Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 18, 1907, Image 4

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    * *
? Uy
McLaughiin's XXXX comes to you in
clean , sanitary packages ; always fresh and
sweet. Each package contains one full
pound of coffee , and it's a good , * satisfactory
drink every time , for it is always the samfe.
In fact , it can be called the Standard
Do not confuse XXXX with inferior
coffees put up in packages.
McLaughiin's XXXX Coffee is Sold by
I. M. RICE Editor and Proprietor.
MARK ZARR Foreman.
Entered at the postoffice at Valentine , Cherry county , Nebr. , as Second
Class Matter.
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; SI.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising Linen single column loc per issue or $6.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolutions and Socials for revenue
tier line per issue. '
Brands , H inches$4.00 per year in advance ; additional space $3.00 per
ear ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each.
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry county are requested to pay in advance.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
Several candidates have filec
their nominations with the count ; *
clerk on the republican ticket anc
are publishing their announce
ments. The democrats have no !
yet come to the front.
Geo. A. Miles may , or may not.
"be able to prove the assertions he
made relating to Judge Barnes ,
but the people of this state will
begin to investigate and will learn
for themselves the truth or falsity
of his statements and will have a
verdict prepared that will vindicate -
cate or condemn the accused ac
cording to their findings.
Notice to Democratic Can =
Under the new primary law ,
passed by the last legislature , all
nominations for county officers
roust be made at the primary
election which will be held Sep
tember 3. There will be no coun
ty convention to make nomina
tions , and no county convention
will be hald this year. If you de
sire to become the candidate of the
democratic party for any county
ofiice , you must file your appli
cation in the office of the county
clerk on or before August 8 , and
deposit therewith tl " sum of § 5.
If you desire to b r.oroe a can
didate you must nuend to this
But if you want your application
filled out , you may write me and
I will prepare the application for
j you and return for your signa
There is no limit to the Dumber
that may file. Any member of
the party has the right to have his
name submitted to the party voters
ers for their action.
Chairman Democratic Co. Com.
Geo. C. Ware , the Episcopal
minister who was found guilty of
fraudulent land entries in the fed
eral" court last fall and was scn-
tenccd by Judge Munger to one
year in jail and to pay a fine of
$1,000 , will have to serve.his sen
tence now , unless he appeals to the
higher court. The decision of
Judge Munger was affirmed last
Thursday at St. Paul , Minn. , by
the appellate court.
The story that Vice President
Fairbanks saved the life of Lena
Wallace , a waitress in a Yellow
stone Park hotel , by plunging into
the water after her , is no'w pro
nounced a fake , and that Fair
banks was present only after the
girl was taken out of the water ,
and didn't plunge in after her.
The account given by the Omaha
* - * -
t * - -
trated by caricature is humorous.
If you haven't seen the -article ,
call at our oilice and take a look at
it , if yon can't find a copy more
Bart Kenned i Making a
( Continut d from page 1. )
are worked out there. Knowing
the country as I do , I would like
to ask what connection have the
capitalists with the police in this
afl'air ? And before I consider the
signification of this Jclaho trial it
would perhaps not be out of place
to > tate some facts , and the proof
thereof , concerning the American
police and detective force.
The American police and detec
tive force is the most corrupt and
unscrupulous in the world. They
will stop vat nothing to fasten
crimes upon in-'n , if they are paid
to do s ) . And the American po
lice employ method 5 of torture to
extract confessions from prison
Here is a thing that occurred
not very long ago. A certain man
in New York was \vitners in a
case against the police , and that
man was waylaid by the police ,
taken into a cell , and clubbed till
he was fatally injured. He was
then turned out to die in the street.
I won't name the case , but any
American newspaper man will
know the case I mean. The po
lice were unable to find the per
petrator of a series of murders , so
they fastened them on tea man
who , in the end , turned out to be
innocent. American newspaper
men will also remember this case.
They will remember the way the
police wove the chain of false evi
dence around the unfortunate
man , with the object of showing
that they were smarter than the
London police in the detection of
the one guilty of a certain class of
I was present at the trial of the
New York police that was brought
about by the Lexow committee. I
was in court when Goff was cross-
xamining the police captains. At
this trial it was proved that the
New York police were guilty of
beating and cruelly using citizens ,
and of universal blackmail , and of
executing secret-"vengeance upon
those who offended them. I heard
Harry Hill give evidence a man
whom the police had ruined be
cause he would not submit to their
blackmail. In a word , the police
were proved to be a vast criminal
organization a sinister , dreadful
ifrafia , to which the Mafia of Italy
is as nothing.
For this New York police was
a Mafia clothed in the righteous
garments of justice and legality
a Mafia that had its roots in one of
the most abominable political
organizations the world has ever
known Tammany hall.
I make no overstatement against
the New York police force. The \
The facts are on record in the
American press.
Kecent events have shown no
improvement in the character j
generally of the American police , !
and they are tarred with the same
brush from New York to San
Francisco , and from New Orleans
to Seattle.
When I was in San Francisco
a man shot a policeman dead not
far from the Tivoli opera house. J
The evidence against him was j
strong and clear enough to con- j
vic-.t , but the police had been act-1
ing towards the citizen in so hard ;
and so arbitrary a manner that the
jury let him oif. The general. :
feeling was that the man should
be rewarded rather than punished.
I do not assert that our English
police are spotless. They are not.
Iliey need a very sharp looking
ifter indeed. In fact , the police
irade is a trade that corrupts men.
But the American police are. the <
tforst police in the world. j <
I wouldn't hang a dog on their j
jvidence. I wouldn't hang a dog j
m any evidence that came out of
i confession they had extracted
: roni a prisoner , for they extract
confessions from prisoners by tor
ture. This they admit themsel ves.
They ha * , e a form of torture known
as the third degree.
Let us comejo the trial in Idaho.
These crimes have been com
mitted , these assassinations have
taken place.
It is not for me to build theor
ies as to who committed them. It
is only for me to explain why
they have been committed.
The explanation is simple. They
have been committed in obedience
to the most ruthless rnd terrible
of all the laws made by man the
law that says "An eye for an eye ,
and a tooth for a tooth ! "
The men of capital in America
treat men of their own race who
labor with the hands in a way un
paralleled even in the history of
commercialism. They treat them
in a cruel and brutal and inhuman
way , and the law upholds these
men of capital. The law even al
lows the men ot capital to instigate'
deliberate murder.
You want a case in point ? Here
it is :
At Homestead the men of capi
tal hired a band of bravos , who
shot down workiugmen on a strike.
I mean they hired Jftnkerton de
tectives. These detectives did not
belong to the state. They were
simply a band of men who hired
themselves out to the capitalists.
They wore no soldiers' coats ; they
were not policemen ; they were
not even regularized detectives
just ordinary , private , unoilicial
men , who hired themselves out to
do murder if required.
And they slew men for pay at
Were the men of papital , who
paid these men to assassinate
workers , punished ? No !
Were they ever brought to
trial ? No !
I will tell you something furth
er. A man tried to shoot one of
these men of capital , and a soldier
hearing of "it , expressed satisfac
tion. And what do you think
happened to the soldier ? His
major had him tortured. He had
him strung up by the thumbs.
I was in A.mcrica at the time.
For they that use the sword
shall perish by the sword !
There is no going behind these
dread words , if you maltreat and
slay , so shall you or yours be
maltreated and slain.
Capitalists have committed , and
are committing , dreadful crimes
upon American workmen. And
the dues are beginning to be ex
tracted from them. They are
about to reap the whirlwind.
This trial in Idaho is the be
ginning of a dread epoch in the
United States. It is the begin
ning of the labor revolution. The
Dlack and sinister crimes that have
resulted in this dramatic trial and
the results of the black and sinis
ter crimes of the capitalist's.
The hideous fire of revolution
tvill arise in the west and sweep to
; he Atlantic coast. It will devas
tate the whole of America ,
In fa't , so bold have the capi
talists become that tl ey are defy
ing openly the powers of law and
> rder the powers that would
itand between them and destruc-
, ion.
They even defy the head of the
itate. They defy president Koose-
relt the , -best president that
America ever had.
This man well knows the danger
hat is threatening. He has the
lear eyes of one who is disinter-
: sted. He sees that the capital-
sts class in America has gone
aad. He sees that they are de-
tro.ying their country.
No class can rule permanently
rithout regard for the feelings
nd the interest of the people
tiled. It has never been so at
ny time in any part of the world.
The capitalist class rules in
America. And it rules without
are or thought of the people un-
er it.
It will go.
But the horror of it is that it
'ill carry the whole social fabric1
nth it. !
This terrible and dramatic trial
np * j nirp iniii
§ ! 0 Q 2 Uau LIUU' '
? V opinion i unerring , public confidence sel-
lom misplaced. The true worth of every business
concern to the ; community in "which it operates is
fixed by its clientele , the value-giving power of ev
ery commercial institution may be determined by
the amount of patronage it receives. The people
have unmistakably proclaimed their confidence in
and its indliods , by bestowing upon it a far greater
patronage than that accorded any other place in
Valentine , Where the major portion of the fair ,
the impartial , discriminating public buys its Liquor
and Beer , must be a good place for Few , the in
dividual , to trade. Visit The titock Exchange when
you need anything in our line.
A ,
in Idaho is as the writing on the
wall. AVorliS-IIerald.
Get your property insured by 1.
M. l ice and you will be safe. His
companies pay Josses promptly.
one buckskin mare with figure 6
on right shoulder ; one dark brown
mare , branded on hip , brand not
known ; one bay 2-year old mare ,
not branded. Horses strayed
from my place , S miles northeast
of l\Torden on June 1C. Anyone
having thefte horse please notify
Fred Waddell , Norden , Nebr. , and
receive reward. 26 2
St. Nicholas Ciuii'cii.
Catholic services will be held as
follows :
In Valentine , July 21 ; low mass
at S:00 : a. m. , high mass and ser
mon at 10:30. Instruction for the
children at 3 p. m.
In Arabia July 27.
In Xenzel July 28.
j for J
A good , desirable , well built
modern 7 room dwelling for sale
at a sacrifice. Will rent at a fig
ure paying 12-V per cent on invest
ment. Good location. Hot and
cold water. Bath , lavatory and
closet in building. House is new
and in first class condition. Also
household furniture , sewing ma
chine , piano , desks , etc. Apply
to I. M. KICE , Agent. 14
Anyone wanting to buy the hay
on the Dewey Lake Ranch for
this season , will call on D. A.
Hancock of Wood Lake , Nber. ,
in whose charge we have put the
Dewey Lake Ranch , and the Seven
Creeks Ranch , east of Valentine.
Third Vice President
25 4 of Fidelity Trust Co.
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No. 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order will confer a
favor by notifying us.
6tf S. F. GILMAN.
The most beautiful spot for a
little summer resort in the state ,
the western , and by far the pret
tiest part of the old renowned
Hackberry Take. Three deeded
quarters and a Kinkaid relinquish-
ment. The lake is very clear and
very soft water and abounds in
delicious game fish black bass in
particular. This end of the lake
has all the fine springs and a love
ly little artesian well on the Kin
kaid homestead. If I can sell at
once in a few days will sell
very cheap the deeded land , and
throw in free the Kinkaid land
and the launch. 26
MILTON LATTA , Simeon , Nebr.
After the fatigue of the day's work
after the dinner is over and you sit down
for a comfortable evening at home , a
bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon will add to
your enjoyment , 'and aid your digestion.
Tne Beer of Quality
is brewed from Pabst Famous Eight-Day
Malt , which contains all of the nourishing ,
wholesome , food properties of barley-grain
in predigested form. These properties ,
together with the tonic quality of the choic
est hops , give nourishment and tone to the
system. The very small percentage of
alcohol ( less than * % ) a mild stimulant
that prompts the stomach to doits bestwork.
When ordering beer , ask
for Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Made by Pabst at Milwaukee
And Bottled only at the Brewery.
. F. A. Meltendorff ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Phone 1.