Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, October 17, 1907, Image 4

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    I. M. lllCE . Editor and Proprietor.
Entered at thejiostollice at Valentine , Cherry county , Near. " . as Second
Ulis Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance. _
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
uer line per issue.
Brands , li inches$4.00 per 3 ear in advance : additional space $ . ' { .00 per
car ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock iree to brand advertisers.
This paper lias from time to time made mention of
the candidates for county office so that the voters might
lmvve a chance to inform themselves as to the qualifica
tions of the various candidates. We do not believe that
a man ought to vote blindly for whatever he folds on his
ticket , but he should exercise the same degree of judg
ment in selecting public officials that he would exercise
if he were engaging a man to work on his ranch , his farmer
or in his store. If you hire a foreman for your ranch
you do not trouble yourself about politics.Vhat you
want to know is : Is he able to do the work ; will he do
'it in a satisfactory manner , and will he be honest and fair
in his dealings with you. If you are satisfied that he is
capable , honest and reliable you do not care what his
opinion may be on the tariff. Why not exercise the same
business judgment in selecting men to fill the public of
fices ? By placing no one in the field against j\lr. Keeley ,
for clerk ; Mr. Armstrong , for treasurer ; Miss Kortz , for
superintendent , and Mr. iiussell , for commissioner in the
second district , we recognized their capable service in
the past and concede their claim to a re-election. They
are all republicans , but good officers , and ought to be re-
elected. If you want capable men in the clerk's office
and the treasurer's office why not put capable men in the
sheriff's office the judge's office and the assessor's office.
Taking it for granted that Mr. Keeley will be re-elected
clerk : Mr. Armstrong re-elected treasurer , and Miss
Kortz re-elected superintendent , and Mr. Kussell reelected -
elected commissioner of the second district , it narrows
the contested offices down to five.
For the office of sheriff we have nominated Clyde A.
Rosseter of Barley precinct. Mr. Rosseter is just in the
prime of life. He has seen ten years of active life on a
Cherry county ranch , having lived that long at his pres
ent'"home , ten miles south of Cody. This is long enough
to give his neighbors a chance to form an estimate of the
man , and from men of all parties comes the highest
praise. You cannot go into any home in his precinct and
hear a word of criticism for him. Everyone testifies to
Ins sober , mclustnous lite.
He has shown his good busi
ness ability by starting in
life a poor boy without capi
tal and working his way
through school and finally
graduating from the Chad-
ron academy. Upon leaving
school he struck out on his
own account and went into
the sand hills south of Cody
and by industry and econ
omy has built up a substan
tial ranch. He built a home
for himself and his family ,
and now , though still a
young man. lie has enough
of this wo lid's goods to be
A. Rossctcr reasonably independent. 11
took pluck and industry to do this and it took good judg
ment , too. While others were waiting around for some
thing to turn up so they might make a living without
work , he took hold and carved out his own fortune. This
is the first time he ever was a candidate for office. He
lias been content to remain upon his ranch , and he would
be content to remain there , but there is no school in that
locality , and no prospect of getting one , and his children
are of school age and he wishes to give them school ad
vantages. This is the reason he became a candidate for
this office and. the vote he received in his own precinct ,
and in the adjoining precincts , at the primaries , shows
that his neighbors are anxious to help him attain his am
bition. The Cody Cow Boy , a republican paper , in com
menting on his campaign , , said : ulf he should be elected
lie will run the office without graft or dishonor in any
form. " This , from a republican editor who has known
Mr. Rosseter personally for more , than a dozen years ,
is just what you hear from every man who knows him.
: : : : ; : > * ; : : <
THE OLD SOLDIER M. K Clynes , of River lYecinct , can-
C AN DID ATE didate for county judge on the demo
cratic ticket , is the only old soldier running for office this
fifJ-L For good many years this office has been con
ceded to the old soldier * , and , when the late Judge
Towni ! died , they looked around for anolher ccleraii to
take his place and Mr. Clynes appealed to the public be
cause of his educational and superior mental abilities.
Although old enough to go out with the first call that
President Lincoln made for volunteers , ho is still vigor
ous mentally rnd physically , and fcv/ people , at first
sight , take him ; > be old enough to have seen four years
tfwvic'e in thti Uirii War. lie has always had sfomethingi
! of the aggressive disposition that has conquered the west.
As a boy he was among the first to enlist , and , when the
I war was over , he started west and U'as among the first
\scttlers \ of C/ierry county. He is one of the pioneers and
has always taken an interest in public affairs , although
he has noi been a seeker after office. If left to his own
inclinations he probably would never have entered the
race , but it seemed appropriatethat an old soldier should
be selected to fi'll the office so long held by Judge Toicne
| and Mr. Clynes' friends knowing of his superior educa-
cation , his good judgment and his strict integrity , pre
vailed upon him to become a candidate. Judging by the
assurances that come to him from old comrades and olc
friends , democrats and republicans alike , it would seem
as though he would be elected by a handsome majority
on election day. Not only cote for him yourself , but
speak to your neighbor and make sure that he goes
through with the same handsome majority that Judge
Toicne used to receive.
COUNTY Per this office we litive placed in nomina-
ASSESSOR011 | p pj Young of Cleveland precinct.
Mr. Young came to this county several years ago anc
bought the old Morgareidge ranch near Simeon. Latei
he bought the Burleigh ranch that adjoined his own , and ,
welding the two together , he formed one of the besi
equipped ranches in the county. He was fortunate
enough in his youth to be favored with an excellent edu
cation , and nature furnished him with a strong body
and a bright mind. Perhaps few
men have made a more favorable
showing in the stock business than
he. lie is a good judge of real es
tate and a good judge of live stock.
His mind is keen , bright and alert ,
and he will bring to this office a com
bination of education and natural
ability that is so essential to its suc
cessful administration. He is sober ,
industrious . and painstaking and one
t i 11 i
or tne most agreeable or men to
meet. lie not only knows you when t R H > Youne
he is a candidate for office but he knows you all the yeai
round. While attending strictly to business he always
has time to exchange ideas , and , if he is the next county
assessor , you are sure of courteous and efficient service.
This office is an important one. The man that fills it ac
ceptably must be be alert and keen enough to detect the
tax dodgers and to see that the. deputies appointed
will do their work faithfully and impartially between
one section of the county and another , and between one
taxpayer and another. isfo man stands higher in his
community than does Mr. Young. Ask any business
man in Valentine ; ask any man in Simeon , or any man
in Cleveland precinct and you will be convinced that
those who know him have the utmost confidence- him
and are ready to support him for this office.
COUNTY AS the board of county commission-
COMMiSSlONER ers stands at present it is solidly re
publican. When one party gets an absolute hold on any
public board it has a tendency to build up a little machine
that will dominate its own party , and , through it , domi
nate the whole community. This fact is so well recog
nized that in many of the states it is provided by law
that there shall be minority representation on public
boards. The minority member may be no more reliable
than his associates , but it has a tendency to make the do
ings of the board pubjic and to give the people a chance
to know what is going on behind the scenes. If con
tracts are let to political favorites the minority member
is'there to expose it ; if graft in any form is found the
minority member is there to advertise it for political
effect if for nothing else , and the public is thus protected
against the clique that might otherwise dominate the
county. There ought to be minority representation on
the board in this county , and for this reason James Mone
of Cody , the democratic candidate of the third district ,
should be elected. Let it be remembered that , although
he is running in the third district , still , the whole party
votes on the office. No matter what precinct you are in ,
you have the right to vote on commissioner in both the
Second and Third district. Mr. Mone is the democratic
candidate in the Third district and Mr. Russell is the
republican candidate in the Second district. No matter
irhaf district you may lice in you can still rote for both.
COUNTY 1'he office of coroner does not , as a rule ,
CORONER attract very much attention , and still
there is every reason why men should select the best for
tin's office the same as for the others. In putting up a
ticket we endeavored to select men that could poll , not
only their party vote , but who would also command the
respect of the opposition. Dr. A. N. Compton , our can
didate for coroner , is not a political ! . He is content to
devote his best efforts to his profession of medicine and
surgery , but the office of coroner is one usually given to
the medical profession and oftentimes there is a decided
advantage in having a physician in this position. Dr.
Compton has been engaged in the practice of his pro
fession in this village for nine years , and it is probably
not saying too much to say that he has long stood at the
head of his profession. His old patients are his most
loyal supporters , and their friendship and confidence
would seem to be the best guarantee of his worth as a
physician uid as a man.
COUNTY Jpimy. . McDaniel , the democratic can-
S'JRVEYOR ' cjidate for surveyor , has no opposition and
is therefore sure of re-clcctipn , but we believe his ser
vices in the office are satisfactory and that he ought to
be given a complimentary vote , just to show him that , his
gtfoU wdrtk is ax reftiafea b'y Ins fellfov
The only genuine and absolutely
reliable substitute for tea
r\ and coffee is
the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy ,
j comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended
\ for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu
tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great
* nutritive and invigorating qualities. Has the re
S freshing properties of fine tea , the nourishment of
the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos
\ sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases
where tea and coffee are prohibited.
'i ' < -
Eggo's Fruit Salt is a great health reviver.
A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent and
so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all
the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and
is recommended in all cases of indigestion , consti
pation and headache. Removes impurities from the
blood and can be used freely without causing in jury
Manufactured by
OMAHA , U. S. A.
The above preparations may be had from all
Grocery and Drug Stores.
9 ©
I I New line of street and trimmed hats
just received. Changes made and V
trimmed to order hats. : : : : : : : :
Miss Ethel Butler
ubli'c opinion is unerring , public confidence sel
dom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine , Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange-when
you need anything in our line.
The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch.
Browniee , Nebr ,
Soldier Creefr Ool-
Ulll"US 17tll IGOOoU.
; i son of Columbus
17th. : i half brother
o tbe.IO.OOOC' : un-
pion D.ile , : i n d
Prince BoabdH 131.-
CD3 at head of herd.
I will have no hulls for sale until 1903 , having
old all of 1006 bull calves.
Riejje , ITebr.
Tubular wells and windmills.
i 2f Call me up by Telephone.
Piret-clasB Shop in Every Respect
Eui de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star liair
Tonic , Herpicide and Cokfi's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
Valentine - Xebr.
All work will be { riven prompt
and careful attention.
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Will be in Rosebud agency July
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904.
Handles the
Opposite Postoffie. Phone 71.
De Laval Cream
Separators FOR SALE "BY
Nebraska Valentine A. 3 ? . WEBB.