V * , -l ' " A Compass With Five Cardinal Points FOR SHOE BUYERS * " ' STYLE / - FINISH WEAK COMFOET x LARGE AS- \ "SOBTMENT Patent Leather , Gun Metal , Velour Calf , X Kangaroo , Box Calf , Vica. Come and see 'em. T. C. Hornby. Now we are talking LU E The most complete stock in N orth- west Nebraska. BISHOP & YOUNG , CODY flEBf U U L9 I j I ! U 21 .Da Laval Cream - Separators KOK .SALE BY Valentine A ' ? Nebraska X3L Jt ? Meetings at the 31. K. Church Every MORNING SEKVICES- Sunday School begins at 10:00 o'clock. Preaching " " 11:00 Junior Lcaeue " " 2:30 p. in. EVENING SERVICES . Epworth League begins at 0:30 o'clock. ' Preaching " 7:30 " ' KKV.'C. ECoN2fKMi , 1'astor Get .your property insured by 1. M. Rice and you will b'e safe. His companies pay losses promptly. > * ' > ; ' ! * .j. . ' * Addititfhal Local. peCor.y is in town getting hay hands and to get a load of sup plies hauled up to his ranch. Mrs. Mabel Caton is down from Rosebud reservation , visiting her mother , Mrs. Tovvne , and sister , Mrs. Willi'arnson. Sam Bordeaux , the printer -on the New Era , was in town Tues day to consult a doctor regarding a paralysis of the right side of his face , which he thinks was caused by practice shooting with a shot gun recently. \ Al Thacker returned from Blackburn , IVJo. , Tuesday evening and reports Chas. Peddicord in a serious condition , with some hopes for recovery. He H being taken care of at the home of a brother- in-law near Blackburn. Ben DeCory came to town yes terday to meet his wife who has just returned from White Earth , Minn. , where she went to sell two 80-acre tracts of land which had been allotted to her. We under stand she received § i,000 for this land. * Peiibrook Quills. Corn is looking line. Howard Lay port and family visited C. W. Hamar's Sunday. Oats have ri'pened rapidly and the harvest goes swiftly on. A. W. Hutchison hauled three loads of hogs to Johnstown , re ceiving $5.40 per cwt. Mrs. Geo. Hancock received a pleasant surprise in the shape of a set of sterling silver spoons from relatives in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Sorby and Mrs. Theodore Tillson and daughter Theodora went down to the tent meeting Monday evening. The alfalfa on Mrs. D. A. Han cock's ranch is making a great yield this year. The ground from a "distance seems almost covered by the shocks. - , - * * The Sunday school convention at the tent near Geo. Davis' place was well attended and an enjoyable time is reported. The missionar ies of the Congregational church , L. 0. Pierson and Miss Lillian Benker , have organized a "great many Sunday schools in this part of the country , Theo. Tillson is running G. it , Burdick's binder , cutting the oats on both places his own and Bur dick's. Mr. Burdick has been confined to the house and at times suffering intense pain from a float ing kidney. A wrench from the Our Special Offer n OUTFIT NO. 5. Specially selected Edison Phonograph $20.00 Your choice of one dozen Edison Eecords ' . . 4.20 Special equipment , including magnificent morning glory horn , more than two feet long and over one and one-half feet in diameter , also especially constructed crane inpolished nickel 3.BO " Net cost. . . .12150 O.ur special terms on this outfit are $6.50 down and § 3.50 a month for six mouths. Genie in and let us show you this outfit. 7 ' This offer to be withdrawn Sept. 15th. . : .Largest stock of Edisoii Records in the Country. . ' - * < < ; - - * - Oirt7in --rt7in HH21BI VALENTINE. NED s : I. 0. 0. F. PICNIC AT AIN8WGRTH Indications are that the Ains- worth I. 0. 0. F. reunion and , j * picnic August 15 , will have a bet ter attendance from here this year than last. As this is the case "in all the towns up and down the line Ainsworth is preparing to enter tain even larger crowds than last year , and to have more and better attractions than a year ago. , While it is a reunion for Odd Fellows , , it is a picnic for every body. Ainsworth's reputation is v/ide spread. She is a pretty little city and attractive at any time , but doubly so * when she lays herself out to entertain , so that if you do not go you will miss a treat that does not come to everybody. binder wheel dropping info a ditch is the supposed cause. EAGLE. Chnrcli. Services will be held as follows : In Valentine Aug. 11 : low mass , at 8 a. m. In Crookston in Prairie Belle school house August 11. In Valentine , Aug. IS ; low mass at 8:00 : a. m. , high mass and ser mon at 10:30. : Instruction for the children at 3 p. m. LEO M. BLAERE. What about the once so much talked of Cherry county fair ? Mike Clynes was in from his homestead over Sunday and found time to visit awhile with friends , Clyde-Kosseter writes us that he is putting in his time at the end of a pitch fork handle on the ranch south of Cody. The Red Front has completed their new ware room and have an elevator that will carry.a wagon load of freight , run , by one man easily , to or from the basement. > Will Shepard had the misfortune a few days ago , while out driving a wild team at Wood lake , to get tangled up in a wire fence and was thrown from the buggy , breaking his shoulder blade and threw his arm out of place. He was out in the country and had to walk three miles into town , and returned to Valentine before get ting a doctor. He is getting along as well as the hot weather will permit. 4 The Shakespeare Club gave their play " 'Pygmalion and-.Ga latea" to a large and appreciative audience last Friday evening. At the close of the last scene a splen did effect was produced by Mrs. C. H. Cornell singing ' 'Good Night Sweet Dreams , " with red lights turned on , presenting a tableaux of the group. We un derstand that the club has been requested to repeat the play , so as to give those a chance to attend who were unable to be present Friday night. Receipts of the evening amounted toiS , of-which sum § 3i was used to pay expenses. The remainder will be used to furnish other entertainments. Tracing the Bullet. If a bnllet to be fired by a marksman is coated with a line paste of gun powder and gum , says the Dundee Advertiser , and then with a thin cov ering of some friction powder , the lat ter , as the bullet passes out of the gun. barrel , vill ignite , and in turn set fire to the' gunpoAvder paste. The bullet will then leave a long stream of smoke behind it , indicating the exact course ifhas taken and enabling the marks man , if necessary , to correct his aim for his next shot. 50 YEARS- EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS .COPYRIGHTS &c , Anyone pending n skctrh mid description maj quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Uivention is probably p.itcntablc. Cotmminica- lions strictlyconndonti.il. Handbook on Patents sent f reo. Oldest nsency tor securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ipccial notice , without charge. In tbe Scientific jftierican. A. hnndsomely Illustrated weekly. J..ir.est cir culation of nny scientific Journul. Terms. $3 f 'yejtr : four months , JL. Sold ! ryall newsdealers. BURN ftCo.1-1'-New Yort 03 F SU Vi'&sliumtcn , BC. . The Married Woman's Sympathy. When si married \vomnn meets a par ticularly attractive , busy , contented Hpinster , slic says plaintively : "Poor A < la , or Virginia , or Emuieline ! AVhat a pity that she never married ! " She cannot help it any more than she can help the color of liar hair. When Frederick fumbling dreadfully , by the j way slipped the ring upon her linger , ! he endowed her not only with : : ! ! his worldly goods , but also with an inerad icable pity for those upon whose hand the yoilov.- band has never gleamed. If he had taken to beating her the fol lowing week , had developed an undue appetite for drink t'ic next month and had deserted her * following year , .she would still hnvo looked with pat ronage upon me. unbeaten , unac quainted with intoxication , undeserted. There is no wife so unhappy , so neg lected , so trampled upon , that she has not in "her own opinion some one still more pitiable to whom to condescend , and that is any unmarried woman , no matter how busy , how cheerful' , how popular. Am e 0/IIagan / in Uarper's Bazar. Lost and Won. "lie who judges people by their money. " said a clergyman , "is apt to fare like the man who. gave a dollar to each of his little sons. " 'Now , boys-7 said the foolish man. 'I am going away for a week. Take this money and sec how much you can make out of it in my absence. To him that does the best I'll give a tine present. ' "On his return at the week's end he called the boys to him. " 'Well. George , how have you suc ceeded ? ' he asked the first. "George proudly took $2 from his pocket. " 'I have doubled my money , father , ' he said. " 'Excellent/ cried the father. 'And you , John , have you done better still ? ' " 'Xo , sir , ' said John , sadly. 'I have lost all mine. ' " 'Wretched boy , ' the father ex claimed. 'IIow did you lose it ? ' " 'I matched George , ' faltered the lad. " Exchange. Fond of Crab. A jolly old boy from the Midlands entered into one of the hotels at the seaside and , seeing on the slab on the right a crab dressed on the shell with legs , claws and parsley ranged round , said to the landlord : "What d'ye call that ? " "Crab , " AA'as the answer. "Looks good. I'll have tin , and gic us a pint of ale. " Bread and butter was added and the diner left to his dinner. In about an hour the genial landlord entered the dining saloon to see if his gr.eit was gettingon all right. lie found him chawing un the last claw , the chawer red in the face , but beaming. "Like the crab , sir ? " "Yes. lie was capital. I never tast : ed one afore , but I think you baked un a little too long. The crust was hard. Let's have another pint. " He had eaten the lot shell , claws and all complete. London Tit-Bits. An Epitaph of Pope's. The following epitaph written by Pope was highly commended by John son. It was written to keep alive the memory of Elizabeth Corbett , who Bleeps now in St. Margaret's , West minster : Here rests a woman , good without pre tense. Blest with plain reason and with sober sense ; No conquest she but o'er herself desired : No arts essayo'l. but not to be admired. Passion and pride were to her so.ul un- knov.'n. Convinced that virtue only Is our own ; So unaffected , so composed a mind. So fii-rn. yet sfft ; so strong , yet so refined. Heaven , as its purest srold , by tortures tried ; The saint sustained it. but the woman died. Vcn. j 111 Germany "von" implies nobility , j and all perrons who belong to the noI I bilify preiix "von" , to their names without - i out any exception. Persons who do j not belong to the nobility cannot have j the right to put "von" beforp their j names. A man who is knighted for some reason , however , has the same right to put "von" before his family j name as a person of ancient nobility. ; For instance , when Alexander Hum- [ boldt was knig'ited lie became Alexander - j ander vou Huinboldt. All his descendants - i ants , male and female , take the prefix7' Haven of Rest. .It is desirable that , each sex should occasionally escape from the other. It is restful to the nerves to do so ; it is good for men to be with men only and for womento be alone with women now and then , 'and the club Is essen tially the place for each sex to find rest from the other and enjoy its own society. London Lady's Pictorial. Welcome Home. ! Peddler Wouldn't you like some , mottoes .for your house , mum ? It's 1 i very cheering to a husband to see a nice motto on the wall wheu-he comes home. Mrs. Dagg You might sell me one if you've got one that says. "Bet ter late than never. " . fc ' The Real Article' The Youth Ah , would I were a glove , that I might hold your pretty hand. Young Widow You certainly | would be a success in the glove line. The Youth Do you think so ? Young Widow Yes ; you are a genuine kid. . Illustrated Bits. - ' j Some Crookedness. The Mississippi river is so crooked ! in places , declares Judge Walter Malone - i ' lone of Memphis , jthat a steamer going - ing soutk has been known to meet it self coming north , give passing signals and narrowly escape a collision with Itself. \ . i . , , , i. . j , A- . q/ is an essential feature in brewing good beer. We pride ourselves on having mastered this feature. In f Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer / ! | we have summed up all the knowledge obtained ? 4 from forty years' experience in the science and ' , ( \ art of brewing. We have produced a pure , sparkling , mellow beverage , rich in quality and of exg | | | | | | quisite flavor. The public has placed the stamp of ap proval on STORZ BEER by consuming over ELEVEN MILLION bottles of it in gf 1905. We invite you to try it R. McCieer , Dealer , Valentine. Neb STORZ BREWING CO. ) OMAHA , NEB. $ * * 7 , I 1 the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy , 1y comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended y , for nerve endurance , and building up the epnstitu- tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great $ nutritive ane invigorating qualities. Has the re- 'frething properties of fine tea , the nourishment of the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases * where tea and coffee are prohibited. * * I § : * iT : * f [ ( * If 11 R - m M & f t 11wi w&m Eggo's Fruit Halt is a great health reviver. A laxative and thirst quencher/ Effervescent and so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all the properties of a Sedlitz Po\vder and more , and is recommended in all cases of indigestion , consti pation and headache. Removes impurities from the blood and can be used freely withou : causing injury \ Manufactured by I v > ir-4 - rf * > irr m > ffl I 6W fy pi I t'f ' W m < l I , v < t > * | OMAHA , U. S. A. The above preparations may be had from all Grocery and Drug Stores. The Loup Valley Hereford Ranch. Brownlee.Nebr , Soldier Preetol - umous .17tli IG00.7) , ; a son r > f Coliun'ius ' . 17Ui. : i half brother ! of i hi ; . 5lo.On < Oini- : pion o.ile , a n < 1 PrniwttositHli'1131- C0 : > M head ol herd. I will have no hulls for sale until 1003 , having soul all of 1203 bull calves. C. n. FAULHAUEK , JOHN , F. PORATH Tubular wells and windmills. me up by Telephone. J. W. . . MoDAOTBL , COUSTY SUHVJK1TOI1 Valentine - All work will be { jiven prompt and- careful attention. LOCKWOOD Handles the SHARPLESS EAM SEPARATOR , FLOUR , ; CHAIN AND HAY. Opposite Postoftie. Phone 71. E. D. BEBOLT. Barber STATE BANK BUILDING First-class Shop in Every Respect Ean 4e Quinine Hair Tonic. Goldeii Star Bair Touic , Herpicide .ind Cokn'.s Dandruff Cure. 'Try ' Pompeian Face Massage Cream DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agrency 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , IT.