Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, August 01, 1907, Image 1

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Standard' '
If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade
sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg
ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of
Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only
beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When
you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote
you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than
you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our
work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be
high grade and please you. Orders for repair work given
prompt attention.
' "
ed * Frori"t o.
25 Per Cent Discount
on all of OUT Canvas Shoes , and Ladies'
Children's and Men's Oxfords and Slippers -
pers ; also , on Ladies' Shirt Waists and
Skirts. A few of those fine Shirts left
at 50c eaQh
Valentine , Nebr.
Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes.
Ranch Supplies a Specialty.
'PHONE 97 ,
All kinds of wood work done to qrder. Stock tanks made in all sizes
Valentine , - Nebraska
J. W. STETTER , Vice Prcs. .OiiAH Li. BUITTON , Ass't. Cashier.
Read the Advertisements ,
Xo , 2. Dally except Saturday..0:45 : p. rn. , Tass
No. C. Daily 4a5a. in. . Pass
No. 8'J. Dailv , except Sunday . . .4:00 j > . m , local
Xo. 116 , Daily 5:20 H. m . loca
WEST r.ouxo
No. 1. Daily , except Sunday 0:50 p. m. , Pass
No. 5 , Dail 1:4" a. in. , Pa fi
Vo. fit Daily except itdav :40 a. rn . local
No. 11 ! ) , ( doesn't carrylf'ls liuers- . . . 11:45
Talk of the Town.
Tiy 'Kazda's barber shop , tf
Mrs. 'Moon has been quite sick
the past week.
Clint Anderson of Cod.y was in
Valentine Wednesday.
A. A. Adams and family stojp-
ped in town yesterday.
Rev. A. B. Clark and wife of
Rosebud visited in Valentine this
week ;
John Anderson and D. Lr. Mc-
Claine were down from Rosebud
Frank Bra.yton returned Tues
day from a business trip to Blair
and Omaha.
Bishop & Young , the .lumber
merchants of Cody have a new
ad this week.
Miss Eve Carey is home
visitirg for a couple of months
during vacation.
Your attention is called co the
change inD. . Stinard's ad this
week. Look it up.
An I. 0. O. F. picnic will be
held at Ainsworth Aug. 15. Watch
for further particulars.
Chas.T. . Harrison , representing
Carpenter Paper Co. , of Onaatav ,
spent Saturday in town in the in
terests of the firm.
Judging from the number of
stock cars being hauled west this
week their will be quite a number
of western cattle shipped to eaicern
markets soon.
Yank O'Bryan was in town yes
terday. Mr. O'Bryan , J. W.
Stetter and several others recently
returned from the lakes where
they caught a fine bunch of bass.
Miss Orvilla Carey came down
from Pryor , ' Mont. , Monday to
visit relatives and friends duriiig
her vacation. She is employed at
the Crow agency boarding school.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cricken-
berger , day school teachers at Cut
Meat on the reservation , departed
yesterday morning for Virginia
and Florida to spend their month's
Jake and Aetna Brechbill were
up from Sparks yesterday. We
understand the hail last week did
considerable damage to the form
er's crops , as well as to several of
his neighbors.
The Valentine band has been re
organized with Frank Fischer , jr. ,
as leader and J. T. Keeley man
ager. They gave a band concert
on the street last Sunday which
was highly appreciated.
Mrs. J. A. Hornback went up
to Rushville yesterday to try and
get rid of the hay fever and to
help take care of her daughter's
Mrs. McBride's children who
have the whooping cough.
Beginning August 1st , our rates
will be strictly $2 per day to all ,
except regular boarders. Please
do not ask for cut rates.
Ohe & Spoo , Proprs.
The annual convocation of
Christian Indians of the Protestant
Episcopal church of South Dakota
will be hold .at Trinity Chapel
the stone church on Antelope
Creek , Rosebud beginning Aug.
24th and lasting about five days.
This will be a chance to 'see the
progress made in good ways by
the Sioux Indians.
It possesses that individuality of Style and Comfort that
is only known to the Haylow Brand of Shoes. If you have ever
J enjoyed the Ease and Satisfaction of Fit which these shoes' give
your feet , you will wear no others. We handle them in the if-
$4.00 , $5,00 and $5.50 Grades.
See our Guessing Contest on Arrow Shoes.
Mrs. Jennie DeFrance .of La-
vaca and Miss Mary Van Buskirk
of Gordon , sisters of Mrs. Rev.
Connell are visiting her this week.
Also Mrs. Wiswell of Ainsworth
is also a guest at the Connell home.
O. D. Carey brought seven em
ployees down from the Rosebud
boarding school Sunday who have
gone away on their annual va
cation. Mr. Carey returned to
the boarding school Tuesday , not , '
having any vacation until Novem
The Sparks base ball team play
ed our home nine here last Sunday
and were defeated in a ten inning
game 8 , to 7 , The game was very
excitftig from start to finish.
Beameu's overthrow to third in
the last half of the tenth let in
the winning run , Beamen and
Shelbourn weret the battery for
Sparks and Fischer and Stetter
for Valentine. Umpire Jackson
rendered very fair decisions. A
return game will be played at
Sparks next Sunday.
T. A. Yearnshaw , Scotb Alex
andria and Mr. Payne of Clearwater -
water returned from Hackberry
lake Saturday evening with the
biggest catch of bass we have seen
this year over 100 in number.
Though several epicureans were
present when the fish were un
loaded Tom and Mr. Payne's re
ply when asked for a bass was ,
"not this time , we're going to take
them home with us to show the
boys what it is to catch fish. "
They departed next morning , Tom
going to Neligh and Mr. Payne
to Clear water.
Geo. Tracewell and family mov
ed into th ir new home on Cherry
street yesterday. They have a
good well built and capacious
dwelling with porches , front and
back , and basement under the
whole maiapart , and a chimney
built from basement to accorno-
date a heating apparatus. They
also have a bath room and all mod
ern conveniences , such as closet ,
sink , lavatory , bath tub , electric
lights and dour bell. A good barn
in the rear.
Grant Buyer did the carpenter
work and no finer can be found
in Cherry county
I > we Hi UK fur S
A good , desirable , well built
modern T room dwelling for sale
at a sacrifice. Will rent at a fig
ure paying 12 per cent on invest
ment. Good location. Hot and
cold water. Bath , lavatory and
closet in building. House is w\v
and in first class condition. Also
household furniture , sewing ma
chine , piano , desks , etc. Apply
to I. M. RICE , Agent.
We are through invoicing and have odds and
ends of different lines to close oi.t UL Dai ain.
We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which
we will sell below cost. Gome and see.
what you have to sell.
J \ ff S * . § I
E3 1 \ I
. a a
H % * Jr < L J
MB nB M B f r 'Qy y
what you want to buy.
Call and see us. Phone 23
fffwy * * .
Chartered as a State Bank Charter < d a.i a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL PAID A General Banking
$25,000. , and
Collection .business.
G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V.
2S S5
I ! Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods ZC2C Lunch Counter.
% Phone Home Ri k rv
A Si\JiLiiA lL-'tS.JL wJL V
of Steaks , Roast * , j
Drv Salt Meats Suiokc 1
. If rt - '
' * < * - ijT - r Tr Z&IfSfl
Breakfast I'acon.
Highest Market Price Paid for Ito'gs.