Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 02, 1907, Image 7

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Th Pills Have Cured the Disease in
Almost Every Form and Even In
Advanced Stages.
Rheumatism , is a painful inflamma-
fcloa of the muscles OL of the coverings
of the joints and is sometimes accom
panied by swelling. The pain is sharp
ana shooting and does not confine itseft
to any one part of the body , but after
tattling in one joint or muscle for a
time , leaves it and passes on to another.
The most dangerous tendency of the
disease is to attack the heart. External
applications may give relief from pain
for a time but the disease cannot be
cured until the blood is purified. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are the best medi
cine for this purpose as their action is
directly on the blood , making it rich ,
red and healthy. When the blood is
pure there can be no rheumatism.
Mrs. Ellen A. Russell , of South Goff
8t. , Auburn , Me. , says : "I had been
sick for fifteen years from impure blood ,
brought on by overwork. My heart was
f7eak and my hands colorless. Iyas
troubled with indigestion and vomiting
spells , which came on every few months.
1 had no appetite and used to have awful
fainting spells , falling down when at
my work. I frequently felt numb all
over. My head ached continuously for
five years.
"About two years ago I began to feel
rheumatism in my joints , which became
so lame I could hardly walk. My joints
were swollen and pained me terribly.
b A "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were rec
ommended to me by a friend , after I had
failed to get well from the doctor's
treatment. When I began taking the
pills , the rheumatism was at its worst.
1 had taken only a few boxes , when the
headaches stopped and not long after
ward I felt the pain in my joints be
coming less and less , unti' ' there "was
aone at alL The stiffness was gone and
I have never had any return of the rheu-
Suatism. "
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured
fcnch diseases as nervous and general
debility , indigestion , nervous headache ,
faeuralgia and even partial paralysis" and
locomotor ataxia. As a tonic for the
blood and nerves they are unequalled.
A pamphlet on "Diseases of the
Blood " and a copy of our diet book will
be sent free on request to anyone inter
ested. * °
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
sll druggists , or sent , postpaid , on re-
Hoeipt of price , 60 cents per box , six boxes
for $3.50 , by the Dr. Williams Medicine
Company , Schenectady , N. Y.
To ask a question that can't be nn-
wered is merely feminine. Chinunie
Fadden and Mr. Paul.
If a man could peruse his own biog
raphy it would probably surprise him
inoro than any one else.
You Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted , Le Roy ,
'K. Y.f for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot-
'Ease ' , a powder to shake Into your shoes.
< JK cures tired , sweating , hot , swollen , ach
ing feet It makes new or tight shoes easy.
VA. certain euro for Corns and Bunions. All
'Druggists ' and Shoe Stores sell it. 25c.
Payne Whitney is encircling his Long
jlsland estate with a $75,000 fence ,
in which deer are to be kept.
wf g st. Tltm" D&ne * and all HerraT * DIeai i
Fm I O Permanently Cored by Dr. Eia 'iOrt t
Ileitorar. Send fer Free $2 trUl boUlo and treUUe.
Srrra It. II. KLINE. Ld831 Arch Street , Philadelphia , Pa
Positively cured by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress troni Dyspepsia , In
ITTLE digestion and Too Hearty
IYER Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness , Nausea ,
Drowsiness. Bad Taste
in tlie Mouth , Coated
Tongue , Fain. In the Side ,
jregulate tbo Bowels. Purely "Vegetable.
CARTERS Genuine Must Bear
ITTLE Fac-Simile Signature
Kb article la more useful
about the stable than Mica
Axle Grease. Put a little on
the spindles before you ' 'hoot
up" it will help the horse , and
bring : the load borne quicker.
ween vecll better than any
other grease. Coats the axle
with a liard , smooth surface of
powdered mica which reduces
friction. Ask the dealer for
Mica Axle-Grease.
Incorportttd ,
New Wheat
Canadian West
additional miles of railway this year
have opened up a largely increased ter
ritory to the progressive farmers of Western
Canada , and the Government of the Dominion
continues to give 160 Acres Free ( o Every Settler.
The Country Has
No Superior
Coal , wood and water in abundance ; churches
* nd schools convenient : markets easy o ! access ;
taxes low ; climate the best in the northern tem
perate rone. Law and order prevails everywhere.
For advice and information address the
Superintendent of Immigration , Ottawa , Canada ,
or the authorized Canadian Government Agent ,
W. D. Scott , Superintendent of Immigration ,
Ottawa , Canada , or E. T. Holmes. 315 Jackson
Bt.f St. Jaul , Minn , and J. M. MacLacnlan , Box
Ji6 , Watertown , So. Dakota. Authorized Covers'
Bent Agents.
flMM UT wher * jou HUT this advezti
The Munare Heap.
Though by fermentation and by fork-
Iig over the manure is made fine and
soluble , it must not be overlooked that
tins process Is a gradual one , and hence
every rain that saturates the heap car
ries downward the soluble parts as
soon as the manure is decomposed.
The jet-black liquid that fiows off.
from the heap is the richest oC the
farm , and as it passes away the ready
plant food which Is dissolved in it is
lost , leaving behind a mass of matter ,
often supposed to be the most valuable
because of its bulk , but which really
is not worth the labor of hauling to
the field. Unless the manure , therefore ,
bo carefully preserved , it will be value
less. It should be protected from
drenching rains and the influence of
heat from the direct rays of the sun.
Plenty of absorbent material should be
added to absorb the volatile matter ,
and water is also beneficial to the
heap , provided that it does not drench
or flow off. The manure heap should
IK > worked over occasionally , in order
to prevent "fire-fanglng. " This may
require additional labor , but the sav
ing of the essential elements of the
manure will be more than a compen
sation for the time well expended. The
principal rules to be observed are to
prevent loss by rain , preservation of
volatile matter with moisture and ab
sorbents , have the manure fine , and
also to endeavor to have it thoroughly
Disinfection of Stnblex.
Ill discussing the importance of the
disinfection of stables and the danger
of neglecting it Dr. Haring of Califor
nia points out that "negligence iu prop
erly disinfecting stalls and stables
where animals affected with contagious
diseases have been Is frequently the
cause of a reappearance of the dis
ease. " The germs of glanders , for ex
ample , may remain alive in stables for
several months after the diseased ani
mals have been removed , and If thor
ough disinfection Is not resorted to all
animals housed in the stable are sub
ject to infection from this source.
"Many failures to eradicate tuberculosis
from dairy herds by the repeated appli
cation of the tuberculosis test aad the
prompt removal of all reacting animals
are due to the fact that the stables
were not disinfected. " Tuberculosis
spreads rapidly among cattle closely
herded together. To prevent this sta
bles should be thoroughly disinfected at
least once a year.
Simple Test for Small ScctLs.
The gravity method of seed separa
tion here Illustrated is the old time
practice of "brining" wheat , barley ,
oats , etc. , before sowing , but applied to
seeds of much smaller size , such as tomato
mate and eggplant seeds. As used at
the New Jersey experiment station , the
bottle at A in the cut contains pure
water , upon which many seeds are
seen as floating and a larger number
at the bottom. These light , floating
seeds are to be rejected. In the bottle
at B is a 20 per cent solution of com
mon salt ( a very thin sirup would have
done as well ) , In which eggplant seeds
that sank In pure water were placed ,
with the result that many remain at
the top and thereby may be easily sep
arated and thrown away.
Value of Ensilage.
Ensilage is valuable as a means of
dieting stock in winter , affording them
green , succulent food at that season ,
when nothing but the dry material can
be had. For that reason , if for no
other , it is a valuable adjunct to the
crops used for food. The farmer who
has no ensilage , but who stores in a
crop of sugar beets , mangels , turnips ,
carrots or potatoes , will find himself
fortunate in having a variety. There
Is no difficulty in feeding roots If they
are properly stored. Roots are injured
more by heat than by cold. Freezing is
not injurious if roots are not thawed
out too suddenly. By keeping them at
an even temperature they will last
until the summer opens.
Care of Bees.
Bees should be kept at a temperature
.ranging from 42 to 45 degrees above
zero during cold weather , and the hives
should be dry. The light should be
excluded as much as possible , and the
hives should not be exposed to sudden
changes of temperature. An ample sup
ply of honey should be left at the end
of the season for the support of the
bees during the winter. It is not nec
essary to put the hive under shelter
until winter approaches , but it should
be in a cool location in summer. If the
colony In each hive is not strong it will
be of but little service until it Increases
in number. Too much warmth in win
ter is not conducive to success.
The aielon Aphis.
The melon aphis ( Aphis gossypil ) is
generally distributed throughout the
United States , but is especially injuri
ous in the Southwest , according to a bul
letin issued by the United States De
partment of Agriculture. It attacks a
great variety of economic plants belong
ing to different families. The natural
enemies of the pest are ordinarily not
sufficient to hold it in control. It may
be destroyed by fumigation with car
bon bisulphid or by the use of pyrethrum -
rum , tobacco fumes , or kerosene emul
sion. Treatment with kerosene emul
sion has the advantage that it is also
destructive to a considerable variety of
other insects which attack cultivated
plants in conjunction with the melon
A Barb Wire Heel. '
Here is a barb wire reel that one
can wind barb wire on instead of au
old barrel , which is slow work. "We
present a little drawing of one that
can be easily made by an ingenious
farmer. It is mounted on wheels , and
can be drawn along by a man , while
a boy .steadies the handle to keep the
wire from unwinding too rapidly and
kinking. For winding up wire that is
taken off of a fence , the machine can
either be pushed or pulled , going just
fast enough to keep up with the wire
as it is being wound on the reel. A
little rack like this , says The Farmer ,
would be of considerable value to any
one who has any amount of barb wire
fencing to wind.
Do Bees Think ?
Maurice Materllnck , the Belgian
writer , adduces a number of interestIng -
Ing facts , in an article in Harper's
Magazine , to show that bees have the
power of thinking. Transported to Cal
ifornia , he says , our black bee com
pletely alters her habits. After one or
two years , finding that summer is per
petual and flowers forever abundant ,
she will live from day to day , content
to gather the honey and pollen indis
pensable for the day's consumption ;
and her recent and thoughtful observa
tion triumphing over hereditary expe
rience , she will cease to make provis
ion for her winter. Buchner mentions
an analogous fact : In Barbados , the
bee whose hives are in the midst of the *
refineries , where they find suger dur
ing the whole year , entirely abandon
their visits to the flowers.
A Fine Slmde Tree.
The tulip tree , one of the most orna
mental of our shade trees , succeeds
well when transplanted , after the leaf
buds begin to appear , but it is pretty
sure to fall If removed earlier. Such ,
at least , is the reported experience of
one who planted a row of them a mile
long , the trees being six to eight feet
high , of which hardly one in a .hundred
was lost. Possibly , however , there was
something in the soil or situation which
gave him success , and the rule may
not work In all cases. The tulip is well
worth experimenting with , for when
grown it is a handsome , symmetrical
tree , with a peculiar leaf and a beau
tiful blossom. *
Soluble Oils to Destroy Scale.
The Ohio station1 has continued Its
work with proprietary preparations of
soluble oils with the result that these
materials'appear to compare favorably
with lime sulphur wash In effective
ness as remedies for scale Insects. In
general they may be diluted In water
so as to form 5 per cent solutions.
It is suggested , however , ILit the
variable results obtained with soluble
oils indicate a variation in composi
tion , and when safety , cost and effi
ciency are considered , the author rec
ommends lime sulphur as the best rem
Manure From the Stalls.
Manure that is allowed to remain
in the yard does not give as good re
sults as that taken from the stalls ,
as this fact has been shown by using
both kinds ofmanure on growing
crops. It Is not expected that farm
ers should keep their manure in stalls ,
but it is now in order to prepare for
the storage of manure to prevent leachIng -
Ing by rains. All foods should be
fine and also the bedding , which will
permit of better absorption of liquids
and greater facility of storage under
Melons in the Corn Shock.
If , when cutting corn , you will place
in one of your largest stock * about a
dozen of your choicest -watermelons , at
Christmas , when the snow la on the
ground and the frost is on the plane ,
you can sit by the roaring fire and eat
one of your melons , which has kept all
that time In the shock of corn. Farm
Not the Rlsrht Kind.
Profesesd politicians who have re
duced public office to an eract science
find the independent voter a sad stum
bling-block a fact which is amusingly
disclosed by a story found in the re
cent life of the late George Monro
Grant , the eminent Canadian educator
and clergyman.
Toward the end of Sir John Mac-
dccald's life he and Principal Grant ,
then the head of Queen's College , met
at dinner at the house of the premier's
brother-in-law , Prof. Williamson.
"How I wish , " the premier said to
the principal , "that you would be a
steady friend of mine. "
"My dear Sir Jhn , " the principal
replied , "I have always supported you
when you were right. "
The premier's eyes twinkled , and he
laid his hand upon the slioulder of the
principal. *
"My dear man , " said he'I have no
use for that species of friendship I"
Justice Geo. E. Larv , of Brazil , Iiitl. ,
Has Married 14OO Couple * .
Justice Geo. E. Law , of Brazil ,
Ind. , has fairly earned the title "The
Marrying Squire , " by which he is
known far and wide ,
having already mar
ried some 1400 cou
ples. Ten years ago
he was deputy Coun
ty Treasurer. "At
that time , " said Jus
tice Law , "I was suf
fering from an an
noying kidney trou
ble. My back ached ,
my rest was broken at night , and the
passages of the kidney secretions were
too frequent and contained sediment.
Three boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills
cured me in 1S97 , and for the past nine
years I have been free from kidney
complaint and backache. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. X. Y.
Licft-Handed Compliment.
Miss Hoamley Miss Kakely had the
audacity to say I was "as ugly as
sin. "
Miss Goodart Coming from him , my
dear , that's a compliment. Mr. Rake-
ley proves by bis conduct that he con
siders sin anything but ugly. Phila
delphia Press.
State of Ohio , City of Toledo , Lucas Coun
ty , ss. :
Frank J. Cheney makes onth that he la
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &
Co. , doing business in the City of Toledo.
Countv and State aforesaid , and that said
tlrrii will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS for each and every case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured by the use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence , this 6th day of December. A. D.
1886. A. W. GLEASON ,
( Seal. ) Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally ,
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Send for testimo
nials , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. ,
Toledo , 0.
Sold by all Druggists , 7oc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
The first steaia warship was the Ful
ton , built in Brooklyn navy yard in
1815. She was 2,000 tons nad carried
thirty guns.
Awful Humor Enting : Away Face-
Body a Mass of Sores Cntlcnra
Cures in TTVO Weeks.
"My little daughter broke out all
over her body with a humor , and1 we
used everything recommended , but
without results. I called in three doc
tors , but she continued to grow worse.
Her body was a mass of sores , and her
little face was being eaten away. Her
ears looked as if they would drop off.
Neighbors advised oie to get Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment , and be
fore I had used half of the cake of
Cuticura Soap and box oC Cuticura
Ointment the sores had all healed , and
my little one's face and body were as
clear as a new-born babe's. I would
not be without It again If it cost five
dollars , instead of seventy-five cents.
Mrs. George J. Steese , 701 Coburn
street , Akron , Ohio , Aug. 30 , 1905. "
Bacteria as Eingrlnccro.
Improbable as It may seem , states
a scientist in the government employ ,
It appears to be a fact that bacteria are
able to cause the breaking down ot
stone walls.
Recent Investigations have shown
that nitrifying bacteria swarm in the
mud forced by the disintegration of
cement in reservoirs , and It 1 $ believed
that the decay of the cement results ,
from the action of nitrous acid pro
duced by the bacteria. Yet these same
microscopic engineers , whose myriads
indermine solid walls of masonry , are
§ verthee3s ! of immense use to man ,
fccause they are chief agents in the
purification of water. Philadelphia
Peter I. of Servia is creflited with be
ing the most intellectual monarch that
country ever had.
; ' : . . ' - . < " V- . ' . . , - 7\\ \
In thisninetfeonth century to keep
up with the marph of progress every
power of vromaa is strained to ita
utmost , and the tax upon her physi
cal system isfiar greater than ever.
In the fobd la fa3Kioned days of
our grandmothers few drugs were
used in mieclloines. They felled Upon
roots and fcorijs tp qure weaknesses
andodisease , and'thdir knpwledg of
roots and herbs-was far greater
than that of women toftar.
h-erbs tKaf I&SJp , B. Pirilam , of
Lynn , Ma e covered afad gave
toitiit women of toe world 'a remedy
more potent and efficacious tnan
MRS. . . FINK any combination of drugs.
Lydia E. Pinfdiam's Vegetable Compound
is an honest , tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value.
This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotfes
or other harmful drugs and today holds the record for the largest number
of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine the world has ever
known , and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file in the
laboratory at Lynn , Mass. , which testify to its wonderful value.
Mrs. C. E. Fink , of Carnegie , Pa. , writes : Dear Mrs. Pinkham : "I
wish every suffering woman would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and write to you for advice. It has done me a world of good
and what it has accomplished for me I know it will do for others. "
"When women are troubled with Irregularities , Displacements , Ulceration -
ation , Inflammation , Backache , Nervous Prostration , they should re
member there is one tried and true remedy , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to
write Mrs. Pinkham , at Lynn , Mass. Out of her vast volume of ex
perience she probably has the very knowledge that will help your case.
* ; ; . . : ra/ . . -ae.
Entirely different
\ from afl others. . Em
bodies new ideas ,
D new priacipje.a . , .
fie Easily managed.
Reduces fuejl A qz-
pense.s Reai r for
business at ? moment
of lightfag.'Ppr ; |
your sumnter-cook
ing get a
Wiek Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
Its heat is highly concentrated. Does not overlxeattl , ]
Ofl always at a maintained level. Three aizes. Fnljyv
It not at your dealer's , "write our nearest agency fot'
THE 1.CW JLt&38&p kmpl _ _
round household use. Hade
of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly - ,
fectly constructed ; absolutely sale ; unezcelled in
light-giving power ; an ornament to anyllroom.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's ,
write to our nearest agency. - < x.r
I Incorporated )
ia * '
OASOABETS Candy Cathartic are always put up in blue metal
box , our trade-marked , long-tailed C on the cover tablet
octagonal , stamped COO. Never sold in bulk. All druggists.
lOc , 25c , 60c. Sample and booklet free. Address
STEBUNO- REMEDY CO. , Chicago or New York ese
A Warm One.
Eskimo Suitor Yes , my love , I have
ten sleds , fifty dogs , a hundred tons of
blubber and
Pa Eskimo Aurora , tell that young
man to stop letting off so much hot air.
I'm afraid he'll melt the house. Puck.
Pure ! Pleasant ! Potent ! Three in
teresting facts about GarGeld Tea , the
Natural laxative. It is made of Herbs
and is guaranteed uuder the Pure Food
and Drug Law.
Hewho is guilty of equivocation may
well be suspected of hypocrisy. Maun
Bin.TlzuloWB uoaamam 9mrr tor CUU&rwi
thlan Milan * the rim * . rd = tB7iratnHftn. ui
Diia. cor a wiad * > < * , 25 o at *
S. C. X. U. - - No. 18 1907.
To convince any
woman that Paxi i
tine Antiseptic wlfl ]
Improve her health j
and do all wo claim
! for it. "We will
send her absolutely free A large trial j
box ol Paxtlne with book of instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Send
your name and address on a postal card.
and heals
i in e m -
1 brane af
fections , such as nasal catarrh , pelvic
catarrh and inflammation caused by femi
nine ills ; sore eyes , sore throat and
mouth , by direct local treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles is extra
ordinary and gives immediate relieL
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending it every day. co cents at
druRgists orbymail. Eememberhowever ,
THE B. PA iTOX CO. , Boston , MBM.
Ctlwnjore oootfc brlc&terznd faster colors ( ton .lay otfcerdv ? . wa I0c pacfcrc * colors all ffics. Titty dye IB cold wattv tetter sn say other tfye. Tea esc
Mr tamnt uittart routes agsrt. Writs f fret > teokkt-MCi * Bye , ife a w4 Hfc Gate * GO * . VmorrV/// * ,