VOLUME VALENTINE. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY , JUNE 27 , 1907. NTTMBER * If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of sanitation. ( § tati&tf < l Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our work is done by competent men and we guarantee it t to be high grade and please you. Orders for repair work given prompt attention. " " * Student Style ? from Friend Brbs. Clothing Company Has workmanship and wearing qualities that will please you.7 D. CLOTHIER . Valentine , Nebr. JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF Which we put on sale at reasonable prices. PHONE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. AH kinds of "wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - . Nebraska FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. r Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will prolitby nvestigating' he methods employed in our business : : : : : : : : : Read the Advertisements > , MR. AND MRS. A. E. BARNES. Wed4ing. At the golden wedding anni versary of Mr. and Mrs. A' E. Barnes at their home on Snake river , .rune 7 , 1907 , the following relatives and friends were as- ssmbled : M , H. Barnes and fam ily of Dumont , Iowa ; AE. . Barnes and family of Lake , Nebr. ; Dan Barnes and family of Lake , Neb. ; Prank Sherburn0 , wife and son of Ainsworth , Nebr. ; Merlin , Barnes wife and daughter of Cody , Neb. ; Walter Goodin and wife of Bailey ; Mrs. E. Wheeler , sister of Mr. Barnes , of Waukregeon , Wis. , who was also present on June T , 1S5T ; G. M. Ktrae and wife of Rolf ; G. E. Russell and wife. Al bert Russell and wife , Win. Har- nen and wife , Joe Edwards and family , Mrs. E , J. Russell and Daniel Adamson and family of Lake , Nebr. : John Bishop and wife and' W. H. Carter and wife . of Cody ; Mrs. W. H. Wilkinson and son Ernest of Kennedy. Dinner was served at high noon. In the absence of Rev. Hunt , John Bishop returned thanks which was a blessing never to be forgotten T those present. After dinner was served to all , Mr. Miller of Gordon , the photographer began taking pictures. The following groups were taken : A , E. Barnes and relatives. A four generation picture of A. E. Barnes , M. H. Barnes , Merlin Barnes and daugh ter Rena , and also of the entire ompany. After the pictures were taken the following address was delivered by John Bishop : "Friends and Neighbors : We are gathered here today in honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barnes' fiftieth wedding anniversary. Fifty years ago today they were united in marriage in Fillmore county , Minn. , when that country was new and wild and Indians plenty. After living there 15 years they moved to Butler county , Iowa , where they lived until eight years ago , when they moved to Cherry county , where we find them today with plenty of Barnes around them children , grand-children and great grand-children to the number of eighteen , all here to day , consisting of four children , three sons and one daughter ; thir teen grand-children and one grand child. Their children , grand children and many friend that are gathered here today to help celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary do present them with these gifts and their best wishes as a token of their respect , wish ing them many more years of hap piness. " This was followed by a few words from A. E Barnes , in which he sincerely thanked his children and grand-children on making this occasion a success and he compli mented them on growing up as honest and upright men and wom en , never doing a misdemeanor that over threw a disgrace iiptin the family. Lie aUo thanked his ! many friends that were present for the respect they had shown them on this occasion and thanked each for the tokens presented to [ urnmer Dress Goods & The warm days of Juno ought to start you to thinking about summer goods. If they don't may be we can by offering a line of 40c , 35c and 30c , Goods at 25c. These goods range in a variety of popular pat ti terns and colors including browns , tans and grays and comprise tjie mohairs , lawns and the light weight wool effect goods. We are also showing a pretty .line of dotted Swisses and batistes at prices ranging " "from \ X me to 25c , PER YD , We have just received new patterns in the grays and checked goods : Look them over. them. He especially thanked his old friends and neighbors in But ler county , Iowa , for the gifts sent to them and also to those on the shore of Lake Michigan. Miss Alta Barnes recited the following poem , written by Ed Blair of Spring Hill , Kan. The years are passing Cornelia ; " " Yes , the years are passing fast , The year just gone , it seems to me , Went quicker than the last. Our heads are tinging now with gray. Our steps not quite so sure ; Bui then I'm not complaining , dear , For blessings still endure. We'll have ' trie children here again , Yes'i'all of them today , .Except i ie little ones once ours . „ ONCE OURS , now passed away. How fast the years are flying now , Wliatahanges swift they bring ! Sweet joy TO some , to others pain Worse than the adder's sting , Ah , well for us. yes , well , Indeel , We cannot know today L'he joys or grief that future flays Have for us stored away , ' An angel hand may guide us yet For years before we part. The hands of frienis be needed soon To bind a broken heart. Oh , long has been the road , dear wife , Yet swift the time has llown ; Our tables stay with us so short , Now all of them are grown. But home , sweet home , still calls tbem back . From distant climes away. Aua round our bounteous table here . We'll have them all today , Yes ; have them all. YES ALL , but OHO Whose little chair still stays In its accustomed place for her , Our pride of other Jays. We're growing old , yes , growing old , I feel it every day The work that worries now at much Would once have been but play. The yard , the fence , the shrubs , the trees. And buildings call to mu , For work , yes , work r cannot d o If T would e'er be free. And so I've closed my eyes to the.n To let them only rest Upon the ( lowers along the road I love to ramble best. And when the children come ted ty , I trust they still can say ! ' Though the old hne is showing age Our hearts are young and gay. Following the recitation several beautiful ] songs were sung by the company and Mr. and Mrs. Barnes wish to especially thank Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edwards and family for singing their requested songs. . The events of the day closed with a ball game. Supper was served at six o'clock. After supper the guests assembled at the bowery for a dance , led by Mr. Barnes and Mrs. El wards and his three sons and their wives. Mr. Barnes was complimented for the best step . The dance con tinued with a general invitation to everyone and seventy-one per sons responded. At midnight supper was served , after which dancing was resumed arid lasted until five o'clock when ! breakfast was served. As. the guests departed they wished Mr. and Mrs. Barnes many more years of happiness together. One hundred and forty pres ents were received , approximately valued at § 200. This was also the eleventh wprl- ding anniversary of 'Mrj and Mrs. Frank Sherburne , the/ / latter of which is a daughter pf Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. A GUEST * JS ENDS . "We are through invoicing and have odds and- ends of different lines to elose out at a bargain. We have got a ot of shoes and shirts which we , will sell below cost. Come and see NEBRASKA. " MAX E/VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. what you have to sell. what you want to buy , Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTYCREW , GENERAL MDSE. * ? irs Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a Rational Bank Jun-a 1 , 1884. August 12 , 1902 , The 1 Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID LN A General Banking OOO Exchange and , v/ww. ejection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTOHOT.PON. C shier. 5 S C5C3 IS2S233Q1QES2I212523 31 CONFECTIONERY Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. $ Phone 5 7 Msfi * 4 l H " ! 4 mm , FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IST THEIR SEASON. First clas < * line of Steaks , Rnasts > Dry Salt Me its Smoke I Hreakfast I'aron. Highest Market Price Paid for Kogs. / - GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE 3T Can YM {