Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 20, 1907, Image 6

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    of Tvro Familiar Provero
It was the habit of the great Gree
painter Apelles never to let a day pas
liowerer busy he chanced to be , witt
ont practicing his hand by tracing th
outline of some object , a custoi
which has now passed into a proverb-
* 'No day -without a line. " He als
made it a rule , when he had finishe
a canvas , to exhibit it to the view o
those who visited his studio , -while h
thiinself , hidden behind the picture
ixvould listen to their comments. It i
Bit id that once a shoemaker censure
iiim for having painted a pair of shoe
with one latchet too few. Next da ;
the shoemaker , revisiting the studic
eaw that the painter had corrected th
mistake. He then began to criticis
the leg of the portrait , upon whlc !
' 'Apelles came forward and remindei
him that a shoemaker should not g
beyond the shoes , a piece of advic
'which has also crystallized into :
jjrcverb , "Let tlie cobbler stick to hi
last" Pliny the Elder.
Domestic Economics.
The man whose thrifty choice of i
wife is chronicled in the Rochestei
Herald will doubtless make a success
'In the business of life. His talents de
stine him for a wider sphere than thai
of a simple farmer's life. He was ai :
Alabama youth , and courted two girls
at the same time. One was Sally ; the
other was Mary. Sally was a very fine
girl , thrifty , industrious , and of a do
mestic turn. She was not so pretty as
some other girls , but James , the swain
in question , had courted her in his
early years. When he had prospered
and earned a little money , he became
infatuated with Mary , sweet , pretty ,
but always idle. The neighbors at first
were puzzled by the double courtship ,
but after awhile they decided that
Mary was the favored one. Suddenly
James married Sally. The Methodist
preacher who performed the ceremony
had a little of the curiosity which pos
sesses all mankind. "James , " he said ,
" we all thought you were going to
marry Mary. " "Yes , " replied James ,
"but I thought if I married Mary I
should have to engage Sally to wait on
her. If I married Sally she would
wait on .herself. "
Most men of weight dislike the frail
gilt and satin chairs which accidental
ly fall to their lot in a crowded draw
ing room. They were in use in Mr.
Webster's time. At an evening reception -
, tion given to some western lawyers
soon after the accession of President
.Tyler and the dissolution of President
( Harrison's cabinet , Mr. Stanberry , late
i-attorney-generaL , was accompanied by
| his bashful friend , Mr. Leonard , who
'immediately ' retired to a corner and
--selected this gilded trifle as a resting-
Tplace. In order to withdraw still far-
rther from notice he tilted the frail
rstructure backward. Down it went ,
smashed into a dozen pieces , and Leon
ard the embarrassed was Leonard the
observed by all. Mr. Webster Immediately -
diately rushed to the rescue of his un
fortunate guest and raised him from
the floor with the reassuring remark :
"Why , my dear Mr. Leonard , you
should have remembered that no cabi
net work would hold together here. "
' "At the rate at which our grand forest
trees are being destroyed , " remarked the
professor of economics , "it will be only
a few years , comparatively speaking , un
til all our edible nuts will have become
things of the past. "
"I don't believe it , professor , " spoke
up one of the listeners. "There will never
be a time when you can't go to the stores
and buy old hickory nuts. "
Hospital Horror.
First Interne What a funny little ap
pendix that last patient had !
Second Interne Yes ; regular comic
And It Wound Her Bobbin.
Tea drinking frequently affects peo-
'plc as badly as coffee. A lady in Salis-
tbiiry , Md. , says that she was compelled
to abandon the use of coffee a good
.many years" ago , because it threatened
to ruin her health and that she went
( over to tea drinking , but finally , she
jh-ad dyspepsia so bad that she had lost
twenty-fire pounds and no food seemed
to agree with her.
She further says : "At this time I
twas induced to take up the famous
i food drink , Postum , and was so much
pleased with the results that I have
'never ' been without it since. I commenced -
, menced to improve at once , regained
I my twenty-five pounds of flesh and went
1 some beyond my usual weight.
' "I know Postum to be good , pure , and
healthful , and there never was an arti
cle , and never will be , I believe , that
does so surely take the place of coffee ,
as Postum Footi Coffee. The beauty of
it all is that it is satisfying and won
derfully nourishing. I feel as if I
icould not sing Its praises too loud. "
JRead "The Road to Wellville , " in pkgs.
a Reason. "
By Governor Hughes.
Underlying all other needs is the
cultivation of individual strength of
character , of self-respect , and of the
sense of personal honor. You do
not make a man a better man by put
ting him in the employ of the State.
Nor is the fellow who criticises ev
erybody else , but is quietly looking
out for a chance to get a little graft
himself , the sort of man who will
improve the public service.
The employer who will oppress his
men aud treat them unfairly will
oppress the people if he gets a
chance. And the employe who will
GOV. HUGHES. cheat his employer , or the represent
ative of a union who will betray it for his own adVantage -
Vantage , will cheat and betray the public if he is put in
The man who thinks the first object iu life is to serve
himself , and who thinks that the American idea is "every
man for himself and the devil take the hmdinost , " will
never be a faithful servant for the people.
So that it is in the schools and the settlements , in the
various institutions and organizations where men and
women , boys and girls , are taught to be square , aud that
there are limits which personal honor and the sense of
right and justice will not permit to be exceeded , no mat
ter what selfish advantage is to be gained , and that there
are public rights and the interests of the community
which are above all mere individual considerations , that
we find the security for good government and the pros
perity of the people.
And I believe most strongly in the cultivation of the
'religious principle and of the faith in the supremacy of
the power that makes for righteousness , upon which all
else that I have spoken of is based.
By Juliet V. Strauss.
Nobody's life is a failure unless he him
self considers it so. If it suits him , that is
all that is necessaryA man may be a bore ,
he may be utterly useless uud inefficient , or
he may be unendurably officious and always
bobbing up at the wrong time , but so long as
he doesn't know it is he is fortunate above
everybody else.
There is a certain class of people whom I
often think are more to be envied than any others , and
that is they who are hopelessly bad form and do not
know it. They are handsome , they are elaborate , they
are stylish. What more could be desired ? Their sereui-
TIic Minister V/lio Married aiillioii-
niru Corey to Miibellc Oilman.
If ever a man made an abject apol
ogy for an act which he admitted was
an offense against religion , society and
morals , that man
was Rev. John L.
Clark , pastor of a
C o n g r e gational
church in Now
York City. Clark
was the man who
married William
Ellis Corey , the
millionaire presi
dent of the United
States Steel Cor-
" 0" t0
belle Gilman , the
actress Corey by his life had prac
tically forced his wife , who had
married him when he was poor
and who had helped him in his
fight for fame and fortune , to sue for
divorce. Before this action his name
was associated with that of the Gil
man woman and the divorce was nec
essary in order that he might marry
the stage beauty. Corey appealed to
several Episcopal ministers to offi
ciate , but to their credit they refused.
Only the weakness of a Congregational
minister removed the necessity of a
civil marriage Instead of a religious
Clark's congregation was so indig
nant that , to save his place , he re
turned the princely fee he had receiv
ed , made a most abject apology , ac
knowledging his sin before the world
and begged for forgiveness. This was
finally granted , on his promise never
again to disgrace his holy calling.
\Jtica Globe.
The Boy of Old and His First Pair
of Boots.
It was the sight of a little pair of
boots with dingy red tops and copper-
bound toes that stirred memories.
They were castoffs , relics of a time
when progress and modern ways had
not come upon us and changed us so
Now , when a boy reaches the age of
14 , we give him a safety jazor , and
he takes his girl out riding in a hired
In the old days , in the time of the
ty in coldly tramping down all the unwritten laws of
good taste is a terror to beholders , and has a humorous
side calculated to make a cow laugh.
There is only one sort of person who is funnier , and
that is one who is just as hopelessly good form. Some
form is so good that it is bad , and people who are
afflicted with this laborious sort are truly ponderous.
Their efforts < ire as unlike the consummate social grace
of those to the manner born as is the playing of the
person we used , to call a "bumble puppy" at whist to
that of the real whist player. The "bumble puppy , " how
ever , is all right , because he thinks he is.
It is only when we become a little bit doubtful of our
own success that we begin to be pitiable , and people kick
us from pillar to post. People like impudence ; they like
duplicity ; they like vanity ; they like display. If you are
meek and modest , mild and meritorious , just get ready
to turn the other cheek , for you will have reason to do
so. If the thought that perhaps , after all , you are not
lie smartest thing in town begins to creep into your
deluded cranium , expel It , as you would any other pois
onous sentiment. Remember you are the center of the
universe , and let that thought console you ; give your
hat a little tilt over your nose and step out jauntily ,
for if you slink , somebody will throw a rock at you or
tie a tin can to your coat tail.
By Zelma Travers.
There are very few young people who ever
stop to consider the tremendous debt they
owe to their mothers. In the rush of every
day life the mother , with her unselfish devo
tion , shrinks to the side and is left there to
be neglected 'by those for whom her life has
been one long sacrifice1.
Mothers demand very little in return for
the long nights of broken rest and watchful
ness they spent when you were a child , so remember ,
girls , that a little smile and a kind word will go a great
way to pay up the debt you owe.
Mothers like fun once in a while just as much as you
do , so don't exclude them from your pleasure. Take
them into your confidence and tell them your secrets.
You won't find a better friend the world over. Nothing
will please your mother more than the little gift you pur
chase to surprise her. A mother is never so proud as
when she is taken out by her son. Don't be ashamed ,
boys , to show her this attention. .Let ner feel that you ,
too , are proud to be seen with her.
Show her the courtesy that you are in the habit of
giving your girl acquaintances , aud you will be repaid
when you see the great happiness that will brighten up
her worn face.
The photographs shown above are among the most unusual on record.
Probably not more than a half dozen persons , all told , have ever seen young
snakes emerging from the eggs , and it is not known that they were ever be
fore photographed. The snakes' are of the viper and viperine varieties.
simple life and the straight talk , your
boots were the pride and joy of your
heart. They had shiny red tops then
and the copper looked like gold , and
nary a chill touched the legs of the
boy who wore them. If you will re
member , you and father paid a visit
to the shoe shop early in September ,
and the boots came home with you.
They pinched some at first , for a boy
who has gone barefoot all summer has
feet like pancakes. You tried them
on the walk in front of your house
and oh , joy ! what a musical squeak
they made and how they seemed to
proclaim : "New boots ! new boots ! ' '
which Is a very fine message.
Then on Saturday night father greas
ed them , rubbing the oil well in , and
you put in your days hoping for a
change in the weather. Indian sum
mer , the drifting leaves , warm sun
shine and soft breezes grew positively
hateful , and you wondered what ueo-
ple would do if it stayed hot all win
ter and if the things that made it
grow cold had slipped a cog , and the
cherry trees would blossom on Christ
mas day.
And then , one night you heard the
wind whistling in the chimney and you
snuggled down in bed and went to
sleep again , and mother had to call
you four times before you hopped out
of your warm nest , and , glory be !
there was frost on the window pane
and a pair of red-top boots waiting for
a boy just your size down by the
kitchen stove. How warm and nice
they felt as you slipped them on over
your woolen socks , aud soon you were
slipping along the frosted grass in the
back yard. You broke the ice on sun
dry puddles. You walked through the
cornfield , where the frost had harden
ed the ground , and the crunch ! crunch !
said : "New boots ! new boots ! "
And then , one day the storm came.
Grandfather said that the old woman
up above was picking her geese , and
there were drifts for the new boots
to plow Jthrough , and a path to be
made to t&e wood pile , and later , when
the ice on the big pond was. glary ,
those same little boots slid across un
til your breath came fast.
You were as warm as toast.
Well did those little red-top boots
do their work. At church you were
sure that people were admiring them ,
and at Sunday school how glad you
were you had them on when the super
intendent put his hand on your head
and told father you were a fine fellow.
And then came spring and the snow
melted and the blossoms came and the
red-top boots were forgotten , and you
never knew that they were wrapped
in paper and laid away with other
keepsakes , and that years later a gray-
haired woman caressed them with lov
ing touches and shed tears because of
her boy who had grown up to be a
great big man and gone out into the
Tlie Inilueiice of Books.
Books have always a secret influence
on the understanding. We cannot at
pleasure obliterate ideas. He that
reads books of science , though without
any desire fixed of improvement , will
grow more knowing. He that enter
tains himself with moral or religious
treatises will imperceptibly advance in
goodness. The ideas which are often
offered to the mind will at last find a
lucky moment when it is disposed to
receive them. Samuel Johnson.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Capital Punishment MAT B * Prided
-rided br Federal Lawn.
Himself a father and an advocate <
the rights of the home to the fulle ;
measure of protection from the goven
ment , It is said that the President wi
make kidnaping the subject of a speciz
appeal in his nest message to Congres :
Many members of the national legish
tivo body believe that the stealing c
children to hold them for purpose c
ransom ought to be elevated to the ratin
of capital crime , punishable by deatl
Whether President Roosevelt will go tha
far in his recommendations is known enl
by himself , but that he will speak fc
some adequate action is a certainty.
The police authorities favor such
law. They say that the kidnaper is th
hardest of all criminals to apprehem
The man who steals a child and keeps i
near him ever has a power which hold
the authorities at his mercy. The instan
they make a threatening move or seer
to be closing in on the qu.irry , the kic
nnper has only to drop a letter in an
mail box informing the police that ur
loss they draw off he will kill the chile
Then pursuit is paralyzed.
Stringent laws against kidnaping ar
more needed in the United States tha
anywhere else. In England and the COUD
tries of Europe the child whose parent
have money enough to make it wort
while to kidnap lim is guarded like ;
hothouse plant , and there is little or n
opportunity to get him. The exact re
verse is true here. Under present cor
ditions the risk ofttimes seems wort !
while to a desperate man crazed fo
cash. If , as many lawmakers desire , kid
naping be advanced to th ; jlare of ;
capital crime , with the gallows or elec
trical chair as a certain punishment , i
would take a hardy criminal indeed t
run the risk. The comparative ease wit ]
which murderers escape execution woul
not "apply to a kidnaper. The America )
may have charity in a good many in
stances and perhaps make more allow
ances than he should , but the America ]
father who sat in judgment on a guilt ;
kidnaper would certainly find no mere ;
in his make-up when it comes to passing
on the proper degree of punishment.
' '
Fund to Flffht I.a1 or Unions'
During the annual convention of th <
National Association of Manufacturers a
New York , 300 members were present
and James W. Van Cleave of St. Louii
presided. Secretary Gushing said the :
had fought successfully against furthe :
legislation for the eight-hour day am
against court injunctions. Treasure :
Stillman said the association now hac
an annual income of $180,000. A com
mittee of thirty-six was appointed t <
raise § 500,000 a year for three years
the money to be spent in educating th <
public as to the right view to take ir
labor disputes. A poll of the 3,000 mem
bers on tariff revision showed about threi
to two in favor of limited and reasonabh
revision , immediately after the next presi
ilential election. President Van Clev <
iame out for a federal corporation later
tor all enterprises engaged in interstate
Notwithstanding the mobilization of c
arge Mexican army along the Guatenm-
an border within the past few weeks
: he government of President Cabrera con-
: inued in its defiant attitude toward the
lemands made by President Diaz of Mex
co. Intrenchments had been thrown ui
) y the Guatemalan army , so as to com'
nand the town of Ocos , on the Mexicar
> order.
The Mexican government has begun the
nassing of troops along the border oi
jruatemala , armed with Mausers anc
Maxims , and it is understood that Presi
lent Diaz and leading officials of Mexicc
sympathize with the insurrection against
President Cabrera of Guatemala. Dia :
s determined to stop the turmoil on hit
) order and bring Guatemala to terms foi
: he murder of Gen. Barillas while undei
: he protection of the Mexican govern-
The unrest which was evident in manj
parts of China has now broken into opet
ebellion hi the province of Kwangtung ,
vhere several large towns have been at
acked by the rebels , the residents being
Sundered and the public buildings de-
jt'royed. The movement differs from the
Boxer outbreak of 1900 , in that it is di
rected against the ruling dynasty , anc
lot against the foreigners. Riots were
specially severe in the Swatow district ,
ind 10,000 rebels , known as triads , tools
± e field , headed by Gen. Sun , formei
: aotai of Nanking. At Wong Kong ev-
: ry official was killed , while the German
nisslon at Lien Chow was destroyed.
The Royal Geographical Society oi
Condon announces that an accurate sur-
ey of the mountains of the Moon ic
ilast Africa stows that the greater and
aore important part of them lie in the
jongo Free State , or on the Belgian side
the thirtieth meridian. This would
iring Lake Albert Edward , which was
tamed for King Edward when he was
Mnco of Wales , under Belgian jurisdic-
ion. King Leopold is not disposed to
aake any concessions in view o recent
English attacks upon his Congo policy. It
3 expected that the mountains and water
ourses will be renamed. The present
eography of the section was based upon
nacurate surveys o certain explorers
? ho had little knowledge of scientific sur-
Premier Stolypin addressed the douma
n response to a challenge from the so-
lialists and members of all the left par
ies , numbering over half the body , re
named outside during the discussion of
: he recent conspiracy against the life of
he Czar. A resolution condemning ter-
orism was then offered by the constitu-
lonal democrats and passed. Recently
he police raided the committee rooms of
: he radical members of the douma , and
his caused great feeling. The radical
eaders say that the stories of th& con-
iphracy were faked in order to discredit
lie radicals in the douma.
Ds Yea Think
For Yourself ?
. do you open your mouth like & young
lrd and gulp down whatever food or medi
ine makbc offered you ?
* * J * tf * * i *
Intelligent thinking woman.
in need of f fromweaknes nervouaness ,
pain and ? . then it means much to
you that tber f > nc tried iftnd true bQneqtfr
rp oarrro ? * , sold by
druggists forthQjcureof ills.
The makers of Dr. Pierco's Favorite Pro
scription , for the cure of weak , nervous , rundown -
down , over-worked , debilitated , pain-racked
women , knowing thia medicine to bo made up
of ingredients , every one of which has the
strongest possible indorsement of the leading-
and standard authorities of the several
schools of practice , are perfectly willing , andi
in fact , are only too glad to print , as they do , '
the formula , or list of Ingredients , of which'
it Is composed , inplain English , on every
H * ft ft ft ft
The formula of Dr. Piercc's Favorite Pre
scription will bear the most critical examina
tion of medical experts , for it contains no
alcohol , narcotics , harmful , or habit-forming'
drugs , and no agent enters into It that is not
highly recommended by the most advanced
and leading medical teachers and author
ities of their several schools of practice.
These | auiyhorltiesrccommend the Ingredients
' ' '
ofJ wc ' j av 'Vc' > recriptiori " for the
cure of oxacly"thcjaine ; ailments"
* * * * *
No other medlclny for woman's ills has any' '
such professional endorsement aa Dr. Pierco's' '
Favorite Prescription has received , in the unQualified - '
Qualified recommendation of each of itaj
several Ingredients by scores of leading medl- |
cal men of all the schools of practice. Is >
such an endorsement not worthy of your-
consideration ?
* * * * *
A booklet of Ingredients , with numerous1
authorative profeslonal endorsements by the1
leading medical authorities of this country , )
will be mailed free to any one sending name *
and address with request for same. Address1
Dr. E. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
What did Argand do for the lamp ? "
Examine an ordinary lamp in which
x > al oil is burned. The chimney pro-
: ects the flame from sudden gusts of
vind and also creates a draft of air ,
ust as the fire chimney creates a draft ,
irgand's lamp was the first to have a.
ihimney. Look below the chimney and
> x > u will see open passages through
vhich air may pass upward and find
ts way to the wick. Notice further
tat as this draft of air passes upward
t is so directed that -when the lamp
s burning an extra quantity of air
) lays directly upon the Tvick. Before
.rgand , the wick received no supply of
iir. Now notice and this is very im-
tortarit that the wick of our modern
amp is flat or circular , but thin. The
.Id in abundance plays upon both sides
if the thin wick , and burns it without
naking smoke. Smoke is simply half-
rurned particles ( soot ) of a burning
ubstance. The particles pass off half
iurned because enough air has not been
upplied. Now Argand. by making the
dck thin and by causing plenty of air
o rush into the flame , caused all the
rick to be burned and thereby caused
t to burn with a white flame.
After the invention of Argand , the
rt of lamp-making improved by leaps
.ad by bounds. More progress was
nadc in twenty years after 1783 than
lad been made In twenty centuries be-
ore New burners were invented , new
: nd better oils were used , and better
ricks made. But all the new kinds of
amps were patterned alter the Argand.
The lamp you use at home may not
> e a real Argand , but it is doubtless
nade according to the principles of the
amp invented by the Swiss physician
n 1783. St. Nicholas.
People Tell Each Otncr About Good
Twelve years ngo few people In the world
: new of such a preparation as a Powder for
he Feet. To-day after the genuine merit
if Allen's Foot-Ease has been told year after
ear by one gratified person to another ,
here are millions who would as soon go
rfthout a dentifrice as without Allen's Foot-
Jase. It Is a cleanly , wholesome , healing ,
; ntlseptlc powder to be shaken Into the shoes.
Fhich has given rest and comfort to tired
nd aching feet In all parts of the world. It
: ures while you walk. Over 30,000 testl-
aonlals of cures of smarting , swollen , per-
plring feet It prevents friction and wear
if the stockings and will save in your atock-
ng bill ten times its cost each year. Imlta-
fcras pay the dealer a larger profit , other-
rise you would never be offered a substitute
Then , you ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , the-
riglnal powder for the feet. Imitations arer
lot advertised because they are "not pcrma-
lect. For every genuine article there are
aany Imitations. The Imitator has no rep-
; tation to sustain the advertiser has. It :
tands to reason that the advertised article1 ,
3 the best , otherwise the public would not.
> ny It and the advertising could not be com
inned. When you ask for an article adver-
ised in this publication , see that you get It.
lefuso imitations.
Open to Conviction.
No rock was ever more firmly fixed
ban were Mrs. Manser's opinion ; but
he considered herself of an extremely
liable disposition , with a mind open
a conviction on all sides.
"It's the strangest thing to me , the
ray the rest of the family talk as If
were set in my views , " she said one
ay to her nephew William's bride ,
rith whom she had been laboring on
he subject of calling-cards for more-
ban an hour.
"It seems to me you're sort of tak-
ig the same tone , " she continued , look-
3g sharply at the young woman , "and
don't want you to. There isn't any-
ody in this world that's readier to
e convinced she's in the wrong than
am by people who know more than
. All they've got before 'em , ever , Is
3 prove to me that they do know more
aan I and I tell you , my dear , there
asn't one of 'em ever been able to ia
tiifl family ! "
3or ? Infanta end CMldien.
lie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of