Dain > w A Vfe W * t tr Tf ET W ' " A ? R-H § " " § - - B &r- & < /-i V 1 ' ! l i- Works on break a wagon , is easily moved ands \ . s not affected by the 'wind like other. warranted stackers. by . t I PHONE 8 VALEMTIHE , NEBRASKAy ! SS l T i'S ' SSS iW S S I PIGEON POINTERS. Information Which Ought to Do Help ful to the Squab Raiser. Take little stock in the di-aler wlio tries to convince you thnt umiwturt birds : -re as jfood as mated ows. Stock purchased shoukl lie tolerably 5ouii and , above all , in lhorjnsi : health and condition. Undersized , delicate , Avc.-ikly hens are the most disastrous scourge to the squab producer's loft. A squab makes great prrowth the firat twelve hours and after the third day makes rapid progress. Reduce the corn and increase the quantity of whpat and peas , as these two grains arc more nutritiov.s and bel ter for the growing of young bird * ? . The time to market the squabs is .fi.-.t when they arc ready to leave the nest. They arc then what pigeon men call ripe. ripe.The The American Stock Keeper advises . breeding from birds with a well de veloped , breast and length of keel , for this is where the epicure looks for the meat. Breed also from light skinned birds , as the dark moated ones always sell at a lower figure. Pigeons cannot thrive long without grit , and this is oue of the chief rea sons why people do not have success in rearing birds. Always keep a sharp lookout for ver min , and promptly fight them. Canker and scrofulous diseases are more or less due to an impure slate of the blood. In which cases there should bo a thorough cleansing of the bowels. The sick should be placed in separate and dry coops , and salt added to tbo drinking water. Fat squabs cannot be produc-ctl by overfeeding. This system induces the old birds to put on fat , resulting in lazy breeders and neglected youngsters. Two handfuls of hemp to fifty pig eons is about the right quantity in a day's ration. AnEnglish authority claims that a pair of pigeons consumes on an aver age a little more than a pint of grain per week. If squabs are killed before they fly the flesh is white , but after that it darkens , reducing the price in market. Birds bred from good foundation stock will show their good qualities for several generations to com Small , delicate hen 'pigeons cannot produce squabs that weigh more than seven pounds to Hie dor.cn. "Going light * ' is a form of consump tion. There are two kindslho quick and the slow. For tbe first there is nothing to be done , but the latter case , If taken in time , may bo cured.Vhen molting is the fault , merely pulling out the tall feathers will sometimes ef fect a cure. Inbreeding is the cause of most cases of "going light" in the pigeon loft. Poultry House With Scratching Shed. It requires no description to show the practical poultry raiser tlio value of the hen house one view of which is given herewith. There may be a thou sand .modifications of this general plan for a home for poultry , but in the main , if the best results are desired , this scheme must be more or less close ly adhered to. Treatment cf Roupy Fowls. For roup fill a pail nearly full of - water ter , add a teaspoonful of keror.ene oil and then dip the head of every ailing bird. Do not take much time to do % this just long enough to have the oil penetrate the nostrils and throat. Put the birds that have any discharge from nostrils or eyes by themselves. Keep sick and well birds apart. Add a few drops of kerosene to avery drinking dish on the place ami - > op this up un til no new cases api.jur. Then clean out every pen of durr. filth and cob- Whitewash everything in sight Weather Data. The following data , covering a per iod of lg vears. have been complied from the Weather Bureau n-cords at Viilenline , Nehr. They are it-sued to show the conditions that have pre vailed , during the uionth in question , for the. above m-riod ofe irs. but must not be construed as a loreC'ist of tinweatner conditions lor the corning mcnth. July. TEMPERATURE. Mean otr normal 7. } ° The warmest month was that of 1U01 with an average of 79 * The coldest month was that of 18 ! > L with an average of 68 ° The highest was 106 ° on (5,1889 The lowest was 41 ° on 9 , 1895 PRECIPITATION. Average for month 3 40 inches. Average number of days with ,01 of an inch or more 10 The greatest monthly precipitation "INASMUCH AS YE DID IT NOT. " By E. NESBIT in Saturday Evening Post. If Jesus came to London , Came to London today , He would not go to the West End , He would come down our way. He'd talk with the children dancing To the organ out in the street , And sa3T he was their Big Brother , And give them something to eat. He wouldn't go to the mansions Wheie the charitable live , He'd come to the tenement houses Where we ain't got nothing to give. He'd come so kind and so homely And treat us to meat anrl bread , And tell us how we cught to behave , And we'd try to mind what He said. In the warm , bright West End Churches They sing and preach and pray. They call us "Beloved brethern. " But they do not act that way. And when He eame to the church door He'd call out loud and free , "You stop that preaching and praying And show what you've done for Me. " They they'd say , "Oh , Lord , we have given To the poor both blankets and tracts , And we've tried to make them sober And we've tried to teach them facts. But 1 hey will sneak round to the dnnkshop And pawn their blankets for beer , And we find them very ungrateful : . But still we persevere. Then He would say , "I told you , The time I was here before , That you were all oi you brothers , All you that Tsuffered for. I won't go into your churches , I'll stop in-the sun outside , You bring out the men , your brothers , The men for whom I died ! " Out of our beastly lodgings. From arches and doorways about. They'd have to do as He told them They'd have to call us out. Millions and millions and 'millions , Thick and crawling like Hies : We should creep out to the sunshine , A nd not be afraid of His eyes. Be'd see what bod's image looks like When men have dealt xvith the same , Wrinkled with work that is never done Swollen and dirty with shame. He'd see on the children's foiehead The branded gutter sign That marks the girls to be harlots , That dooms the boys to be swine. was 7 97 inches in 190.J. The least monthly precipitation was 0 54 inches in 1895. The greatest amount of precipita tion recorded in anv 24 consecutive hours " 'as 2 77 inches on 4-5. 1900. The greatest amount of snowfall recordea in any 24 consecutive hours ( record extending to wintt-r of 1884-85 on'y ' ) was 0 inches ? on 0. CLOUDS AMD WEATHER Average number of clear d lys , 14 partly cloudy , 13 ; cloudy , 4. WIND. The prevailing winds have been from the S. The average hourly velocity of the wind is 10 miles. The highest ve'ocity ' of the wind was 52 miles from tha W on 14. 1893 j. .r. MCLEAN , Observer Weather Bureau. The following strays are with my horses : One bay mare and colt , branded ° n leftshoul- ' - > G4 Joe Bristol , Valentine , Xebr. Then He'd say , "What's the good oJ churches When these have nowhere to sleep : And how can I hear your praying When the5T are cursing so deep ? I gave My blood and My body That they might have bread and wine , And you have taken your share and theiis Of these good gifts 6f mine ! " * Then some of the rich would be sorry. And all would be very scared , And they'd say , "But we never knew , Lord ! " And He'd say , "You never cared ! " And some would be sick and shameful Because they'd know .that they knew , And.the best would say , "We were wrong , Lord , Now tell us what to do ! " 1 think He'd be sitting , likely , For some one 'i d brinjr him a chair , With a common kid cuddled up on i i knee / And the common sun on His hair : And they'd be standing before Him. And He'd say , "You know that you knew , Whj' haven't you worked for your brothers The same as I worked for you ? "For since you're all of you brothers , It's clear as God's blessed sun That each must work for tbe others , Not thousands work for one. And the ones that have lived long-idle If they want Me to hear them pray , Let them go and work for their livings The only honest way ! "I've got nothing new to tell you , You know what I've always said But you've built their bones into churches And stolen their daily bread ; You , with M } ' name on your fore heads , Liar , and traitor , and knave , You have lived by the death of your brothers : These whom I died to save ! " I wish he would come and say it ; Perhaps they'd believe it then , And work like men for their livings , And let us work like men. Brothers ? They don't believe it , The lie on their lips is red. They'll never believe till He comes again , _ Or till we rise from the dead ] For Sale. House and small barn , with two lots , close in , near school building , for sale at a bargain. House is new , lawn and shade trees , good sidewalk , all fenced. ' Part cash , balance easy payments. Call on I. M. llicer agent. This is just the place for some ranch owner or farmer to select for his wife and children to live during the winter and send chil dren to school. Don't delay as this property will find an owner soon. It may be yours. Come and see about this first time you are in town. 18 JVO'JLMOJfiSS. Contest Notice. TJ. S. Land Orttc-v , Jirokcn JJo\v. N -June t. 11)07. t" A s'lflifirnt contest Mtidavit ; navi"g bn lilod in t.'M ' < olliee by Oil ( riifllih. eont stditt , iiganiM. homes : ul t nirv No 2Gt . nindf June 13 I.iu , f r i bK 4 JNViSK'i , Mi'4 - > V > 'k * KU- lion it ) . i / usluti 25. nmuu u"3 , by - 'nLtineii ' , couti'atf e. in which it N .tl i- * -il that .said tract t > L . .HIM > % abandoned 1 r nmr lii.msix it.oiiths IH-I | > ; i. t , pi.t : i lie l.iim i > > DDL rcMileil upon , cm- liv-ilcd. imp ov l as r q nred liv law , Miatsaid ckiiiuHtit. has u rn-ithM ce "thfWise than on saiii land , fiat HMJ land is nv i i us wiM s'att aad wholly tmunprove-i. mat saul defects exist ; u this Hate : i U lif.\o noi iit-t-n cureil. Saul | iaiti"S : irn heifby norilied t i app ar resp > i d and oiler evM.-nu totichint : sai-1 alle a t on at 10 o'clock a. m on Aiigtiat2o. 1007. L > e- rc the r-gisternud receiver at th-- United Statcn laud Ollicc in Broken Bow , Nebraska , Tim &u d conte-tHiil h.iving , in a proper aih davit , lilfd .June 20. iwrt funh facts \\lucl show that after ( lii dihgiiit t personal servii-e of tlii-1 notice can iot h made , it i * hereOj ordered that such notice Df iiveu by due and proper publication. JJAKIUa J\I. AiM BHUlV , 20 lleceiver. I Chinese Stewards on Pacific Liners. t We sailed from San Francisco , bound for Honolulu , on n skip whose stewards ami sailors are Chinamen. Even if all dees not 0 well with the boat's motion in days oi1 storm , one cannot fail to be entertained by these spry sons of the orient. 1 The costume worn by the stewards is quite remarkable. For ordinary , ev eryday wear they don white garments that lesemb'e American pajamas in their style of cut and lit. Fo'r dinner each evening and on Sundays the white suits are exchanged for light blue gar ments of the sime : description rathpr an odd livery to our prosaic minds ! Oi course , every Chinaman preserves a habitual , solemn'silence. . If , owing to an interesting conversation , the passen ger fails to notice the dish with which the table steward is trying to serve him the patient Chinaman stands im movable , with outstretched hand and sphinxlike countenance , until attention is drawn to him , after which , his dt\ty done , lie slips in silence on his way. Plodding , silently , the ssiiluAi attended to their duties with mournful faces that strongly appealed to me. They ate with chop sticks , sitting on their heels the while , and were , in fact , eminently satisfactory specimens in every way. Travel Magazine. A Hopeless Case. A Scottish paper tells a story of an old Scottish -nonum who was "unco' drouthie , " wKhout the money to buy "a drappie. " "Lassie , " she said to her little granddaughter , "gang round to Donald McCallum and bring mo a gill. Tell him I'll pay him i' the morn ing. " Back came the child with a refusal. Donald declined to part with his whis ky without the cash. Eager and irri tated , the old woman cast about for some means of "raising the wind , " and her eye fell upon the family Bible. "Here , lassie , " she said"gie him this and tell him to keep it until I bring him the siller. " Off went the little girl , but she soon returned , still car rying the Bible. Donald was obdurate. "He says he maun hae the baubees first , granny. " In anger the disappointed grand mother threw up her hands and ex claimed : "Losh. did anybody ever hear the like o' that ! The man will neither talc my word nor the word , o' God for a gill o' whuslzy ! " A Canine Shirker. Rex , a thoroughbred Spitz , must per form the painful duty of escorting a certain neighbor home when she has been calling at our house. However , it is not without a show of reluctance that he does it. Recently our friend missed her escort , and no amount of whistling proved equal to recalling him. This occurred'Several times and it was always in about the same place that Rex disappeared. One night our friend determined to discover Rex's little game. After whistling and call ing she made a pretense of going on. She stopped in a deep shadow. Around the corner of the nearest house appeared a slinking figure. Stealthily quitting the shadows Rex crept out and peered long and anxiously up the street , whither , as lie well knew , lie should have continued to conduct the lady. After this he turned shamelessly around and lit out for home. Chicago Tribune. 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRACE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch And description maj quickly ascertain our oiiinion free whether an Invention is probiblyp.itenttible. Comrounicn. tlonsstrlctlyconUdential. Handbook on Patents sent free. OMest acency for securing patents. Patents taken tbrouch JMunn & Co. receive special notice , without cliarco. in the "cienfilic jftMM. A handsomely in traf ed weekly. I-ircest cir culation of any scientlflc journifl. ferine , ? 3 s year : four months , $ L Sold ty all newsdealers. Office. 625 IT StWasatactcn. . DC. . R M Faddis & Co. ? n tofflce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded on H ft t thigh. Ilorses branded on left , shouUIer or thigh. Some Some branded tintmlcd j < m rif-lu thigh on left or j-houlder. shonldprjj or thi-rh N. S. .Rowley ' Kennedy , - . Nebraska. Same'as cut < n left side and hip , ami on left shoulder of Her ses. AlsoXI on left wide up pej : ( either side up ) 01 "left side or hip. p on left jaw aud e t shimlrte of horatts. QJ QJQ on left hip of horses. "RT on left fawofhorbes I. . W. Sitneou Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip Hlso same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake ciesk > and on the Niobrnra river George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Eanue north and south of Cutcomb Lake iii Cherry Co „ A T DAVIS Tostoftloe address hyannis. Neb On right side horses t on left shoulder also cattle on right s d - > Range lo miles north of Hvanni C. H Little. Merrimau , Nebr On either side Horses same on hip. Also > flange Luke SD Pat Peiper Simoon Nebr. Roan Brothers \Voodlake Neb John Roan's puvate mark , slit in left ear C. P. Jordan. Rosebud. SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on rijrht hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , S. D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riehtside Some cattle also have a - { - on neck Some with A on left &honlder and some branded with two bars across hind acar- ters. Somv Texas cattle branded * O on left side and somej on left side. Horses branded SOS on left hip. Some cattle branded AW bar connected on both sides and left hip of horsf.R. K-I-P-A-N'S Tabules Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The 5nt package s eiiouKh lor usual occas sions. The family bottle ( GO cents ) contains a supply for a year. All drueeixt * sell them. MILL PRICES FOR FEEDi June 26 , 1907. PerCwt. Per Ton. The Return. Magistrate What ! Do you mean to say your husband struck you. and lie hat physical wreck ? Mrs. Muloney Lres , yer honor , but he's only been n mysical wreck since he struck ma. ndependent Discontent Is the want of self rell- : nce ; it is the infirmity of will. Emer- on. Gordou , Cattlp branded on left sMe an i out , S-lnch bo and 254-Inch circle Brand registered 875. branded left 'der. ' Incbc oirelB. 1-In box. Registered 876. Kange-6 miles south Irwin on Nlobrara nver. Parmelee Cattle Co. Bo ebud.S.D , Cattle branded as cut on left side with atrlpe under tail. Dorses branded left thigh , Kange on Soldier creek. Lfli Metzger Bros. , 1 O I Cattle branded anywhere on lelt side. Earmark , square crop right ear. ' TIorb s have Fame tiraiul on left thigh. Jtaimf on Honlon and Snake Creeks. A Reward of $250 nil. l I ld o any person for hirornuiUon hvt'ling to Ihe arrest and Hu.il fonvierionoMiny iMMS-w or persons stealing cattle \vitli above brand. Jos. Bristol Valentine , Nebr. Range on Nlo- brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded xi B connected on left bip or side as sbowu in cut H A BUCK I'ostotflce address Hyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Vyannts J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr Cattle branded JY on right side Horses branded JY on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any Information leading to the f- covery of cattle strayed from my range. Sandy Williams. Mcrriraan , Nebr. Mostly ou left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S , D. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.Ief t side &orae on lelt h5p. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM BEAMEB Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut o left side. Horses branded' on left shoulder. , Range 6 miles south of Irwin. J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back right shoulder and on right hip Range on the NIoJirara ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left side. Hor-i ses left shoulder. Eange nortn Cutcomb Lake Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tie. Horses on left shoulder. Kanije- North /ill. Sawyer Bros. ostofflce address. Gaels. Nebr G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cat tle Horses I > s on left shoulder. Some > stockK9 left side HoraKa es same Pa ige on Snake Nebraska Land ana Feeding Co. iartlett Eichards Tres Will G Comstock V T Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas ' Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands ; lorsea l same Eange betweea Gordon on the P . yanms on B atd vbraska. swortli ,