Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 15, 1907, Image 8

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Works on /
a wagon ,
is easily
moved and
is not
by the
wind like
other warranted
stackers. by
I !
] SSSd i' S K j ; ti
Those who attend this great
gathering of Christian Sioux ( or
Dakotas ) at Antelope Creek , Eose-
'bud ' , August 23-28 will be able to
see and hear how earnestly and
intelligently some of our Indian
neighbors discuss matter.s of
greatest importance to them , and
to ourselves , as men and Chris
Both men and women in their
own meetings during convocation
have a chosen set of questions for
discussion , in addition to all the
Regular business of such an oc
Here are subjects chosen for
men who are delegates from nearly
a hundred churches and stations :
II !
1. What the church has done
for the Dakotas.
2. What the Dakotas did for
the church.
3. What is the best way to in
crease the Native Clergy Sustentation -
f. . tentation Fund ?
4. What , if any , are the ob
stacles to further progress. '
5. Civilization ,
6. True religion.
7. How may the obstacles be
removed ?
8. Shall we "introduce the
i :
Christian Temperance Society
i' ' among the Dakotas ?
li. ! 9. The neglect of the Holy
\i \ if 10. The cause.
1 !
11. The cure.
1. Itancan taanpetu kin iye-
cetuya ahopapi kta on token
econqupi kta he ?
2. Token econqupi qu hecen
unkicincapi kni ohinni wicakey-
yaunpi kta he ?
3. Tek n unkicincapi tancan
qa wokoyake eciyatanhan skaya
wicunyuhapi kta he ?
4. Tiwahe unkitawapi tozani
kin token en tanyan'euntowanpi
kta he ?
5. Oraniciye tamazaska kin
odotapi qu owicaqupi kin token
anaunptapi kta he ?
Aryone senrtlnj ? n pketrh i < nd description mny
qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably T-'itentahlc. roinm'ii.ira-
ilnns strictly cnnUdenttal. llundbookon Patents
sx'iitfrce. OMost ; iL'cnt-y for secuni'KPateiKH.
I'atonta t.ilton tlirf'uch ? .lunn & Co. receive
tpfflal nt'llce , ' 'ItliouL conrtro. in the
l 9t l * *
I !
A. hmdpotnc'y Hlnstrntod w p'-- . Tarce' * clr-
iril/tuun ' any nciemiiic Jour " 'eniis , $ J c
yenr ; fmir months , ? L fc'oidl-1' newsdealers.
Co.06tiroadwi lewYcrt
Office. (25 ( li1 fjL. Wt . .ioti. D. C.
San Francisco , Aug. G Large
'quantities of merchandise , am
munition and supplies of every
kind for use of the army in the
Philippines are being forwarded
to the islan Js.
Within the next fifteen days ,
four transports , the Logan , War
ren , Crook and Bul'ord , will sail
for their destination loaded to their
full capacity with military stores.
In aldition they will carry 3,000
men of tie Twenty-fifth and
Twenty-ninty infantry and casuals ,
besides a number of prominent
Of this fleet the Warren sailed
Saturday , the Logan will sail on
August S , the Crook on August
10 and the BuforJ on August 15.
Dead wood Telegram.
Weather Data.
s -
The following data , coverinir a per
iod of 19 years , have been complied
from the Weather Bureau records at
Valentine , Nebr. They are issued to
show the conditions that have pre
vailed , during the month in question ,
for the above period of years , but
must not be construed as a forecast
of the weather conditions for the
comintr mcrith.
l ean or normal 71 °
The warme&t month was that of 1900
with an average of 7G =
The coldest mouth was that of 1891
with an average of 07 °
The highest was 103 ° on 1 , ! ) 0
The lowest was 36 ° on * 28 , 1893 .
Average-ior month 2.56 inches.
Average number of days with .01
of an inch or more 10
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 5 02 inches in 1906
The least monthly precipitation
was 0 33 inches in 3894.
The greatest amount of precipita
tion recorded in any 24 consecutive
hours was 2.42 inches on 2 , 1903
The greatest .amount 6f .snowfall
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
( record extending to winter of 1884-85
only ) was 0 inches on 0.
Average number of clear days , 15
partly cloudy , 12 ; cloudy , 4
The prevailing winds iave been
from the S.
The average hourly velocity of the
wind is 10 miles.
The highest velocity of the -wind
was 60 n les from the W on 7.3889
j. j. MCLEAN ,
Obseryer Weather Bureau" .
Tawen ftjp
at my place , ZY inilp.s south of WoodlaVe. Ne-
hnisKa , on Aim -.t. 13. I''OT. one brown hor. e.
wulirbt 850 pounds , branded figure- on leli
shoulder itud cross half circle Connected on left
' 31 5 CliU. HULL.
l t
A Mccn Trick.
Siith You sny you write" dunning
letters to yoursalf and sign them with
fictitious uauieo. What do you do that
for ? Jones You see , my wife is al
ways after me for money , and when
she reads those letters she becomes
How to II tin a
When a man goes a
Ive'ep ' it out ,
'When the critic roasts a play
Keep it out.
When two men in anger clash ,
When a merchant goes to smash ;
When the cashier steils the cash-
Keep it out.
When thev quarrel in the church *
Keep jr. out.
When the teacher wields the. birch
Keep it out.
When nine w.nnen f . ir to see
Whisper something over tea
Print iiV G mdnens gracious nib !
Keep it out.
When two statesmen make a deal
Keep it out.
When another tries to steal
Keep it out.
Stories thin auditories tall : ,
Good and bad , and big and small
Anything that's news at all
Hoar 'em shout :
t Keep it out.
George Fitch.
Penbrook Quills.
Mr. Geyer will ( work with the
Burdick boys this fall during thresh
ing season.
D. H. Hutchison and wife have
come in overland from. Colorado ,
and are visiting their brothers , A.
\V. and E. L. Hutchison.
Bui dick brothers have bought a
steam threshing machine and will'
commence threshing next week.
They have also purchased a self-
binder , running two in their grain.
T. Tillsonvm. , . Sorby , J. Klein
and ] \ir. Eberhart , accompanied by
their respective families , and Mesdames -
dames A. W. Hutchison and John
Eittle attended the - tent meeting
last Sunday from this neighbor
hood. Dinner was served on an
impromptu table in the tent. It is
not necessary to say a word about
quality or quantity when'Nebraska
women cook. Mr. Clark a minister
from Neligh will help conduct the
services as the tent is moved east
ward along the line of Sunday
schools organized l y Miss Lillian
Benker. The meeting were well at
tended , considering this in harvest
season. EAGLE.
Contest Notico.
U S. Land Office , Valentine. X
July 29 1907. t
A sufficient contest affidavit having been iilad
n this ollice by Calvin E , OalaniP. "contestant
uiaiust homestead entry No. H'331 made De-
jenibpr ; > ! , 1000 , lur J-&NW } , . SW 4-K .i section
l.'N WJ-i .N KJi. notion 14 , Township 27. Hanjie
W , bv Albert H. Randall , coiitestee. i' > which it
s allt td that sani Albert B. lianaall has
vlv.Hy abandoned said hum and
Iranxei his re idence therefrom for morn
bin six months hist pat , that th land is not
ettlfd up n nor cultivated in good faith aj tjiu
awjUMiuires. and ei.trj man lias ntir establish-
id his resident e ii , . on the land as tli law ic-
Hifn-s ; iiul has Inilea to cure his laches up tj
his dat" . aidaid .nllcgi d al-aiidoiMiient too' '
ilace more than six nioinhi. prior 10 the ex-
) iration oflive jeais fn m the time * f makni- }
aid entry , and jafd nil ged absence i nctdue
0 Ins uiiiployii.iMit in the army , navy or marine
nips of tlie United S ; ; te.sai "a private soldier ,
iltiuer , bt-aliian or iimr.nudurii g the war with
ipaincrdii-in any other war in which the
jiiitc'i Mat1 ! ' may tif engau d.
.Niui parties are here-y noticed to appear , re-
Dond ad JFer rvul IK-K touch nj : snd : all < yn-
it'ii : it Id oVjuck > . in. on fep . 11 il > OT , helorw
lie. rmi-tcr : ii l receiver at tliesJJnited Mates
nid OKice. \ a cntino. Nt brjibkn.
'Hie a d cnim'stiuit haviiiirin a proper affl-
avit lilcd Ma > ) , ififi" s-r. ii.ith fact.s which
h < w ihar lOii-r diif diliirence jierhoiiul be vice
1 this notice cannot be ni'ide It ishe ef > y' > rd r-
d and diieiited that suyh notice be given by
ue and vropcr juiblicaticn.
'M 4 E. OLSON ; Ecebher
o o
Feeding Sheep
Ilniuiiii : sheup : uul L-imh : ; t'.io hut
two or rii.'ej yyr/o lias lx-oi oisy IIDLL'/
1o r.lmort every oic tli.-tt hns ; : ' * . *
tht'T , : uul tbo prcilt in tlio hu-inos- ;
has been sn.Icicit temptation to sret
tsome men I.clc into The businoVvho
do not lave a strong per oual lire-
dilection i'o:1 the auimr.lp.
Any rrx-Ii v.-Iio ( To go into raising or
feeding she ; i > or lambs are apt to n t
.take much note < f the ways oi aninaN
r.bont t'.U'ir e/.ting anil ' . .aac < : i't > -
qucntly allow them to waste a g-n d
deal of grain. All who : : ro faniiliav
wills sheep lnow that toigh ! they eat
almost a : * . ; t'iig that i. g.-oo'i
clean , they will not eat dirty fil-rr- .
csp tialgrain ! or forage that lun
bceiiv eonlininited : with the ! : ' o-vn
filth. Consequently it is a matter of
importance io provide troughs ? for
grain and racks for roughage , into
which they cannot climb aul stand or
eve:1 put their t'ect at all.
Pro'.jalylv tlie bet way to make
troughs Tor grain i : ? to build them
al'Mic.Mue and close up to a board
fence or wall of a building , say. ? a
writer in Farm Progress , if this i- ;
done and tlie trough , even though Hat
bottomed , is not very wide the vjheep
will not be able to jump rp into it and
stand in it. This would be the plan
for a single trough , and the sheep could
stand only on one side.
But troughs may be made flat bottomed
tomed and wide enough to divide by a
board partition running along the mid-
iuxic von MUDDY LOTS.
die lengthwise , dividing it into two
troughs of the length required. If this
t partition of boards or slats is high
i enough the sheep cannot well get into
j and J-tand in tlie troughs and foul the
i feed.
I As sheep dislike mud very much and
hate to get wet feet , provision ought
by all means to be made for feeding
them in the dry. A well made shed
facing south is the best way to secure
this pritection. but if for any reason
the shed cannot be provided for feed
ing them it is very desirable that the
ground around the feed racks and
trough ? should be dry. Where gravel
is abundant raising the ground around ,
the racks and putting on four to six
indies of gravel will keep the immedi
ate surroundings firm and free from
If gravel is not obtainable and there
is no other way to provide for solid
standing room around the feed racks
and troughs the best thing is to build a
board platform xn good substantial sills
of some wood that docs not rot easily.
This idea is shown in the accoinpAny-
ing illustration , which shows low , flat
racks. The racks might be better if
made V shaped , Avith up and down
slatted sides , wide enough apart to per
mit the sheep's noses to pass through
readily. I have tised them made in
that way as well as like the illustration
and found that it saved much of the
hay , turnips and other tilings that I fed
Sheep on Legumes.
Care should be exercised in pastur
ing sheep on clover or. in fact , on any
member of the legume family , for un
less judgment is used there may be
considerable loss from bloating. There
is a right and a wrong way of pastur
ing these crops. The right way is to
allow the clover or alfalfa almost to
come into bloom before turning in the
sheep. Then there should be sown
With these crops some timothy , redtop
ov any othoi' nanloguminous plant , for
where thei'o fs a mixlurp this way the
sheep will alternately eat one aijd tlje
other and so reduce the chance of bloat
AVlKMi turning in the flock for the
first lime they should be already filled
with food. For example , the day they
are to be turned into the clover pas
ture feed them early In the morning
a little grain and hay. and Avhcn the
sun is well up and hot turn them out
Then instead of filling themselves at
once they will eat a little and then
look for a cool spot to rest in. Joseph
T3 , Wing has. he says , tried this plan
With great success. ITp also advises
keeping before them constantly a re.-
ceptaclc containing saft find air slack
ed lime mixed.
Once hi the pasture thpy should nev
er be moved until It comes time to
change to fresh pasture that Is. they
should not be brought Into the yards
at night or they will be in danger of
bloating when let out again in the
Saving the Lambs. .
A younf ? lamb from high priced reg
istered stock Is too valuable to lose ,
but not every one Is successful In rais
ing them by hand. If It must be done
that way I always turn them over to
my wife , writes a breeder In Farm and
Fireside. When the Iambs begin to ,
make their appearance she hunts up .
the bottles , nipples and measuring *
glass , also the dairy thermometer. She
Is very careful not to overfeed and
never gives over an ounce every two
hours , day and night until the lamb Is
( i \veek old. Eighty-five degrees is the
temperature we give. We find it bet-
ler to feed the mlllc to them a little on
fcie cool order than too wann. Do not
feed milk f 1-0:2 a cow that htis been
long in Ifittation if you can help it. We
Ivy to have a "fresh" cow when the
lambs begin to come , so if there must
be outcast lambs or ewes that have no
milk we can give them a start.
R M Faddis & Co.
Posfoflflee address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
on It ft
Horses branded
on Mt
or thigh.
Some branded
on rij-lir. thifcli
-boulder. .
N. S. Kowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left
side and hip , and ou
left shoulder of her
ses. AlsoSvS ? ou
left side
fr' 4 on ieft M < IP.
tl brani
ed lie pen ( either side up ) on
left side.or hli. p ou left jaw and e t shoulder
of horae- > . ( jj
jjQ on left hip of hors s.
"fa on left jaw of horses
: . W. lien netit
Stock branded
with 7 on left hip
also same as cut
Range between
tjonioii and Snake
ci utivs ami on tlie
Niohrarn river
George Jleyne
Cody , Neb
Brand registered
N 1027
11'ir.sfs branded on
iet shoulder
Kauire north and
9ouf h of Cutcomb
Lakes in Cherry Co
PostofQce address
Ilj'anma , Neb
On right side
shouMer ,
cacti *
or. right d
HnoK ?
C. II. Little.
Merriraan , Nebr.
Oh either side
Horses same on
hip Also >
L.i1e Creek
Pat Peiper
81rne D Nebr
Roan Brothers
Woodlake Neb
John Roan's
pi ivate mark , slit
in left ear
C. P. Jordan.
Rosebud. SD
Horses and cattle
same as cut ; also
CJ BE JJ on right
Ran o on Oak and
Butte creeks.
A liberal reward
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stockS
tearing any of these brands.
Albert Whipple & .Sons
Koaebud , S , D.
C-ttle branded
SCgon left side
Obuou rieht side
S OS Some cattle also
have a - } - on neck
Some with A on
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
.across hind qnar-
jters. Somr ? Texas
: attle branded s O on left side and some
m left side.
3orses branded SOS on left hip. Some"cau
> randed AW bar connected on both sides and
MU. nio of horses.
li'I-P-A-I S Tabules
JJoctors fiijd
A good prescriptioji
For mankind
The 5np package s enough for usual qccas
ions. Thp family bottle ( fiO cents ) cpptains a
upply for a year. AH druKjrists sell them.
June 20 , 190T.
PerCwt. Per Ton.
5ran , sacked , . . . $1 00 $1S 00
Shorts , sacked 1 10 20 00
"hop Feed , sacked 1 45 27 00
torn , sacked I 20 22 00
Jhop Corn , sacked 1 35 2S 00
) ats , sacked 1 To 38. 00 ef
Mourning ,
"The Parkin-a have all gone into deep/ /
lournliig for a very distant rotative.
) on't you think it's a sign"thcy'ro *
[ curo. ; . It's a sign the distent
olative was rich. " Life.
A Fresh Clerk ,
Customer What have you got that
: strictly fresh ? Groccr-Oiie
enf , please. Here
, Johnny , wait ou
IG lady. Cleveland Plain Dealer *
. >
r si jKit - - r"
* . Msv
Gordoa , JS
Cattle branded
on leftside a u
cut , 6-lnch box
and 2H-inch circle-
Brand registered
Inchccircle. . 1-In
box Registered 876. Bange miles sootb.
Irwln ou Nlobrara nver.
Parraelee Cattle Co.
Eo ebtid.S. D ,
Cattle branded
as cut eli left side
with stripe under
Horses djjp
left shV
Itanue on Soldier creek.
Metzger Bros. ,
Cattle branded
anywhere on left
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
psinie brand on
left thigh.
' Kanjic on Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A Reward of S2SO wlh bi aid to any pet son for
inf.St.on . lending l > the arrest Hud liiial
conviction of any p rs m or persons atealiii\
cattle with above bnuid. ft
Jos. r nstol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on Nlo-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
n H connected on
left hip or side as
shown in cut
SS >
addn ss
Branded on lelt side
Range eighteen miles
north of T-Ti
Pullman , Nobr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on rieht shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the re
covery of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams
Morr'.man , Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Sijme on
Horses same on
left hhouidcr.
Creek , S , D.
D. M. Sears.
Kennedy , Nebr.
Cattle branded
as on nt.Iett side
borne on lolt hip.
Horses same on
left shoulder.
Range Square
Gordoa , Nebr.
Cattle branded
same as cut Q
left side.
branded !
on left
Kange-6 milei
south of Invin.
J. B. Lord
Simeon Neb
Stock branded
same as cut back
right shoulder and
en right hip
Eange on the
Cody ,
Qu left
side. Horses
ses left
Range north o
Cutcomb Lake
Garner Brothers.
Horses qn left
Kanpce- North
Sawyer Bros.
ostofflcQ address.
Oasis. Nc
G. Jv. Sawyer
„ „
charge of , thase ca
tie Horses U is op
left shoulder. Some
Mt side
Kange on Snake rlver
ibraska Land and Feeding Co.
rtlett Richards-Pres
WIUGComstock v P'
Chas C Jamison SeSwSgJ001 ' '
Cattle branded op
a.nFPartofainmQl ;
also the following j
brindh :
Worses branded tht
Uange between