- 4 . : * r DEMOCRAT. VOLUME VALENTINE. NEBEASKA. THURSDAY-TUNE 18 , 1907. NUMBER If your bath-room is equipped with modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of sanitation. j tatnfgfdr Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only beauUfw and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When yeu. decide to install "new bath roonTequipment let us quote you a price on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are-reasonable. Our work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be high grade 'and please you. Orders for repair work given prompt attention. - _ ed o. O Student Styles Friend Bros. Clothing Company - Has workmanship and wearing qualities that will please you. D. STI CLOTHIER . Valentine , Nebr. „ JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF JVew Style Dress Goods Which we put on sale at reasonable prices. PHONE 97 , GRANT BO YER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebraska 11" ii fyff tjra&K * FRED WHITTEMOHK. Pres C'ltARLES SPARKS , Cashier J. W. STETTEFC , Vice Pres. ORAII L BRITTON , As't. Cashier. , . . s a 5 2 . Valentine , Nebraska di _ a ; j \ u o c 5 w 53 - Capital Surplus Z. . cl Ort o $25,000 , $2,500. x S Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will jjrolithy investigating the methods employed in our business. : : : * : : : : : : * s2s SiS Read the Advertisements , Mr. and Mrs. Bishop are visiting in Cbadron. * Born , to G. A , Chapman and wife , June 7 , a boy. Born , to H. S. Lockwood and wife , Saturday , June 8 , a boy. Geo. Beer and Mrs. Gallino were married last Thursday at Georgia. Mrs. Bessie Shaw of Omaha is visiting her sister , Mrs. Wesley Holsclaw. Mis ? Flora Hornback returned Monday from here homestead near Brownlee. 3 Co. Att.v. Tucker and family visited relatives in Woodlake the first of the week. Co. Com. A. E. Morris came up from Woodlake Tuesday to sit on the equalization board. Charles Reeco was in town last Saturday after barb wire. He is fencing two large pastures. Dave McNichols has quit the dray line and will hold down a homestead for a few months. Mrs. Tom HornKy and baby have been visiting the pafit week with Mr. and Mrs. Travis at St. Mary's Mission , 100 acres ' .yot to break. § 2.50 par acre. Corro'onc , romo. nil. H. H. W/.KEFIELD. 22 % Crookston , Neb. Edward Parry came down from Crawford Monday , having re signed his position with Jim Hull and Harve Shepard. A hot time ! "When ? Where ? Why , the Orel and 4th of July ! You're declared in ! Come to Valentine and have a hot time ! Mrs. Dunham departed Thursday morning for Omaha , where she will visit a few days before going on io Iowa to spend the summer with her sister. James Well ford came in from his fishing resort on Hackberry lake last Friday and spent several days visiting with his wife and with his numerous friends. Wash Honey and James Day , two enterprising business men from our thriving burg on the east Woodlake were in the metropolis on business Tuesday. Wm. Sorby and son Percy of Penbrook brought a load of hogs to town Tuesday and called at this c ffi je to trade a wheel for a year's subscription to THE DEMOCRAT. There'will be a silver medal con test at Harmony school house June 15 , and one at Crookston Jime 18 , under the auspices of the \V. C. T. U. Admittance lOc. Taken Up At J. P. Kreycik's place , 2-V miles south of Arabia , the last of May , one light bay mare , branded NIT on right shoulder , weight about 800 Ibs. - - * Pete DeCory spent several days in town the first of the week on business. Mr. DeCory has one of the finest ranches on the reser vation and it is well stocked with cattle and horses. Walther Meltendortf returned from Omaha last Thursday , where he had been attending the Liquor Dealers' Association. By the w ly. Walther is l\To. 1 in the phone book and was the first to pay his dog tax , being No. I there. ' Other d > g owneis should fo'low suit. The Crawford base bsill team , under manager Byi'on Shaw , will play the locnl team here Thursday , June 20. AVe expocFto win this game as Crawford took lhela > t f ueby a score of G to 5. The Rosebud boaiding scliool team plays here on or about June 28 * , and the Boston Bloomer Girls the day after. to Summer Dress Goods The warm days of June ought to start you to I * thinking about summer goods. If they don't may be we can by offering a line of 40c , 35c and 30c , Goods at 25c. to tote These goods range in a variety of popular pat- v - terns and colors including browns , tans and grays to > and comprise the mohairs , lawns and the lightweight wool effect goods. We are also showing a pretty " * line of dotted Swisses and batistes at prices ranging / from 4 * 12-k to 25c , PER YD. & * ? We have just received new patterns in the 4 ? grays and checked goods. Look them over. ' O. D. Carey was down fr om the Boarding school the \first \ of the week after a load of supplies. Mr. Carey is'the chief k'mogul" in the garden at the Boarding school. Wm. Johnson was in town last Saturday and called at our office on business. He informs us that iie has purchased the W. E. Ef- ner quarter section adjoining his land in the hay flats , 12 miles south of town , tho. conside melon 3eing § 500. Mr. John-son thinks .ie bought it "dirt" cheap. Ben DeCory returned from St. Paul , Minn. , Saturday night , whither he had accompanied his wife , who has 160 acres of land near there , half timber land and mlf farm land. Mrs. DeCory will not return for several week.0 , or until such a time as si e can dispose of hpr land in Minnesota , when she will again join her hus- jand who has a fine ranch over on the reservation on Antelope creek. There was a pretty wedding oc casion at the Presbyterian manse ast Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. It was then that Frank Dart and Miss Josephine Childers were united in marriage by Rev. J. Robert Bsale , the pastor. Mrs. Mary Quiglpy of this place is a friend of the bride , and by her help a luncheon of cake and lemon ade was provided and enjoyed af ter the ceremony had been per formed. Two little maids , Ruth Quigley and Addie Harvey wait ed on the bridal couple and the guests , among whom , besides Mrs. Quigley and Mrs. Beale , were Miss Josephine Stotts and Frank Yancy , who accompanied the bride and groom to Valentine. The happy couple left the same evening - j ning for Haddon , Kan. St. Nicholas Chnrclii Catholic services will be held as follows : Tn Norden , June 16. In Springrview , June 17. In Valentine , Sunday , June 23 , low mas * at 8:00 a. m- , high mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m. At p. m. instruction for the children. ' In Nenzpl , Juno 80. LKO M. BLAKRK- ng for Sale. A good , desii'Hi l < ' 0 well built modern 7 rnam clvvniling for sale , at a sjscrifir.p.VilI rent at a fig ure paying 12A- per cent on invest- , merit. Good location. . Hot and cnlii water. Bath , lavatory and closet in building. House is uew and in first class condition. Also household furniture , sewing ma chine , piano , desketc. . Apply to T. TVL ENDS We are through invoicing and have odds and ends of different lines to close out at a bargain. We have got a lot of shoes and shirts , which / we will sell below cost. Come and see. NEBEIASKA' KS TON , * * ' - ' .MAX E. VIERTEif. - DEALER. IN EVERYTHING. ' ' A 9- WE BUY a i what you have to sell. w Fl I YO ! 1 L-.L.L. IJ J what you want to buy Call , and see us. Phone 213 W. A. PETTYCRE / , GENERAL W1D8E. Chartered as a State Bank Charter- as a Rational Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIOHAZ , BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) c > ± PAID usr A Gr-reial - Ranking $25,000. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V. NTOHOLSON. Cashier. ffC g fgSsgj g g EJg CONFECTIONERY I = \ .Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods' Lunch Counter. Phone Home Bakery. I f VA VTK'VI . FRKSli FRUIT AND GAME Hi IN THEIR SEASON. | ' o . $ \ I3rv Salr , Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. GET AT THIS YOUR OFHCB *