Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 11, 1907, Image 1

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    Historical Society *
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[ Standard
If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade
sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg
ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of
sanitation. '
$ tatt < fetfd' ' Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only
beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When
you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote
you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than
you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our
work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be
high grade and please you. Orders for repair work given
prompt attention.
Student Styles
Friend Bros. Clothing Company
Has workmanship and wearing
qualities that will please you.
Valentine , Nebr.
Gent's Furnishings = =
Hats , Caps , Boots and Shoes.
Ranch Supplies a Specialty.
PHONE 97. fi " * " a R ' -
All kinds of wood work done to'order. Stock tanks made in all sizes
. * * . . * -
Valentine , : Nebraska
J. W. STETTER tce Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier.
" < *
G. .
. 03
! -
Valentine , Nebraska
Capital Surplus 2. a
csO $25,000 , $2,500. 'D < ' -f 3 C
Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will prolitb-
he methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : :
Read ff the Advertisements.
No. 2. Daily except Saturday 9:45 : p. m. , Pass
No. G. Dally 4:35 a. in. , Pass
No. 82. Dailv , except Sunday . . .4:00 p. in , local
No. 11C , Daily 5:20 a. in . loca
No. 1. Daily , except Sunday G.-50 p. in. . Pass
No. fl , Dailv 1:47 a. in. , Pa s
No. Rl Daily except Sunday 9:10 a. ra. . local
No. 119 , ( doesn'tcarry passengers ) . . . . 11:45
Talk of the Town.
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
E. Olson and son Elmo cele
brated in Bassett.
Miss Xellie Ashburn is visiting
f . -lends at Banner , Nebr.
H. B. Clapp of Simeon was a
Valentine visitor Tuesday.
T. Tillson of Penbrook trans
acted business in Valentine Mon
day and Tuesday.
Mrs. Ilornback and niece. Miss
Sadie Williams , departed Monday
for Surprise , Neb.
Mrs. Addie McBride and child
ren of llushville are here visiting
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Horn-
Mrs. F. S. LoLong of Syracuse ,
Nebr. , is in Valentine for a visit
with her sister , Mrs. Arthur
Heavy rains have fallen since
July -ith. It looks like cannon
crackers and sky rockets are ef
Mr. and Mrs. Smith , parents of
Mrs. J. C. Northrop , have moved
into Mrs. Bristol's house for the
The Modern Woodmen will give
a dance at Crookston Friday night
'July 19Everybody come for a
good time is promised.
J. R. Lee and son Robert ,
Frank and E. A. Lee of Brownlee
and several others were in town
yesterday on a contest case.
LOST July 4 , in or near Val
entine , bridle and saddle , stirrups
taken up for boy. Reasonable re
ward. Joe Bristol , Valentine.
Chas. Pollard and wife were
down from Chadron to celebrate
the Fourth at home. Charley is
employed on the Chadron Journal.
Sam Hudson was in our city
the first of the week , getting ready
for haying. He purchased two
mowing machines , so wo hear ,
Mrs , W. T. Bullis and Mrs. D.
Stinard went up to Sturgis , S. D. ,
Tuesday night to visit their son
and daughter , John Bullis and
wife and baby.
Miss Blanche Springer returned
from her two months vacation
with her parents at Eli recently
and has again taken up her work
as music instructor.
Miss Gertrude Moon departed
Saturday for Chadron where she
spent Sunday with old friends be
fore going on to Sturgis , S. D.
for a short visit with Mrs. John
Miss Frances Thackrey depart
ed last week for Cascade , Mont. ,
to visit friends two weeks , after
which she will take up her sum
mer's work as industrial teacher
in Rosebud , S. D. *
Supt. L. K. Travis and wife
drove down from St. Mary's" Mis
sion School yesterday and departed
for Newton , Mass. , to visit home
folks a few weeks. ' They have
not been home in six years and
anticipate a pleasant visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank F rgerson
of Wood lake , Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Peterson of Sybrant , Nebr. ,
Mrs. Mollie Buckbill and children
of Norfolk , and Miss Good of
Butka were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Olson last week , Mrs.
Buckbille and Miss Good are sis
ters of Mrs. Olson.
I *
ummer Dress Goods I *
The warm clays of June ought to start you to
thinking about summer goods. If they don't may be
we can by offering a line of
40c , 35c and 30c , Goods at 25c.
These goods range in a variety of popular pat
terns and colors including browns , tans and grays
and comprise the mohairs , lawns and the light weight
wool effect goods. We are also showing a pretty
line of dotted Swisses and batistes at prices ranging
from I *
12ic to 25c , PER YD.
We have just received new patterns in the
grays and checked goods. Look them over.
Born , to Capt. A. G. Shaw and
wife , Sunday , June 30 , a ten
pound boy. The Captain says he
got here in time to celebrate the
Fourth of July.
P. H. Young's , mother and sis
ter , ] Mrs.f George Young and
daughter , Mrs. Y. N. Edwards
and son Alton are here from good
old Missouri visiting Mr. Young
at Simeon.
B. E. Johnston of Wondlako
was in Valentine Tuesday , and
called at our office for a friendly
ch-vt. The § which he left with
us msures him the new the com
ing year.
Homesteaders and other persons
having business with the U. S.
landoffice should take notice that
during the months of July , Au
gust and September the office
closes at noon on Saturdays.
Mrs. Mae Beamer of St. Paul ,
Minn , , arrived Monday morning
for a visit with her mother , Mrs.
M. Hubbard , who recently had
the misfortune to fall and break
her arm. Mrs. Beamer expects
to remain for some time visiting
and will go out to the lakes with a
fishing party.
A Sunday School Convention
will be held in Mr. Lewis' grove
on the Lovett's place , seven miles
southwest of Arabia , on July 14 ,
beginning at 10 a. m. , with a bask
et dinner at noon. State Supt. J.
D. Stewart and S. S. Missionary
L , 0. Pearson will have charge of
the meetings.
Joe Loader has sold his ranch ,
southwest of Woodlake , to TVrrn.
A. and Chas. E. Sapp , who come
from Manona county , la. They
give in exchange two farms , ag
gregating 600 acres which they
claim is one of the best stock
farms in that section of the coun
try. The Sapp brothers take im
mediate possession of the Leader
ranch and expect to raise mules
for the eastern market. Mr.
Leader expects to go back east
and farm. He exchanges 3,500
acres of Cherry county land for
the GOO acres of Iowa land.
Long Pine was visited by a tor
nado last Saturday afternoon which
did considerable damage to the
following buildings : Andy Ivob-
inson's barn , Dr. McKnight's
barn , Kirkwood's lumber shod ? .
Dr. Black's porch , Gonas' livery
barn. The Methodist church and
city hull buildinir were entirely
demolished , also the. Diamond liv
ery barn. The roofs of the North
western round house and Berger' < ;
department store was blown off ,
doing much damage to the latle.r's
stock. Thomas Wright was ser
iously hurt by falling glass. Tl\e
damage is estimated near § 20 000.
We are through invoicing- and have odds and
ends of different lines to close out at a bargain.
AVe have got a lot of shoes and shirts which
we will sell below cost. Come and see.
L /s. * * : ? 5 JI A J5JLSAMA1 ! !
what you have to sell.
what you want to buy *
Call and see us. Phone 23
Chartered as a State Bank Charter'd an a Rational Bank
Juns 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 ,
' 'TT
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
GAPTAL PAID IN A General Banking
9K . OOO Exchange and
cv Uj \ jj .
' Collection Business.
G. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V. NTOTOT SON. Cashier.
Tobaccos and Cigars.
Canned Goods ? C2C Lunch Counter.
Phone 7 Home Bakery , j
; i
w , . RSF
y wl * 4 - -uKiitfi fsl % A * X * -AA t = A' i * - f
' ( T W , t cr
FRESH-FRUIT AND GAME iifi'i'ii ' '
© 00Q
First class line of Steaks. Roasts , S
Dry Salt Meats Smoke 1
Breakfast Hac.on.
Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs , Mi