Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 01, 1907, Image 4

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    That's because McLaughlin's XXXX
Coffee is always the same day in day out
always of the same good quality , blended
just right , arid roasted to a turn that's
satisfaction , and 16 full ounces , to the
pound is economy.
The handy air-tight package and the
glazing of pure sugar keeps the coffee
clean and fresh protected from dust , dirt
and foul odors.
McLaughlin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
; ' DAVENPORT & 00. /
I. M. PtICE Editor and Proprietor. .
MARK ZARR Foreman.
Entered at the postoflice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
uer line per issue.
Brands , li inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space 83.00 per
ear ; enjrraved blocks extra $1.01) ) each.
10 per cent-additional to above rates if over (5 months in arrears.
Partfes living outside Cherry county nre requested to pay in advance.
1 Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
Why should anybody commit
suicide when it is so easy to board
a railroad train and be thrown into
eternity the fashionable way ? [
Kushville Standard.
H. H. Rogers lies sick in his
New York palace and all his wealth
can't buy the vigor of his wasted
youth back. He has piled up a *
hundred millions of money and
gave his health and strength for
it. H. C. Frick will probably ,
succeed him as head of the Stand-
Oil company.
Clyde Rosseter.
One day this week this gentle-1
man phoned in from his ranch and'i i
asked to be announced as a demo-j
oratic candidate , for the nomination - '
tion for sheriff , and with the spirit ,
of fairness toward every man , and
especially to one we have known
for more than a dozen years , we
feel like giving him what he wants ,
or rather an even chance in the
race for the office. At the risk of
seeming out of place for a repub
lican paper to give a democratic
candidate a write-up , we want to
say that Clyde llosseter is a man
in whom his party may place all
confidence , and if nominated , his/
party will have : > candidate for
* whom they need make no apolo
gies. We do not expect to see
him secure the office , but if he
should it wilt be run without grafter
or dishonor in any form. Cody
Cow Boy.
A Shore JL'usses to
The Great Beyond.
Mrs. "Ruth A. Shore died at Ex
celsior Springs , Mo. , last Friday
night of heart trouble. Mrs.
Shore had been ailing the past few
months , and , in company with
Mrs. Wm. Carter , her sister-in-
law , went to Excelsior Springs in
the hope of benefitting her health
and- seemed to be doing very well
and was cheerful and strong enough
to be up and around the day of
her death , writing several letters
back home , and upon retiring ,
wished a good njght's rest , which
was wished her in return , when
she replied she knew she would ,
because she had been sleeping
well. She expired during the
night and was found when they
went to call her for breakfast.
A telegram was sent to her
brother , W. H. Carter of Cody ,
and he went down Sunday , re
turning with the remains Tuesday
night to Valentine and was met at
the train by pall bearers and the
hearse , conveying the body to her
home on Cherry street , which had
been prepared for her coming by
Mrs. Carey , Mr. and Mrs. H. W.
Logan , Mrs. W. H. Carter and
the father , Henry Carter.
The casket was placed in her
room beside her acustomed bed ,
where numerous friends continued
to call througho it the evening to
take a farewell lee k at their de
parted friend.
The funeral was , hell ( the follow
ing day at 10 < "ooc,3 ! : ' & th Pres
byterian church , oriilucted by
K-.v. Heale , and the iody laid to
rest beside her departed husband ,
the Hon. John H. Shore , whopre-
c 'df d her five years.
Kuth Ann ( Jirter was born Dec.
18 , 18-iS , near Itushville , Schuyler ,
co'inly , 111. , and then Jiving at
Clayton , lili'iois , wherr , at Urn
home of her parent ? . Henry
and Mary Carter , she was married
to John H. Shore on Sept. 17 ,
1878 , and , together , they came to
\\restern \ Nebraska , where for 2-1
years they enjoyed that compnn-
ionship. They were among the
pioneer settlers of Cherry county
and their home was always a
pleasant stopping place for the
wayworn traveler.
One of our .prominent citizens
told us that \i \ < * always admired the
home life of Mr. and Mrs.'Shore
and that he resolved years ago ,
when at the Shore lio.-ne , that if
he ever had a home he hoped to
have as pleasant a Jionie as Mr.
anl Mr ? . Shore's.
They accumulated considerable
property during fcjieir wedded life ,
whic i is divided by Mrs. Shore
a ; 'olio vy : *
§ 1,000 to the Presbyterian La
dies Aid Society.
$603 to Rose M. Flemming.
§ 800 to El ward 0. Shore.
§ 600 to Barbara A. Yocura.
§ 100 to Isaac P. Shore.
§ 600 in Maria Harmon.
§ 600 Libbie Grist.
§ 10 to Sebra Brewer ,
ScOO to Samuel E. Shore.
§ 100 10 Hr. Shore's mother.
§ 100 to her father , Henry Car
§ 50 ' each to two namesakes
Kuth Grange and Kuth Thomas.
The remainder of the estate
goes to her brother , W. H , Carter.
This includes all the real estate
and personal property after the
foregoing amounts have been de
I herebv announce myself a candi
date for sheriff , subject to the decis
ion of tbe democratic , the
primary election Sept 3.
Cody , Nebr.
I hereb } ' announce myself as a can
didate for sheriff subject to the ac
tion of the democratic voters at tbe
primaries Sept. 5Jrd and pledjje nn-
self that if nominated and elected I
will eive my personal attention to
my duties and conduct the office
utrictly according- Jaw and to the
interest of the county.
I desire to announce myself to the
demociatic voters of Cherry county
that T am a candidate for the nomi
nation for County Assessor in the
coining September primary election.
if nominated and elected , t will
serve the people an 1 the county to
the best of my ability.
P.H. You.NG.
Penbrook Quills.
Mr. Eberhart and sons are pat
ting up W. PI. Ryder's hay.
C.V. . ITamiir has sold his lings
( ; ix sows and twenty-lire uijrs ) to
Mr. Geyer for § 100.
M. I. Strain dove onto a rattle
snake coiled in the road and had
one horse bitten twice. A prompt
application of coal proved an anti
There will boa lecture and sterop-
t-icon views on the Life of Christ
at the Penbrook school house Sat
urday rveninjr , Aug. 3. August
ith there will he preaching , a
basket dinm-r , Sunday school and
addresses in the afternoon at the
large tent near Mr. Davis' place.
The hail last week destroyed the
greater part of the crop of Charlie
and Jim Hudson , Jahe Brochbill ,
Goo. Grooms and Mr. Valentine.
Others suffered but net so serious
ly. Much damage is reported
around Springvimv. The hail was
nearly as larjie as hen pggs and
fe 11 with great t'o rce. EAGLE .
Get your property insured by 1.
M. Rice and you will be safe. Ilis
companies pay losses promptly.
U ! § . Weather Bureau It * port
tw wi el * . S'jiNliiijy Jaly 31.
Ds/il.v mean temperature 68 ° .
Normal 74 ° .
Highest 86 ° ; lowest 53 ° .
Precipitation 0.30 of an inch.
Total precipitation to date 12.96
The average for 19 years for the
same period is 15.70 inches.
FOR KENT Desirable cottage ? ,
close in , suitable for small fami
lies. Tei ms reasonable. Apply
to I. M. Rice , agent. 18
North-Western to Knilcl to
Advices from South Dakota ,
verified to some extent by state-
nrients given out in On\aha during
me past two weeks , state that the
Northwestern's much talked of
coast line is soon to become a thing
of fact.
Marvin Hughitt , president of
the roac1 , is in that country now ,
and it is said that he is there to
look over the contemplated ex
The North western's trans-conti-
n ntal line will be built from Mle
Fourche , S. D. , along the Pierre-
Kapid City extens'o-i and will pro
ceed directly north 100 miles. Sur
veying has already started on this
section :
From t'le boundry line between
North and South Dakota it is thot
that the road will be constructed
due west through Montana , but
the details of the route are yet un
known. The grading north of
Belle Fourche will commence at
once.There was a red hot race be
tween the Northwestern and Mil
waukee to get their lines into Rap-
\ \ City , and the victory of the
Hughitt road is thought to have
encouraged it to try to be first to
the coast.
It was feared by 111 e South Dakotans -
kotans for a time that the Caspar
branch would be used as the main
line to the coast , but President
Hughitt's presence in and around
Belle Fourche has brought out re
liable information to the contrary.
The first contract for the grad-
i.ig from Belle Fourche and thence
toward the coast will be let within
a couple of weeks. World-Herald.
Bpby's Sbaro of DIsn\e.
She Imd boon fitted for two gowus
the total cost of which was nearly
"Now , " she said to the saleswoman ,
" 1 wnut you to do me a favor. "
"Cortniuly , " was the prompt re
The customer colored deeply , "f
want you to make out the bill partly
for gowns for me and partly for baby
dresses and a baby's cloak. "
The saleswoman was used to the
whims of fashionable women , but this
was something she was a little slow In
comprehending. The customer ex
"Ton see , " she said , "ray husband is
very fond of our baby , and if lie sees
that the bill is partly for dresses for
her well , he won't mind so much. "
and indoors too , are yours with the Kodak. Let us
explain the simple and inexpensive pleasures of Kodak' .
No dark-room , no guess work , daylight all the way.
KODAKS , $5.00 to $100.00.
' BROWNIE CAMERAS , $1.00 to 9.00. >
Send for catalog.
Mi2 - *
* rrTTrTHT3aHfc
fine's Pore Liooor Center
opinion is unerring , public confidence sel-
doni misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the community in which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed tlifeir confidence in
The Stock Exchange ,
and its methods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine , Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for You , the in
dividual , to trade , Visit The titock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
ing !
The fall campaign will soon be on in
earnest and you will want to know
what's doin' . If you are not a reader
i - *
of THE DEMOCRAT , and want to keep
posted on the political ( as well as the
general ) news of the county , you should
subscribe NOW. At the low rate of
only § 1.00 a year in advance every
family in the county can afford to take
or bring in your <
Subscription at once. Do it NOW.
Headquarters for Eeal Estate and Insurance