Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 08, 1907, Image 1

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J9 * /
' 21255 A
[ Standard'
If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade
sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg
ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of
" < $ tfttfefetf < f Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only
beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When
you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote
you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than
you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. " Our
work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be
high grade and please you. Orders for repair work given
prompt attention.
25 Per
* on all of our Canvas Shoes , and Ladies'
Children's and Men's Oxfords and Slip
pers ; also , on Ladies' Shirt Waists , and
Skirts. A few of those fine Shirts left
at 50c ea6h - :
. Valentine , Nebr.
Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes.
S Kanch Supplies a Specialty.
PHONE 97 ,
. .
- H B- - < S ' 1 fffJ W v. 53J %
_ _ _ _ f _ _ . _ . _ ,
All lands of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebraska
Persons seeking a pl .ce of safety for their money , will prolitby
investigating he methods emploi'cd in our business : : : : : : : : : :
Read the Advertisements ,
EAST r.oujfn
No.2. Dally except Saturday 9:45 p. m. , Pass
No. G. Daily 4:35 a. in. . Pass
No. 8 * . ' . Daily , except Sunday . . .4:00 : p. m , local
No. 110 , Jdily 5:20 a. in . loca
No. I. Dally , except Sunday 6:50 p. in. . Pass
No.f , Dailv 1:4" a. in. , Pass
No. si Daily except Sunday 9:10 a. ra. . local
STO. 110 , ( doesn't carry passengers ) 11:45
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop. If
Miss Orah Brittdn has gone to
her former home at Kavenna for
a visit.
E. C. Scovel and wife are spend
ing their vacation in the city as
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood.
Mrs" . Frank Bray ton and son
Donald went down to Ainsworth
last Friday to visit sriends and
take the boy to see the circus.
liev. Beale will be absent from
his-pulpit two weeks for his va
cation , during which time he will
go out in the hay field with Arthur
.T. F. Gey or had a duroc pig
shipped up from Neligh last Sat
urday and is going into the thoro-
bred hog business. He says they
do well here.
L. C. Sparks and Misi Frances
Harden went down to , Lincoln to
attend the state gold medal speak
ing contest where the latter com
petes for the medal.
The Ep worth League will give
an ice cream social at the home of
J. C. Northrop on Friday evening
of this week. Everybody come
and have a good time.
C. A. Austin , Nels Austin and
John Thompson , with their re
spective families , left last week
for the western coast to join H. S.
Savage who went last fall.
Mr , and Mrs. Bivens and son
Len of the Ked Front , and Del
Sherman departed Saturday night
for Rawlins , Wyo. , to visit with
C. R. Watson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter went back
to their home near Cody last Fri
day after attending to the settling
up of the Mrs. Shore estate. Mr.
Carter was made the executor of
the will.
Ainsworth and Atkinson played
a good game of ball Tuesday at
Ainsworth , resulting in a score of
5 to 0 in favor of Ainsworth.
Several Valentine people went
down to see the game.
Mrs. Fred Ralya returned yes
terday from a month's visit in
Sioux City. Her daughter , Mrs.
Sterling , met her at Valentine and
drove out to their ranch on the
Snake , 25 miles from town.
Maynard Bishop , the Valentine
ball player has started a flour and
feed store in the building recently
occupied by Mrs. Carrie Hilsinger
as a restaurant and opposite the
Eagle livery stable. Maynard is
a nice fellow and we wish him suc
Martin Keever , wife and daugh
ter leave this morning for Decatur -
tur county , Kan. , aftar a ten days
visit with Webster "Wertz and
wjfe of Crookston. Mr. Wertz
is a son-in-law of Mr. Keever.
They intended leaving yesterday
morning , but , in flagging the train
at Crookston , the engineer failed
to stop.
Last Sunday the married men
played the boys of the base ball
nine on the new ball ground south
of town , resulting in a score of IT
to 14 in favor of the married men.
They all had a good. time. Some
of the winning team were not
married but they went into the
game to fill out with as much en
thusiasm as if they were really
married. Kest Sunday the East
Siae will play the West Side. It
will be a great game.
2 *
4 ? *
4 ? 2 *
49 2 *
44 \ ?
4 ? V'
For the past week we ] mve been conducting a
very successful Boys' Suit Sale. We have put on
4 ? sale a boy's two-piece double breasted suit , good
4 ? weight and suitable for\chool wear , sizes ranging
from 5 to 15 years of age. This suit could _ not be
49 purchased anywhere for less than § 3.00 , Tiot even ftfr
49 from a catalogue house , but as a special inducement
for trade during the dull season of the year , and to
49 give you advantage of a good cash bargain , we offer fcfr
you this exceptional value at a
49 > Cash price of $1.75. I *
See the display of these suits in our window.
, w
Jkist or Stolen White and tan
pointer dog , right hind leg has
been broken. Last seen at Val
entine July 4th. 85.00 reward
will be paid for information lead
ing to his recovery.
. „ 'James Lauless was in town last
Saturday and was looking as well
as usual. He says he has the fin
est crop this .year that he ever
raised in the county and he has
been here 20 years. He thinks
Cherry county is all right and you
couldn't buy his farm for the price
farms are being sold at around
A meeting will be held at the
county judge's office Friday eve
ning , Aug. 16 , for the purpose of
discussing the utility and possibil
ity of a public library association
of Valentine , organized on lines
usually adopted for such associa
tions. Many have signified their
interest in the matter. Every
body , both ladies and gentlemen ,
are invited to attend this meeting
and give your views.
U. S. Weather Rnrean JReport
tor week Ending AIK 7.
Daily mean temperature 69 ° .
Normal 72 ° .
Highest 9 ° ; lowest 51 ° .
Precipitation 0.16 of an inch.
Total precipitation to date 13.12
The average for 19 years for the
same period is 16.63 inches.
For Sale.
House and small barn , with two
lots , close in , near school building ,
for sale at a bargain. House is
new , lawn and shade trees , good
sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash ,
balance easy payments. Call on
I _ M. Rice , agent.
This is just the place for some
ranch owner or farmer to select
for his wife and children to live
during the winter and send chil
dren to school. Don't delay as
this property will find an owner
soon. It may 'be yours. Come
and sec about this first time you
are in town. IS
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No. 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf - S. F. GlLUAxN' . Q
We are through invoicing and have odds and
ends of diif erenHines to close out at a bargain.
We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which
we will sell below cost. Come and see.
what you have to sell.
what you want to buy ,
Call and see us. Phone 23
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
jaJs. of " 7" loia.tlxLO. ]
CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking
Exchange and
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON. Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
3 Canned Goods .XX Lunch Counter.
\ Phone
S tetter & Tobien , Props. , Jj §
All Kinds of Fresh
and Salt Meats. . . .
Will buy your Cattle , Hogs ,
Poultry , Horses , Mules and
anything you have to sell.