Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 17, 1907, Image 5

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    nrsa : L < ja
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HI I Fur Coats
Everyone ,
Sheep Coats
Dog Coats
Calf Coats
Coon Coats
Wombat Coats
Kangaroo Coa.ts
We have a fur coat "fur"
you. Call and get it. The
price is right SIS toi5.
T. C. Hornby.
You may be gifted with
ability to compose a peed
letter , and you may write a
very fine hand ; but your let
ter lacks 40 % of a good im
pression unless you use a
pure substantial writing pa
Your letter reflects you.
It reflects your taste , temper-
men t and character. Your
correspondent's judgment of
you is as largely influenced
by your stationery , a by
your composition.
Have you used
Linen ?
i a popular , up-to-date
paper , coiling in various
shades and si es. By using
Highland Linen yon are as
sured of being * 'correct. "
Price per box iOo.
All Eaton-Hurlbut Papers
are correct.
we arc talking
L Er
The most complete
stock in jNorth-
west Nebraska ,
-y '
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No , 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. F. OILMAN.
Would you pay a ( $ ) dollar for
73c ? SeeStiaard. 38
f nr
it Ai
When the campaign for norai
nations opened in this judicial dis
trict it was openly charged b ;
more than one republican candi
date for the nomination that th
railroad of this district were en
deavoring to secure the nominatioi
of James A. Douglas of Kocl
county , who , as a member of th
legislature had supported ever ;
measure favored by the railroads
and had opposed every measur
demanded by the people. Hi
Work as a railroad lobbyist wa
so open and notorious last winte
during the legislative session tha
such republican papers as thi
Omaha Bee charged him with be
ing a corporation capper and lob
byist. By bringing out sevei
candidates for nominations , whei
only two nominations could bi
made , they succeeded in so divid
ing the anti-corporation vote ' ii
the district that their candidati
Douglas slipped through and se
cured the nomination for the easl
end of the district. One Danie
B. Jencks of Chadron was at the
same time selected as the candidate
for the west end. Jencks was sc
little known in the district and hac
attracted so little notice during
the primary campaign that his
nomination came as a complete
surprise. It was not understood
how an attorney , scarcely hearc
of before , had beaten live wel
known lawyers and secured the
nomination. Of course , everyone
knew that Douglas had the sup
port of the railroads and that their
undivided support had won him
the place , but not until after the
primaries was it discovered that
Mr. Jencks also had the support
of the railroads and that the same
influence had nominated both.
They were both on the same
slate and were both slipped through
by inducing five other attorneys
to enter the race , and while they
were dividing the rank and file of
jhe party vote , the - corporation
cappers were working for the
Now , that the nominations have
3een secured , the railroads are
coming out in the open and taking
charge of the campaign. First ,
Jouglas and Jenokes are found at
Norfolk holding a conference with
Supt. Reynolds of the Xorthwest-
* rn railroad. Then they journeyed
together to Valentine and spent a
kry in conference with C. II.
Cornell , president of the First
National Bank. Then it is given
out that Mr. Cornell has been se
lected as chairman of their com
mittee , and , a few days later , Can-
ilidates Douglas and Jenckes , and
Ra R. Dixon , the railroad attorney
at O'Neill , and N. D. Jaoksotf ,
the railroad attorney at Xeligh ,
and B. T. White , of Omaha , the
general attorney for the North
western system , all met at Bas-
sett. Of course the public was
not invited to that conference at
I3a > sett. Wo do not know what
was said and done. Probably the
public will be told that they were
called there on legal business.
\Vhatever explanation may ba
made the fact remains that they
were all there in conference to
Along with all this conies the
information that Jenckes is the
Notice to Non-J\HsSlent Defendants
To > l L Moortru tee. and At is. Moore ,
first siu-i nal n uit' uiiKuvn , \\\lv \ > of.f L.
Moore. tniMeo , . ) . Lmu'll Motm trustee , i\ ! s.
J Lii'.wil Alno e. > Ml * it J Lowell M't.iru , Ipiit
uiuivulii MIL qiiknvri ) . thu UlQbti liiviMiient
rniui'iiuy 01 Mi > b < i < 'liu i.-tls ; i < rporiU m tlio
Ul iuu lnetnieiit Coim > a. v of Net > ri ; > Ku. a o < > r-
p r.i urn , < ii > d the < ; iUota HIoitaueNhoiH ; C < > r-
piratio i , H corporation , ; ujd J iJin Hop. real
name unitnp\\u , iciJiv-pnMiuvp in interest ; ot
i-aV-n aul ? al ] n' ' thp fti > uve named defendants ,
non-reauleiit de emhuits :
Yon and each olon , ; m > heifliv notified
that < in tlu i"ii ) day < -f September , 10(17 ( , Andrew
M M ins > ey as pUintill HUM in the c'lstnct
fourt of them county , Nebraska , his pet lion
igaln t yon as defundrtiii-s. ih objret and pr y-
IT of winch is u > quiet the title in the plain til
nstjie pn-MMit owner 01 the nonheast ( j-iaitor < t
the soi.tlitMsl quarter 01 becM > n : tl , and tlje
halt < > f iltioutlnvtbt \ quarter ad tjie
sqithat quart * r of \\\p \ \ \ Miuinxubl ' qijartcr of
sction : < 5 , to n-lni' 5 r.t gu' 5 > > t of 'he
pijn lliai inendiii i in t Jv'ny Oountv ,
jbKi uud t foit-yer nar and pprpetu i } y
eiioni said dufendan' . und ( tach of iaid dcs
fejidants. aiuj any ana ail persons by.
throiiKU oj- under tbtiin or any ot tljum , fr m
uver abserting : vny ntjlit tulintftest , claim
( ir demand n law ' r in eijuitv in or to s.ud land
ora-iy part thereol ; and to remove ecrtain
i'l m.i . ea t upon t'lw ' record titH ol s.ud p'ain-
t ff 10 ' aid l-t d aid for such other and further
rel ef as in equity i laiutitt nuy Ue found to UH
ei'Utlea tu n-ceiv * .
Said < le ei.dauts , and eauli of snd defendants ,
are r quired to aiiMver .saul petition on or " 0-
fore the Ctu day of Novemnei1. 100T.
old attorney for the road at Chad
ron. When these circumstance
are all taken together could then
be stronger proof that both Doug
las and Jenckes are the candidate :
of the railroads of this district
Douglas is denounced by the Orna
ha Bee as a railroad lobbyist
Jenckes is admitted to be tin
former attorney for the road , and
since his nomination , is founc
caucusing with a coterie of rail
road attorneys and politicians.
Just think what a spectacle it
was ! the two candidates for dis
trict judges in this district caucus
ing with B. T. White , the gener
al attorney for the railroad , anc
Railrord Dixon and N. D. Jack
son , two of his under attorneys ,
and the political bosses of their
respective counties. Then , con
sider the choice of chairman :
Mr. Cornell was electee ! to the
senate from this district some 20
years ago , and , from the day he
took his seat in the senate until
the passage of the anti-pass law
by the last legislature , he carried
a free pass over the road. During
all this time he has been the po
litical manager for the railroad in
this county the one man to whom
the president and general manag
er of the road look for favors-
political and otherwise. Himself
and the railroad managers have
worked together for a good many
years , and , now , when they are
especially interested in getting
hold of the district bench , he is
the man they select to lead their
candidates out of the wilderness.
You will be getting letters and
literature on the judicial situation
later on , and , when you get those
letters and circulars , take a care
ful look at the signature and see
if it is not C. H. Cornell's the
same name chat has been on the
railroad company's list of free
pass-holders for 20 years. Then
cast your mind's eye back 20years
if you have lived in the county that
longand see if he is not the man
who has always been called in and
consulted whenthe railroads wanted
anything in this part of Nebraska.
You may wonder why the rail
roads are taking such an interest
in our judicial district this year ,
but you will not have to look far
for an explanation Heretofore they
have had control of the supreme
court and they did not care who
sat on the district bench , for , if
decisions did not go to suit them ,
they would be reversed in the
supreme court. This year there
was a revolt against their much
pampered supreme court and
Judge Sedgwick , their candidate
in the republican primaries , was
turned down and Judge Keese was
nominated as an anti-railroad can
didate on the republican ticket ,
ind Judge Loomis was nominated
< *
is an anti-railroae ] candidate on
the democratic ticket. With two
inti-railroad candidates in the Meld
for supreme judge , they are driven
bo seek shelter in the district court ,
[ f they can get control of the dis
trict courts of the state they can
surrender control of the supreme
ourt , for their friends in the dis
trict court will protect them. They
Snd their hold loosening on the
supreme court and they are grasp
ing at the lower courts ,
Try Kahili's barber shop , tf
FOK SALE New heating stove.
Inquire at this oIUco , 40
Go to Stlnard's. A dollar's
$ 's ) worth for T5c. See ad.-
Get your property insured by 1-
M. Ixice and you will b.e saje. His
iompanies pa.y loshes promptly.
Fred Jones lavs at the point of
leath in an Omaha hospital as a
I'esult of injuries in a foot ball
? ame. lie lVa-5 baon attending
Bellevue college and was a gradu-
ite of the Valentine high school.
Mrs. Williamson and daughter
Marjorie returned Saturday from
3t. Louis and now -assisting
Mi's. Tow no in preparing to go to
California to enjoy the winter vis
iting her daughter Mrs. Fritz.
fact everything in ray store goes at three-
4 ? fourths Its value.
4 ?
Please note reduction tote
4 ? tote
49 tote
47 to
49 to
- -5
l *
§ 9
9K tote
49 to
49 $ >
49 tote
49 9 tote
49 tote
§ 9 tote
49 49 tote
49 tote
49 tote
Eve-cd gi N A to
t m lying a &
I was told
, to
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Kinko-id < f
Wood lake are visiting in the cit.\ .
The west side of Valentino do-
'pateel the east side last San lav
Score 7 to 5.
Clyde xV. Rossoter and M. F
Cl.nos . , democratic candidates for
sheriii' and judge , are in town ! hi
Judge Westover hold a special
term of court here yosieriUy arid
went dt\\n to O'Keill on the be
lated passenger today.
Angell's coTiodiiin gave good ,
performance Tm-duy ' 'v niug ,
aside from their rough jukes a- >
specialties , but the actors played
their parts well. j
The fir t number of fhe Ifcture
rourse is tli(3 ( Ivnily U'at rman (
Concert Co. , which appears at
Church's opera hou ? > e next Wed- '
nesda.v night. Get your season
tickets now.
A big rush of political matter ha1 ?
crowded out more correspondence
and locals th's week ; also our
ready ] ) rints wore delisypd in
reaching us until this ( Friday )
Mrs. Ida B. Cook , who has bppn
cofiking at the Donohor hotel for
some time , left for her claim on
Dewey lake Saturday morning
Mrs. Cook was formerly a princi
pal of an Iowa school and will now
tench in her home district. She
is capable of holding down a good
school , no doubfc ,
House and small ljarn , with two
lots , close in , Mfar school building ,
foi1 sale at a birgain. House is
new , lawn and shade trees , gwnd
sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash ,
balance easy payments. Call on
J. M. liico , agont.
This is just the place for som
ranch owner or farmer to select
for his wife andchildren , to live
during the winter and send chil
dren to school. Don't drhy as
this property will find an owner
soon. It 'may be yours. Comp
and see about this first time you
are in town. t . . \
fee Uay t > e <
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is always
uniform in quality and properly blended
and roasted.
You do not get good coffee one day and
poor coffee the next.
The handy air-tight package and the.glaz-
ing of pure sugar keeps this coffee clean and
fresh , protected from dust , dirt and foul odors.
Each package is one pound full weight.
McLaughim's XXXX Coifee is Sold by
E. Olson received a telephone
message Thursday from Ba ett
tolling him his wife was very ill ,
.Upon Mr. Olson's : irriv\ : ! lie tele
graphed "to Norfolk for a surgeon.
\vho performed an operation , und
List reports say Mrs. Olson is do-
yig nicely' ,
PorCwt. PC. r Ton.
Bran , Packed . . . . * I 00 § 18
Shorn , nicked Mo 2L
Chop Feed , sacker. ' 50 2S
Corn , sicked i 30 24
Chop Corn , vickeu L " 5 25
Gatesacked "i GO 30