Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, June 20, 1907, Image 3

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Area IlavnRrcd In IIlinol In
diana and Kentucky Thirty Per-
ons KnoTrn io Be Killed One
Totvn Swept
At least twenty-nine persons were
killed , scores were injured and proper-
-y damage aggregating hundreds of
-'thousands of dollars was done by wind ,
rvrain and thunder storms which devas-
-rtated large sections of southern 1115-
traols , southern Indiana and western
rSentucky between midnight and dawn
Saturday morning.
Throughout a large area houses were
* swept away , hundreds of head of live
stock were killed and crops were de
vastated. Long after the storms had
-ceased the rivers continued to rise until -
- < til thousands of acres of wheat and
-corn land had been flooded and the
-crops ruined.
Twenty-one persons perished at
* Gradyville , Ky. , a village of 175 inhab
itants fifteen niiles from a railroad.
-Owing to a cloudburst Big Creek sud
denly changed its . channel , rushed
- through the town and swept away al
most every house. The inhabitants
; * awok6 to find themselves surrounded
* fcy water and their dwellings crum
bling away.
Those left alive made their way to
cthe hills and shivered in the rain until
Reports from such other places told
of heavy rains and high winds which
did great damage , but of no other loss
of life. In many localities bridges
were washed away , roads made impas
sable and wires broken , so that it is
feared other fatalities will be reported
when communication is restored.
A telegram from Evansville , Ind. , re
ported much damage for a hundred
miles in every direction. At Corydon ,
Ky. , lightning destroyed the Baptist
church , and at Smith Mills , Ky. , a res
idence was struck by lightning and
burned. At Petersburg , Ind. , much
damage was done by wind and rain ,
and White River rose until it spread
over thousands of acres of farm land.
A few miles south of Petersburg the
storm swept a path half a mile wide ,
destroying trees , fences and barns.
Bridges over all the streams in the vi-
ciinty were washed away. As-far as
could be learned , however , there was
no loss of life in that neighborhood.
Louisville and Lexington , _ Ky. . also
suffered some damage from electrical
storms and an unusually he-ivy rain.
The vicinity of llarrisburg , 111. , also
was visited by a destructive storm.
Barns and fences were blown down ,
and Liberty Church , near the town ,
was wrecked by the wind. The heavy
rain caused floods in all the small
streams which washed away many
wagon bridges. *
Advices from Duquoin , 111. , said that
storm did damage amounting to
$150,000 in that immediate vicinity.
Many houses in the town were dam
aged and hundreds of trees were up
dawn. It was hours before the news
-of the disaster reached Columbia , the
mearest town of any size , and then
physicians and relief supplies were
jmirried to the scene as fast as the con
dition of the roads would permit
A tornado , accompanied by a deluge
-of rain , devastated York , 111. , where
-three lives were lost Property dam
age in the town and vicinity was $150-
OOO. Besides those killed , eight per
sons were probably fatally injured ,
.sand more than a score less seriously
ihart Nearly every house in the town
--was damaged , and several were blown
-down , their occupants being buried In
-the debris. That the loss of life was
-tnot larger was remarkable , In view of
* the damage done.
Mrs. Lucinda Pinkerton was blown
-into the top of a tree several hundred
> feet from her home , and her body hung
'fin the branches for hours before It was
-found by searchers. The Methodist
-church was demolished , its timbers
-wrecking a saloon across the street
"The saloonkeeper was blown fifty feet
and stuck in a hedge , but escaped serious -
> rious injury.
New Minden , 111. , also was struck by
aa tornado , and five lives weer lost ,
-while a number of persons were in
jured. Nearly every house in the north
ern part of the town was destroyed
.sand the German Lutheran church was
An odd feature of the tornado is that
hundreds of head of stock has disap
peared from nearby farms , and no
-.trace of them or their bodies can be
rfound. It is supposed they were blown %
5lnto the Wabash River and their bodies
ies swept away.
Near Mount Vernon , III. , the electrical -
* -cal display was especially severe. Sev
eral barns were struck by lightning ,
: and many head of stock were killed.
f- -Crops were seriously damaged , and
. .communication with the surrounding
-country Is practically suspended be-
-caase all the bridges were washed
, -away and the streams are out of their
sianks. ,
Fisrlit Boll Weevel.
The biological survey of thfi Depart
ment of Agriculture , while investigating
the boll weevil pest in Texas , where the
cotton crop lias been damaged many mill
ions of dollars annually , has discovered
that no less than thirty-eight species of
birds feed upon the troublesome insect.
It is not claimed that the birds alone
can check the spread of the weevil , but
it has been demonstrated that they are an
important help , hence an appeal is made
to the northern farmer to aid in the
work on the ground that the insect enemy
of the farmer of every district is the com
mon enemy of the country. Swallows arc
the foremost of the allies against the boll
weevil , and they have been described as
"the light cavalry of the avian army. "
They have no rivals in tlie art of captur
ing insects in midair , and it is to this
fact that their peculiar value to the cot
ton grower is due. Other useful birds
of prey are the orioles , blackbirds , wrens
and flycatchers. As many as four boll
weevils have been found in the stomach of
a single cliff swallow. The plan of the
department is to increase the number of
swallows both north and south by form
ing nesting colonies. The southern colonies
nies will work during the summer , while
in the fall the northern birds , as they
pass southward , will keep up the wax.
America Reaps Commercial Benflt
of Friendship for Japan.
America's industrial invasion of the
far East is now in full swing , and Japan
is pouring a golden stream into the Unit
ed States for steel rails , cars and loco
Twelve million dollars has already been
expended in this country for railroad
supplies to be used in the construction of
the South Manchurian railway , and it
is now learned that contracts involving
millions of dollars are pending. Deliv
eries of rails are , now being made , and
for the next three months steamships
chartered by Japan will ply across the
PnciGc bearing valuable cargoes of steel
and iron.
Manchuria will be strapped with Amer
ican steel lails from Dalny to Mukden ,
while the traveler wiH ride in cars of
American manufacture , drawn by locomo
tives built in this country. Thousands
of dollars have been spent in premiums
to our manufacturers for quick deliveries ,
for the Japanese insist that these miles of
railroad , through this great stretch of ag
ricultural country , must "be built and in
full operation within two years.
Japan's representatives were told to go
ahead and get the railroad supplies at all
rost. Having broken one record last
February , when they purchased 50,000
tons of stool rails at the Carnegie mills
for $2S. . 0 a ton , they proceeded to break
another and bought Jo.OOO tons of rails
for $20 a ton. One car company received
an order for 1.090 freight car trucks ,
the bodies of which will be built in Dalny.
Over $2.000.000 has been spent with
American locomotive building companies
and every steamship departing from Seattle -
attlo and other Pacific ports has one or
more locomotives stored in its hold. Over
200 locomotives have been sold to the
South Manchurian railway.
Japanese agents here indicate that $5-
000,000 will have to be spent for rails in
this country before the railroad in Man
churia is completed.
Elprht-IIonr Day Decision.
The Supreme Court has sustained thfc.
validity of the federal law limiting to
eight hours a day the employment of la
borers and mechanics by contractors on
government works , but coupling with the
finding that the law does not apply to the
employes on dredges. Justice Holmes
said that as floating dredges were ves
sels , all the hands employed on them were
classed as seamen , and it had been held
repeatedly that seamen were not subject
to the eight-hour law. This decision set
tles a question which has prevented the
awarding of $87,000,000 of contracts au
thorized by the river and harbor act. The
estimates for these appropriations were
made on the basis of dredgeboat employes
not being included in the eight-hour re
Root an nn Optimist.
In his closing lecture at Yale on the
"Responsibilities of Citizenship , " Secre
tary of State Root pointed out that the
present outcry against rebates and prose
cution of rebating corporations "is not
evidence that we are growing worse , but
evidence that we are growing better ; that
our government is applying a higher
standard of justice in the control of pub-
The top picture shows the funnel-shaped cyclonic cloud approaching
a town ; the second is a view of ruined buildings in its wake , while the
map shows the course and area of the recent storm which took nearly
thirty lives and did property d'amage amounting to thousands of dollars.
lie utilities. " lie reached this conclu
sion after reviewing a long series of dis
creditable events in American history ,
dating back to revolutionary days. He
referred to the days of the Credit Mobi-
lier scandal , when stock of powerful cor
porations was peddled to lawmakers who
were to pass upon measures affecting
those interests , and added that such a
thing would not now be tolerated. He
said that the rebatings for which great
corporations are now pursued are merely
a form of discriminatory rate which once
prevailed without objection. All rail
roads did it thirty years ago and "that
was the way they built up their business
and the country through which they ran. "
But people began to look at it differently
and note he injustice of such methods.
It was an "advance of moral standard
which gave life to laws which had been
dead before. "
Fire destroyed the repair shops of th
Atchison. Topeka and Santa Fe Railway
Company in Argentine , Kan. Loss ,
Dr. George A. Reisner , formerly in
charge of the explorations of the Unl-
Tersity of California in Egypt , has beea
appointed archaeologist in charge of ex
cavations for the Egyptian government
in Nubia.
Increased difficulty is being experi
enced in obtaining horses and mules for
the army. Bids which have been open
ed show that prices generally have in
creased. For the cavalry , 725 horses
are to be bought at an average price
of $175 each. The artillery corps is
to buy nearly 350 , for which $211 is the
average price. Army mules heavy
enough to do draft work bring $188
each , and nearly 300 of these have been
contracted tor. Lead mules , somewhat
lighter in weight , bring $1GS , and pack
r.iules , still lighter , $131. The quarter-
piaster's department says that army
mules are bought practically by the
pound. An experiment is being made
at Fort Riley , Kan. , in buying yearly
a small number of pedigreed colts and
putting them through a course of train
ing for the cavalry service. This ex
periment has proved beneficial , and
thirty-six of these blooded horses have
just been purchased.
The United States Supreme Court in
a recent decision held that the action
of Congress last summer in ratifying
the collection of duties on merchandise
going into the Philippine islands be
tween the date when the treaty of
peace was signed and the enactment by
Congress of the Philippines tariff was
valid , notwithstanding several years
had passed. The court had previously
held that the collection of these duties
by authority of the tariff act promul
gated by President McKinley under the
so-called war power was illegal. It
now affirms the power of Congress to
ratify and legalize these collections ,
even though they were unauthorized at
the time. Justices Brewer and Peck-
ham dissented. It is said that this de
cision will affect claims of over $4-
000,000 now pending , besides prospec
tive claims to the amount of several
mill-Ions more.
* *
v -
Fresh eggs , $2 a dozen ; milk , 50
cents a quart ; bacon , 50 cents a pound ;
butter , 50 cents a pound ; flour , $ G per
100 pounds.
These are the prices that Consul C.
C. Cole , of Dawson , reports to the gov
ernment must be paid in the Yukpn
territory of Alaska. "There is no ar
ticle sold for less than 25 cents , no
matter how trivial , " says the consul ,
"as there is no money in circulation
of a less denomination than that
amount. " Mr. Cole predicts that prices
will remain high until a trunk line
railroad from the open sea into the
heart of the great Yukon valley is con
structed , lie suggests that such a rail
road , if constructed , be under the con
trol of the government , to keep down
excessive freight and passenger rates.
" *
One of the most important investi
gations which the Census Bureau has
ever undertaken will be an examina
tion of criminal statistics , of the cost
and methods of administering criminal
justice. The practical value of such
information is evident from the fact
that according to conservative estimate
the apprehension , trial and support of
criminals cost this nation half a bil
lion dollars a year. As yet we have no
scientific information about how this
money is spent
c m
In response to the Inquiry of Secre
tary Root , Gov. Gillette of California
has submitted a report concerning the
recent attack upon Japanese restau
rants in San Francisco. This and 'bth-
er official reports confirm the impres
sion that the riots were the outcome of
labor troubles , ami had little to do with
the racial feeling , except in some de
tails. This subject is still causing con
siderable agitation on the part of the
progressive party in Japan.
# *
The army signal corps conducted a
trial trip from Washington with its
first big war balloon made by Leo Ste
vens. Capt Charles Chandler and J.
C. McCoy , accompanied Stevens on the
trial flight The journey was ended at
Linglestowu , Pa. , a distance of 149
miles , in four hours and thirty-seven
minutes. '
v _ .
President Roosevelt has proclaimed
the conclusion of a commercial arrange
ment between the United States and
Germany , mentioning the list of arti
cles upon which duties are reduced in
return for concessions made by the
German government The list includes
forty articles , most of which entered
into the trade of the past year.t
The President has ordered the De
partment of Justice to prepare suits
against the so-called anthracite coal
railroads , and these will be filed in the
federal court at Philadelphia. The
cases grow out of the investigation con
ducted by the interstate commerce com
mission in obedience to an act of Con
Terence V. Powderly , formerly head
of the Knights of Labor , who later was
commissioner of immigration under
President McKinley , has now re-entered
the service , being appointed chief of
the bureau of information in the immi
gration bureau.
Captain George W.Baird , U. S. A. ,
lately retired , , aside from his excellent
war record , is a scientist , writer and
Inventor of some pretensions.
Fifteen Iinndred DelefcntcJi from 37
Different linml * Assembled In Blpr-
Kvtti Sunday School Gathering In
HlMory of the World.
There recently assembled in Rome
Italy , the greatest Sunday school gath
ering in the history of the world. For
five days about 1,500 delegates , repre
senting thirty-seven different lands ,
nearly all evangelical creeds , and 20-
000,000 Sunday school adherents , met
together to hear reports of progress
throughout the earth and study the
best methods of winning the world to
Christ through the medium.of the Sunday
day school. From beginning to end the
keynote of the fifth world's convention
was the Sunday school as a missionary
force. It was clearly brought out that
the hope of evangelizing the world lies
in the potential energy , as yet largely
untouched , of the Sunday school.
Near the close of the convention
there occurred the most epoch making
event since the inauguration of the in
ternational system of Sunday school
lessons a generation ago.
There was formed the World's Sun
day School Association to rapidly de
velop and promote Sunday school work
throughout the entire world. Bishop
Ilartzcll was chairman of the commit
tee which brought this action before
the convention , and in moving its adop
tion lie declared it was the most im
portant movement lie had ever been
privileged to endorse. Without doubt
it will mean an unparalleled advance
of Sunday schools during the next few
years. The lot fell to England to have
the first president of the world associa
tion in Rev. F. B. Meyer , of London ;
but to America was given the chairman
of the executive committee , Dr. George
W. Bailey , of Philadelphia.
A stra'nge and impressive scene was
presented at the opening meeting. The
representatives of thirty-seven lands
made a polyglot company as on the day
of Pentecost in Jerusalem , and as then
all were with one accord in one place
praying and praising God in divers
tongues. There were seen in the audi
ence dark skinned men of Egypt , with
their red fezes ; native delegates from
Palestine ; a dark faced college presi
dent from India ; swarthy men and wo
men from Spain , Bulgaria and other
countries of southern Europe ; fair
haired delegates from Sweden ; consid
erable delegations from France and
Germany ; over COO delegates from
Great Britain ; as many as could crowd
in the building from Italj * , and about
500 from the United States and Can
The five days of the convention were
crowded with addresses by famous
Christian leaders ; reports of Sunday
school progress in all lands ; confer
ences in Italian and German and Eng
lish , and committee meetings of the
widest import by the prominent busi
ness men who had charge of the con
vention and the worldwide Sunday
school movement. Among the speakers
who stirred the convention by their
messages were Rev. F. B. Meyer , Bish
op J. C. Hartzell , Mr. Marion Law-
ranee , Rev. B. B. Tyler , D. D. , and
numerous others , including Madame
Bieler , of Paris , the daughter of Pro
fessor D'Aubigne. the historian of the
Reformation. One man , Dr. W. A. Dun
can , of New York State , journeyed over
0,000 miles to Rome and return , sim
ply to address an Italian and a German
conference on the home department of
the Sunday school , which he founded.
A large part of the convention was
taken up with reports giving a bird's-
eye view of Sunday school conditions !
throughout the world. Many of these j
were intenselj * interesting and stirred
the hearts of the audience with new
enthusiasm for assisting the work in
lands where the movement is yet in
its infancy and where the work is car
ried on under the greatest difficulties.t
For example , in Belgium , there are only j
2,300 scholars enrolled in the schools ; J
in Tunis 2,000 : in Bulgaria 3,000 : in
Spain 0.500 : in Egypt 11.391. In many
other countries the number in thf Sun
day schools is large and the work is
growing and developing at an astonish
ing rate. In Japan there are 04,000 in
the schools : in France (57,000 ( ; in India ,
300.000 ; in Germany 000,000 ; in Great '
Britain 2.230.000 in 1-rce Church !
schools , and 7.000.000 altogether , but j
not all are affiliated with the associa
tion. Last comes America with about
14,000.000. 'f
The next convention will be held in
1910 , but the executive committee has
not decided in what city it will con
vene. Previous to tiiis it is planned to
have a specially charatercd ship sail
from New York in December. 190S. car
rying nearly or quite .100 Christian
leaders to make a Sunday school cruise
around the world. It is expected that
the English delegates will board the
ship as it passes through the Mediter
ranean and numerous conferences and
conventions will be held in Egypt , In
dia , China. Japan and other countries.
Not the least impressive feature of
the convention was the sight of a num
ber of prominent business men of
America and England throwing all their
great energy into the task of making
the gathering an epoch-making affair.
St. Catherine's lighthouse , Isle of
Wight , has been fitted with a flash
light which is estimated to be equal to
15,000,000 candle-power.
In Greenland potatoes never grow to
be larger than marbles.
lIoTrnrtl and Jll * Wife Each
Thin KM About the Other.
The legal fight between Howard
Gould and his wife , who was the ac
tress , Knthcrino Cleinmous. Is gradu
ally reaching a climax. Mrs. Gould
asks legal separation on the ground
that he is an unlit person to live with ,
and that hi * has tampered with her
mail. She asks alimony to the amount
of $250,000 a year. She admits the
amount is large , hut claims it Is la
accord with his great wealth and none
i ' U _
too much to enable her to maintain her
social position.
Gould , on the other hand , asks for
separation on the ground that it is im-
posible for him to live with his wife
because of her use of intoxicants , be
cause of her extravagance and because
of her bad temper. He will fight her f
demand for alimony to any greater
amount than $00,000 a year.
It was announced that Princeton uni
versity had received gifts of $1,200,000
from persons not named , and that the
money would be used to build two labora
President William Jewett Tucker of
Dartmouth college has tendered his res
ignation to the trustees , giving as his
reason , heart trouble , which made it im
perative for him to retire.
Gov. Stuart of Pennsylvania has signed
the bill authorizing school boards of cities
to set aside money each year to create a
retirement fund for public school teach
ers , the method being left entirely to the
discretion of the different boards.
United States Consul E. T. Liefeld re
ports that on April 22 a municipal school
dental clinic was opened in the German
city of Frieburg , the operations of which
lie thus describes : "The dentist at the
head of this school clinic examines all
the children in the city , both in their
homes and in the public schools. A re
port on such examinations is sent to the
parents , who are asked to send their chil
dren to the school dental clinic for free
treatment. Those children having ten or
more poor teeth are first treated , an ex
ception being made in the higher classes
where those with only slight defects arc
to be treated , so that they wift leave the
public schools with sound teeth. After
these worst cases have been attended ro.
all other children with defective teeth are
to be treated , the younger ones given prof"
erence. The treatment of the teeth in
cludes extraction , filling , crowning , etc/
There is no actual instruction in dental
hygiene , but at the opening of the dental
clinic the teachers explain its objects and
workings to the children. The tooth re
port card contains on the reverse side in
structions as to the care of the teeth. "
Mayor McClellan of New York has
vetoed the bill recently passed by the
State Legislature equalizing the salaries
of men and women teachers in the hiaher
grades of the schools of the metropolis.
He justified his veto on four grounds r
(1) ( ) Violation of the home rule principle ;
(2) ( ) local authorities already have te
power to do the same ; (3) ( ) discrimination ,
in favor o a certain class of teachers ;
(4) ( ) that it would destroy the elasticity
of the present school system. Both
houses of the Legislature passed tha
measure over the Mayor's veto.