Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 20, 1907, Image 8

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    t- '
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_ 't1 ?
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$1& $ '
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1. Cultivatives all the ground from center to center of
- 2. The only Listed Corn Cultivator with ridge shovels.
3. All steel construction.
4 : . Dust proof boxes with hard oil caps on wheels and
o. Perfect alignment over track of Lister by tongue ar
rangement insuring machine following the rows ,
6. Rear arch adjustable to give required spacing.
7. Pressed steel shields attached direct to tongue , suspend
ed at either side of rear arch by two strong chains.
S. Levers within easy reach of scat , with lifting springs ,
enabling small boy to handle cultivator.
9. Seat in such position as .to place driver well out of the
Steel Frame For Four Horses
Adjustable for Wide and Narrow Cultivation.
I Sold and positively guaranteed by
Penbrook Quills.
T. Tillson has a h'ne stand of
Many complain of a very poor
stand of corn , amounting to little
more than half a stand.
Mrs. George Foster and little
son visited her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Tillson , Sunday. Miss Short
went home with her Monday.
Nebraska farmers be comforted.
There are others ! Texas and Ok
lahoma people are replanting their
corn for the third time. The K ,
C , Starr says the first and second
plantings were killed by frost.
Mrs. Ivy Hamar invited her
friends to a quilting last Friday.
There were present Mesdames
Emma Hamar , Ella Husky , Avice
Tillson , Amy Hancock , Florence
Kusky , Effie Klein and Alice
Strain ; Misses Hattie and Effie
ICusky and Blanche Hutchison.
A fine dinner , a very enjoyable
time visiting and an almost com
pleted quilt is the report.
Charlie Burdick and Wally
Hamar quarrelled and fought at
Mr. Sorby's last Thursday. It
seems that Hamar had been hav
ing abusive talk about Charlie and
his family that was carefully re
peated to Charlie. Charlie met
him first , and the other boys are
on the war path. No serious dam
age was done , eVcept Charlie's
finger was severely bitten. It is
all very unfortunate.
Two young ladies , daughters of
Rev. AVashburn of Norden , nar
rowly escaped drowning in the
Niobrara river east of Penbrook.
A party had come from Norden to
picnic and fish. The elder girl ,
Miss Killa , accidentally slipped in
and was immediately caught by
the current and carried down
stream. Not considering she
couldn't swim either , Miss Lulu
plunged in to help her sister. Mr.
McCormick and a brother of the
girls rescued them. Miss Killa
graduated this June and Miss Lu
lu is a teacher in Keya Paba coun
ty. The Niobrara here is very
swift and full of deep holes that
are constantly changing as the
current whirls and eddies the
quicksand. Three children have
been drowned and several grown
people would have last their lives
but for help , \ \ khii , .i few miles of
, Get your property insured by 1.
M. liice and you will be safe. His
.companies pay losses promptly.
FOR RENT Desirable cottages ,
close in , suitable for small fami
lies. Teims reasonable. Apply
to I. M. Rice , agent. 18
St. Nicholas Chnrcli.
Catholic services will be held as
follows :
In Valentine , Sunday , June 23 ,
low mass at 8:00 : a. ra. , high mass
and sermon at 10:30 : a. raAt 3
p. m. , instruction for the children.
In Nenzel , June 30.
In Valentine , July 7 ; low mass
at 8:00 : a. m.
In Crookston , July 7. '
Dwelling for S
A good , desirable , well built
modern 7 room dwelling for sale
at a sacrifice. Will rent at a figure -
ure paying 12 per cent on invest
ment. Good location. Hot and
cold water. Bath , lavatory'and
closet in building. House is new
and in first class condition. Also
household furniture , sewing ma
chine , piano , desks , etc. Apply
to I. M. KICK , Agent. 14
Taken Up At J. P. Kreycik's
place , 2 miles south of Arabia ,
the last of May , one light bay
mare , branded NIT on right
shoulder , weight about 800 Ibs. 224
Contest Notice" .
u. S. Land Ofllce , Yulei.tinp. Nebraska '
Mav 2 _ ' . ) .li7 ( i
A Miflicient co * > t st a'Thlavit Iiuviim been filed
in tbis ollicc ny Jtoy KVeiler eouteMsmr.
again ; . ! , homestead ntry Nns KUM ! ) and livurr
mndu Jnlv 2i , liioi. and Anoint 12. ifttf , lor
Livings , c ; mtestee. ii. which ir. is tillered riii i
-aid cUmiam lias wholly abandoned said'
land and changed hh n-bidfiice therefrom
for inoie than six months last past ,
that the 1 > nd is ii"t SB lied upon n r cnltivated
in good fai h as tlie Uiw require * , and chiiihtnt
has never established her result-lit- upon the
land as the Mv requiron , and > h- has faHed to
cure IIT laches up tu tins date and lier . - aid nl- )
senfH Ir MII the sud lanitus imt due to her
emplovin-ni in th - army , navy nr marine corps
of the U nitrd S'a'es as a private .soldier , otticer.
en : ui or marine dur ngdie war wiih > > pun ; or
during ntiy other war in whien in the United
states \vis"tMi4Hji' | < l
> aid parties are heieby i oriii-d to appear ,
resiionu and Her evidence toucning s.iiiiallena-
ti in , it , in o'clock a. in .m .lulva , 1:107 : before
Cnimtv .Judge ot Hoikor ( 'mum. iii lii-
ollice at 'V > uliuii. > etfiihki , and that final ht-ar
inn \\ilHe held at 10 o'clock a. in. , July'12 ,
11)07 ) , before thn lesister and receiver at the
United States Land office In Valentine. Nebr.
The aid contestant li tviiisj in a proper am-
davit filed' Hay 22,1007 s-r forth facts which
show that nltt-r due diliirence personal set vice
of this notice cannot be m .de it fsheieby ird'-r-
cd and diiccted that sach notice be given by
due and proper publicat'on.
20 5 E. OLSON ; Kcceiver
W W # # # W #
For five weeks last winter the city of Butte , Mont. , was
a barren desert. It was the driest place on earth. The
water supply was all right , but owing to ar strike all the
newspapers were suspended.
Butte's experience proved that in this day and age the 023-
local newspaper is H public necessity. Nobody knew what
' was happening. False
rumors spread like bad
butter. .Fake stories
about citizens circulated
by word of month uniil
several duels almost re
sulted. There were nq
newspapers to tell the
truth about things.
Business suffered worst
of all. JMerchants tried
handbills , which didn't
fill the bill. They work
ed the billboard over
time , but only bored the
public. The people cried
for newspapers as'babies
cry for ( Sec ad. )
For once in the his
-So tory of the .world it was-
demonstrated beyond
peradventnre that a town
without a live newspaper
is a- dead one. Stores
could not do business without ju'operly advertising their
wares , and they could not advertise propevly without news
paper space.
Butte merchants are now advertisirig to make up for lost
time. Business men who didn't think much of advertising cl
before have learned its value and are usin newspaper ez- } n :
The experience of Butte carries a lesson for every otlier
town this one , for instance : U
&tr rtrtrtrerlrCrtrtrfrt
\ Slayer and Sleigher.
In the first number of the Atlantic
Monthlj' Ralph Waldo Emerson had a
poem called "Brahma , " "which puzzle- !
both critics and common readers.
Some said It THIS the gre'it t poem of
the century. Some snid it was non-
: -eiso. The first verhe ran as follows :
If the red slayer think he slays.
Or If the slain think he is slain.
They know not well the subtle ways
I keep and pass and turn again.
That winter it happened that a rela
tive of the poet Longfellow , living in
another state , bought a sleigh , and in
a family letter to the cousins in Cam
bridge there was a wail lest the Janu
ary thaw which had followed the pur
chase should keep them from enjoying
the gay cutter that season. When the
letter was answered , Longfellow con
tributed this verse , which , it is said ,
lias neve : * been printed before :
If the rod sloJgher think ho sleighs.
Or i" the slciRhin think it Is sleighin ,
They know not well the subtle ways
Of snow , that comes and goes again.
Surprised the Ghoct.
A ghosi , a vague white form which
fitted abort a small neglected grave
yard in Oahvny. much to the alarm of
tlnre who lived near by , one of the
iro.tkimen of our party undertook to
lay. Going out not far from midnight ,
he lid indeed .soon become aware of a
white figure looming toward him
through the darkness. Our friend ,
however , hei.l on his way undeterred.
"Ghost. " he said in sepulchral tones
when ho came near , "could you drink a
glass of whisky V"
"I could so , your honor. " blithely re
sponded the ghost , taken off his bal
ance by the unexpected offer and
standing revealed as the principal
ipoacher of the neighborhood , who had
availed himself of this spectral guise
to set his nkrht lines and cany on his
otlier depredations undisturbed. Black-
wood's Magazine.
Ducks and Drakes.
The momentous day had arrived , and
the inspector was putting his usual
series of inquisitive questions to a
class of small boys.
"Xow , tell me , " he said , "why it is
that a duck can swim and a hen can't. "
"Because a duel : has webbed feet. "
piped one of the miniature philoso
"Yes , " said the inspector. "Now , can
any of you swim ? "
Stony silence , during which the inspector
specter and the teacher whispered to
"Come , come. " said the inspector ;
"yen 'should all know how to swim.
Your teacher tells me he can swim.
Why is it you can't If ho can ? " '
"riease , sir. * ' said the same little
1)03' , "the teacher has very big fact. "
London Answers.
Limit of Human Strength.
Experiments upon a number of men
have shown that a man live feet high
and weighing 32(3 ( pounds will lift , on
an average , 3-j ( > pounds through n ver
tical * histance of eight inches , or 217
pounds through a height of 3.2 inches.
Others (5.1 ( feet hiirh and weighing ISiJ
pounds could lift the l.Kj pounds to a
height of thirteen inches , or 217 pounds
to a height of six inches. Other men
six feet three inches high and weighing
188 pounds could lift l.'ti pounds to a
J/cight / of sixteen inches , or 217 pound. ;
to ft IU\rjt ? ? of nilie inches , y a great
varietjr of experiments it was
that the average ituman strength is
equivalent to raising tijirfy pqimds.
through a distance of tw.o aiif
feet 111 one second ,
How to Maks Oil 91
Among tlio YNluotl FpceiiH'.s of A toy *
gone age was oil Of h 'JjU'MY8.Ii ) tl } §
"Countess of Kent's ( . 'uoic/9 la'juaj"
(1(570) ( ( ) there are the following curious
directions for making it : "Take one
handfHl of mother thyme , of lavender
and strawberry loaves of each
foul' swajlows , feathers and alf
together AveH bruised , tijroo ounces flf
snllct oil , boat tjio hci'bs and the swafc
IOAVS , fcatlici' , * ) nd ; ij } jiHojjotlr | , until
they be so small that ? "Q" P ? J ) spo jQ
feathers , then put in the oil ( ujd stjf
them -well together , and seotb them in
a posnet and strain them through a
c/invas / pjo lj and so keep it for your
HSP/ '
Rhyming ,
William Msikej'iwco ThfH-'kp-'n.y in
lines "Peg of Llmavatly" ucUno
himself a cockney. It was hardly nec
essary for him to do this , as not only
in that poem , but in others , he makes
the syllable "ing" rhyme with sylla
bles Jjke "in" and "en , " failing to sound
tha co'cljjrtjijg "g. " Kit-hard Harris
Barham of "jiigoJ/asby / legends , a most
facile rhymer , has done tlje samp
oyar auil pver again , thus Hghtpnjng
rhymes ,
She Smacked f § oo } < s ;
"They tell me. you kissed Miss
ict , the poetess , on yesterday's auto-
iipbjle excursion. "
"Yes. Tjjat js true. "
"iiidel { Anil TiPTV' &rt yoiijiU pnd
ler ? "
"Miss Sonnet has a rditdvAtf jjtprapy
aste. " New Orleans Times-Democrar.
Best Sleep of A ! ! .
i'i saa that aij eminent physician de-
lares that t vo joui-g qf sleep before
lidnight are wprtlj more hai | six after
hat hour. "
"Nonsense ! Two , hours of sleep after
Qir'rp called iij Jhe morning are worth
tijan.juy / ing else. " Philadel-
"Ilavon't I toltl you , " Asked the
ither , "always to tell the truth ? ' '
"Yes , you told me that , " tha young
uui admitted , "but at another time
ou told me never to become the slave >
a habit" 0 ' ,
R M Faddis & Co.
Pnstofflce address Valentine or Kennedy.
Some branded
r ? ; r on lft l
4 - tliigli.
s >
Horses branded
on left
[ shoulder
[ or thigh.
Some Some branded
hrandedj on riuhc thigh
on left or t-hou der.
shoulder !
| or thigh
JN. S. Eowley
Kennedy , - Nebraska.
Same as cut on left ,
side and hip , ami on
left shoulder _ nf lior-
ses. AIs
left Hide
F - fen iefr.
Some fat-
tl braini-
ed ng peg ( either side up ) on
left side or hij > . p on left jaw and e t shoulder
of horses. LU
LUQ on left hip of horses.
3" 011 left jaw of horses /
O. W.
Simeon Neb
Stork branded
with 7 on left hip
ilso saint ; as cut
Kange between
tfoniou and Snake
creeks nu-1 on the
Niobrara river
George Heyne
Oody , Neb
Brand registered
No 1027
Horses branded on
leit shoulder
Ramie north and
south of Cutcomb
Lake in Cherry Co
T. II. Young.
Simeon. Nebr.
Cattle branded
as cut on leftside
Some Qyon left
on left Jaw of
V horses.
Range on Gordon Creek north of Simeon ,
Postoffleo address
Iiyannis , Neb
On right side
on loft
also cattle
on right s da
Range l miles
north of Hyannis
C. H. Little.
Merrimap , Nebr.
On either aide
IIorg s saiiy : on *
hip. Also J
Range JLake Creek
Roan Brothers
John Soan's
pi Ivate mark , slit
Ip left ear
G. P.
- ' * 'V ' Ojj
Borses and cattle
same as cut ; alijp
\jv tj& ( JJ QJI rlffht
Range on Qa.k and
Butte creeks.
4 liberal reyvard
for information
leading to detection
of rustlers of stock
itosenud , S , D.
Cattle branded
SOS on left side
OSO on rfcbtside
Some cattle also
have af fen neck
Some with A ou
left shoulder and
some branded
with two bars
across hind quar
ters. Somf Texas
nlef ide.
f branded SOS on { eft hio. Sqme
winded AW bar connected ' oo both sides and
f V )
JJoc-tors find
4 gQo4 prpepriptlop
The ant packape s enouRh lor usual opcas
iflns. The family bottle ( CO cents ) contains a
apply for a year. All dructrits sell them .
May 15 ,
PerCwt. Per Ton.
' , . . . § Pp § lf 00
horts , s'apked i Op ip oo
creenings , sacked TO 13 00
ihop Feed , sacked 1 30 24 00
bra , sacked 1 06 19 00
bop Corn , sacked 1 10 20 00
'ats , sacked 1 Go 31 00 Hya
Gordon. r tor
CattiP brands
on leftside ai *
out , tMnc.h oo
and 24-Inch circle
Brand registered
licit shoul
incbc circle. Mn
box. Registered 876. Range 8 miles south
Irwin on'Nlobrara river.
Parmelee Cattle Co.
Bo ebud.S.D ,
Cattle branded
aa cut on'lef t side
with stripe under
Horses branded
left thigh.
Kan e ou Soldier creek.
.Metzger Bros. ,
Cattle branded
anywhere on lelt
Earmark , square
crop right ear.
Horses have
same brand on
left thigh.
Hanson Gordon and Snake Creeks.
A , Reward of $250 will be i aid to any person for
information leading to the sirrest and llnal
conviction of any person or peraoni stealing
cattle with above bnind.
J03. Bristol
Valentine , Nebr.
Range on NIo-
brara river four
miles east of Ft.
Horses and
cattle branded
rsIJ connected on
left hip or side as
shown ID cut
FostoQlce address
Hyannls , Neb
Branded on leit aide
Range eighteen miles
north of Fvannls
Pullman , Nebr
Cattle branded JY
on rightside
Horses branded JY
on right shoulder
Reasonable reward
for any information
leading to the r -
coyory of cattle
strayed from my
Sandy Williams.
Merriman. Nebr.
Mostly on left
side. Some on
right side.
Korses same on
left shoulder.
Range T ike
Creek , S , JV
P. M. Sear § .
Kennedy , tfebr.
S on cut.left side
on left hjp.
Horses same on
eft shoulder.
Range Square
Gordon , Nebr.
Cattle brand
ffeffsi4 ? Rt
branded ,
on leit
J. B. Lore }
Stock branded
same as out back
right ahouder | aad
en right hip
Postofflce address
Cody , Nebraska
On loft
ses left
shoulder ,
fiango north
Cutcomb Lake
Gamer Brothers.
Cody , Nebr.
Anywhere on cat
Horsps on left
Ranee- North
Sawyer Bros.
oatofflce addresi.
Oasis. Nebr
G. K. Sawyer has
charge of these oat-
tie Horses D S on
left shoulder. Sores
ft side
Hors4l' es same
AI\HQ on auake
Jbraska I and ana Feeding Co.
rtlett Bichards Pres Wil ] G Cqmatock V
' '
Ohaa C Jamison
Cattle branded qn
ajiy part of animal :
also the following
brands :
lorsea biSndedthfe
Range betweea
Gordon on the F
. a > d