Historical Society - 4 < 5C-1"1 X > v * . r VOLUME XXII VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THUPxSDAT , AUGUST 22 , 1907. NUMBER c A i ndaim If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of sanitation. c taifdatfd Porcelain Enameled V/are is not only beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be high grade and please you. Orders for repair work given prompt attention. 2 , on all of our Canvas Shoes , and Ladies' Children's and Men's Oxfords and Slip pers ; also , on Ladies' Shirt Waists and Skirts. A few of those fine Shirts left at 50c each * CLOTHIER D. . Valentine , ISfebr. Gent's Furnishings-- Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes. FINE LINE OF FEESII GROCERIES. Ranch Supplies a Specialty. PHONE 97 , GRANT BOYER CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes - Valentine , , - % Nebraska FRED VHITTKMOIK , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J.V. . STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. a. . < n . Bank Time as nterest -f O TimeDeposit nterestPaid Valentine , Nebraska Capital Surplus Deposit Paid C5 rtO $25,000. $2,500. , ? o Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will prolitby investigating" he methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : : ! ! m ii i mm nacoj Read the Advertisements. NEW TIME TABLE , C.&N.W. KAST r.OL'XD No. 2. Daily except Saturday.:4r ! ) p. m. , Pass No. fi. D-iih 4:5.ia : in. . l\\- > s No. W. Dailv , except Sunday . . .4:0) p. in , local No. 110 , Daily 50t4. in . loca WKST 15OUXI ) No. 1. Daily , except Sunday 6:50 p. in. . Pa * * No. % Dailv 1:47 a. in. . Pn'-s Vo M Dally except Sunday 0:40 a m . local No. 119 , ( doesn't carry piussentjers ) 11.45 p in Talk of the Town. Rev. A. T. Carpenter of Johns town was in Valentine between trains last Friday evening. Rev. John Thackrey came Tues day evening from Kansas City to visit with his brothers and sisters here. Rev. J , B. Cams , state superin tendent of the Anti-Saloon League , will occupy the M. E. pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. Everybody come out ari.i hear him. Rev. C. E. Connell started Tues day for the M. E. Annual Con ference which meets in Chadron today. Mrs. Connell and children are spending the week with friends at Crookston. Miss May VanBuskiik , who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. Connell , the past few weeks , left Tuesday evening for Merriman , where she will leave for Idaho in a few weeks. Mrs. E. Breuklandor returned from Cherokee , Iowa , Tuesday morning , accompanied by her daughter May. The numerous friends of Miss May will be glad to have hcKsamong them again. Mrs. Razey , mother of Mrs. P , F. Simons , returned from Joplin , Mo. , last week. She has been staying with her daughter , Mrs. J. P. Hunt , for several years. " We understand Mr. Hunt has sold his drug store in Joplin. A further meeting to form a public library association will be held at the county judge's office Friday evening of this week , at which time the committee on con stitution and by-laws will report. All are invited to attend. A game of base ball Sunday be tween Valentine and Thacher re sulted in a score of 23 to 9 favor of Valentine. The Thacher boys played pretty well at the bat but were not so good in the field , per haps from want of practice , hence Valentine's big score. The lightning struck the home of Mrs. Hubbard last Wednesday and tore its way down the chimney , taking a part of the plastering and splintering some of the wood work. Mrs. Hubbard was shock ed but not seriously injured. She happened to be sitting near the chimney where the lightning struck. The Thaekiey brothers and sis ters are having a reunion of the family this week at the homes of J. E. Thackrey and C. S. Reece. Sam , the oldest brother , and Mrs. Sadie Harris eame Sunday night ; Miss Frances Thackrey came down from Rosebud Tuesday ; Rev. John Thackrey came Tuesday night. Frank and Will were expected Tuesday night but failed to come. Mrs. Mary Wiseman was also ex pected. Those who have come have gone out to C. S. Reece's. J. E. Thackrey drove in from the E. Still well place Sunday to meet his bi others and sisters and to haul a load of lumber and build ing material out for Mr. Stillwell , who is building a frarn house , and thinks that if Hackberry lake con tinues to rise he'll have an ark that will float. He has been driv en out of two sod houses already by the rise of water and this time he is building his house three stories high so that he can move up a > story at a time if the water should come up. MrfThackrey is doing the carpenter work. F AR SALE a * 4 ? We offer you on sale beginning Thursday , Aug. 15 , pur entire line of \ Men's Summer Underwear. This includes the. Men's Union Suits , in the 4 ? Porous Knit and the Balbrigan wear , both in the colored and plain. Also a nice line of two-piece stuff in plain and fancy colors. Following are the special values we have to offer you : Men's Two-Piece Light Ribbed Wear , regular § 1.50 values. Our Special sale price 8c Men's Light Weight , good quality , with double vseat drawers , regular § 1.25 value. * * > Our special sale price * fr Men's Light Weight Wear in colors Team , black , brown and 43 blue. This is good serviceable wear and sold at 7nc per suit. Our special sale price Men's Union Suits in plain and fancy colors , good quality , in the Balbrigan and Porous Knit Wear , regular 4 ? § 1.25 value. Our special sale price a * We have , also , some odds and ends in Shirts and Drawers in values from 50 to 75c which we ( will close out at 25c. Watch for our window display. Or G"v"O ! O O Cr"MTV O rr C-'C > O O y ( VC * CfCC'Cr C > i3r Tt V' fy V S ? V < 9B V V ? * f & < & < 5p | V < E < & V V * i > & 5 * ? V * 3 > V V dj Ice cream will be served Satur day afternoon and evening at Bethel hall by W. C. T. U : ladies. They desire the patronage of the public. The air ship scheduled to make daily flights at the state fair , Sept. 2-6 will consume three tons of sulphuric acid and three tons of iron filings during the five days of the fair. Every visitor will have an opportunity to see this 20th century invention at close range on the fair grounds. A game of base ball played be tween the east and west sides of Main street last Thursday resulted in a score of 13 to 9 in favor of the east side , but Mr. Jackson , who was umpiring the game , claims to have made a mistake in declaring the west side out when all bases were full arid the batter fanned out with no run. The bat ter only was out Mr. Jackson says but the mistake may have made little or no difference in the score yet might have evened up with a good batter to run in and bring the three in on bases. Samuel I. Thackrey of Kansas City , Kan. , and sister , Mrs. Sadie Harris of Manhattan , Kan , ar rived Sunday night for a visit with relatives in Cherry county. Sam Thackrey is a brother of J. E. Thackrey and the Thackrey sisters and is the father of Miss Sadie Thackrey who has been teaching school the past three years in our county. Sum was formerly a school teacher in Rihy county , Kan. , but for fourteen years past has been a railway mail clerk on the Rock Island and his run is now be tween Kansas City and Colorado Springs. September 2-6 will be seen the largest state fair ever held in Ne braska. The entries to date are : 175 head of draft horses. 200 head of race horses. 450 head of cattle. 2,000 head of swine. 200 head of sheep. Poultry to completely fill a b u i Id i n g GO x 1L 0. T wen ty-two county collective * exhibits. Art hall filled with textile and art treasures. Mercantile hail filled to overflowing. A grand educa tional exhibit. The product of more than 200 manufacturers in machinery covering acres of ground. New arrangement of grounds and facilities at an cx- pen e of § 30,000. Deed race . Nebraska Derby on Tuesday. Guidless horsos. Air ship. Great world renowned bands. Western league ball. Amateur athletic meet and all sorts of amusements. OS E ! Y\rG are through invoicing and have odds and ends of different lines to close out at a bargain. We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which we will sell below cost. Come and see. OriOOKSTON. NEBRASKA. MAX E YIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. what you have to sell. vt a ? 3- what you want to buy. Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , CcNERAL NIDSE. rrsrsrci Chartered as a State Bank Chartered aa a ! N ational Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1002 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Swcespor to ) CAPITAL PAID UST \s > A fipncnil Itankuig Exchange and Collection Business. G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. - \f. V. ONERY- Tobaccos and Cigars. ft 4 Canned Goods 3C3C Lunch Counter. Phone 7 ome Ba Stetter & Tobien , Props . , . . . . . . . . .J.J.0. J-i.JLii\ V + - - * % * j. and Salt Meats. . . . ' ! \V\\\ \ \ \ buy your Cuttle , Hogs , t Poultry , Horses , Mules and anything you have to sell.