Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, September 05, 1907, Image 1

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    .iistorical Society
cr >
Tri i
If. your balh room is equipped with modem , high-grade
sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg
ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of
Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only
beautiful , and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When
you decide to install new bath room equipment let us- quote
you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than
you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our
work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be
high grade and please you. Orders for repair work given
prompt attention.
on all of our Canvas Shoes , and Ladies'
Children's and Men's Oxfords and Slip
pers ; also , dii Ladies' Shirt Waists and
Skirts. A few of thosle fine Shirts left
at 50c each
Valentine , Nebr.
"We handle a full line of Ladies' and Gent's
Shoes at a reasonable price. Also a special
price on Women's Dress Goods. You- get
quick service and a premium coupon with
every lOc purchase. Give us a call.
PHONE 97 , 5 !
* r
All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebraska
J. W" . STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier.
a. . ank
Valentine , Nebraska
= O Capital Surplus | |
$25,000. $2,500 , , a O 3
Persons seekinjr a place of safety for their money , will profitby
investigating he methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : :
Read the Advertisements.
Talk of the Town.
Miss Cora Thackrey began her
school Monday in the Pike district.
E. Breuklander was quite ill last
Friday and Saturday , but is feel
ing better.
11. G. ' Easley and daughter re
turned Sunday from their visit at
the old home in Indiana.
Miss Claudia Wells entertained
a number of young ladies at her
home Thursday afternoon.
Luke Stotts spent several days
in our city last week and the first
of this week visiting friends.
Your attention is called to A.
John & Go's , new advertisement
which appears on page 1 of this
Miss Geraldine Tracewell be
gins her. school thi's week at
Thacher where she is teaching her
first term.
Frank Brayton is in a hospital
in Omaha where he is taking , treat
ment for an ailment that threatens
his health.
Miss Nellie DeBell of' Rosebud
came down Saturday and that eve
ning departed for Westpoint to
attend school.
Miss May Barn PS is teaching
the Simeon school nnd began with
an enrollment of nine pupils Mon
day morning.
Dave Pecers starts this morning
for the Jamestown exposition , ex
pecting to be gone a couple of
weeks or more.
Clyde Rosseter was in town Sat
urday and went down to the Sparks
reunion , where.he played with the
Cherry county base ball team.
Rev. John Thackrey returned
from Simeon Monday and that
evening started forMontana where
he expects to enjoy a hunting tri p
with friends.
The Presbyterian church is un
dergoing some extensive imp'rove-
ments , both on its exterior and in
terior. The ladies aid society has
charge of the work.
John Neiss was over from the
reservation this week , looking pale
and thin. Pie has been having a
siege of sickness which took him
down considerably.
Mrs. Dailey entertained a num
ber of young ladies at her home
Friday evening. The party was'
in honor of those intending to
leave soon for school.
L. H. Smith and wife have re-
burned from Omaha where they
have been in the hospital for three
months. Lou is looking well and
thinks he is all right now.
Major Kelly and a number of
witnesses from the reservation
went up to Dead wood Monday
night , where they appear before
the federal court on various cases.
'The team driven by Geo. Miller
on/the city dray line ran 'away
Monday near the depot , spilling
George out and smashing up
the wagon to a considerable extent.
S. F. Kimraell of. Rosebud was
in town Monday , intending to pur
chase a residence in this city in
order tl at his children might have
the advantages of our splendid
public schools.
A large number of young ladies
enjoyed themselves at a picnic
supper Saturday evening on tlic
creek. They took Floyd Petty-
crew and Cloyd Quigley along to
do the work.
J. B. Lord and son Gordon were
in town yesterday. Gordon is
now guard of the forest reserve ,
taking Hep i Shock ley's place.
Several thousand young pines have
j been planted the past spring and
about 30 er cent are growing.
4 ?
If you are going away on a vacation or pleasure
trip , you are likely to need allew Suit Case. We
H have a nice showing of excellent values in this class
of goods. We want to call your special attention ,
to a Case which we will have in our window all
next week at
" a Reduction Price of $1.75.
cannot afford to miss this opportunity of buy
ing a good case cheap and also seeing a good , strong
line of these " 'Gods. Watch our window.
John Spall and S. Q. Spain of
Sjmeon were in town yesterday.
John Bachelor and George Heine
drove in from the ranch of the
former Tuesday.
Judge Mogle brought the elec
tion returns down from Boiling
Springs precinct today.
The finest flour in town is the
Golden Crown , § 1.45. Sold at T.
C. Hornby's. Every sack guar
anteed. 85 2
. George Hunter returned yester
day from a trip into the south
country as far as Brownlee where
j he was fixing up the telephone
Bryan Quigley and Cletis Haley
returned to town yesterday , after
a long outing with Mike Clynes.
Mr. dynes brought the boys in
and visited with friends until Sun
day evening.
The little son of T. C. Hornby
and wife has been seriously ill this
week from an attack of cholera
infancum. Dr. Bridges of Omaha
was called to assist our local phy
sicians in caring for the child.
Mr. and Mrs. Higgle , neice and
nephew of Mrs. J. M. Chirkson ,
are here frpm Clay county , III.
on a visit. From here thp.y go to
Tilford , S. D. , to visit Mrs. Belle
Clarkson. Grandma Clarkson
will accompany them.
Miss Frances Thackrey , who
has been teaching at the Rosebud
school the past year , was promoted
recently and transferred to the
Sisse.ton Indian school in South
Dakota. She came down last Sat
urday from llosebud enroute to
her new position.
The Valentine Library Asso
ciation organized last Friday night
with a membership of thirty-eight , !
adopting a constitution and elect- j
ing a board of directors , which
consist of the following : For the
three year term Geo. Elliott , L.
C. Sparks and I. M. Rice. For
the two year term C. H. Cornell ,
H. Dailey and J. J. McLean , and
for the one year term Mrs. H.
Hoenig , Mrs. Martha Davenport ?
and W. S. Barker.
Mi\ and Mrs. TV. H. Carter ,
Henry Carter and J. E. Scott of
Nevada , Iowa , who is visiting Mr.
Carter's folks , were in town sev
eral days the past week attending
to the Mrs. Shore property , pack
ing and moving some of the house
hold goods to Cody where they
expect to have a big stile in the
near future. Mr. Scolt is a rela
tive of the Carters and is thinking
of moving out here to look after
Mr. Carter's ranch property , and ,
in that case , W. H. Carter and
wife will probablymove to Yalon-j
tine. * * s
ttQ A El
We are through invoicingand have odds and ,
ends of different lines to , close out at a bargain.
We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which
we will sell below cost. Come and see.
* -w
what you have to sell.
* \ 7
i. what you want to buy. s
Call and see us. Phone 23
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
PAID IN A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection L'usiness.
G. H. CORNELL , President. „ J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier. ,
Tk T " " * IPft T T
Tobaccos and Cigars.
i *
t ? Canned Goods Lunch Counter.
IS ! ! !
Stetter &
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Aleats -
_ _ _ _
Will buy your Cuttlo , Hogs
1'onltr.y , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell , j * |