Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 15, 1907, Image 7

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August is the month of internal
catarrh. The mucous mem-
brsnes , especially\of \ the bowelsr
are very liable to congestion ,
causing summer complaint , and
catarrh of the bowels and other
internal organs. Pc-ru na is an
excellent remedy for all these
x Aflnptnblo Trio.
"I know three women who live in
the same Hat , " said the hachelor girl. ,
"I wish you could see the way they
manage it It's awfully funny. They
live as separately as if they were in
three Hats. They hardly have anything
to do with each other. For instance ,
each gets her breakfast ready the night
before. All she has to do is. to make
her coffee in the morning and boil her
eggs. Each has the same daily paper.
Tou'd think they would buy a different
one and exchange , but they don't. So
every morning they go out in the kitch
en at different times , get their break
fasts , bring them back to their bed
rooms on their little trays , and read
their papers all separately.
"I don't believe that three men liv
ing in the same apartment would do
that Do you ? I believe they would
hobnob together at breakfast time and
start the day with a little fun. " Chicago
cage Inter Ocean.
Physician Your boy will pull through
all right. lie has a wonderful consti
tution. .
Mr. Tytc-Phist I am glad to hear it ,
doctor. In making out your bill , of
course , you will not make me pay for
what his constitution has done in pulling
him through.
j ? n. Deal > le Life.
Rivers You can't moke me believe you
evei\ caught a fish that had another fish
holding on to its throat , and landed ooth
of them. That's a little too tough a
story to swallow.
Brooks Then I'm both a nature faker
and a member Of the Ananias Club , am I ,
you big stick-in-the-mud ?
msy Iss
If it gives one the chance to
know the tremendous value of
a complete change of diet. .
fry this for breakfast :
A. dish of Grape-J uts and Cream ,
j\riccr Crisp
C-ctp of "Well-made
' ' , "Postam Food Coffee ,
That's all , and you feel comfortable
* V tnd well-fed until lunch.
* s
And at night have a liberal meat and
, tregetable dinner , with a Grapo-Nutg
pudding for dessert.
Such a diet will make a change In j-oui
health and strength worth trial.
"There's a R-caoon. "
"Tho Road to Wellyilla , " Injgk
la YTcjJded Afcrcntl to Katlierlne
Ccldy , a Chlc sro Girl.
The marriage of Untpl ! States. Senator
Albert .7. Bevcridge of Indlan-i find Miss
Katherine Eddy was solemnized in Ber
lin at the pal/tial residence of United
States Ambassador Tower Wednesday.
Extrem simplicity marked the ceremony
and the invitations were limited. The
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Augustus
X. EdJy of Chicago , and a sm.ill group of
relatives , members of the embassy staff
in Brrliu. and a few intimate friends of
both families comprised th" spectators.
There were no ushers and Miss Eddy had
no bridesmaids.
Several hundred congratulatory tele
gram and cable messages were received ,
including one from the mother of Mr.
Bevoridge , from Champaign , 111. , and mes
sages from. President Roosevelt , Senator
* * m.1 $
. . ' * . * {
s * * * x f
Allison , James Whitcornb Riley , most of
the Senators , many members of the
House , and political friends all over the
United States.
The new Mrs. Beveridge is the daughter
of Mr. and Airs. Augustus X. Eddy of
Chicago , an'3 a niece of Mrs. Marshall
Field. "Both her father and mother be
long to families long prominent in Chi
cago. Senator Bcveridsce was the young
est man in the United States Senate when
he entered it eight years ago at the age
of 3G. lie Avas a plowboy in Highland
county , Oliio , at 12 , a laborer at 14 and
an employe of a logging camp in Illinois
at 10. He borrowed $30 from a friend
in 1SS1 and entered Depauw university.
Here he won all the debates and with his
prize money paid liis expenses for the
two years remaining of the college course.
In ISSo , after t\vo years of work on a
ranch , he returned to Indianapolis and
commenced the study of law. He became
a campaign speaker in 1SS4. Mr. Bever-
idge married Katherine Langsclale at
Greencastle , Ind. , in 1SS7. She died
seven years ago.
At a banquet given to King Frederick
of Denmark during his visit to Reikiavik ,
Iceland , the king announced his policy re
garding the future relations between the
island and the Danish crown , saying : "I
Lave established a commission to arrange
for legislation to define the constitutional
position of Iceland in the realm and to
find a form under which the freedom of
Iceland may be built up and protected ,
while at the same time the unity of the
realm is preserved and insured.
It is reported from London that the
management of the Daily Mail and Even
ing News , known as the Ilarmsworth pa
pers , which were recently mulcted to the
extent of $230,000 ou a libel suit brought
by W. H. Lever of Liverpool , has settled
another similar suit by the payment of
$125,000 and the publication of an apol
ogy. This latter suit was brought by Jo
seph Watson & Sons of Lords. Both ac
tions grew out of a controversy over the
alleged attempt to bring about H cornbi-
Bation of the English soap manufacturers.
! Xot less than 0,000 troops have been
summoned to the vicinity of Belfast , Ire
land , in order to control the situation
arising from'the strike of the dock labor
ers for increased pay and shorter hours.
Phe calling of troopsMvas due partly to
the fact'that the police had struck to
enforce their demand for more pay be
cause of the extra work. The strikers
ivere attacking non-union laborers at ev-
jry opportunity. One feature of the
: roublc is the closing of a number of
spinning mills through inability to obtain
Liven Are L.-oit nnd Crops Jn T.Iany
Place : ! Arc Ruiiie.l.
Tventy-live lives are rep /teI : to
hfiro been 102t and property < lr.agcd to
the amount of 5500,000 in a tornado
which swept over the southern part of
Minnesota , northern Iowa , the south
western end of Wisconsin : ; iul a part
of Illinois. Dispatches tell of.deitlis . :
in jilmcst every point where tlic tarnaJo
A fanner , his wife and > oi were kill
ed near Mason City , Io\v\a , thair lu.ue
being destroyed over their heads \vliile
they were in bed. Two eohclses or a
Green Bay , AVi ? . , passenger train were
thrown over au embankment r.e-r Wi-
nouu , Minn. , and three . .menvero se
verely injured. The wind reachoU a
velocity of about ninety miles ai hour
and was accompanied by terri'hrrin
and lightning. The vilHtre , ofT Sj ,
Iowa , was wrecked by the .vhid ana
one person killed aud/m.iny injuivil.
Twenty or more buildings wore un
roofed. At Murshalltown a sevvre
windstorm , acfcmpanied by hail , lev
eled corn , blew down loaded tives ,
and did much other damage. 'Slii. ' . ; > : i
at Clear Lake and many cottageeiv
destroyed. A half dozen barns aiul I' MI'
houses near Roekweil were demoli : h vl ,
and the roof was blown from thj
olic church at Rockwell. Many hou r
were destroyed in Winona and tli3 roofs
were torn off twenty largo factory
buildings. The lighting plant V.MS
wixvked , leaving the town in darknoss.
The power house of the local streat
car company was put out of commis
sion. The cars in the streets were over
turned , and one of them warcarrieJ
against the side of a store. Fronts of
the stores were blown in and the wind
carried all kinds of stock from the
shelves and counters.
A severe hailstorm practically devas
tated the corn crop in the western
townships of Peoria county , 111. , and
the east tier of townships in Kuox
county. Hailstones twelve inches in
circumference cut the blades from the
corn as keenly as if the stalks had been
trimmed with a knife. Thirty thousand
acres of corn is completely ruined. The
loss is estimated at $1,000,000 to corn
alone in Peoria and Knox counties. A
fifty-live mile an hour wind blew dur
ing the storm. The large hailstones
broke hundreds of windows and the1
strong wind uprooted trees and moved
farm houses and barns from their
At Havana , 111. . Miss Margaret Lein-
of Mr. ami
iuger , IG-year-old aaughter
Mrs. John Leiningcr of Mason City ,
is dead , the result of being struck by
lightning during the storm. At Pana ,
111. , lightning killed Frank Henderson
and Frank McMullen. Property valued
at $50,000 was destroyed. Corn was
stripped by the heavy hail , barns burn
ed , and 'hay ' stacks thrown over the
fields. A terrific electrical storm , ac
companied by a cyclone , passed over
Litcbfield , 111. , uprooting tree tnul
catising much damage to buildings and
Snys Will TaJve IH T Folio-wins ; and
Build a. Xevr City.
Refused the granting of his petition
that he be appointed by Judge Lumlis of
the United States District Court a co-
receiver with John C. Hately. now in
charge of Zion City property , and un
heeded in his protests against the sale of
Zion City lace industry. Oveiswr Wilbur
Glenn Yoliva , who usurped John Alexan
der Dowie , asserted his defiance of the
* Nr SS = = - - R
3JgSggy _ r . --S
forces organized against him and declar
ed he would abandon Zion City and e tab-
lish a colony of his own elsewhere.
"I shall abandon the old hulk and
she can sink for all of me , " decl-ired
Yoliva as he was leaving the court after
his petition bad been denied and the sale
of the lace factory had been ordered.
"It is my purpose now to gather my
followers about me as soon as possible
and leave. When I go I will take a big
following along to establish a new col
ony. "
Notes of Current fiventa.
Women make big hit in Wisconsin as
real "hired farm handiy"
Secretary Cortelyou is at work pre
paring an authorized life of William Mc-
Xew York surgeons restore the sen e
of smell to a patient by removing a piece
o the skull.
Clothes of some Americans at Ambas
sador Read's reception aroused derision
of English tailors. '
The tobacco plant lias grown larger
and more profuse in the United States
than in any other co.intry.
Gov. R. C. Glenn or North Carolina is
to be oae of the chief speakers at the an
nual dinner of the Brooklyn Democratic
Dlub tit the Brighton Beach betel on A
ni *
Mr. Corson , owner of the sawmill ,
had his eye on every stick of timper in
the county , and the owner of every poor
little clump and grove had his eye on
Mr. Corson and the rising prices of
George Wales cut his thin squad of
pines , trimmed the logs , anl piled them
in his front lot by the road. Then he
waited for the time when he should ac
cidentally be visible on the place and
Mr. Corson should drive by. '
The encounter took place in due time.
Mr. Ccrson rattled past in his wagon ,
took a sidelong look at the pile pf logs ,
and called "Say. George , don't you
know it ain't polite to throw your
toothpicks round the front yard ? "
He Toolc a , Rest.
As It is undoubtedly true that one
man's meat may be another man's poi
son , so it happens sometimes that what
seems- like work to one person 'is re
garded as recreation by another.
"Had a good lecture on Alasky , didn't
we , Eb ? " asked one of Mr. Dodd's neigh
bors , meeting him the day after the
lecture. "To sit there peaceful as pie
for two hours , hearing him reel off the
Information and seeing tl&se pictures
cast on the screen , was a grand rest
for me , beat out with cranberrying as
I be. "
"It was a good enough talk , " admit
ted Mr. Dodd , in a grudging tone , "but
it didn't rest me any to speak of. Be
tween having to set stock still without
a chance to get in a word for two mor
tal hours and crane my neck looking at
those views , I was pretty well wore
when I got home.
"But I took the lantern out into the
woodshed , and by the time I'd split ufl
a week's kindlings I felt kind o' rested
an' calmed down. "
Adding Insult to Iiijnry.
Client Si Haymow kicked my dog.
Naow , I don't allow no man t' kick my
dog. So I went over t' lick time outen
Si. My doc charged me $17.50 to fix
me up. What kin I do tor Si ?
Lawyer Why not lick him again ?
Client Say , mister , I hain't a-jokin' .
I want tor know.
Lawyer Well , the only thing I can
suggest is that you might have him ar
rested for cruelty to animals. Five del
lars. Toledo Blade.
For Over wo Years Patent Medi
cines , Quack Cures and Doctors
Fail Cuticura Succeeds.
"I was very badly afflicted with ecze
ma for mor than two years. The
parts affected were my limbs below
the knees. I tried all the physicians
in the town and some in the surround
ing towns , and I also tried all the pat
ent remedies that I heard of , beside *
all the cures advised by old women and
quacks , and found no relief whatever
until I commenced using the Cuticura
Soap , Cuticura Ointment , and Cwticura
Resolvent. In the Cuticura Remedies
I found Immediate relief , and was soon
sound and well. C. V. Beltz , Tippe-
canoe , Ind. , Nov. 15 , 1005. "
About 1,200 miles of railways are like
ly to' be constructed in South Africa
within the next few years at a cost of
§ 30,000,000.
Guns , Traps. Decoys , etc. Lowest prices. '
\Yrite for free catalog No. 1. N. W.
Hide & Fur Co. , Minneapolis , Minn.
The National Woman Suffrage Society
receives now about $1,000 a month for itl
Mrs. WlnaJow's Soothing Syrap for Children
teething ; scftan&tho gums , reduces LufL-.rmna-
Uon. allays fcaUi. oureJirmd colio. 35e a bottle.
s. c. x. r.
"What Cburlr * Dickon * Safil.
Henry C. Robinson , u witty lawyer
who used to live in Hartford. Conn. ,
I once told the following anecdote one
[ , evening , wh n he was iutrdlucing an
English author to a Hartford audience.
"The first famous Englishman whoa
; I ever saw was Charles Dickens , who
' lectured here in Hartford when I was
a young boy.
"I had read some of the stories of
this great writer , and 1 was most anx
ious to catch a glimpse of the man him
self. So on the afternoon when he was
expected to arrive I walked up and
down the street in front of the hotel
where I knew he was to stay.
The hotel was built close to the side
walk , and the long windows of the par
lor were so low that the passer-by could
easily see into the room.
"I soon realized that a gentleman
was sitting within , reading a pnpor. I
stepped close up under the window and
pressed my face against the glass , eag
er to get a good look at the stranger.
Yes , it was he ! It really was ! I had
seen his picture often , and coulds't be
mistaken. I stared and stared , anxious ?
to impress every feature upon my mem
ory. After a few moments he turned
and saw me there , the little eager Yan
kee boy , gazing up at his face ; and
then the famous man , laying aside -tiis
paper , actually spoke , so that I really
heard the voice of the great Charles
Dickens himself , and he was really
talking to me ! "
Here Mr. Robinson paused impres
sively , and some one on the platform
inqiiirecl , "What did he say , Mr. Rob
inson ? "
"He said , " replied Mr. Robinson , in
subdued tones , "Go away , little boy !
go away ! "
Juxt the Same.
Gladys You thought Clarence was
making eyes at you when we were play
ing blind man's buff ! Why , he couldn't.
He was hoodwinked.
Esmeralda That's all right. He
hoodwinked at me.
How a Veteran "Wan Saved the Am
putation of a Limb.
B. Frank Doremus , veteran , of
Roosevelt avenue , Indianapolis , Ind. .
says : M had. been
showing symptoms of
kidney trouble from
the time I was mus
tered out of the ar
my , but in all my life
I never suffered as in
1S97. Headaches , diz
ziness and sleepless
ness , first , and then
dropsy. I was weak
and helpless , having
ru down from ISO to 125 pounds. I
was having terrible pain in the kid
neys , and the secretions passed almost
involuntarily. My left leg swelled un
til it was 34 inches around , and the
doctor tapped it night and morning un
til I could no longer stand it , and then
he advised amputation. I refused , and
began using Doan's Kidney Pills. The
swelling subsided gradually , the urine
Decame natural and all my pains and
aches disappeared. I have been well
now for nine years since using Doan '
Kidney Pills. "
For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a
box. Foster-MiIburn Co. , Buffalo , N.'Y '
The Kaiser is having a new racing
yacht constructed which will be almost
flat-bottomed , and have a new system of
For Infants and Children. ,
The KM You Have Always Bought' '
Bears the
Signature of
tad Syinptoi 3.
Tlic woman who has periodirr.l hrad *
aches , backache , sees Imaginary diirk ;
spots or specks floating or uancin-- before
her eyes , nas gnawing distress cr Lcav
full feeling > ft toaach , faint spell ? , drag-I
g in lower abdominal or
pelvic rcB&n , easily startled or excited , *
irrcguldror painful periods.withrrwith , *
' ' cat rh , is safTerir ; .froni-
erangctn ° nts thk" ' Iionlct
ha\e e fly attention. Not all of a.bov-
symptoras ace likely to be present In an > ?
case at ojie/fmc. ,
Neglected or badly treated Ji 'l snctf
cases/ofjt/n run into maladies v. : ! ch doj
surgeon's knife If they do not
No medicine extant . hpg _ such a long
and nim'roiii's record otcnr * ' ! i _ iicff
s as Dr. Pi prep's Favori t i'rcscrii
hasl uch a
tjmonLn I.s The very bit int rrcllent *
known to medical science for the cure of
woman's peculiar ailments cut. r into Its
composition. No alcohol , harmful , or
habit-forming drut ? is to bo found in the
list of its Ingredients printed > : i cacb
bottle-wrapper and attested urdor oath.
In any conditionvof the fonu-jo system , ,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescript ! * n can do
only good never harm. Its \ \ liolr * effect
is to strengthen , invigorate and r > r.iate
tlic wliole female system an < ! r i-t'eially
the pelvic organs.Vhon th < * P arc de
ranged in function or affected 1 y disease ,
the stomach and other organs of ciiVostioa
become sympathetically der mt i [ , tha
nerves are weakened , and a IOMT Hr.fc of
bad. unpleasant symptoms f < ll v . Too
much must not be expected of tis ! "Fa
vorite Prescription. ' * Itill not jK-rforra
miracles ; will not cure tuuior no med
icine will. Itu'ill often prevent thorn , if
taken in time , and thus the operating
table and the surgeon's knife nay bu >
Women suffering from disease ; of long :
standing , arc invited to consult Doctor
Pierce by letter/rcc. All com pomlcnco-
is held as strictly private and sacredly
confidential. Address Dr. * R. V. Pierce ,
Buffalo , N. Y.
Dr. Picrcc's Medical AdviscrIO'0pages-
is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent-
stamps for paper-covered , or 31 > tainp3
for cloth-bound copy. Address as above.
The Cost of n. L.fWitiio : . ' c- .
Few tasks our engineers ha.V un
dertake , are more difficult than Uu con
struction of what Kipling iv..I"Tho -
coast-wiso lights" especially u th > y bo-
off-shore and not on the mainland cliffs.
So writes Win. G. Fitzgerald , in aa
article on building a Hghthou-r. rs the-
Technical World Magazine. \ t how
well worthy the years of pat'tit toil
and heroic strife with wind a : :1 : wave-
the structure seems when tul ! > : uus
of its lantern sweep the wild - > .ts for
the salvation of ships , freightc I witb
human souls !
As to cost of construction , vliile a *
shore station may be built for r- -'sum
between $40,000 and $ GO.M > 0. : m off
shore light may cost as high a100 , -
000 before it has finally eonqtr-iv * ! the
fierce elements and is ready to s - . < 1 sea
ward its triumphant beams of i > -i-Iin
90,000 candle power.
"Having token yonr wonderful "O.s enroll" for
three mouths and oelng entirely curtu ' sti mncl >
catarrh and dyspepsia , I thiuk n word c i prnine la
duo to"Cxscarets"for their woiiderfnl eon.position.
I have tslcon numerous other so callet' ' remedies
but without avail and I find that Cascar'-'s relieve
more in a day than all the others I ha.e tukocj
would in a year. "
James -McGune , 108 Mercer St. , Jersey Ciij. N. J"
Best For
The 5owes !
Plessant , Palatable , Potent , Tosto Gootf. Do Good -
Kever Sicken. Weaken or Gripe , 10c. i , Ivr. Narer
told in bulk. The cennino tablet st.nd 0 C GL. -
Guaranteed to care or your nioiity b .Ci : .
Sterling Remedy Co. , Chicago or II.Y. 552 " *
ii " '
fore TiiOinpson-'sEysWafar
THE wonLo
To sny one who can prove W. JL ,
) Douglas does ao $ make & sett
) ffiCF < 3 Ken's $3 & $3.SO shoos
> t hen sny otfisi' tmnufzctupcr.
THE REASON" W. L. Douglas shoes areworn bvmore people
In all walks of life than aiiy other make , is because of their
excellent style , easy-fitting , and superior wearing qualities.
The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part
of the bhoe , and every detail of the making is looked after by
the most coinpleteorganization of superintendert .foremenand
skilled shoemakers , Tvho receive the highest wages paid fr the
shoe industry , and whose workmanship cannot bo excelled.
If I could take you into mv large factories at Brockton.Mass. ,
and show you how carefully "W.L. Douglas shoes are made , vou
would then understand why they hold their shape , fit better ,
wearjonger and are of value than other make.
greater anv Eyreu ? ? ; . < -'is.
f y f O snd B Gold Bond Shoes cannot be ctunicd at sryzu- . * .
_ , AUTIOr ! Ihe genuine have TV. L > . Douglas name and price stamped on botro : . Titko
Substitato. Ask your dealer for "W. L. Douglas shoes. If he cannot snpp.y vr > c , scad
direct tx > factory. Shoes sens everywhere by maiL Catalog free. W.L.Douc ! , ErocLioj. Ma = r.
i A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Your feet feel swollen ,
nervous , hot and get tired easily. If you aching , smarting
feet , try Allen's Poet = Ease. It rests the feet and makes ne\v or
tight shoes easy ; always use it to Break in KevShoes. . It cures
swollen , hot , sweating feet , blisters , ingrowing nails and callous
opots. Relieves corns and bunions of all pain and gives Best
and Comfort. It cures yhilo you walk. AVe have over thirty
thousand testimonials. 'Try it to-day. Sold by all Druggists
everywhere 25 cents. Don't accept any substitute for Allen'sj
Foot = Ease. Trial package FREE. Address , All.-n S. Oimsted ,
Le Eoy , N. Y. European Branch Office , Peterborough , England.
1/l/Aro / J Jf ° "S ° ccess brings imitations. Scores of
W.W .niC > l.i Jii 431 o worthless imitations are sometimes
offered for sale. Insist upon having Allen's Foot = Ease. The
Original powder for the feet. Twelve years , before the public.
Annual sales over two million packages. Do not accept
spurious substitutes claimed to be "just as good. " Imitations
pay the dealer a larger profit otherwise you would never bo-
offered a substitute for Allen's Foot = Ease. Ask for Allen's ,
3oot = Eas& and insist upon having it.
Remember , AllenWoot-Ease is sold only in 25 cent packages
bearing yellow label mth our trade mark and facsimile signature
" In a Pinch ,
Use Alien's Fooi-Easa. "
byjiUJDra is everywiiere . for 25 e nia. For FRZE Trisl paetage , aho Free Sample of the
FOOT-EASE SANITARY CORK-PAD , a new invention , address Allen S. Oimsted , Le Rcy , X. Y.
lirxrs : have
-aid so aixl uiny in
dividuals u.-we said ,
thai thi > tl.-i uty. anti -
ti > eptie powth-r. shak
en daily into the
Shoes is Cooling to
the entire System.
Scores 6f nerves center -
tor in the soles of the-
feet and Allen's Foot-
Ease soothes a n cl
quiets thesenerves. .
rse every nn-ans tt >
keep cool and avoid. .
Heat P ros t rn tioix.
Try this simple , pop
ular remedy yourself"
and see if it is not
instantly Coolini : ncl'
Refreshing. Sold
ail Druggists ,