er's apple pie. " j
There never was a woman who didn't
occasionally pray for a change In her
husband's disposition.
Ml ! ?
1203 Scots defeated the Northmen at
131S Edward Bruce , brother of Kin ?
Robert , killed at Fagher , Ireland.
1535 After exploring the St. Lawrence
Cnrtier arrived at the site of Mon
1540 Hernando de Alarcon discovered
the Colorado river.
1G50 The Long Parliament asserted its
supremacy over the American cole
1G7G Rebellion in Virginia ended by
the death of Bacon.
1691 The treaty of Limerick signed ,
ending the war between the English
and Irish.
1744 British man-of-war Victory wreck
ed off Alclerney with loss of 1,100
1774 Massachusetts Assembly met at
Salem in defiance of the order of
Gen. Gage.
1779 Paul Jones entered Tesel , Holland ,
in the captured British frigate Se-
1787 Departure of the first American
vessel to make a trip around the
1799 United States assumed the French
spoliation claims by treaty with
1S17 Bank of Montreal issued its first
1830 Independence of Belgium declared.
1840 Foundation stone laid of the Nel-
6on monument in Trafalgar Square ,
1841 Cliusan captured by the British ,
under Sir II. Pottinger.
1859 Anti-slavery constitution of Kan
sas approved by the voters of that
1801 Confederates before Washington
began to fall back.
1802 Second day of the battle of
Corinth , betv/een the Confederate and
Federal troops.
1SG3 Gen. Bragg began the bombard
ment of Chattanooga First ascen
sion of Nadar's balloon , the largest
ever made.
1800 First postcard issued at Vienna.
1SG7 Whisky'riots took place in Phila
1S74 The Fiji Islands became English
1881 First cotton exposition in the
United States opened at Atlanta.
1890 McKiniey tariff act went into
I89S Conference of Spanish-American
peace commission began in Paris.
" "
v & *
> - . . > : . wr >
The statistics compiled by the Inter-
jtate Comrneroe Commission for the year
ending June 30. IDOH. show that the num
ber of persons on the pay rollof the
railroads of the United States was 1.521-
355. The total amount of wages and sal
aries paid to employes during the year
was 9900.S01.G53. The number of rail
way corporations was 2,313. and the total
single-track mileage 224,303 , of which
8,971 was operated by receivers.
A report filed with the internal affairs
department shows that the Pennsylvania
railroad between Pittsburg and Philadel
phia is 34S.S miles in length. Persons
traveling between the cities have been
charged for 33 miles , this being the dis
tance when the road was measured before
the company began straightening its lines ,
and in the curves that have boon removed
within the last year the distance lias boon
reduced four miles. There has been no
corresponding reduction in the mileage
charges. This reduction will be necos-
ry now.
The United Circuit Court of Appeals at
Denver has affirmed the decision of the
lower court against the Great Northern
railroad in tlie rebate eases , thus deciding
in favor of the government an important
point , to the effect that prosecutions un
der the old Elkins act are not invalidated
by the new Hepburn rate law. The high
er court holds that the Hepburn act is
amendatory and not repealing , and that so
far as it repeats portions of the Elkins
act it continues them in force , and that
in BO far as it omits or changes the pro
visions of the Elkins act it repeals them.
Every railroad in the State of Missis
sippi was indicted by the grand jury at
Jackson for failure to furnish the State
Railroad Commission with a list of passes
Issued by them. Th'i j notion is in line
with the indictments issued against the
Yazoo and Mississippi Valley and Illinois
Central railroads. The anti-pass law thus
invoked was enacted in 18S4 , and Is said
to be the first anti-pass law enacted in
this corntry. It had long been a dead
letter , but was resurrected by Prosecut
ing Attorney Harris , who is now pur
suing members of the Legislature and
State officers for accepting passes.
Tells Renders How to Prepare Thl
Home-Made Mixture to Cure the
Kidneys nnd Bludder and Over
come Any Form of Rheumatism.
Get from any prescription pharina
cist the following :
Fluid Extract Dandelion , one-halt
ounce ; Compound Kargon , one ouuce ;
Compound Syrup Sarsapurilla , three
Shake well In a bottle and take a
teaspoonful dose after each inea-1 and
at bedtime.
The above is considered by an cml- >
nent authority , who writes in a New
( York daily paper , as the finest pro-1
Bcription ever written to relieve Back
ache , Kidney Trouble , Weak Bladder
and all forms of Urinary difficulties.
This mixture acts promptly on tha
eliminativc tissues of the Kidneys , c-n- '
abling them to filter and strain the
uric acid and other waste matter fromi
the blood which causes Itlieumatfsin j
Some persons who suffer with the' '
afflictions may not feel inclined to
place much confidence in this simple
mixture , yet those who have trieit
nay the results arc simply surprising , !
toe relief being effected without tho'
slightest injury to the stomach or other - |
er organs. [
Mix some and give it a trial. It cer
tainly comes highly recommended. It
Is the prescription of an eminent au
thority , whose entire reputation , It is
said , was established by it
Bird or Bee ?
Now that the season of the humming
bird. Is here , and the tiny winged jewel
is darting in and out among sweet
blossoms , it may be interesting to know ]
what some early observers of nature ?
thought in regard to this least of feath
ered beings. Two quaint observations
are published in "Early Long Island , "
by Martha Flint , both quoted from let
ters of the seventeenth century , writ
ten from the new country of America.
Says one :
"The Ehimbird is one of the wonders
of the country , being no bigger than q
Hornet , yet having all the Demension
of a Bird as bill , wings with quijls ,
spider-like legges , small claws. Foa
Colour she is as glorious as the Raina
bow. "
Adrian van der Donck , one of thg
Hollanders of Nieuw Nederlandt in
1642 writes of
, a L
"Curious small bird concerningwhicl ]
there are disputations whether it is a ,
bird or a bee. It seeks its nourishment
from flowers like the bee and is every
where seen regaling itself on the flow
ers. In liying they make a humming
noise like the bee. It is only seen in
Nieuw Nederlandt in the season of
flowers. They are very tender and ;
cannot be kept alive , but we press them1
between paper and send them as pres
ents to our friends. "
Merely GloatinsT.
"What would twelve tons of small egg
cost me ? " said the caller at the coal
The young man behind the railing quot
ed the prevailing price.
"Would it he any cheaper if I took
fifteen tons ? " asked the other.
"Not a cent. "
"It's too much. Yon won't catch ma
paying any such price as that. "
"That's exactly what you'll pay if you
are going to burn any coal this winter. "
"O , I gness not. I bought my winter
supply last April. Jnst dropped in to
see if I made any money by buying it
then. I see I did. Good day. " Chicago
Ready for Jst.staiit Use "Without
Almost everyone likes a cereal food
of some kind at breakfast and supper ,
but the ordinary way of cooking cereals
results in a pasty mass that is hard , to
digest , and if not properly digested , the
raw mass goes down into the intestinal
.tract where gas is generated and trouble -
, ble follows.
Everyone knows that good food prop
erly digested keeps the body well , while
poor food , or even food of good quality
that is poorly prepared and not digest
ed , Is sure to bring on some kind of
The easiest food to digest in this line
is Grape-2tfuts , made from wheat and
barley , and cooked thoroughly at the
factory , some 12 to 1C hours being con
sumed In the different processes of prep
aration. The food , therefore , is ready
for instant service and the starch hag
been changed to a form of Sugar , so
tthat It Is pre-digested and ready for
hlmost immediate absorption.
A Chicago young lady writes that
she suffered for years from indigestion
pmd dyspepsia from the ase of food that
-was not suitable to her powers of di
gestion. She says :
r "I began using Grape-Nuts , and I !
confess to having had a prejudice ab
first , and wns repeatedly urged before
jl finally decided to try the food , but I ;
( have not known -what indigestion l
sintfe using it , and have never beeni
ptronger or ' in better health , I Lave in-j
jcreased 'in weight from 100 to
People can be well , practically - without
out cos ± , If they will adopt scientifia
Wd ami leave off the indigestible sort ]
i"Therefa a Reason. "
Grape-'Nnts Food is crisp and oTell-
jclous to tne taste. It shoukl be served !
jexacily as It comes from the pacfcaj
5ltlron ± cooking , except In cases vr&era
it Is nrafle up into puddings anti ofhei ;
lesserts ? BooTc of delicious red gS ,
"Tlie Bead to Wellvllle , ' * ' in