Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 26, 1907, Image 4

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    That's because McLaugh n's XXXX
Coffee is always the same day in day out
always of the same good quality , blended
just right , and roasted to a turn that's
satisfaction , and 16 full ounces to the
pound is economy.
The handy air-tight package and the
glazing of pure sugar keeps the coffee
clean and fresh protected from dust , dirt
and foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by1
I. M. EICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZAHU Foreman.
Entered at tne postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
t Class Matter.
* ; TERMS :
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; § 1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or S ( > .00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
uer line per issue.
Brands , li inches $4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
ear ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Panfes living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
It is with considerable pleasure that one takes up
the campaign for candidates such as were nominated at
the primary election by the democratic party in Cherry
Clyde A. Rosseter , the candidate for sheriff , is a
young- man of good habits and splendid qualifications for
the office. He has spent his life in this western country
and is well acquainted with people and the country.
He was born at Jj t. Kearney
in the early days when the
country was sparsely settled ,
and when but a small boy
his father moved to the
Black Hills with the throng
and multitudes who went in
search of gold when that
country bec.ame so famous
as an Eldorado and fabu
lous wealth , in store only
for him who already had a
plenty , lured thousands , to
endure many privations and
hardships of that frontier
life , but returned to Ft.
Kearney two years later
where the family resided
Clyde A. .
Rosier. jggg
settled on a homestead in Keya Palia county , about six
miles south of Rpringview. In 1886 the family moved
westward to Ghadron where Clyde entered the high
school and eight years later graduated from the Chadron
academy. The year following 'he moved to Sheridan
county and remained there four years , excepting one
year when he was employed by the government as day
school teacher on the .Rosebud reservation.
It was eight years ago that Mr. liossetcr settled in
Cherry county fifteen miles southwest of Cody where he
has since been engaged in stock raising. Pie was mar
ried to a young lady whom he became acquainted with in
the Chadron academy and is raising a family of children ,
two of whom arc of school age. He bears a good repu
tation for hone . ; y , sobriety and integrity in the neigh
borhood in whibli he lives , and wherever he has lived.
All who know him can testify to that and friends and
neighbors , regardless of politics , are supporting him loy
ally as a worthy and competent man for sheriff of Cher
ry county.
We have made some inquiry as
to this man Jencks , who was
nominated by the republicans for
district judge. We never heard
of him before and few of our
readers , perhaps , have ever heard
of him. To our inquiry comes the
following icport , though person
ally we know nothing of him.
-This is what we hear of D. 13 ,
Jo neks :
"It is doubtful if there is' a law
yer in the Fifteenth judicial dis
trict so little known as D. B.
Jencks , the republican condidate
in the west end fpr district judge.
In 1891 and for some years prior
thereto , he was living in Chadron ,
Nebr. , and was not well known ,
even in the town in which he lived.
In 1891 Alfred Bartow was elected
district judge , and at the time of
his'election , was the local attorney
of the railroad at Chadron. After
Bartow went on the bench , Jencks
secured the position and was she
railroad attorney for the Chicago
& Northwestern at Chadron from
that time until Bartow was defeat
ed by Judge Westover. At about
that time , Capt. Fischer , who ran
for district judge four years ago
and was defeated , succeeded in
securing the railroad attorneyship
from Mr. Jencks , and Mr. Jencks
having no practice to speak of ,
and the fact that the hard times
and dry weather with all its dis
couraging aspects had settled down
upon us , he concluded to emigrate.
Accordingly , he packed his grip ,
bid goodbye to Chadron and Ne
braska and went west to grow up.
He located at Eugene , Oregon
where he remained until about
three years ago when he returned
to Chadron. He had very little
law practice during the eight years
he lived in Oregon and was never
entrusted with the trial of any im
portant cases. However , he-did
not have to worry about office rent
and coal bills like most attorneys
with a poor practice , for , during
his residence there , an old maid
aunt of his died in Connecticut ,
leaving him 825,000. During his
residence in Oregon he spent about
all the money which he inherited.
"After the defeat of Capt. Fish
er four years ago , at a time when
Jencks was again low in funds , he
conceived the idea of returning to
Nebraska for the sole purpose of
securing the nomination on the re
publican ticket for district judge.
His partner , Isaac Harbaugh , at
Eugene , Oregon , is authority for
the statement , that when the news
of Fisher's defeat reached them in
Oregon , Mr. Jencks repeatedly
said that Fisher's defeat left an
opening for some republican to
run for district judge in 1907 from
the west end of the district , and
he believed he could remove back
to Chad r on and secure the nomi
nation. Accordingly he packed his
grip , bade the people of Oregon
farewell arid came back to Chad
ron where he has waited and
watched with a cat-like persistency
for that coveted nomination.
"Mr. Jencks is not a capable
lawyer , and the leading attorneys
in the west end who know him
best , declare that he is not quali
fied to hold the ofHce , and if elect
ed , he would be unable to do the
work on the bench. A carpenter
is known by his chips , and a law
yer is likewise known by the num
ber of cases he has. In the three
years or more since his return to
Chadron. Mr. Jencks has not had
to exceed a dozen cases in court.
"Mr. Jencks has no interest in
this state , either in land or per
sonal property , and when defeat
ed he will , in all probability , again
pack his grip and bid Chadron and
Nebraska good bye.
"This , then , is the record of
Mr. Jencks , the republican candi
date for district judge. Epitomized
it is as follows :
" 1. lie was the attorney for
the Chicago & Northwestern rail
road at Chadron until he left the
state in disgust.
" 2. He left the state when the
dry weather.and hard times settled
down upon us.
" 3. He came back three years
ago when things were prosperous
with the sole purpose of becoming
a candidate for judge.
" 4. He inherited a large for
tune and spent it.
" 5. Fie has no property inter
ests in this state , and if defeated ,
in all probability , will emigrate
' ' "Don't you think , Mr. Voter ,
he should be given a chance to
pack his grip and bid Chadron and
Nebraska good bye once more ?
Since it has been the will of our
Lord to call to Himself the. be
loved child of our sister , Maud F.
Webb , we , the members of the D.
of H. lodge , tender our sympathy
to the bereaved parents in their
sad and severe trial.
RESOLVED ; That a co'iy of these
resolutions be sent to the family ,
be spread on the minutes of our
lodge and published in the town
Mrs. Dora Rice ,
Mrs. Fannie Robinson , \ Com.
Mrs. Quigley ,
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No. 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. F. GILMAX.
For Sale.
House and small barn , with two
lots , close in , near school building ,
for sale at a bargain. House is
new , lawn and shade trees , good
sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash ,
balance easy payments. Call on
I. M. Rice , agent.
This is just the place for some
ranch owner or farmer' to select
for his wife and children to live
during the winter and send chil
dren to school. Don't delay as
this property will find an owner
soon. It may be yours. Come
and see about this fir.5t time you
are in town. 18
For county judge
of River Precinct.
For sheriff
of Barley Precinct.
For county assessor
of Simeon.
For coroner
of Valentine.
For county surveyor
of Valentine.
For county commissioner 3rrl dist.
of Cody.
I have just opened a Millinery store in
the Efner building , three doors north
of the postoffice. Everything new.
Styles the latest. Prices the lowest.
is public confidence seldom
. opinion unerring ,
dom misplaced. Thelrue worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power ot ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives , ihe people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
I and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine , Where the major portion off the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liqiior
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The Stock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
. iL-
O JL. i\0 -
These three words are -derived from the
same Anglo Saxon root breowan.
All three are foods. Barley , a grain
that makes both bread and beer.
Bread , a solid food. Beer , a liquid
In making bread , flour and yeast are
used ; in making beer , barley-malt , hops
and yeast are used. The same principle is in
each both are wholesome foods.
In Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer the Pabst Eight-Day
Malting Process matures the malt slowly and uniformly ,
thus transforming every particle of nutriment in the barley
into perfect food substances.
To these are added the invigo
rating properties of the choicest
hops , by the Pabst brewing process ,
which insures absolute purity.
Your system re
quires a liquid. Why
not use one that is
both food and drink
I ne Beer of Quality
The special value of Pabst Blue Ribbon at meals is
that it encourages the fluids of the stomach to readier
action thus aiding you to get the fullest
nourishment from your food.
You can prove the value of Pabst
Blue Ribbon as a food , by order
ing a case today for home use.
Made by Pabst
at Milwaukee.
W. F. A. Meltendorff ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Phone 1.
Comic Automobile * Parade- *
Grand electrical Parade-
LacHe s Float" Par < ade-
Coronation and Grand Ball -
Strayed or Siolesi
from my corral in Valentine , one
gray gelding saddle horse , weighs
about 900 pounds , 6 to S.years old ,
branded T on left shoulder. Lib
eral reward. HENKI" STETTER. 31
Sleeting * at the M. E. Church Every
_ Preachiug Sunday School begins " at 10:00 Vcloel- ' \ \
Junior League "
Epwortli League begins at '
ITeachtag - . . 6:30 o'clock -
Itev. C. .
E. CO ELI , , Pastor