Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, July 04, 1907, Image 4

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    . .jKsJ45 ; ;
I. M. Hrrs Editor and Proprietor.
MAIUC Z A itit
Valentine Cherry county , Nebr. . as Second
Entered at the p03tofiice at , " " ' . .
. v.
> Class Matter. _
Subscription Sl'.OO per year in advance ; 81.50 when not paid in advance.
Display Advertising 1 inch single column loc per issue or $6.00 a yea ? : .
and Socials for revenue
Obituaries Lodge Resolutions
Local Notices , ,
c per line per issue.
in advance : additional space $3.00 per
Brands , H inches$4.00 per year
ear ; engraved blocks extra $1.00 each. /
10 per cent additional to above rates if over 6 months in arrears.
Parties living outside Cherry * county are requested to pay in advance.-
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advertisers.
THURSDAY , JULY , 4 1007.
For. the Third Time in th
Past Two Weeks Ou
Community Has Bee :
Shocked By a Fatal Ac
cident This Time by
Runaway Team.
L. N , Kime , an aged man , wit
his wife and two grand-child
bad hitched up a four horse tear
and started to Floyd Kime's to ge
some coal last Saturday morning
and by some mistake or throug
an oversight a snap on the chec
lines was left unhooked or cam
loose and in starting the .team he
gan to run but were nearly checl ;
ed before starting down a hi
when they again started up afres
and the tongue dropped , throw
ing the front end of the wagon i ;
the air and threw Mr. and/Mrs
Kime out but the children remain
ed in the wagon , which stopped a
the tongue was broken. Mrs
Kime was not hurt seriously bu
her husband complained of hi
breast hurting him and a bruis <
was found on his back , though i
remains unknown how seriousl ;
he was hurt since he was subjec
to heart trouble.
The .two children hurried t <
Frank Kime's place and gave thi
news. Frank and his wife hur
ried to the scene of the disaste
and were with Mr. Kime at hi
death , which occurred shortly af
ter their arrival. .
L. N. Kime was the father o
five robust sons , John , Charles
Frank , Will and Floyd , and om
daughter , Mrs. Ladely , all of when
with"23 grand-children , were a"
the funeral , held Sunday at Char
ley Kime's place , 40 miles soutl
of Cody , conducted by Rov. Kobt-
Beale of the Valentino. PresKytor
fan church , who was nccompaniec
When Lumber was
cheap it 1 ook
to buy 1000 feet oi
Now it only takes
- \
to buy. the same 1000
feet. You can better V
afford to luiid a
house now than then.
We sell the lumber.
by L. N. Lay port and wife , who
is a nephew of the deceased.
THE DEMOCRAT extends sym
pathy to the bereaved family in
behalf of Cherry county people.
The relatives wish to thank
their friends for assistance and
sympathy in their fad bercavel
No session oj ; the normal Fri
day , owing to thefapt that a num
ber of students have gone home to
spend the Fourth.
The enrollment of the \junior
normal is 76.
Good fellowship which is so
characteristic in the faculty of the
Valentine junior normal voicecl
itso.lf Friday morning during ahap-
el hour when resolutions were
passed , carrying remembrances
and expression of good will to
Supts. Watson , Gregory and oth
ers who have been workers here i
during former years. ' j
Mr. Dorcmus was given leave
of absence Wednesday to visit his
home in Madison over the Fourth.
He expects to hold the " "punk"
while the younger generation shoot
oif firecrackers , . .incidentally-
hopes to attend to some business
that needs attention. His classes
were looked nfter Wednesday by
other members of the faculty.
The desire of the good people
of Valentine to make it pleasant
for thos& in attendance at the
normal was manifested last week
in planning an evening ride on
horseback. The distance actually
ssaracijs s. . .v * * <
The way Pabst se
* cures absolutely pure
f 3j j yeast for ferment
ing beer proves the
care that surrounds
every step in mak
ing Pabst Blue Rib
bon Beer.
To secure an abso
lutely uniform f ermen- '
tation , Pabst takes a
single cell\ from its
millions of fellows in
the drop of pure yeast ,
and from this one cell
grows or cultivates the
yeast required for each
Beer oi uh :
is fermented in hermeti
cally sealed vata ,
the time it is brewed until
itjs bottled it never cornea
in contact with the atmos
phere or human hands.
It is then properly matured
orxagQd in Mr-tight , cold-
storage tanks ,
When ordering beep ,
for Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Made by
Pabet at Milwaukee
And Botttf ! < } pnly
fit the Bfowwy.
W. F. A. Meltetidorff ,
Valentine , Neb.
Phone 1.
idden exceeded the planned di-
mce as generously as the bo luti-
ess of the country around Valen-
ne exceed those of other section J
f the state. While it was planned
) ride to the fort and buck , an
nthusiastic leader took the corn-
any for a gallop of from thirteen
> fifteen miles. The extremely
iliberate movements of certain
icmbers of the faculty next day
ave evidence of even a
That's because McLaughlin's XXXX
Coffee is always the same day ia day out
always of the same good quality , blended
just right , and roasted to a turn that's
satisfaction , and 16 full . ounces to the
pound is economy.
The handy air-tight package and
glazing of pure sugar keeps the coffee
I 'clean and fresh prdtected from dust , dirt
and foul odors.
McLaughliri's XXXX Coffee is Sold by .
* - *
DAVENPORT & GO , . " / ) % ,
ride thaii that.
Tne first "normal walk" of t !
session was indulged in Monda
1 evening. Unrlor the enthusiast
leadership of Judge Walcottaboi
| forty of the normalites and all c
the faculty marched around tt
lake and ascended the bluffs on th
.north side. A half hour's streni
ous climb brought them to th
crest of the hills in tinae to see
typical western Nebraska sunset
vThe members of the party wh
made the climb for the first tim
were delighted with the unexpecl
ed beauty of the scene befor
them. An open air concert wa
held for the entertainment of th
"beasts of the fields and the bird
of the air. " A novel andcontinu
ous feature of the entertainmet
was a vaudeville performance b ,
Messrsr Hopper and Doremus
Athletics were also indulged ic
There was a tug of war betwee :
Miss Thackrey and Mr. Hopper
and as a result the former cam
near being thrown into the lake
The second number on the athleti
Lst was a hundred yard sprin
vvith Miss Kortz and Judge Waj
cott as the contestants. The Judge
aided by a large handicap , cami
very near winning. After ai
hour of amusement of this sortthi
party returned to town.
Tak ! of the Town
Try Kazda's barber shop , tf
Dave Wishart was down fron
Cut Meat this week.
Miss Opal Holsclaw severely
scalded * her arm Tuesday.
Miss Gertrude Moon goes tc
Sturgis , S. D. , to gpend the sum
Miss Frances Thackrey is down
Irom Rosebud and goes ; to Mon
tana Wednesday evening to spend
a two weeks vacation.
Main street is filled with the
speaker's platform and other
stands for a block. People must
drive around. Teams are not al
lowed there.
Harrison Davenport has open
ed up a fruit and confectionery
store in the/vacant btfilding north
} f the Corner Store , which he will
3onduct this summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Moon celebrated
iheir 30th wedding anniversary
ast week. A number of their
mends gathered to spend the eve-
ling with them , ar d they are now
receiving oongratuJationSt
D. J. Drebert of the German
Mutual ITire Insurance company
if Omaha wag in the city Tuesday
md adjusted the loss of Mrs. An-
ia Shaughnessy , whose dwelling
) urned down a couple of weeks
IgO ,
M M- Warner and wife of the
lM5vror. " Lyons , &tflj. , game up
Sunday night and were "mat by
Ir. Miller and wife of Oak Creek
m the reservation , who took them
ip for a 70 weeks visit celebrat-
ng and then a trip through fha
) id landcamping'out. .
Hon. C. II. Cornell returned
Tuesday evening from a trip to
alifopnin , whpris llP 6 < i k hi * father
.o . spend the summop with ft
, jr , Mrs. Shicly at Lodi.
vere gue-ts at Paso llobles Hot
Spring-- ? , § an Franateo" * a couple
f days last weoit.
L. H. Perkins returned TUPS lay
jvening from a visit of several
veoks } Kn tSYJth a sister wl p
ives in Tf ego GQunt.V.He ai. Q
stopped'in O naha andoth''rplaoBS
lowu eabt. Mr. Perkins says it is
rery dry in Trego county , Kan , ,
rTery little rain falling there the
mst yeac. { ijt 60 or 70 miles east
, he crops look wej | .
We desire to express our hgarfc :
! elt iliftRfes to our friends anid
leighbors fop J.hei . } : kjndness in
; he death and burial of o&r fyeloy.-
\d \ husband , son and brother , anc |
e espejiftljyyish to thanlrGhas.
Recce and MP * 0rr f-or
jplendid talks , atfd oy | sa4
jo out to the ypung men who
, he funeral proaosgioo ,
Mrs. ISfile Latta ,
] \Ir. and Mrs. Milt Latta.
Vera , Guy and Anna Latta.
. -sit "
' 3 Pore Lipor Center
In all ages of the Yvrorld and in all Countries men
have indulged in "social drinks and have used
Whiskey for medical purposes. " They have always
possessed themselves of some popular beverage
apart from water and those of the breakfast and
tea table. Whether it is Judicious that Mapkind
should continue to indulge in such things , or
whether it would be wise to abstain froni all _ en
joyments of that character , it is not our province
to decide. We leave that question to the Moral
We desire the PUBLIC TO KNOW that we
NOR RECTIFIERS ; also that we use the utmost
care to purchase our goods from the most reliable
houses in America , and just as we get them , they
pass into the hands of our customers. NO
Works on -wagon , is easily moved and is notv afflicted
by the wind like other stackers. No breakdowns.
> ,
Sold and warranted by
Already people have begun cele
brating ( Wednesday ) and hun-
flreds of people are here on our
streets. The call of the caterer ,
street fakirs and grafters , the fire
cracker , windbag , whistles , rubber
baleens and snapping matches are
kkgigns of the times. " There are
busy timas' in Valentine these
days and the sports and games
will attract th msanJ-s of : people
the next two days. People are
from here Qody , Nensel , Georgia ,
C ookston and the German settle
ment , west , and many are up from
the east and south to celebrate for
two thys. $1,000 has been sub
scribed by Valentine citizens | to
make this the biggest time in
years for Valentine. People are
coming to see where the money is
gojng. Big baleen ascensions ,
races and other gports will keep
us busy. See the big- parade
Thursday at ten o'clock. Johns
town base ball boys are here with
Mr. Holt , the banker , to play the
Cordon team this afternoon. The
grape } pelft ra ion tjegan Tuesday
afternoon with.a . ha } } game
between the Nebraska GHee Glut )
an.4 Yajentine boys , the latter
\ b.y a spqrp of \ \ to 10In
tle evening th.o glee pitjb. ga > a.
ggnqert and play with better suc-
ges. | n tney had at baseball
Anyone-wanting to buy the hay
on the Dewey Lake Ranch for
this season , will call on D. A.
Hancock of Wood Lake , Nber. ,
in whose charge we have put the
Dewey Lake Kanch , and the Seven
Creeks Ranch , east of Valentine.
Third Vice President
25 4 of Fidelity Trust Co.
Parties wanting wiring done or
needing repairs to their light ser
vice will please phone No. 9 or
notify the office by noon and their
wants will be promptly attended
to. Grain or feed order should
also be placed at office to insure
prompt delivery.
Anyone noticing street arcs not
in working order
will confer a
favor by notifying us.
Otf * S. F.
To Ail Members of the M. E.
fix H roll of Valentine
You are hereby notified that on
Wednesday , July 10 , at 2:30 : p.m. ,
and / % continuing for one hour there-
a/ter , ip the Sethpdjst chur.cbj +
there wi } } be an ejection , hdpl fpy
the purpose of eleating fine deler
gate and one reserve delegate to
tl e ] ay electoral conference tP bp
hpld at Chaclron , Kebr. , Augusfc
§ 3 , 190f. Only members of the
pnnrch. 21 years of age and ovep
are entitled to vote at this .eleo =
tion. \ C. E. CoxxELii , T
2i 2 - Pastor.