1 VOLUME 23H VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 12. 1907. NUMBER Hf * * / If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not oijly reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of n sanitation. ( fctatfdai'a ' Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be high grade and plec.sc you. Orders for repair work given prompt attention. ere. iscount on all of our Canvas Shoes , and Ladies' Children's and Men's Oxfords and Slip pers ; also , on Ladies' Shirt Waists and Skirts. A few of those fine Shirts left at 50c each CLOTHIER Valentine , We handle a full line of Ladies' and Gent's Shoes at a reasonable price. Also a special price on Women's Dress Groods. You get quick service and a premium coupon -with every lOc purchase. Give us a call. PHONE 97 , / " " 1 S A TTnn 1 / \ A 7" T P T 5 GRAIN T BOYER , CARPENTER & BUiLDER. All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - - Nebraska FRED WUITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L..BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. . . Valentine , Nebraska Capital Surplus $25,000 , VOX * $2,500 , , Persons seeking n. place of safety for their tnone3' , will profttby 2 investigating : he methods employed in our business : : ' . : : : : : : : Read the Advertisetnents , OLD SETTLERS HAVE ' K JOLLY GOOD TIME / The old settlers reunion on North Table last Saturday was attended by a large number of people from the surrounding country and the "woods was full of people , " soxto speak , who enjoyed themselves as a grand old time picnfc. Every thing went well and there was something doing all the t ime to interest those who came to see and tnar and visit with old time neigh bors. The following special re port in detail by Mrs. Lottie Cramer will be found interesting : OF PHIZES. Ball game , Valentine. Horse race , C. C. Thompson , 1st and 3rd ; John Osborn , 2nd. Pony race , Eddie Kelley , 1st ; Mnt Bishop , 2nd- Consolation race , Dave Fowler , 1st ; Ed Holienbeck , 2nd. Men's foot race , , C. Brunei ! , 1st ; Wm. Grooms 2nd. Fat men's race , Bert Hammond. 1st ; D. Fowler , 2nd. Boys' race , Andrew Galloway , 1st ; C. Heeman , 2nd. Boys' race , under 10 , C. J. Haley , 1st ; Lawrence Rice , 2nd. Dumb bell contest , Milton Reag- le. Standing broad jump , George Stetter. Best fall wheaf , Mr. Van Metre. Oats , T. W. Cramer. Speltz. Louis Taylor. Bromus , C. W. Cramer. Alfalfa , T. W Cramer. Ear corn , C. M. VanMetre. Stalks of corn , R. M. Crabb. . Peck potatoes , VanMetre , 1st ; J. B. Gaskill , 2nd. Head cabbage , VanMetre. Watermelon , Webster Wertz. J doz. beets , Jas. Searby. k do/ , carrots , Mrs. Spratt. Celery , J. B. Gaskill. Squash , Ralph Crabb. Pumpkin , Mr. Lower. Crab apples , apples , plums and tomatoes , Mr. VanMetre. ! All-purpose team and driving tiara , Wm. Brosius. Brood marc , Louis Taylor , 1st ; T , W. Cramer , 2nd. Two-year-old mule , Wm.Cramer. Spring mule , Wm. Shelbourn , i 1st ; T. W. Cramer , 2nd. Yearling colt , Hazel Caram , 1st ; ' T. W. Crarmr , 2nd. ' Spring colt , Louis Taylor , 1st ; F. H. Higgin , 2nd. Calf , Mr. VanMetre. | Pair Pigs , C. W. Cramer. Two-year-old colt. Hazel Camm. Crocheting , Mrs. Sadie Fowler. Knitting , Lottie Cramer. Embi'9idery , Mrs. Viertel.N Plain sewing , Ollie VanMetre. Patching and darning , Lottie Cramer. Loaf bread , Mrs. Halm , v Cake , Rose Fowler. Pie , Mrs. Perkins. Jellies , etc. , Mrs. VanMetre. Pickles , Lottie Cramer. Plymouth Rocks , Mrs. Sadie Fowler. Miscellaneous chickens , J. F. Shepard. Composition , Crookston school. Art , Crookston school , 1st ; Fairview - view school , 2nd. Prettiest baby , W. M' Hooper , 1st ; Marvin Jeilers , 2nd. The literary program , with two exceptions , was carried out as printed. We were unfortunate in having a heavy wind and it was very difficult to make the audience hear , but those who could hear pronounced the program a suc cess. Every number was marked with careful and thoughtful prep aration and excellent delivery. Mr. Reece gave an excellent ad dress fraught with items of inter est to the farmer and rancher , and good advice to husband , wife and young people. Rev. Beale is especially thanked Cluett Coat Shirts , if I obbj and Neat. The Harlow Shoe , Style , Fit and Quality. The Arrow Collar , Comfort and Wear. ' The Dempster Hat , K * Durability and { Style. ' < B ? See our window display of ( rent's Furnish Wf ings for this week. We are closing out a few odds and ends in liarlow 4R slices at bargain 4RW prices. Watch for them. : : : : : : : : : . < ? 4 ? * ? < S ? 49 C V VT ? for assisting us , as he did , without a previous invitation. The program committee extend thanks to everyone who assisted in furnishing a program. ELLIOTT B BEUKL AXDER. A very pretty home wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K Elliott at McCann , Neb. , Sunday noon , Sept. S , 1907 , when 4heir daughter Blanche M. was united in the holy bonds of matri mony to Herbert % . Breuklander of this city , Kev. J. A. W. John son of Kilgore performing the ceremony in the presence of the family and a few invited friends. After the ceremony hearty con gratulations were extended to Mr. and Mrs. Breuklander , after which an appetizing dinner was served. Mr. Breuklander is one of Val entine's young men of excellent habits and qualities , has grown to manhood in this city and is highly respected by all who know him. The bride is the youngest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Elliott and is one of McCann's charming ladies. Miss Mae Gunderson of this city acted as bride-miiid and L. Hand acted as best man. Many were the cost'y ' and useful presents presented to this worthy young couple who will occupy their new home , one of P. F. Simons' residences on south Cher ry street , after Sept. 11. NE Wno WAS THE UK. FLUTING TABOOED. Highmore , S. D. , Sept. 9. Flirting in puMic places is a mis demeanor in this town. Acting Mayor J. E. McDonald has approved an ordinance passed by the town council making it un lawful to loiter on the steps of any church , public building or in the doorway of any store for the purpose of visiting or eating candy or peanuts , or flirting. Parents and guardians are held responsible , by the ordinance , for the behavior of children or ward ? . Several prominent young couples are already under surveillance and arrests are expected. Omaha Daily News. CrlERRY CO. SCHOOL NOTES N The past Cherry county teachers association will meet in the high school room at Vatanliiu1 , Satur day , Sept. li , at 1'JO : p. m. , for election of officers , organization and reading circle work. LULU KORTZ , Co. Supt. P ter DeCory shipped ton of cattle to Omaha Tuesday and went down with them. We are throughinvoicing * and have odds and Vends - ends of different Lines to close out at a bargain. We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which we will sell below cost. Gome and see. pROOKSTON , " E VIERTEL NEBRASKA. : DEALER IN EVERYTHING. 9 9a what you have to sell. what you want to buy. Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYGREW , GENERAL MDSE. Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank June ] , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The I dbtttti&r dk * w &t * & ft * 0 > ti& Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A Gi-neral Banking Exchange and , x Collection JBusinea * . G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-president. M. V , NTOHOLRON. Cashifir. ES3SZS ES3 53 S325:3332521 : Z i " / /f TVTl TT / T lf / % , Rv T ? I > T T $ CONFECTIONfcRY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. Phone ' 7 Stetter & Tobien , Props. , , _ . , „ IS DEAT.KIIS IX 'liira . Mi All Kinds of Fresh * and' Salt / Meats. . . . Will buy your Cattle , Poultry , Horses , jMules and anything you have to sell.