Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 25, 1907, Image 5

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    V , .
v With Five
Cardinal Points
Patent Leather , Gun |
Metal Velour Calf o
, ,
! j 3
Kangaroo , Box Calf , g
Vica ;
Come and see 'em.
V 5 T. C. Hornby.
When Lumber was
* cheap it 1 ook
to buy 1000 feet of
Noxw it only takes
to buy the same 1000
feet. You can better
afford to build a
house no than then.
We sell the lumber.
A hair brush is a long
lived article. Tilings
that- last should be
bought right. A hair
brush is one of the little a
things that adds to or
detracts from daily |
comfort. A poor one
wouldn't penetrate the i
hair , and is a perpetual
You can't get a poor
one here , no matter how
little you pay , and for" !
50 cents and upwards
you can get the kinds
that last a score of years
and are satisfaction
while they last.
De Laval Cream
"Separators SALE BY
* . .
I Additional Local.
Read" Chapman's advertisement.
Robert Ray of Chadron is visit
ing relatives in our city.
Miss Bessie Gaskill is assisting
with work in the Valentine State
Frank Good , a brother of Rob
ert Good , stopped in town a day
or two last week.
John Borman's residence on the
river was struck by lightning last
week and slightlydamaged.
G. L. Dickover and % Mrs. Anna
Dickover were married in this
city July 15 , by Rev. Connell.
Do you know there is going to
be a public wedding in , Valentine
in August ? \Vatch for further
We forgot to announce last week
the arrival of a son at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Salmon on
July llvJ907.
Fen RENT Desirable cottages ,
close in , suitable for small fami
lies. Ttirns reasonable. Apply
to T. M. Rico , agent. " 18
Ernest Devlin was arrested last
Saturday for assault upon com
plaint of August Thieme and was
brought to Valentine by Sheriff
T. A , Yearnshaw , Scott Alex
andria and a gentlemen from Nel-
igli went out to the lakes fishing
this morning. Tom Hudson drove
them out.
Sheriff P. F. Simons has de
clined to be a candidate for re-
lection and two persons have filed
their applications for the nomi
nation on the democratic ticket.
.John Tucker weut up to Sho-
honi Tuesday to bring Roy Young
sere to answer the charge of ob
taining money under false pre
tenses , upon complaint of Geo. E.
O'Brien of Brownlee.
Walther Meltendorff has a new
ad this week. Davenport & Co. ,
. Stinard , T. C. Hornby and the
L/udwig Lumber Co. have also
changed copy recently ! It will
pay you to read all the ads.
Upon complaint of August
Thieme. John Kesterson and Mrs.
: zie Thieme were arrested last
Saturday and brought to Valen
tine , charged with adultery. They
ive 12 miles southeast of Brown-
Will Shepard filed his application - *
tion for the nomination of Sheriff
on the democratic ticket this week.
EEe has had some experience as
deputy sheriff under Sheriff Sim
ons the past two years a'nd has a
wide acquaintance over the couru-
M. F. Clynes filed his applica
tion for the nomination of county
udge on the democratic ticket
this week. Mr. Clynes is well
vnown in Cherry county as an old
imer , is an ex-soldier and has a
lost of friends who would like to
see him elected county judge.
We forgot to mention last week
that Carl Lur/ and son Carl and
Andrew Schatzthauer of Wood
Lake were in our city the previous
Friday and enjoyed a pleasant
visit among their friends here.
They were getting realy for hay-
ng and Mr. Schatzthauer wanted
my hands.
Clyde Rosseter came down from
Jody last Saturday to file his
application for the nomination of
sheriff on the democratic ticket.
Mr. Rosseter called at our office
to get acquainted and we enjoyed i
a pleasant visit with him. He appears - (
pears to be a gentlemanly person }
and has considerable support in l
iis own country. | ]
There are various offices to fill
this fall'and ' as yet there appears t
o be no democratic candidates for c
several of them. There are good -1
men in the party who would do
red it to these o dices if elected , - \
and now is the time to get out 1 ;
your friends or have your friends
hunt you up for an office. THE
DEMOCRAT will take no sides , op
posing or favoring any aspirant , i
until after the primaries. i :
Meetings at tlie JI. JE. Church Every
Sunday. '
HIIG < IHV Sch'-ol bejriu.s "t 10no o'clock
Prt aching " " 11:00
Iiinior Leaf lie " " 2:30 p. in.
Epworth L"aguu begins at 6:30 o'clock.
- " " . "
ri-eachlng 7. :
ItEV. C. E. COXXKLO , I' ,
Jake Stetter buys cattle and
hogs and anything the farmers
have to sell.Office is where
Lee's barber shop was , east side
of Main street. If you want to
buy or sell anything see me. No
deal is too large and none are too
small. J. W. STKTTEK ,
50 Va-lentihe , Neb.
The attention of the public is
called to the fact , that a meeting
is called for Saturday evening ,
July 27 , at Harmony school house
to make arrangements for the Old
Settlers Reunion on North Table.
Everyone interested in this matter
is invited to come and have a voice
in selecting committees and make
preliminary arrangement.
A. C. SALMON , Pres.
T. W. CRAMER , Sec.
Warning T < >
Last Sunday a party of shooters
from Valentine were seen shoot
ing prairie chickens near the rail
road bridge. All parties are here
by warned against shooting prair
ie chickens , grouse , quail , squir
rel or rabbits , or any birds of any
description on Fort Niobrara mili
tary reservation. As soon as the
facts become known to me I will
forward a sworn statement to the
chief quartermaster U. S. army ,
Omaha , Nebr. , who will place the
matter before a United States
commissioner for prosecution.
Care Taker In Charge of Fort
Niobrara Military Reservation
I hereby announce myself a candi
date for sheriff , subject to the decis
ion of the democratic voters , at the
primary election Sept 3. (
Cody , Nebr.
I hereby arnounce myself as a can
didate for sheriff subject to the ac
tion of the democratic voters at the
primaries Sept. , ' ) rd and pledge my
self that if nominated and elected I
will give my personal attention to
my duties and conduct the office
strictly according- law and to the
interest of the county.
Paint your gasolene can red.
A. G. Shaw has started a second
hand store.
R. M. Faddis and J. H. Quigley
are in town.
Cloyd Quigley spent several
days in town last week.
Jas. Galloway and Gus Erick-
son are out tov Jim Pettycrew's
Cut the weeds along your side
walks. Cut them now. Trim
your trees which over-hang the
sidewalk. Nail the loose boards
down , or better still , put down a
cement or brick walk.
The Cause of Wry Tails.
The cause of wry tails is obscure , but
Is atMbunvl to an injurj * to the hip or
some part of the roar of the body ,
which causes .1 deformity. Examine a
wry tailed chicken after dressing it
and you will usually find , we think ,
that It Is a deformity 01 sonic part of I [
the body , usually of the hip. that |
causes it. It has been argued that |
such deformities are caused by overcrowding - j
crowding in the brooder or being j
crowded into a cramped position for
several hours when the bones are soft
and plastic. This , however , is theory
onl. .
Give tha Chicks Shsdc.
Trovide shade in both the poultry '
yards and the chick runs. If nothing J
better can by nfforded. erect canopies
or tents. These can be made out of old I c
bagg-njr. If properly protected and E
rightly fed chicks grow rapidly during j1 )
hot weather , as they can gather many
bugs and vrorms. *
A Good , but Neglected Breed.
The New England Poultry Journal
believes that the now neglected , though
jiice pre-eminently popular , Light l
Brahma , when properly handled is one
) f our most profitable breeds of fowls.l
rhere are a lot of folks who agree - :
ivlth the Xew England Poultry Joure
lal. f
| D
No "Best Way" to Feed. j
There is no best way to feed the difFerent - '
Ferent breeds. Feed anything that will
produce results. Whole wheat , oats and I
Darley are good feeds for all varieties & ;
> f poultry. t
_ A
Show That It Is a Valu
able Rattan For Fowls.
A v.Tifeniu the American Poultry
Atlvocate lias the following to say of
the value-of skim millc as a partial
ration for fowls :
The West Virginia experiment sta
tion has recently made some sys
tematic tests to prove the va'ue of
fckim milk for laying hens. The first
tct covered 122 days. The tweuty-
tv.-o hens fed skim milk laid 1.2-14 ejrgs
as compared with ODG eggs laid by the
twenty-two hens fed mash wet with
water. In another test sixty hens fed
the bliir.i milk ration laid SC2 eggd in
( hirty-jfcven days as compared with
G.52 eggs laid by a' similar lot fed no
dcim milk. Other tests -gave about
the same comparative results. The
conductois of these experiments esti
mate that mitlcr the prevailing condi-
iion.s and with e'gs ; selling for 20 or
2. ) cents per dozen the fkini milk used
for moistening the mash had a feed
ing value of from 1to 2 cents per
quart. That milk Is one of the best
general foods for almost all stock and
human beings , too , is recognized by
everybody and needs no special proof.
That it should have better results in
nutrition than just plain water is real
ly self evident When I feed skim
milk to my fowls , I do expect to get
some benefit from it. But it ia a
satisfaction to know that it is worth ,
for feeding purposes , the comparative
ly high figure of 14 or 2 cents a quart.
At the Ontario experimental farm
some tests of the value of skim milk ,
whey. etc. . as ai addition to grains
for fattening poultry have recently
been conducted. From a summary of
data ou the relative value of whey ,
skim milk and numerous feeds for fat
tening chickens It appears that gain
was most cb'T.ply made on a mixture
of equal parts of conr.neal , oatmeal
and shorts mixed with whey , the cost
being 4 cents per pound , and was
most expensive (0 ( cents per pound ) on
a mixture of equal part3 of cornmeal.
shorts and oatmeal , with 30 per cent of
pork scrap , water being used to wet
up the ration. It was found that sour
skim milk ( milk that Is thickened ) is
without doubt the best liquid to mix
with grain rations where a uniform
product is wanted and more so where
white fleshed chickens are in demand ;
also that sweet skim milk has not so
high a feeding value for grown chick
ens as sour milk and that whey is a
better food than is generally consid
ered. It seems to aid digestion.
Liquid' Lice Killers.
As a general rule , the commercial
liquid lice killers are more dependable
and satisfactory than hoinemi(1e : ko'-n-
sene mixtures. However , the follow-
.ing combinations will be found reliable
, if carefully used : A saturate solution
of crude naphthalene Hakes In kero
sene , made by dissolving In kerosene
all it will take up of crude naphtha
lene Hakes , makes an effective lice
paint and is a good remedy for scaly
leg. T-KO fluid ounces of any coal tar
disinfecting liquid mixed with a gal
lon of kerosene is an effective lice
paint for destroying red mites and
coop lice. Either of these preparations
used as a liquid lice paint about the
roost.-j and dropping boards rhonlrt bo
applied In the forenoon or before Hie
middle of the day. so that they will
thororghly dry into the woodwork be
fore the fowls go to roost.
Preparing Broilers For Market.
A fat broiler is qurte a rariiy. The
best that can be done In general K to
have them plump , for the natural tend
ency of the chick is to tu-e ail nutri
ment for growth and development.
When the birds are nearly large
enough for the market , they should be
given all the fattening feed they will
eat , and for this purpose corn in va
rious forms should be fed freely. They
will digest more feed if fed ground |
than if whole or cracked. A moistened j j
mash consisting of about two-thirds |
cormneal and one-third bran by bulk ' j
Is good. Cooked potatoes are good. ' ]
and mill- : , with a little sugar added , j
will hasten fattening.
Liver Trouble In .Fowls.
When a few hens in a Hock show . }
symptoms of advanced stages of liver j j
trouble , it is reasonable to conclude !
that others in the Hock are in the ; "
earlier stages. Give the floi-k a grass
run if possible. If not. give green
food liberally , avoid the excessive use
of corn , and try to secure a consider
able amount of exercise for the fowls.
This is best accomplished for Cowls in
confinement by feeding the gram in j
litter and feeding rather sparingly at
Qrst This reductionof diet .should nott
be continued too long. If it is. the . ]
birds become weakened and reduced in !
flesh. I
The Feather of the Hen. . ,
The shaft of the feather 5 ; the stem
3f the feather , that part which is filled ;
with pith and which b'cars the barbs. (
Ihc barbs are the side branches of the
feather. Shifting means that the shaft |
3f the plumed portion of the feather is
either lighter or darker than the web '
f the feather. The web of the feather ; .
s the Hat or plumed portion of the '
feather made up of a series of barbs on
either side of the shaft.
Fattening Cratcc.
ur crates : I.M mide : with slat
JOtloius. The log weahuefs of chick--
ms confiacil in crates is often due to
.bention being too one sidctl. A little
ono meal -graniilateil raw bone add- ,
d to the mash will usually prevent '
his trouble , or use cut clover and cut !
ilfalfa freely. |
The Valuable Trap Nest.
The Industrious Hen firmly believes
h-it the trap nest is one of the grcat-
st blessings within reach of the poul-
, V
Bottled Beer
This water has in itself health-giving
properties" that peculiarly adapt it to
the brewing of a delicious , palatable
beer. During the past fifteen years
STORZ BEER has become famous
fe&v ltf *
because of the use of this water. No
other one ingredient entering into the
manufacture of beer has so. much to
do with its general excellence as pure
water. Discriminating people who
9 want nothing but the best when eat
ing or drinking will appreciate this
point and insist on having STORZ
R. McGeer , Dealer , Valentine , Neb
the new food beverage gives life , health , vigor , joy ,
comfort and beauty , and is highly recommended
\ for nerve endurance , and building up the constitu
tion. It is a pleasant beverage and contains great
nutritive ane invigorating qualities. Has the re-
frething properties of fine tea , the nourishment of
the best cocoas , a tonic and recuperative force pos
sessed by neither , and can be used in all cases
where tea and coffee are prohibited.
Fruit Salt is a ffreat health reviver.
A laxative and thirst quencher. Effervescent and
so delicious to drink that a child likes it. Has all
the properties of a Sedlitz Powder and more , and
is recommended in all cases of indigestion , consti
pation and headache. Removes im ] uritics from the
blood and can be used freely without : causing injury
'Manufactured by
OMAHA , U. S. A.
The above preparations may be had from all
Grocery and Drug Stores.
: i - & 2
isi lIUO
The Lcup Valley LLereferd Eanch.
BrowniHNebr ,
So'dier On'fV ( "o- !
Kiis 17th lG'-05t .
f ! j of ' iiiiinhii < .
17h. ! : ili : lf tmither
of tne siu uo o ; mi-
pion i > tie. : i n < I
tf. * & . : ; at head of herd
I \\riliavpnn bulls for sale until IOCS , having
sold all of I'JOU Mill calves.
Tubular \vclis and windmills.
gTCall me up by Telephpne.
Valentino -
All \vorlc will be { fivr-n prompt
and careful attention.
Handles the
* Opposite Postoffie. Phone. 71.
First-class Shop in Every Respect
u de Qulnhif Hair Tonic. Golden Star hair
Tonic. TIeruif ide and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Fry Pompeian Face Massage Cream
H. tATLEY ) ,
Dentist ,
Office over the grocery deparment
of T. C. Hornby's store.
Vill bo iHRosobucJ agency -July
j 3nlOct.itirl _ and Jan. I ,
. s 9