Historical Society \ JC > "t . . sr ' " 4 Vjiw .VJ' ' - - * - : > - HmVjiw ; Hm T r 1 jjjj J . \ r VOLUME xznVALENTINE. . NEBRASKA. THUESDAT , MAT HO , 1907 NTTMBER 20 © © © i Standard" If your bath room is equipped with modern , high-grade sanitary fixtures , it not only reflects credit upon your good judg ment and taste but proves your knowledge of the value of sanitation. TStatffed * Porcelain Enameled Ware is not only beautiful and durable but absolutely sanitary as well. When you decide to install new bath room equipment let us quote you a prjee. on these guaranteed fixtures. They cost less than you think and our charges for installing are reasonable. Our work is done by competent men and we guarantee it to be high grade and please you. Orders for repair v/ork given prompt attention. Student Stylef Friend Bros. Clothing Company Has workmanship and wearing qualities that will please you. CLOTHIER Yalentine , Nebr. JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF Which we put on sale at reasonable prices. PHONE 97 , GRANT BOYER , CARPENTER & BUILDER. All kinds of wood work done to order. 'Stock tanks made in all sizes Valentine , - Nebrask a FRED WHITTEMORE , Pres. ( 'HAKLES SPARKS , Cashie - . J. W. STETTER , Vice Pres. ORAH L. BRITTON , Ass't. Cashier. Of P2oj o . Valentine , Nebraska re _ u g Crt Capital Surplus $2,500. , Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profitby , - investigating the methods employed in our business. : : : : : : : : : : Read the Advertisements , Y. M. C. A. vs Valentine The Y. M. C. A. aggregation of sphere tossers met the horse hide chasers from Valentine , Crawford , Gordon and various other noted cities last Monday afternoon on the Y. M. C. A. campus. When the game began , a man wearing a Crawford brand was in the box. At the end of the first inning , it looked as though he was going tcrmake the Y. M. C. A. bunch go some. The score stood 2 to 0 in favor of Valentine. However , Gorrell started in to do things to the mixture in the second inning and when the smoke had rolled away and thp. final roll called it was found that Valentine had not done a thing , while Chadron had corralled one lone score. Gorrell serjt them to the bench in one , two , three order in the third while Chadron landed harden on Moss for four scores. Beginning with the fourth inn ing Moss took a back seat on second base and Carter from some where attempted to toss the sphere in such a manner as to bring terror into the cam ] ) of the Chadronites. However , the boys found him for one score. The remainder of the game was close except the eighth inning when Chadron added five large juicy scores to the already good mnjority. Final score , Chadron 12 , Valen tine 3. Batteries : Valentine , Moss and B. Carter ; Blaster and Fisher ; Chadron , Gorrell and Sprague. Umpire , Harry Hooker. The Chadron Journal. Valentine Loses. ; On account of the rain life * double header that was to have been played here last Saturday between the Valentine team and the Gordon high school had to be postponed. The Valentine team went to Crawford and played the Crawford team Sunday and were beaten by a score of 6 to 5. Mon day they played Chadron and were again beaten by a score of 11 to 3. Tuesday they played the High School here and were beaten by a score of 12 to 9. It was a very interesting game from start to finish alt.ho some very poor plays were made on both sides. The game was played very quietly and but for one exception there was no fussing. Valentine's first base man got sore because of a certain decision of the umpire but did nothing but chew the rag a little , when the umpire told him to quiet down which he immediately did. During the first part of the game Valentine's center fielder got hit in the eye with a long fly and had to leave the diamond and before the end of the game his eye was swelled shut. The Gordon Jour nal. David K. Hendershot born Janu ary 9 , 1858 , in Lnzurue Co. Penn. Died May 23,1907 , age 49 years 4 months and 14 days. Mr. Kender-1 shot came to Cherry Co. Nebraska in 1889 , where he has since resided until death has called him from earthly toils. Funeral services were held at the home twelve miles south of Georgia Friday May 24 at eleven o'clock. Conducted'by Rev. Edward Magill pastor of the M. E. church at Crookston. Deceased dying very suddenly and unexpecled Thursday morning while yet asleep. Mr. Hendershot has been for a number { of years affl cted with lit art disease but did not realize that the end was so near. When retiring Thursday evening for rest as usual , never thinking but what he would see the rising of the sun again. The de ceased leaving an aged1 mother J wife and five children , three sons and two daughtets , to mourn the loss of son , husband and father. The bereaved family has the sym pathy of thecommunity. Straw hat season will soon begin and those 4 ? who want to keep cool during the hot summer days will be looking for one of those comfortable Mexi can hats. The styles this year are entirely different from previous seasons and are more novel than ever ftfr before. We are handling .them in I * 4 ? and also nice line of Men's ' 4 ? grades , a and Boys' Straws in different styles and prices , Look this line over when you feel like buy ftfr 4 ? ing your new straw hat. Crookston Items , j W. Epke living near Spaiks was seen on our street Saturday. Material has arrived for the new hriclge across the Minnechaduza south of town. * Henry Fowler & wife called at the home of Mrs. Daniel Fowler at Harmony last Sunday. Mumps is still in style , you would think so to ohserve how carefully the afflicted ones treat them. R. L. Hall of Long Pine was hi Crookston last week looking after * the interest of Krotter & EEall. Mr. Elliott section foreman who was hurt ahout a month or six weeks ago is steadily and slowly improving. Remember that Crookston has re ligious services every Sunday morn ing. Sunday school at 10 o'clock preaching at 11 o'clock. The school children will give their program Saturday evening. Friends give the children a good house and encourage them in their work. Mrs. Ed.Magill left last Wednes day afternoon for Ainsworth where she will spend a few weeks visiting friends & relatives. Preacher will j have a quite time at home running the kitchen department. I. M. Jones returned last week with a bride which wns not surpris ing to the community. They re ceived the usual congratulations. Mr , and Mrs. Jones left on the Sunday morning train for Neleigh Nebr K i jhfoors Attention. The first Sunday in June of each year has been designated by the Head Camp of Modern Wood men of America as Memorial day. In accordance with this custom all members of Valentine Camp No. j j 1751 are requested to assemble at the camp at 2 p. m. on the day deFjjfonah'd and from thence the camp will proceed in a body to Mount Hope cemetery for the purpose of decorating" the graves of deceased neighbors. L. C. SPAUKS , Counsel. 19 2 GEO. ELLIOTT , Clerk. A sensible younjr lady of Kan sas made the following request of her friend : ' 'Do nut , lay me down by the rippling brookside , lest the ' babbling lovers wako. mp from my dreams , nor in the beautiful ceme teriesin the valk-y U-st siglitseeers cooinjr o\vr epitaps distract me : let me sleep under the counter of the m reliant and business man ' who never advertises. Thorp is a - i pear.e that pa eth all uncierstainl- ' ing , and deep is the sleep in which ' the buoyant foot-fall of youth nor the weary shuttle of ol ( ] age \\ill i ever intrude. Ex. , A We are through invoicing and have odds and ends of different lines to close out at a bargain. We have got a lot of shoes and shirts which we will sell below cost. Come and see. NEBRASKA MAX E. VIERTEL DEALER IN EVERYTHING. s what you have to sell. \ / fi i a Eii YOU what you want to buy. Call and see us. Phone 23 W. A. PETTY CREW , GENERAL MDSE. -ansiresrs iresis'STri Chartered as a Sttte Bank CharterM as a Rational Bank Jun- , 1834. August 12 , 1902 , The Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) A Gn > er l Ranking . Collation Lusiness. 'C. EL CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-president. M. V. " . Cft hiflr. ' " & N CONFECTIONERY 1 Tobaccos and Cigars. Canned Goods Lunch Counter. I ! % Phone 7 Home Bakery. , * .r. , . , TiKli/l / VW FR.KSM FRUIT AND GAME ffflff irt IS THEIR SEASON. Firt clas line of Steaks , R- Drv Salt MAM Suioke 1 Highest Market Price Paid for Hogs. GET AT YOUR OFFICE *