Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 27, 1907, Image 5

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' 5
New Suit
for the 4th.
Get it NOW.
Get a FIT.
Get something UP =
Get Clothes with
That means got it of
US , for we have the
clothes that answer
these specifications.
T. C.
Jake Stetter buys cattle and
hogs and anything the farmers
have to sell. Office is where
Lee's barber shop was , east side
of Main street. If you want to
buy or sell anything sec me. No
deal is too large and none are too
small. ' J. W. STETTEII ,
50 Valentine , Neb.
For Sale.
House and small barn , witk two
lots , close in , near school building ,
for sale at a bargain. ' House is
new , lawn and shade trees , good
sidewalk , all fenced. Part cash ,
balance easy payments. Call on
I. M. Rice , agent.
This is just the place for some
ranch owner or farmer to select
for his wife and children to live
during the winter and send chil
dren to school. Don't delay as
this property will find an owner
soon. It may be'yours. . Come
and see. about this first time you
are in town. 18
Taken Up
at my place In section 2C , township 32 , range SO.
June 25. 1907. one bay mire , live years old ,
weight about ; 1000 pounds , branded XO
24 3 J. M. RALYA. Uur e , Nebr.
Taken Up
by the under signed at his place , 5 miles south
west < * f Crookston. Nehra ka on .June 2G. 1907.
the following described nropeiry : Four SN MS.
3 years old , branded A on leit hhoulilnr. X on
lelt llp. 23 3 E. 1) . SPEXCKU.
Sheriff Sale.
Notice is hereby given that hy of an
execution issued hthe clerk of the district
court of Cht > rrr uoimtv , Nebraska , in favor of
Archie MIHi-r. anrt against .lohn M.irtv. jr. , swd
to me directed. I will nt one o'cUHc u. in > n the
8th day of July , 1'W on Main street in Valen
tine. .Nebraska , oiler for sale at public venue
the \vinircioN ard HvUtels. tovit :
One frame hulldini : two office desks , one
center table , one sina 1 stand , one stove , foir
chairs , taken on said execution as ttie property
of John Martv. jr.
Dated this 25tu day of .Tun1. 07.
B. D. Clark , attorney- 2t 2
Talk-tof the Town.
Forty head of mixed cattle for
sale. Inquire at this office. 23
Mrs-13rayton and son returned
from Ainsworth last Monday.
Henry .Neil is assisting with
work in Lay port's harness shop
this week.
Mrs. Baker of Simeon is in our
city visiting her daughter , Miss
Lulu Kortz.
Born , to P. L. Embree and wife
of near Crookston , a daughter ,
Wednesday morning.
Geo. Camm has been very ill
at his home , two miles north of
town the past week.
Mrs. Charles Sparks and Dor-
athy returned Sunday from a
week's visit in Omaha.
J. E. Thackrey and family aflT
at the lakes this week , fishing and
visiting ( J. S. Reece and family.
Gtt your property insured by 1.
M. Rice and you will be safe. His
companies pay losses promptly.
Foil RENT Desirable cottages ,
close in , suitable for small fami
lies. Teims reasonable. Apply
to I. M. Rice , agent. 18
Miss -Viola Brosius returned
Friday morning from a visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newman at
Dorsey , near O'Neill ,
"Walter Brosius has gone to
Cheyenne , Wyo. , where he has
found employment , expecting to
remain there indefinately.
The Presbyterian ladies are go
ing to give * a sale of cooked food
on July 3rd at Mrs. Will Taylors ,
beginning at 10 o'clock a. m.
Mrs. I. J. Ayers and two chil
dren are expected this evening
from El Paso , Texas , for a visit
with J. 11. Ayers and family of
this city.
Roscoe , Fischer returned last
week from Crawford with a brok
en arm and is carrying it in a
sling. It was caused by a fall on
a pile of lumber.
All children dressed in white
that are expected to take part in
the parade on the 4th will meet at
Geo. H. Hornby's house at 9:30
By Order of Parade Com.
A. M. Morrissey has gone back
to his former home in New York
and it is rumored that he will not
return a lone' but will have a part
ner. He is expected to return
about the middle of July.
Saturday evening about thirty
friends gathered at the M. E.
parsonage to remind R-ev. Connell
that he was 40 years old. Re
freshments were served and a
pleasant evening was enjoyed by
For Sale $55 for good strong
shed , located on vacant lot north of
Donoher annex , suitable for claim
house or barn , key at First Nation
al Bank. Also Donoher hotel an
nex'and three vacant lots , or will
sell lots. For price , etc. , address
Louise M. Webb , 3109 Pacific St. ,
Omaha , Nebr.
2ESJS5EH.333 ( icc
ling , Juoe 29th ,
I '
| we will place on sale 100 boxes
I ' "Ripple Linen" Stationery ,
r . . - -
I each box containing 48 sheets of paper and 48 en3
of a fine quality of "fabric finish" paper.
This is a regular 40c value and will go on sale at
1 Don't pass this up.
M.lut"prTnHHSZ B
V. , J
Always the
The onlv hiffb erode
Powder sold
( it a moderate price.
county , near Ainsworth , 320 acre5 ? ,
cheap , sandy loam , cuts about 300
tons 6 acres timber , has water ,
no rock , price $20 per acre , easy
terms , questions promptly answer
ed. Write to owner ,
2 Bassetr , Nebr.
Peter Wantz of Johnstown was
a caller at our office last Saturday
while in town on business. Sorry
we was not in the office when he
called. Numerous others have al
so called during our absence build
ing at home , but wo'll soon be
through , we hopp , and will be
glad to have friends and neigh
bors call. We'll make a special
effort to be at our office or within
calling distance.
Wm. T. Kincaid and Miss Mar
garet King were married at the
home of the latter in Denison , la. .
last Wednesday June 19 , 1907.
The wedding was a quiet one , only
a few of the near relatives
and friends being present. Mr.
and Mrs. Kincaid arrived in Val-
'entine ' the following Friday and
have gone to housekeeping in their
residence back of the Red Front
Merc. Co. store , in which firm
Mr. Kincaid is interested and is
himself book-keeper. THE DEMO
CRAT extends congratulations.
The annual school meeting was
held Monday evening at the court
house and the following persons
were elected members of the school
board : Wm. Clarkson , one year ;
L. C. Sparks , two years : M. V.
Nicholson and D. E. Sherman ,
three years. A levy of 14 mills
for teachers' fund and 4 mills for
incidental expenses was made. It
was suggested that petitions be
circulated to ask for a special
election to vote bonds for the pur
pose of building an addition onto
the Valentine high7 school build
ing. It has been a general com
plaint the past year that our build
ing is much too small to accom
modate the pupils who desire to
attend from the country and it is
necessary to have more room.
Two rooms additional are contem
plated at a cost of § 5,500 , and
about § 1,000 extra for heating and
plumbing. There was consider
able opposition to paying so much
for only two morn rooms. Our
building cost about twice that
amount ( or less ) ten years ago and
it is claimed that it would cost 25
per cent more if built at the pres
ent time. If we spend § 5,000 or
§ 6,000 or more , which is being
talked now , we should get more
room for our money.
The Ifirowalcti Crowd of F > ur.
It was really quite late when
they arrived at the lake , one
dreary rainy evening in June ; the
north wind blew cold , while the
deep billows did roll , wrapping
the night in darkness and gloom.
They rode the high wave with
hearts true and brave , as if o'er
the briny white sea ; here Mr.
Soerson on hand did the fish quick
ly land , by the aid of Miss Alice
Lee. They sang many tune ? ,
known by whites and by " "coons , "
their leader was Miss Leo West ;
and there wa5 ? Charles L'se in this
crowd from Brownlee ; at fishing
they all did their best. 'Twas a
jolly little crowd , we can all cry
aloud , and if the sky hid : only
stayed blqo , more fish they'd a
caught , had it only ruined not , !
arid the wind less feafuily blew.
But just never mind , we had tish
all the time , fish that wore fried |
to the bone ; but it wasn't quite1
fair , then we all did declare that
they had not a iish to take home. !
But they sure would of had , was
the weather less bad , but I'll tell
yea honest and true ; the rain
would not fall , the wind wouldn't
blow at all , if they thought we
wanted them too. When they all
went away in the morning that
day , they parted with one\of \ their
four ; but they are happy torrght ,
if they are out of sight , till they
meet on old Hackberry shore ,
The following stray is with ray
horses : One bay mare colt , brand
ed H&s l on left shoulder.
224 JOE BRISTOL , Valentine , Neb.
An Ancient Superstition.
It is n historical fact that a cod
Avas publicly burned at Basel in At.
gust , 1-174 , for the diabolical criu.e oi
laying an czg , the cqg ; bein. also burn
ed lest it should produce a cockatrice
or fiery fiyinjj serpent. "On the Thurs
day before St. Lawrence's day , " writes
Gross in his "Kurtzc Easier Kronik. "
"they burned a cpck on the Kolcnberg.
together Avith an c g which he had
lain , for they feared that a dragon
might be hatched therefrom. The ex
ecutioner cut open the cock and found
three more eggs in him. for. as Viccn-
tius saith iu the sixth book of his
'Speculum Xaturale , ' it hath always
ben held that a cock in his old age
may lay ai egir. whence ariseth a
basilisk if it be hatched out on a dung
hor.p by the serpent called coluber.
"Wherefore the basilisk is half cock
and half .serpent. He saith also that
certain persons declare they have seen
basilisks hatched from such eggs. "
Cornhill Magazine.
Against the Middle.
"When Bill , the ranchman , came to
New York to play the races he put up
at one of the most expensive hotels in
the city and took one of the most ex
pensive rooms. Then he went broke.
The proprietor of the hotel and the
clerk held a private consultation.
"We vrill lot him stay here , " they de
cided , "but from now on we will feed
him liver and bacon until he pays his
bill.othing ! does he get in this house
from now on but liver and bacon. "
They fe'f Bill liver and bacon fo < -
breakfast , dinner and supper for about
three -weeks. Then his luck turned. Ho
forthwith walked out to a strange cafe
to get something to eat. He looked
over the bill of fare.
"What's this in the middle ? " he ask
ed. "Liver and bacon : "
' Yes , sir , " t he-waiter ans-vered.
"Give me everything on the bill of
fare both ways from liver and bacon. "
ordered Bill. .New York Tress.
Pbster of Pane.
For experimental purposes and where
but a few castings of medium and
light weight are required plaster of
paris has many good advantages as a
material for pattern making. It is
light , it can bo given a smooth surface ,
it is easily given any required shape
and if can bo added to indefinitely.
While it is brittle , this is more than
offset by the saving in first cost and
the quickness with -which the pattern
may be prepared. Plaster of paris sets
in from throe 1o six minutes , but if for
any roas-r.i it is desired to keep the
mass plastic for a longer period one
drop of glue to a five gallon mixture
vdll keep it soft for a couple of hours.
Plaster of paris mixed with cold water
has an expansion of about one-six
teenth of an inch to the foot when
hanloning. Should .this be undesirable
mix with -warm or lime water , and
there is no expansion } Machinery.
\ Bamboo Sap In Ir.di ; .
In India the sap of the female bam
boo is used for medicinal purposes.
"Tabasheor , " or ' 'banslochan. " is sold
in all InTiair bazaars , as it has been
known from the earliest times as a
medicinal agent. It is also known in
Borneo and -was an article of com
merce with early Arab traders of the
east. Its properties are said to be
stroiigthenlncr , tonic and cooling. It
has been analyzed and has been shown
to consist ahno "t entirely of silica , with
traces of lime mil potash. From its
remarkable occurrence in the hollows
of bamboos the eastern mind has long
associated it with miraculous powers.
A Court Fool's Joke.
Scogan , the famous court jester of
Edward IV. , dearly IdVed a practical
joke. Once he borrowed money of the
king and when the day for payment
came was unable to make good his
word. He feared the king's anger and
decided to .appease him by a joke.
Feigning death , he had his friends car
ry his body before Edward. The king
fell a ready victim to the deception
and in his lamentations over the sup
posed dead fool said he freely forgave
the debt. Scogan immediately sprang
to his feet , exclaiming , "The news is
so revivifying that it has called me
back to life. "
The Fourvof "Them.
Smith Good morning , Jones. I hear
you have a son and heir. Jones Yes ;
our household now represents the
United Kingdom. I am English , my
wife's Irish , the nurse is Scotch , and
the baby -wails. Liverpool Post.
His View of It.
Bond Don't 3011 realize that mar
riage broadens a man ? Benedict Oh ,
yes. I suppose it can be put that -way ,
but "flattens" is the word I've always
used. London Tit-Bits.
I pray , first , for good heairu ; men
for prosperity ; thirdly , for happiness ,
and , . lastly , to owe no man anything.
_ . * - . - .
won the highest honors obtainable. At the
Trans-Mississippi , Omaha , 1898 , it was granted
the Highest Award and Gold Medal. At the
Lewis < 3& Clark Centennial , Portland , Oregon ,
1905 , the Highest Award and Gold Medal.
Other famous beers were entered in competition ,
but STORZ BEER was adjudged the best by
experts. * These facts mean much to you if
quality and superiority is what you desire in
your beer. N
The strict provisions of the National Pure Food Law do not
require us to change our method of manufacture one iota.
STORZ BEER is absolutely pure and has always been so.
R. McGeer , Dealer , Valentine. Neb
PURE FOOD BEVERAGE ancHs a compound of Chocclate Essence ,
Malt , D"ops and Kola Nut andis highly recommended by doctors
where tea and coffee are prohibited
A family may be starved while beingoverfed , ' if the foods are
indigestible or unsuitable. Such foods are not assimilated , and they
not only fall to supply nutriment but cause indigestion and poison
the system , starving the nerve centres and causing depression , lan-
gour , anaemia , and untold suffering.
if , instead of rushing to drugs and stimulants to counteract
these results , the housewife would provide a sure and safe prevent
ive , and we say unhestatingly the SAVIOUR is LIFE COCOA she
would add enormously to the health and happiness of her household
and obviate a vast amount of suffering and failure , for , after all ,
health happiness and success in Ufe are convertible terms , and they
ail depend on a properly nourished brain and body , or , in other words ,
on a proper choice of food. Such a preventive is afforded in LIFE
COCOA which is not only an exquisite beverage in itself , but id also
a perfect food , and is not only itself digestible , but insures the com
plete digestion and healthy assimilation of the starchy foods that
are almost invariably the cause of indigestion with its endless pro
cession OL pains and disorder ! .
LIFE COCOA needs no advocate but the plain truth merit
and merit alone and , therefore , we will let the truth speak , and 'at
once uroduce the evidence LIFE COCOA which'commands the at
tention of physicians , hospitals and all thinking classes.
Manufactured by '
The Lonp Valley Hereford Ranch.
o'dier Crp v Col-
uni'ius 17'h liiuovi.
: i -on of ( 'iliinhus
17th. a lui'f in other
iooooti ; ain-
M tie , a it il ! l 131.-
(3io ) at he < id of herd.
I will IIHVIno bulls for sale until 1903 , havin ;
sold all of ll06 ! Mill calves.
ubular wells and windmills.
all me up by Telephone.
J" . W. McDANIEL ,
Valentine -
Ail work will be { liven prompt
and careful attention.
De Laval Cream
Separators FOKi. .
Valentine A ' ) $ W
Nebraska * * . if
Handles the
I Opposite Postollie. Phone 71.
First-class Shop iu Every Kespect
Ran d - ( juliiine Hair Tonic. < 4oM ii Stnr Hair
Tonic. HfTpicirtM anrt r < > k..v Dsthdrun" Pure.
Try Hoinpeian Face Massage Cream
_ Dentist.
Officp ovp.r the grocery deparruent
ol i' . C' . Ilornhv's store.
Will bo in lvo.-.el > ud agency .Inly
3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. L , 1004.
KAST r.ncNii
> "o.2 Daily exo-pt irftiii'J . . . .n:45 pm. . Pas *
* o. ti. rMlv . 4.35 * m. . I'.i s
Vo. S2. i MiK- . e\i--jit Sun . f , . -y > p. m . 1n..ti
Ni > . 11G Iiiily . . 5.IU * . m. . lota ,
N 1 P.lUy. . .
ivo.p , iiaiu 1:47 a. in. . l'a > s
" si Daily . rir.y . :40 a. in. . lwu
io. M , j. . . iut5 iu ,